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Publications: Dr Guy Westwell

Westwell G ( 2022 ) . CHAPTER 7 Religious Pacifism and the Hollywood War Film: From Sergeant York (1941) to Hacksaw Ridge (2017) . Mediating War and Identity , De Gruyter
Westwell G ( 2022 ) . 3. Acts of Redemption and ‘The Falling Man’ Photograph in Post-9/11 US Cinema . American Cinema in the Shadow of 9/11 , De Gruyter
Westwell G ( 2021 ) . Religious Pacifism and the Hollywood War Film: From Sergeant York (1941) to Hacksaw Ridge (2017) . Mediating War and Identity , Edinburgh University Press
Kuhn A, Westwell G ( 2021 ) . What film studies is . Forms of the Cinematic , Bloomsbury Academic
Westwell G ( 2020 ) . Haidee Wasson and Lee Grieveson (eds), Cinema’s Military Industrial Complex . Screen vol. 61 , ( 3 ) 499 - 501 .
KUHN A, Westwell G ( 2020 ) . A Dictionary of Film Studies, 2nd edition . Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Westwell G, Ingle J ( 2019 ) . Mapping Contemporary Cinema: blending critical pedagogy and research-based learning in undergraduate curriculum design . Teaching in Higher Education vol. 25 , ( 7 ) 842 - 857 .
Westwell G ( 2018 ) . Book review: Hollywood War Film: Critical Observations from World War I to Iraq . Media War & Conflict vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 360 - 362 .
Westwell G ( 2018 ) . Peace Cinema: Religious Pacifism and Anti-War Sensibility in <i>Friendly Persuasion</i> (1956) . Open Screens vol. 2 , ( 1 )
WESTWELL GR ( 2017 ) . Acts of redemption and 'The Falling Man' photograph in post-9/11 US cinema . American Cinema in the Shadow of 9/11 , Editors: McSweeney, T , Edinburgh University Press ( Edinburgh ),
WESTWELL GR, Hicks J, Saxton E ( 2016 ) . Rising Flags, Falling Soldiers: Film, Icons and Political Violence . Screen (Oxford)
WESTWELL GR ( 2016 ) . ‘Flag-Raising on Iwo Jima’ (1945) and the Hollywood war film . Screen (Oxford)
Westwell G ( 2016 ) . The Politics of Hollywood Cinema: Popular Film and Contemporary Political Theory . Screen vol. 56 , ( 4 ) 492 - 495 .
WESTWELL G ( 2015 ) . Jude Davies, Falling Down (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, £16.99). Pp. 122. isbn 978 0 2303 2134 2 . Journal of American Studies vol. 49 , ( 3 )
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . Bibliography . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . Conspiracy . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . Filmography . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . History . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . Introduction . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . The End of the World . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . The Iraq War . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . The Return to Ground Zero . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . The September 11 Syndrome . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . Torture . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . Uncertainty . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . Unity . Parallel Lines , Columbia University Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . Parallel Lines . Columbia University Press
WESTWELL GR ( 2014 ) . Parallel Lines: Post-9/11 American Cinema . Wallflower Press
Westwell G ( 2014 ) . Parallel Lines .
Westwell G ( 2013 ) . In Country . Wiley
Kuhn A, Westwell G ( 2012 ) . A Dictionary of Film Studies . OUP Oxford
WESTWELL G ( 2012 ) . In country: narrating the Iraq war in contemporary US cinema . Companion to the Historical Film , Editors: Rosenstone, R, Parvulescu, C , Wiley-Blackwell
Westwell G ( 2011 ) . Armadillo . SIGHT SOUND vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 56 - 56 .
Westwell G ( 2011 ) . Accidental Napalm Attack and Hegemonic Visions of America's War in Vietnam . CRITICAL STUDIES IN MEDIA COMMUNICATION vol. 28 , ( 5 ) 407 - 423 .
