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Publications: Dr Andrew Stagg

Rodger B, Stagg AJ, Lindsay JO ( 2024 ) . The role of circulating T cells with a tissue resident phenotype (ex-TRM) in health and disease . Frontiers in Immunology vol. 15 ,
Tyler CJ, Hoti I, Griffiths DD, Cuff SM, Andrews R, Keisker M, Ahmed R, Hansen HP et al. ( 2024 ) . IL-21 conditions antigen-presenting human γδ T-cells to promote IL-10 expression in naïve and memory CD4+ T-cells . Discovery Immunology vol. 3 , ( 1 )
Humphreys DT, Lewis A, Pan‐Castillo B, Berti G, Mein C, Wozniak E, Gordon H, Gadhok R et al. ( 2024 ) . Single cell sequencing data identify distinct B cell and fibroblast populations in stricturing Crohn's disease . Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine vol. 28 , ( 9 )
Gordon H, Wichmann K, Lewis A, Sanders T, Wildemann M, Hoti I, Hornsby E, Kok KB et al. ( 2023 ) . Human Intestinal Dendritic Cells Can Overcome Retinoic Acid Signaling to Generate Proinflammatory CD4 T Cells with Both Gut and Skin Homing Properties . The Journal of Immunology vol. 212 , ( 1 ) 96 - 106 .
Gordon H, Rodger B, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2023 ) . Recruitment and Residence of Intestinal T Cells – Lessons for Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 17 , ( 8 ) 1326 - 1341 .
Hornsby E, Gadhok R, Yadon AN, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2023 ) . DOP04 Single cell RNA sequencing reveals a potential role for IFNγ in priming circulating monocytes for intestinal inflammatory function in Crohn’s Disease . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 17 , ( Supplement_1 ) i61 - i62 .
Hornsby E, Gadhok R, Yadon AN, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2023 ) . Single cell RNA sequencing reveals a potential role for IFNγ in priming circulating monocytes for intestinal inflammatory function in Crohn's Disease . JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS . vol. 17 , I61 - I62 .
Hornsby E, King HW, Peiris M, Buccafusca R, Lee W-YJ, Wing ES, Blackshaw LA, Lindsay JO et al. ( 2022 ) . The cation channel TRPM8 influences the differentiation and function of human monocytes . Journal of Leukocyte Biology vol. 112 , ( 3 ) 365 - 381 .
Mathew L, Savage M, Pardieu C, O’Brien M, Sze SK, Eberl M, Stagg A, Gasparetto M et al. ( 2022 ) . OP37 Bacterial suppression of intestinal fungi via activation of human gut Vδ2+ T-cells . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 16 , ( Supplement_1 ) i043 - i044 .
Rodger B, Gordon H, Hoti I, Stagg A, Lindsay J ( 2022 ) . P003 Identification of an intestine-derived ex-Trm population in the blood of healthy individuals and patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 16 , ( Supplement_1 ) i136 - i136 .
Gordon H, Rodger B, Hornsby E, McGuire J, Kok KB, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2022 ) . P039 The role of α4β7+CLA+ ‘dual tropic’ T cells in inflammatory bowel disease . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 16 , ( Supplement_1 ) i156 - i156 .
Stagg AJ, Stackpoole A, Elsley WJ, Knight SC ( 1993 ) . Acquisition of Chlamydial Antigen by Dendritic Cells and Monocytes . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology . vol. 329 , 581 - 586 .
Hedin CR, McCarthy NE, Louis P, Farquharson FM, McCartney S, Stagg AJ, Lindsay JO, Whelan K ( 2021 ) . Prebiotic fructans have greater impact on luminal microbiology and CD3+ T cells in healthy siblings than patients with Crohn's disease: A pilot study investigating the potential for primary prevention of inflammatory bowel disease . Clinical Nutrition vol. 40 , ( 8 ) 5009 - 5019 .
Rodger B, Hoti I, Gordon H, Lindsay J, Stagg A ( 2021 ) . P007 Identification and characterisation of intestine-derived circulating resident memory T cells (ex-Trm) in health and Inflammatory Bowel Disease . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 15 , ( Supplement_1 ) s128 - s128 .
Gordon H, Rodger B, Hoti I, Lindsay JO, Stagg A ( 2021 ) . P033 Dendritic cells from patients with active IBD imprint pro-inflammatory α4β7+CLA+ T cells with potential for gut and skin homing . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 15 , ( Supplement_1 ) s147 - s147 .
Hornsby E, Yadon AN, Clarke A, Grant E, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2021 ) . P068 The combination of JAK1 and TPL2 or IRAK4 inhibitors is more effective than single agents in reducing TLR-mediated cytokine responses in human monocyte populations . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 15 , ( Supplement_1 ) s173 - s173 .
Gordon H, Hoti I, Wichmann K, Saunders T, Wildemann M, Hornsby E, McCarthy NE, Lindsay JO et al. ( 2021 ) . P105 Dendritic cells imprint pro-inflammatory α4β7+CLA+ T cells with potential for gut and skin homing . Gut . Conference: Posters vol. 70 , a95 - a96 .
McCarthy NE, Stagg AJ, Price CL, Mann ER, Gellatly NL, Al-Hassi HO, Knight SC, Panoskaltsis N ( 2020 ) . Patients with gastrointestinal irritability after TGN1412-induced cytokine storm displayed selective expansion of gut-homing αβ and γδT cells . Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy
Panoskaltsis N, McCarthy NE, Stagg AJ, Mummery CJ, Husni M, Arebi N, Greenstein D, Price CL et al. ( 2020 ) . Immune reconstitution and clinical recovery following anti-CD28 antibody (TGN1412)-induced cytokine storm . Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy vol. 70 , ( 4 ) 1127 - 1142 .
Ball J, Clear A, Aries J, Charrot S, Besley C, Mee M, Stagg A, Lindsay J et al. ( 2020 ) . Retinoic acid-responsive CD8 effector T-cells are selectively increased in IL-23-rich tissue in gastrointestinal GvHD . Blood
Stagg AJ, Hornsby E, Knight SC ( 2020 ) . Antigen‐Presenting Cells . Encyclopedia of Life Sciences , vol. 1 , Wiley
Whitehouse AL, Mushtaq N, Miyashita L, Barratt B, Khan A, Kalsi H, Koh L, Padovan MG et al. ( 2020 ) . Airway dendritic cell maturation in children exposed to air pollution . PLoS One vol. 15 , ( 5 ) e0232040 - e0232040 .
Robledo Retana T, Bradley-Clarke J, Croll T, Rose R, Stagg AJ, Villalba M, Honti I, Pickersgill RW ( 2020 ) . Lig v 1 structure and the inflammatory response to the Ole e 1 protein family . Allergy
Cox SR, Lindsay JO, Fromentin S, Stagg AJ, McCarthy NE, Galleron N, Ibraim SB, Roume H et al. ( 2019 ) . Effects of Low-FODMAP Diet on Symptoms, Fecal Microbiome, and Markers of Inflammation in Patients With Quiescent Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Randomized Trial . Gastroenterology
Waller K, James C, de Jong A, Blackmore L, Ma Y, Stagg A, Kelsell D, O'Dwyer M et al. ( 2019 ) . ADAM17-Mediated Reduction in CD14++CD16+ Monocytes ex vivo and Reduction in Intermediate Monocytes With Immune Paresis in Acute Pancreatitis and Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis . Frontiers in Immunology vol. 10 ,
Harrow P, Datta R, Stagg A, Lindsay JO ( 2019 ) . P012 IL22 expression in intestinal immune cells is not augmented by AHR activation in health or Crohn’s disease . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis . vol. 13 , s092 - s092 .
Hornsby E, Peiris M, Peiris M, King HW, Wing ES, Lindsay JO, Blackshaw LA, Stagg AJ ( 2019 ) . P016 Constitutive activity of the cation channel TRPM8 regulates monocyte to macrophage transition in humans to control intestinal inflammation . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis . vol. 13 , s094 - s094 .
Hoti I, McCarthy N, Giles E, Ayada I, Harrow P, Gordon H, Stagg A, Lindsay J ( 2019 ) . P092 Circulating classical monocytes and intestinal macrophages exhibit reduced response to IL-10 in IBD . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis . vol. 13 , s131 - s132 .
Stagg AJ ( 2018 ) . Intestinal Dendritic Cells in Health and Gut Inflammation . Frontiers in Immunology vol. 9 ,
Hedin CRH, Vavricka SR, Stagg AJ, Schoepfer A, Raine T, Puig L, Pleyer U, Navarini A et al. ( 2018 ) . The Pathogenesis of Extraintestinal Manifestations: Implications for IBD Research, Diagnosis, and Therapy . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 13 , ( 5 ) 541 - 554 .
Cox S, Stagg A, Fromentin S, Ehrlich D, McCarthy N, Galleron N, Levenez F, Lomer M et al. ( 2018 ) . ADWE-09 Low fodmap diet improves functional-like gastrointestinal symptoms but reduces bifidobacteria in quiescent inflammatory bowel disease . Gut . Conference: Small Bowel & Nutrition vol. 67 ,
Dogra H, Peiris M, Stagg A, Blackshaw A, Sanderson IR ( 2018 ) . OTH-002 Nutrients modulate cytokine release from ex-vivo intestinal mucosa via distinct sensing pathways . Conference: British Society of Gastroenterologya163.2 - a1a164 .
Mwanza-Lisulo M, Chomba MS, Chama M, Besa EC, Funjika E, Zyambo K, Banda R, Imikendu M et al. ( 2018 ) . Retinoic acid elicits a coordinated expression of gut homing markers on T lymphocytes of Zambian men receiving oral Vivotif, but not Rotarix, Dukoral or OPVERO vaccines . Vaccine vol. 36 , ( 28 ) 4134 - 4141 .
Hedin CRH, Vavricka SR, Stagg AJ, Schoepfer A, Raine T, Puig L, Pleyer U, Navarini A et al. ( 2018 ) . DOP073 Results of the sixth ECCO Scientific Workshop: The pathogenesis of inflammatory extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease: implications for research, diagnosis, and therapy . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 12 , ( supplement_1 ) s80 - s80 .
Cox S, Stagg A, Fromentin S, Ehrlich D, McCarthy N, Galleron N, Levenez F, Lomer M et al. ( 2018 ) . Low FODMAP diet improves functional-like gastrointestinal symptoms but reduces bifidobacteria and faecalibacterium prausnitzii in Quiescent inflammatory bowel disease: a randomised controlled trial and metagenomic analysis . JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS . vol. 12 , S87 - S87 .
Hedin CRH, Vavricka SR, Stagg AJ, Schoepfer A, Raine T, Puig L, Pleyer U, Navarini A et al. ( 2018 ) . Results of the sixth ECCO Scientific Workshop: The pathogenesis of inflammatory extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease: implications for research, diagnosis, and therapy . JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS . vol. 12 , S80 - S80 .
Ball JA, Clear AJ, Calaminici M, Stagg A, Lindsay J, Gribben JG, Davies J ( 2017 ) . Human Gastro-Intestinal Graft-Versus-Host Disease Is Mediated By Retinoic Acid-Responsive CD8+ Effector T-Cells Under IL-23 Polarising Conditions . Blood . vol. 130 ,
Gordon H, Hoti I, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2017 ) . Tu1908 Circulating Non-Classical Monocytes are Reduced in Patients with Active IBD but Increase after Vedolizumab: A Role for α4β7 in Myeloid Cell Recruitment to the Inflamed Intestine . Gastroenterology . vol. 152 , s1003 - s1004 .
MCCARTHY NE, Tyler CJ, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ, Moser B, Eberl M ( 2017 ) . Antigen-presenting human γδ T-cells promote intestinal CD4+ T-cell expression of IL-22 and mucosal release of calprotectin . Journal of Immunology
Giles EM, Stagg AJ ( 2017 ) . Type 1 Interferon in the Human Intestine—A Co-ordinator of the Immune Response to the Microbiota . Inflammatory Bowel Diseases vol. 23 , ( 4 ) 524 - 533 .
Hedin CR, van der Gast CJ, Stagg AJ, Lindsay JO, Whelan K ( 2017 ) . The gut microbiota of siblings offers insights into microbial pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease . Gut Microbes vol. 8 , ( 4 ) 359 - 365 .
Hoti I, McCarthy NE, Giles EM, Ayada I, Gordon H, Stagg AJ, Lindsay JO ( 2017 ) . TNF alpha production by classical monocytes is poorly controlled by IL-10 in patients with IBD . JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS . Conference: 12th Congress of ECCO - European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation ( Barcelona, Spain ) from: 18/02/2017 to: 15/02/2017 , vol. 11 , S112 - S112 .
Gordon H, Hoti I, Lindsay JO, Stagg A ( 2017 ) . P053 Circulating non-classical monocytes are reduced in patients with active IBD but increase after vedolizumab: a role for α4β7 in myeloid cell recruitment to the inflamed intestine . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 11 , ( suppl_1 ) s104 - s105 .
McCarthy N, Gordon H, Rahman S, Harrow P, Stagg A, Lindsay J ( 2017 ) . P059 Mucosal inflammation promotes activation of circulating Vδ2+ T-cells in Crohn's disease . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis . vol. 11 , s107 - s107 .