WESTWELL G ( 2011 ) . In country: mapping the Iraq war in recent Hollywood combat movies . Screens of Terror: Representations of War and Terrorism in Film and Television Since 9/11 , Editors: Hammond, P , Abramis Academic ( Suffolk ),
WESTWELL GR ( 2011 ) . Regarding the pain of others: scenarios of obligation in post-9/11 cinema . Journal of American Studies vol. 45 , ( 4 ) 815 - 834 .
Westwell G ( 2010 ) . Restrepo . SIGHT SOUND vol. 20 , ( 11 ) 72 - + .
Westwell G ( 2010 ) . Winter in Wartime . SIGHT SOUND vol. 20 , ( 3 ) 82 - 82 .
WESTWELL G ( 2010 ) . Book review of Still Moving: Between Cinema and Photography. Karen Beckman and Jean Ma, eds. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2008 . Modernism/modernity vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 266 - 268 .
Westwell G ( 2009 ) . The Hurt Locker . SIGHT SOUND vol. 19 , ( 9 ) 67 - 68 .
Westwell G ( 2009 ) . Public Enemies . SIGHT SOUND vol. 19 , ( 8 ) 74 - 74 .
Westwell G ( 2009 ) . Max Manus Man of War . SIGHT SOUND vol. 19 , ( 7 ) 72 - 72 .
Westwell G ( 2008 ) . 'Redacted' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 18 , ( 5 ) 79 - 80 .
Westwell G ( 2008 ) . 'Stop-loss' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 18 , ( 5 ) 87 - 88 .
Westwell G ( 2008 ) . 'Intimate enemies' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 18 , ( 3 ) 70 - 71 .
Jaafar A, Westwell G ( 2008 ) . Casualties of war (Brian De Palma, Nick Broomfield, Paul Haggis) . SIGHT SOUND vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 16 - + .
Westwell G ( 2008 ) . Not so candid cameras (Spanish-American War, 1898-99, World War I, 1914-18, World War II, 1939-45, Vietnam, 1964-73, Gulf War, 1990-91, Afghanistan, 2001-/Iraq, 2003) . SIGHT SOUND vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 20 - 21 .
WESTWELL G ( 2008 ) . One image begets another: a comparative analysis of Flag-raising on Iwo Jima and Ground Zero Spirit . Journal of War and Culture Studies vol. 1 , ( 3 ) 325 - 340 .
Westwell G ( 2007 ) . Critical approaches to the history film - A field in search of a methodology (Robert Rosenstone) . RETHINK HIST vol. 11 , ( 4 ) 577 - 588 .
WESTWELL GR ( 2007 ) . Vietnam home movies . The Image and the Witness: Trauma, Memory and Visual Culture , Editors: Guerin, F, Hallas, R , Wallflower Press ( London ),
WESTWELL GR ( 2006 ) . War Cinema: Hollywood on the Front Line . Wallflower Press ( London ),
Westwell G ( 2005 ) . The 'take' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 15 , ( 7 ) 76 - + .
Westwell G ( 2004 ) . Uncovered: The War on Iraq . SIGHT SOUND vol. 14 , ( 12 ) 68 - + .
Westwell G ( 2004 ) . 'Goldfish Memory' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 14 , ( 11 ) 52 - 52 .
Westwell G ( 2004 ) . 'Man on Fire' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 14 , ( 11 ) 59 - 59 .
Westwell G ( 2004 ) . 'Silent Grace' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 60 - 60 .
Westwell G ( 2003 ) . 'Legally Blonde 2, Red White & Blonde' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 13 , ( 9 ) 55 - 56 .
Westwell G ( 2003 ) . 'Basic' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 13 , ( 8 ) 36 - 37 .
Westwell G ( 2003 ) . 'Buffalo Soldiers' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 13 , ( 8 ) 40 - 41 .
Westwell G ( 2003 ) . Antwone Fisher . SIGHT SOUND vol. 13 , ( 6 ) 36 - 36 .
Westwell G ( 2003 ) . 'Sweet Home Alabama' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 53 - 54 .
Westwell G ( 2002 ) . 'Slap Her, She's French!' . SIGHT SOUND vol. 12 , ( 11 ) 56 - + .

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