Gordon H, Hoti I, Lindsay JO, Stagg A ( 2017 ) . Circulating non-classical monocytes are reduced in patients with active IBD but increase after vedolizumab: a role for α4β7 in myeloid cell recruitment to the inflamed intestine . JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS . vol. 11 , S104 - S105 .
McCarthy N, Gordon H, Rahman S, Harrow P, Stagg A, Lindsay J ( 2017 ) . Mucosal inflammation promotes activation of circulating Vd2+T-cells in Crohn's disease . JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS . vol. 11 , S107 - S107 .
Giles EM, Sanders TJ, McCarthy NE, Lung J, Pathak M, MacDonald TT, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2016 ) . Regulation of human intestinal T-cell responses by type 1 interferon-STAT1 signaling is disrupted in inflammatory bowel disease . Mucosal Immunology vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 184 - 193 .
Tyler C, McCarthy N, Moser B, Stagg A, Eberl M, Lindsay J ( 2016 ) . Human intestinal Vδ2+T-cells acquire antigen-presenting potency upon exposure to microbial phosphoantigen: modulation by mucosal inflammation and vedolizumab therapy . JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS vol. 10 , S29 - S29 .
Whitehouse A, Mushtaq N, McCarthy N, Stagg A, Grigg J ( 2016 ) . Increased Airway Dendritic Cell Activation And Altered Subset Distribution In London Children Exposed To Higher Levels Of Pollution . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE . vol. 193 ,
Anderson JL, Hedin CR, Benjamin JL, Koutsoumpas A, Ng SC, Hart AL, Forbes A, Stagg AJ et al. ( 2015 ) . Dietary intake of inulin-type fructans in active and inactive Crohn’s disease and healthy controls: a case–control study . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 9 , ( 11 ) 1024 - 1031 .
McCarthy NE, Hedin CR, Sanders TJ, Amon P, Hoti I, Ayada I, Baji V, Giles EM et al. ( 2015 ) . Azathioprine therapy selectively ablates human Vδ2+ T cells in Crohn’s disease . Journal of Clinical Investigation vol. 125 , ( 8 ) 3215 - 3225 .
Hedin C, van der Gast CJ, Rogers GB, Cuthbertson L, McCartney S, Stagg AJ, Lindsay JO, Whelan K ( 2015 ) . Siblings of patients with Crohn’s disease exhibit a biologically relevant dysbiosis in mucosal microbial metacommunities . Gut vol. 65 , ( 6 )
Beamish E, Pattisson C, Johnson J, Scott N, Bhowmick A, Stagg A, Rigby R ( 2015 ) . Improving the Outcome of Stoma Reversal Surgery: Impact of Microflora . The FASEB Journal . vol. 29 ,
Peiris M, Dogra H, de Almeida Araujo EJ, Stagg AJ, Blackshaw A ( 2015 ) . Mo1718 CD11c Positive Dendritic Cells Express the Ion Channel TRPM8 in Human Colon, Which Regulates Immune Responses . Gastroenterology vol. 148 , ( 4 )
Lahiri R, Derwa Y, Bashir Z, Giles E, Torrance H, O’Dwyer M, Owen H, O’Brien A et al. ( 2015 ) . P0001 : Early monocyte dysfunction in patients who develop Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) and sepsis after hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery . Journal of Hepatology . vol. 62 , s290 - s291 .
Brugha R, Mushtaq N, McCarthy NE, Stagg AJ, Grigg J ( 2015 ) . Respiratory tract dendritic cells in paediatric asthma . Clin Exp Allergy vol. 45 , ( 3 ) 624 - 631 .
Peiris M, Dogra H, Araujo EJDA, Stagg AJ, Blackshaw A ( 2015 ) . CD11c Positive Dendritic Cells Express the Ion Channel TRPM8 in Human Colon, Which Regulates Immune Responses . GASTROENTEROLOGY . vol. 148 , S693 - S694 .
Lahiri R, Derwa Y, Bashir Z, Giles E, Torrance HD, Owen HC, O'Dwyer MJ, O'Brien A et al. ( 2015 ) . Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome After Major Abdominal Surgery Predicted by Early Upregulation of TLR4 and TLR5 . Annals of Surgery vol. 263 , ( 5 ) 1028 - 1037 .
Mann ER, Bernardo D, Ng SC, Rigby RJ, Al-Hassi HO, Landy J, Peake STC, Spranger H et al. ( 2014 ) . Human Gut Dendritic Cells Drive Aberrant Gut-specific T-cell Responses in Ulcerative Colitis, Characterized by Increased IL-4 Production and Loss of IL-22 and IFNγ . Inflammatory Bowel Diseases vol. 20 , ( 12 ) 2299 - 2307 .
Vossenkämper A, Hundsrucker C, Page K, van Maurik A, Sanders TJ, Stagg AJ, Das L, MacDonald TT ( 2014 ) . A CD3-specific antibody reduces cytokine production and alters phosphoprotein profiles in intestinal tissues from patients with inflammatory bowel disease . Gastroenterology vol. 147 , ( 1 ) 172 - 183 .
Hedin C, van der Gast C, Rogers G, McCartney S, Stagg A, Lindsay J, Whelan K ( 2014 ) . OC-051 Siblings Of Crohn's Disease Patients Exhibit A Biologically Relevant Dysbiosis In The Mucosal Microbial Community: A 16s Rrna Gene Pyrosequencing Study . Gut vol. 63 Suppl 1 ,
Al-Hassi HO, Mann ER, Sanchez B, English NR, Peake STC, Landy J, Man R, Urdaci M et al. ( 2014 ) . Altered human gut dendritic cell properties in ulcerative colitis are reversed by Lactobacillus plantarum extracellular encrypted peptide STp . Mol Nutr Food Res vol. 58 , ( 5 ) 1132 - 1143 .
Sanders TJ, McCarthy NE, Giles EM, Davidson KLM, Haltalli MLR, Hazell S, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2014 ) . Increased production of retinoic acid by intestinal macrophages contributes to their inflammatory phenotype in patients with Crohn's disease . Gastroenterology vol. 146 , ( 5 )
Giles E, Pathak M, Sanders TJ, McCarthy NE, Sanderson IR, Thomas M, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2014 ) . Sa1778 Constitutive Type I Interferon, via STAT1 Activation, Selectively Promotes Regulatory T Cell Function in the Healthy Human Intestine, but Not in Inflammatory Bowel Disease . Gastroenterology . vol. 146 ,
Hedin C, van der Gast C, Rogers G, McCartney S, Stagg AJ, Lindsay JO, Whelan K ( 2014 ) . OP020 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing indicate that siblings of Crohn's disease patients exhibit a biologically relevant dysbiosis in the mucosal microbiota communities . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 8 , ( Supplement_1 ) s11 - s12 .
Hedin CR, McCarthy NE, Louis P, Farquharson FM, McCartney S, Taylor K, Prescott NJ, Murrells T et al. ( 2014 ) . Altered intestinal microbiota and blood T cell phenotype are shared by patients with Crohn's disease and their unaffected siblings . Gut
McCarthy NE, Hedin CR, Sanders TJ, Amon P, Baji V, Giles EM, Wildemann M, Bashir Z et al. ( 2014 ) . Colonic Vδ2+T-cells display elevated TNF production and reversible ablation by azathioprine therapy in Crohn's disease . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 143 , 165 - 165 .
Giles E, Pathak M, Sanders TJ, McCarthy NE, Sanderson IR, Thomas M, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2014 ) . Constitutive Type I Interferon, via STAT1 Activation, Selectively Promotes Regulatory T Cell Function in the Healthy Human Intestine, but Not in Inflammatory Bowel Disease . GASTROENTEROLOGY . vol. 146 , S293 - S294 .
Giles E, Sanders TJ, McCarthy NE, Sanderson I, Lindsay J, MacDonald TT, Stagg AJ ( 2014 ) . Constitutive Type I Interferon, via STAT1 activation, selectively promotes regulatory T cell function in the healthy human intestine, but not in IBD . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 143 , 17 - 17 .
Brugha RE, Mushtaq N, Stagg A, Grigg J ( 2014 ) . First Description Of Dendritic Cell Subsets In Induced Sputum From Children With Asthma . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE . vol. 189 ,
Wildemann M, Mushtaq N, Sanders TJ, Zhou Z, Ezzati M, Grigg J, Stagg AJ ( 2014 ) . Fossil Fuel And Biomass Derived Particulate Matter (pm) Induce Distinct Profiles Of Activation And Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (ahr) Signalling In Human Dendritic Cells . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE . vol. 189 ,
Wildemann M, Mushtaq N, McCarthy N, Whitehouse A, Brugha R, Sanders T, Grigg J, Stagg A ( 2014 ) . Fossil fuel derived ambient particulate matter (PM10) induces multiple pathways of activation in human dendritic cells . IMMUNOLOGY vol. 143 , 99 - 99 .
Roberts SJ, Owen HC, Tam WL, Solie L, Van Cromphaut SJ, Van den Berghe G, Luyten FP ( 2013 ) . Humanized Culture of Periosteal Progenitors in Allogeneic Serum Enhances Osteogenic Differentiation and In Vivo Bone Formation . Stem Cells Translational Medicine vol. 3 , ( 2 ) 218 - 228 .
McCarthy NE, Bashir Z, Vossenkämper A, Hedin CR, Giles EM, Bhattacharjee S, Brown SG, Sanders TJ et al. ( 2013 ) . Proinflammatory Vδ2+ T cells populate the human intestinal mucosa and enhance IFN-γ production by colonic αβ T cells . J Immunol vol. 191 , ( 5 ) 2752 - 2763 .
Vossenkämper A, Blair PA, Safinia N, Fraser LD, Das L, Sanders TJ, Stagg AJ, Sanderson JD et al. ( 2013 ) . A role for gut-associated lymphoid tissue in shaping the human B cell repertoire . J Exp Med vol. 210 , ( 9 ) 1665 - 1674 .
Al-Hassi HO, Bernardo D, Murugananthan AU, Mann ER, English NR, Jones A, Kamm MA, Arebi N et al. ( 2013 ) . A mechanistic role for leptin in human dendritic cell migration: differences between ileum and colon in health and Crohn's disease . Mucosal Immunol vol. 6 , ( 4 ) 751 - 761 .
Hedin C, McCarthy NE, Louis P, Farquharson F, McCartney S, Taylor K, Prescott N, Murrells T et al. ( 2013 ) . OC-017 A Discriminant Analysis Demonstrates that Siblings of Patients with Crohn’S Disease have a Distinct Microbiological and Immune Phenotype Compared with Healthy Controls: Insights into Disease Pathogenesis . Gut vol. 62 , ( Suppl 1 )
Alazawi W, Lahiri R, Spyrou A, Giles E, Bashir Z, O'Brien A, Stagg A, Waters J et al. ( 2013 ) . 319 PATIENTS WITH COMPENSATED CIRRHOSIS HAVE SELECTIVE PARESIS OF FLAGELLIN-INDUCED INNATE IMMUNE RESPONSES DUE TO FAILURES IN ERK SIGNALLING . Journal of Hepatology . vol. 58 , s133 - s134 .
McCarthy N, Hedin C, Bashir Z, Vossenkämper A, Giles E, Sanders T, Whelan K, MacDonald T et al. ( 2013 ) . P066 Human intestinal Vδ2+ T-cells promote mucosal inflammation in Crohn's disease and are selectively ablated by azathioprine therapy . Journal of Crohn's and Colitis vol. 7 , ( Supplement_1 ) s35 - s36 .
Vossenkamper A, Blair P, Safinia N, Fraser L, Das L, Sanders T, Stagg A, Sanderson J et al. ( 2013 ) . A role for gut-associated lymphoid tissue in shaping the human B cell repertoire . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 140 , 27 - 27 .
Giles E, Pathak M, Sanders TJ, McCarthy NE, Sanderson IR, MacDonald TT, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2013 ) . Constitutive Type I Interferon, via STAT1 activation, promotes regulatory T cell function in the healthy human intestine, but not in inflammatory bowel disease . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 140 , 168 - 168 .
Wildemann M, Mushtaq N, Sanders TJ, Grigg J, Stagg AJ ( 2013 ) . Fossil fuel derived particulate matter (PM10) induces maturation and aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) signalling in human dendritic cells . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 140 , 33 - 33 .
Sanders TJ, McCarthy NE, Giles EM, Davidson KLM, Haltalli MLR, Hazell S, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2013 ) . Retinoic acid generation by human intestinal CD14<SUP>+</SUP> macrophages is enhanced in Crohn's disease and maintains an inflammatory phenotype . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 140 , 32 - 32 .
Groves KC, Bibby DF, Clark DA, Isaksen A, Deayton JR, Anderson J, Orkin C, Stagg AJ et al. ( 2012 ) . Disease Progression in HIV-1-Infected Viremic Controllers . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr vol. 61 , ( 4 ) 407 - 416 .
Lammers KM, Hart AL, Brigidi P, Gionchetti P, Vitali B, Al-Hassi HO, English N, Rizzello F et al. ( 2012 ) . Probiotic bacterial DNA induces interleukin-10 production by human dendritic cells via toll-like receptor-9 . International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics vol. 7 , ( 1 ) 39 - 48 .
Mann ER, McCarthy NE, Peake STC, Milestone AN, Al-Hassi HO, Bernardo D, Tee CT, Landy J et al. ( 2012 ) . Skin- and gut-homing molecules on human circulating γδ T cells and their dysregulation in inflammatory bowel disease . Clin Exp Immunol vol. 170 , ( 2 ) 122 - 130 .
Mann ER, Bernardo D, Al-Hassi HO, English NR, Clark SK, McCarthy NE, Milestone AN, Cochrane SA et al. ( 2012 ) . Human gut-specific homeostatic dendritic cells are generated from blood precursors by the gut microenvironment . Inflamm Bowel Dis vol. 18 , ( 7 ) 1275 - 1286 .
Hedin CR, Stagg AJ, Whelan K, Lindsay JO ( 2012 ) . Family studies in Crohn's disease: new horizons in understanding disease pathogenesis, risk and prevention . Gut vol. 61 , ( 2 ) 311 - 318 .
McCarthy NE, Hedin CR, Vossenkaemper A, Bhattacharjee S, Brown SG, Sanders TJ, Giles EM, Whelan K et al. ( 2012 ) . HUMAN ANTI-MICROBIAL Vδ2+T-CELLS ARE NOVEL INTESTINAL LYMPHOCYTES WITH FUNCTIONAL RELEVANCE IN CROHN'S DISEASE . GUT . vol. 61 , A4 - A4 .
Hedin CR, Taylor K, Louis P, Farquharson F, McCartney S, Prescott NJ, Stagg AJ, Lindsay JO et al. ( 2012 ) . MICROBIAL, PHENOTYPIC AND GENETIC MARKERS OF RISK: ASPECTS OF CROHN'S DISEASE THAT ARE SHARED BY UNAFFECTED SIBLINGS . GUT vol. 61 , A22 - A23 .
Sanders TJ, McCarthy NE, Giles EM, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2012 ) . Retinoic acid production in the human intestine: antigen presenting cell retinaldehyde dehydrogenase activity is enhanced in inflammatory bowel disease . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 137 , 78 - 78 .
Benjamin JL, Hedin CRH, Koutsoumpas A, Ng SC, McCarthy NE, Prescott NJ, Pessoa-Lopes P, Mathew CG et al. ( 2012 ) . Smokers with active Crohn's disease have a clinically relevant dysbiosis of the gastrointestinal microbiota . INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES vol. 18 , ( 6 ) 1092 - 1100 .
Ng SC, Benjamin JL, McCarthy NE, Hedin CRH, Koutsoumpas A, Plamondon S, Price CL, Hart AL et al. ( 2011 ) . Relationship between human intestinal dendritic cells, gut microbiota, and disease activity in Crohn's disease . Inflamm Bowel Dis vol. 17 , ( 10 ) 2027 - 2037 .
Benjamin JL, Hedin CRH, Koutsoumpas A, Ng SC, McCarthy NE, Hart AL, Kamm MA, Sanderson JD et al. ( 2011 ) . Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of fructo-oligosaccharides in active Crohn's disease . Gut vol. 60 , ( 7 ) 923 - 929 .
Hedin CR, McCarthy NE, Bhattacharjee S, James G, Whelan K, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2011 ) . V Delta 2+T CELL EXPANSION IN CROHN'S DISEASE: IMPACT OF INFLAMMATION, DISEASE ACTIVITY AND TREATMENT . GUT . vol. 60 ,
Ng SC, Benjamin JL, McCarthy NE, Hedin CR, Koutsoumpas A, Plamondon S, Price CL, Hart AL et al. ( 2010 ) . Relationship between human intestinal dendritic cells, gut microbiota, and disease activity in Crohn's disease . Inflamm Bowel Dis .
Al-Hassi HO, Murugananthan A, Bernardo DO, Mann ER, English N, Milestone A, Hart AL, Blakemore AIF et al. ( 2010 ) . CCR7-induced homing of human gut dendritic cells mediated by LepRb; differences between ileum and colon and in Crohn's disease . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 131 , 161 - 162 .
McCarthy NE, Hedin CRH, Bhattacharjee S, James GS, Whelan K, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2010 ) . Circulating 'gut-tropic' V delta 2 T-cells are expanded in some Crohn's disease patients and their siblings but are ablated by azathioprine therapy . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 131 , 107 - 107 .
Sanders T, McCarthy N, Gellatly N, Lindsay J, Stagg A ( 2010 ) . Factors from inflamed human intestinal mucosa act on dendritic cells to uncouple the imprinting of gut tropism from FoxP(3)(+) T cell generation . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 131 , 30 - 31 .
Sanders T, McCarthy N, Gellatly N, Lindsay J, Stagg A ( 2010 ) . Factors from inflamed human intestinal mucosa act on dendritic cells to uncouple the imprinting of gut tropism from FoxP3(+) T cell generation . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 131 , 134 - 135 .
Mann ER, Bernardo D, Al-Hassi HO, Clark SK, McCarthy NE, Milestone AN, Cochrane SA, Hart AL et al. ( 2010 ) . Human dendritic cell function is dependent on tissue of residence . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 131 , 40 - 40 .
Hedin CRH, Mullard M, Sharratt E, Jansen C, Sanderson JD, Shirlaw P, Howe LC, Djemal S et al. ( 2010 ) . Probiotic and prebiotic use in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a case-control study . Inflamm Bowel Dis vol. 16 , ( 12 ) 2099 - 2108 .
Gellatly NL, Sanders TJ, Ahmed M, Mughal S, McCarthy NE, Pattni G, Lindsay JO, Stagg AJ ( 2010 ) . Retinoic acid and aryl hydrocarbon receptor signalling: opposing effects on human dendritic cell differentiation and ability to imprint gut homing . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 131 , 155 - 155 .
Groves K, Bibby D, Clark D, Isaksen A, Deayton J, Anderson J, Orkin C, Stagg AJ et al. ( 2010 ) . Disease Progression Despite Suppressed Plasma Viral Load in Human Immunodeficiency Infected Viremic Controllers . AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES . vol. 26 , A163 - A163 .
Vossenkämper A, Marchès O, Fairclough PD, Warnes G, Stagg AJ, Lindsay JO, Evans PC, Luong LA et al. ( 2010 ) . Inhibition of NF-κB signaling in human dendritic cells by the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli effector protein NleE . J Immunol vol. 185 , ( 7 ) 4118 - 4127 .
Ng SC, Kamm MA, Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2010 ) . Intestinal dendritic cells: their role in bacterial recognition, lymphocyte homing, and intestinal inflammation . Inflamm Bowel Dis vol. 16 , ( 10 ) 1787 - 1807 .
Ng SC, Plamondon S, Kamm MA, Hart AL, Al-Hassi HO, Guenther T, Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2010 ) . Immunosuppressive effects via human intestinal dendritic cells of probiotic bacteria and steroids in the treatment of acute ulcerative colitis . Inflamm Bowel Dis vol. 16 , ( 8 ) 1286 - 1298 .
Price CL, Hassi HOSA, English NR, Blakemore AIF, Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2010 ) . Methylglyoxal modulates immune responses: relevance to diabetes . J Cell Mol Med vol. 14 , ( 6B ) 1806 - 1815 .
Benjamin JL, Koutsoumpas A, Hedin CRH, Ng SC, Prescott NJ, Pessoa-Lopes P, Mathew CG, Kamm MA et al. ( 2010 ) . DEMOGRAPHIC, CLINICAL AND GENETIC FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH DYSBIOSIS IN PATIENTS WITH ACTIVE CROHN'S DISEASE . GUT . vol. 59 , A5 - A5 .
Ng SC, Plamondon S, Al-Hassi HO, English N, Gellatly N, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2009 ) . A novel population of human CD56+ human leucocyte antigen D-related (HLA-DR+) colonic lamina propria cells is associated with inflammation in ulcerative colitis . Clin Exp Immunol vol. 158 , ( 2 ) 205 - 218 .
Stagg AJ, Norin KE, Midtvedt T, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Björkstén B ( 2009 ) . Mesenteric dendritic cells from germ-free mice cause less T-cell stimulation but still induce α4β7 integrin . Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease vol. 19 , ( 3 ) 171 - 183 .
Mann ER, McCarthy NE, Milestone AN, Cochrane SA, Stagg AJ, Hart AL, Knight SC ( 2009 ) . LOSS OF HUMAN GAMMA DELTA T-CELLS IN CROHN'S DISEASE AND ULCERATIVE COLITIS . GUT . vol. 58 , A61 - A61 .
Ng SC, Hart AL, Kamm MA, Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2009 ) . Mechanisms of action of probiotics: recent advances . Inflamm Bowel Dis vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 300 - 310 .
Groves KC, Bibby D, Isaksen A, Deayton J, Anderson J, Orkin C, Stagg AJ, McKnight A ( 2009 ) . Altered T cell homeostasis and activation in HIV-1 elite suppressors with low CD4+T-cell counts . RETROVIROLOGY vol. 6 , Article P250 ,
Gellatly NL, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2008 ) . Dendritic cell (DC) imprinting of homing markers on human T-cells is modulated by bacteria . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 125 , 23 - 23 .
Mann ER, McCarthy NE, Hart AL, Al-Hassi HO, Clark SK, Cochrane SA, Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2008 ) . Distinct gut and skin homing phenotypes of human dendritic cells and T-cells . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 125 , 22 - 23 .
Ng SC, Plamondon S, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2008 ) . Dysregulated gut homing in patients with ulcerative colitis is associated with altered CD103 (alpha-E) expression by human colonic dendritic cells . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 125 , 23 - 23 .
Mann ER, McCarthy NE, Hart AL, Milestone AN, Cochrane SA, Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2008 ) . Loss of human gamma delta T-cells in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 125 , 104 - 104 .
Ng SC, Plamondon S, Hart AL, Kamm MA, Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2008 ) . Oral probiotic bacteria, VSL#3, is associated with the down-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine production by gut dendritic cells in patients with ulcerative colitis . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 125 , 129 - 129 .
Ng SC, McCarthy NE, Plamondon S, Kamm MA, Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2008 ) . TNF-alpha production and differential release of Th1/Th2 cytokines from gut biopsies is associated with 'trauma responses' in inflammatory bowel disease but not in controls . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 125 , 96 - 96 .
Al-Hassi HO, Price CL, Hart AL, Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2008 ) . The expression of ILT3 upregulated on DC from inflamed mucosa: role for probiotic bacteria . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 125 , 110 - 110 .
Arebi N, Gurmany S, Bullas D, Hobson A, Stagg A, Kamm M ( 2008 ) . Review article: the psychoneuroimmunology of irritable bowel syndrome--an exploration of interactions between psychological, neurological and immunological observations . Aliment Pharmacol Ther vol. 28 , ( 7 ) 830 - 840 .
Bedford PA, Burke F, Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2008 ) . Dendritic cells derived from bone marrow cells fail to acquire and present major histocompatibility complex antigens from other dendritic cells . Immunology vol. 124 , ( 4 ) 542 - 552 .
STAGG AJ, FUNAUCHI M, KNIGHT SC, WEBSTER ADB, FARRANT J ( 2008 ) . Failure in antigen responses by T ceils from patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) . Clinical & Experimental Immunology vol. 96 , ( 1 ) 48 - 53 .
Stagg AJ, Harding B, Hughes RA, Keat A, Knight SC ( 2008 ) . Peripheral blood and synovial fluid T cells differ in their response to alloantigens and recall antigens presented by dendritic cells . Clinical & Experimental Immunology vol. 84 , ( 1 ) 72 - 77 .
Stagg AJ, Harding B, Hughes RA, Keat A, Knight SC ( 2008 ) . The distribution and functional properties of dendritic cells in patients with seronegative arthritis . Clinical & Experimental Immunology vol. 84 , ( 1 ) 66 - 71 .
Hedin CRH, Koutsoumpas A, Forbes A, Sanderson J, Stagg AJ, Knight SC, Whelan K, Lindsay JO ( 2008 ) . Factors that limit recruitment to clinical trials in crohn's disease . GUT . vol. 57 , A118 - A118 .
Ng SC, Koutsoumpas A, Hedin CR, McCarthy NE, Plamondon S, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Forbes A et al. ( 2008 ) . Production of IL-10 by colonic dendritic cells is associated with higher concentrations of faecal microbiota in patients with active Crohn's disease . GASTROENTEROLOGY . vol. 134 , A653 - A654 .
Ng SC, Koutsoumpas A, Hedin CR, McCarthy NE, Plamondon S, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Forbes A et al. ( 2008 ) . Production of il-10 by colonic dendritic cells is associated with higher concentrations of faecal microbiota in patients with active crohn's disease . GUT . vol. 57 , A144 - A144 .
Koutsoumpas A, Hedin CRH, Ng SC, Kamm MA, Sanderson JD, Knight SC, Stagg AJ, Forbes A et al. ( 2008 ) . Smokers with active crohn's disease have differences in the concentration and proportion of key bacterial groups of the faecal microbiota . GUT . vol. 57 , A152 - A153 .
Koutsoumpas A, Hedin CR, Ng SC, Kamm MA, Sanderson JD, Knight SC, Stagg AJ, Forbes A et al. ( 2008 ) . The concentration and proportion of key bacterial groups of the faecal microbiota are different between smokers and non-smokers with active Crohn's disease . GASTROENTEROLOGY vol. 134 , ( 4 ) A497 - A497 .
Di Sabatino A, Pickard KM, Gordon JN, Salvati V, Mazzarella G, Beattie RM, Vossenkaemper A, Rovedatti L et al. ( 2007 ) . Evidence for the role of interferon-alfa production by dendritic cells in the Th1 response in celiac disease . Gastroenterology vol. 133 , ( 4 ) 1175 - 1187 .
Croft N, MACDONALD T, Monteleone G, Troncone R, Corazza GR, Stagg AG, Leakey NAM, Vossenkaemper A et al. ( 2007 ) . Evidence for the role of interferon-Ą production by dendritic cells in the Th1 response in celiac disease . Gastroenterology vol. 133 , 1175 - 87 .
Ng SC, Plamondon S, Knight SC, Kamm MA, Stagg AJ ( 2007 ) . Accumulation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in the intestine of acute ulcerative colitis . GUT . vol. 56 , A116 - A116 .
McCarthy NE, Jones HA, Marks NA, Shiner RJ, Ind PW, Al-Hassi HO, English NR, Murray CM et al. ( 2007 ) . Inhaled allergen-driven CD1c up-regulation and enhanced antigen uptake by activated human respiratory-tract dendritic cells in atopic asthma . Clin Exp Allergy vol. 37 , ( 1 ) 72 - 82 .
Critchley-Thorne RJ, Stagg AJ, Vassaux G ( 2006 ) . Recombinant Escherichia coli expressing invasin targets the Peyer's patches: the basis for a bacterial formulation for oral vaccination . Mol Ther vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 183 - 191 .
Taugor JD, Maika SD, Satumtira N, Dorris ML, McLean IL, Yanagisawa H, Sayad A, Stagg AJ et al. ( 2006 ) . Inflammatory disease in HLA‐B27 transgenic rats . Immunological Reviews vol. 169 , ( 1 ) 209 - 223 .
Lindsay JO, Whelan K, Stagg AJ, Gobin P, Al-Hassi HO, Rayment N, Kamm MA, Knight SC et al. ( 2006 ) . Clinical, microbiological, and immunological effects of fructo-oligosaccharide in patients with Crohn's disease . Gut vol. 55 , ( 3 ) 348 - 355 .
McCarthy NE, Jones HA, Marks NA, Shiner RJ, Ind PW, Al-Harrsi HO, English NR, Murray C et al. ( 2005 ) . Enhanced CD1 expression by activated human respiratory tract dendritic cells in atopic asthma: a role for lipid antigen in allergen tolerance? . IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 116 , 22 - 22 .
Knight SC, Bedford PA, Stagg AJ ( 2005 ) . Mixed Leukocyte Reactions . Measuring Immunity: Basic Biology and Clinical Assessment ,
Al-Hassi HO, Lindsay JO, Whelan K, Gobin P, Forbes A, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2005 ) . Modulation of intestinal dendritic cells (DC) in Crohn's disease patients taking a fructo-oligosaccharide prebiotic . IMMUNOLOGY vol. 116 , 4 - 4 .
Stagg AJ, Rigby R, Al-Hassi HO, Hart AL, Kamm MA, Knight SC ( 2005 ) . Polarisation of T lymphocyte homing by dendritic cells in health and intestinal disease . IMMUNOLOGY vol. 116 , 27 - 28 .
Hart AL, Al-Hassi HO, Rigby RJ, Bell SJ, Emmanuel AV, Knight SC, Kamm MA, Stagg AJ ( 2005 ) . Characteristics of intestinal dendritic cells in inflammatory bowel diseases . Gastroenterology vol. 129 , ( 1 ) 50 - 65 .
Mason MR, Stagg AJ, Knight SC, Lamont RF ( 2005 ) . The measurement of dendritic cells in umbilical cord blood: a novel technique using small volumes of whole blood . J Soc Gynecol Investig vol. 12 , ( 4 ) 246 - 252 .
Lindsay JO, Whelan K, Stagg A, Gobin P, Omar H, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Forbes A ( 2005 ) . Prebiotic fructo-oligosaccharide as a therapy for Crohn's disease: An open label trial . GUT . vol. 54 , A23 - A24 .
Rigby RJ, Knight SC, Kamm MA, Stagg AJ ( 2005 ) . Production of interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-12 by murine colonic dendritic cells in response to microbial stimuli . Clin Exp Immunol vol. 139 , ( 2 ) 245 - 256 .
Knight SC, Bedford PA, Stagg AJ ( 2005 ) . Chapter 30 Mixed Leukocyte Reactions . Measuring Immunity , Elsevier
Knight SC, Bedford PA, Stagg AJ ( 2004 ) . Mixed Leukocyte Reactions . Measuring Immunity: Basic Science and Clinical Practice ,
Hart AL, Lammers K, Brigidi P, Vitali B, Rizzello F, Gionchetti P, Campieri M, Kamm MA et al. ( 2004 ) . Modulation of human dendritic cell phenotype and function by probiotic bacteria . Gut vol. 53 , ( 11 ) 1602 - 1609 .
Hart AL, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2004 ) . Prospective evaluation of intestinal homing memory T cells in ulcerative colitis . INFLAMM BOWEL DIS vol. 10 , ( 5 ) 496 - 503 .
Burke F, Stagg AJ, Bedford PA, English N, Knight SC ( 2004 ) . IL-10-producing B220+CD11c- APC in mouse spleen . J Immunol vol. 173 , ( 4 ) 2362 - 2372 .
Lammers KM, Hart AL, Brigidi P, Vitali B, Rizzello F, Gionchetti P, Campieri M, Kamm MA et al. ( 2004 ) . DNA derived from probiotic bacteria modulates human dendritic cell phenotype and function . GUT . vol. 53 , A65 - A65 .
Hart AL, Al-Hassi HO, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2004 ) . Dendritic cells may drive proinflammatory T cell immune responses in Crohn's disease by production of IL-12 and IL-6 . GUT . vol. 53 , A97 - A98 .
Stagg AJ, Hart AL, Knight SC, Kamm MA ( 2004 ) . Interactions between dendritic cells and bacteria in the regulation of intestinal immunity . BEST PRACT RES CL GA vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 255 - 270 .
Stagg AJ, Hart AL, Knight SC, Kamm MA ( 2004 ) . Microbial-gut interactions in health and disease. Interactions between dendritic cells and bacteria in the regulation of intestinal immunity . Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 255 - 270 .
Hart AL, Al-Hassi HO, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2004 ) . Toll like receptors 2 and 4 are upregulated on human lamina propria dendritic cells in intestinal inflammation . GUT . vol. 53 , A3 - A3 .
Hart AL, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2004 ) . Quantitative and functional characteristics of intestinal-homing memory T cells: analysis of Crohn's disease patients and healthy controls . CLIN EXP IMMUNOL vol. 135 , ( 1 ) 137 - 145 .
BROWN KA, BEDFORD P, MACEY M, MCCARTHY DA, LEROY F, VORA AJ, STAGG AJ, DUMONDE DC et al. ( 2003 ) . Human blood dendritic cells: binding to vascular endothelium and expression of adhesion molecules . Clinical & Experimental Immunology vol. 107 , ( 3 ) 601 - 607 .
Stagg AJ, Hart AL, Knight SC, Kamm MA ( 2003 ) . The dendritic cell: its role in intestinal inflammation and relationship with gut bacteria . Gut vol. 52 , ( 10 ) 1522 - 1529 .
Hart AL, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2003 ) . The maturation and cytokine expression of human dendritic cells are differentially modulated by probiotic bacteria . GUT . vol. 52 , A56 - A57 .
Hart AL, Stagg AJ, Kamm MA ( 2003 ) . Use of probiotics in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease . J Clin Gastroenterol vol. 36 , ( 2 ) 111 - 119 .
Hart AL, Stagg AJ, Frame M, Graffner H, Glise H, Falk P, Kamm MA ( 2002 ) . Review article: the role of the gut flora in health and disease, and its modification as therapy . ALIMENT PHARM THERAP vol. 16 , ( 8 ) 1383 - 1393 .
Stagg AJ, Kamm MA, Knight SC ( 2002 ) . Intestinal dendritic cells increase T cell expression of alpha4beta7 integrin . Eur J Immunol vol. 32 , ( 5 ) 1445 - 1454 .
Hart AL, Rigby R, Jones A, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2002 ) . Circulating mucosal homing (beta 7+) memory T cells are decreased in number and display altered cytokine production in Crohn's disease . GUT vol. 50 , A74 - A74 .
Rigby RJ, Hart AL, Westcott EDA, Kamm MA, Windsor A, Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 2002 ) . Identification of possible gut homing dendritic cells in peripheral blood by expression of B7 integrin . GUT vol. 50 , A67 - A67 .
Stagg AJ, Kamm MA, Knight SC ( 2002 ) . Intestinal dendritic cells increase T cell expression of alpha 4 beta 7 integrin . GUT vol. 50 , A26 - A27 .
Rigby R, Kamm MA, Knight SC, Hart AL, Stagg AJ ( 2002 ) . Pathogenic bacteria stimulate colonic dendritic cells to produce pro-inflammatory IL-12 while the response to probiotic bacteria is to produce anti-inflammatory IL-10 . GUT vol. 50 , A70 - A70 .
Hart AL, Rigby R, Stagg AJ, Lammers K, Rizzello F, Gionchetti P, Campieri M, Knight SC et al. ( 2002 ) . Probiotic bacteria stimulate natural killer (NK) cell activation and cytokine production, an early step in innate immunity . GUT vol. 50 , A69 - A69 .
Hart AL, Stagg AJ, Rigby R, Jones A, Lammers L, Rizzello F, Gionchetti P, Campieri M et al. ( 2002 ) . Streptococcus faecium, a possible probiotic bacterium, but not Lactobacillus acidophilus or Escherichia coli (Nissle), decreases proinflammatory cytokine production (IFN-Gamma) by an IL-10 dependent mechanism . GUT vol. 50 , A67 - A67 .
Jebbari H, Stagg AJ, Davidson RN, Knight SC ( 2002 ) . Leishmania major promastigotes inhibit dendritic cell motility in vitro . Infect Immun vol. 70 , ( 2 ) 1023 - 1026 .
Stagg AJ, Knight SC ( 2001 ) . Antigen‐presenting Cells . Encyclopedia of Life Sciences , Wiley
Bell SJ, Rigby R, English N, Mann SD, Knight SC, Kamm MA, Stagg AJ ( 2001 ) . Migration and maturation of human colonic dendritic cells . J Immunol vol. 166 , ( 8 ) 4958 - 4967 .
Stagg AJ, Burke F, Hill S, Knight SC ( 2001 ) . Isolation of mouse spleen dendritic cells . Methods Mol Med vol. 64 , 9 - 22 .
Konecny P, Stagg AJ, Jebbari H, English N, Davidson RN, Knight SC ( 1999 ) . Murine dendritic cells internalize Leishmania major promastigotes, produce IL‐12 p40 and stimulate primary T cell proliferation in vitro . European Journal of Immunology vol. 29 , ( 6 ) 1803 - 1811 .
Stagg AJ, Tuffrey M, Woods C, Wunderink E, Knight SC ( 1998 ) . Protection against Ascending Infection of the Genital Tract by Chlamydia trachomatis Is Associated with Recruitment of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Antigen-Presenting Cells into Uterine Tissue . Infection and Immunity vol. 66 , ( 8 ) 3535 - 3544 .
Müller K, Herner EB, Stagg A, Bendtzen K, Woo P ( 1998 ) . Inflammatory cytokines and cytokine antagonists in whole blood cultures of patients with systemic juvenile chronic arthritis . Rheumatology vol. 37 , ( 5 ) 562 - 569 .
Stagg AJ ( 1998 ) . Vaccines against Chlamydia: approaches and progress . Trends in Molecular Medicine vol. 4 , ( 4 ) 166 - 173 .
Stagg AJ, Hughes RA, Keat AC, Elsley WA, Knight SC ( 1996 ) . ANTIGEN-PRESENTING CELLS BUT NOT LYMPHOCYTES IN THE JOINT MAY INDICATE THE CAUSE OF REACTIVE ARTHRITIS . Rheumatology vol. 35 , ( 11 ) 1082 - 1090 .
Knight SC, Iqball S, Woods C, Stagg A, Ward ME, Tuffrey M ( 1995 ) . A peptide of Chlamydia trachomatis shown to be a primary T-cell epitope in vitro induces cell-mediated immunity in vivo . Immunology vol. 85 , ( 1 ) 8 - 15 .
Stagg AJ, Breban M, Hammer RE, Knight SC, Taurog JD ( 1995 ) . Defective Dendritic Cell (DC) Function in a HLA-B27 Transgenic Rat Model of Spondyloarthropathy (SpA) . Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology . vol. 378 , 557 - 559 .
Knight SC, Stagg AJ ( 1993 ) . Antigen-presenting cell types . Current Opinion in Immunology vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 374 - 382 .
Stagg AJ, Elsley WA, Pickett MA, Ward ME, Knight SC ( 1993 ) . Primary human T-cell responses to the major outer membrane protein of Chlamydia trachomatis . Immunology vol. 79 , ( 1 ) 1 - 9 .
Stagg A, Knight SC, Webster AD, Farrant J ( 1993 ) . Failure of primary and secondary T cell responses in common variable immunodeficiency . Immunodeficiency . vol. 4 , 13 - 14 .
Knight SC, Stagg A, Hill S, Fryer P, Griffiths S ( 1992 ) . Development and Function of Dendritic Cells in Health and Disease . Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 99 , ( 5 ) s33 - s38 .

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