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Publications: Dr Nadia Valman

Valman N ( 2023 ) . 3 Walking Margaret Harkness’s London . Margaret Harkness , Manchester University Press
Valman N ( 2022 ) . Afterlives of A Child of the Jago . Critical Essays on Arthur Morrison and the East End ,
Valman N ( 2021 ) . Home Influence: Jewish Women in Nineteenth-Century Britain . Jewish Women's History from Antiquity to the Present , Editors: Francesconi, F, Winer, RL , Wayne State University Press ( Detroit, MI ),
Valman N ( 2019 ) . Walking Margaret Harkness' London . Margaret Harkness: Writing Social Engagement 1880-1921 , Editors: Janssen, F, ROBERTSON, LC , Manchester University Press ( Manchester ),
Valman N ( 2019 ) . Whose Law Runs Here? Alexander Baron and the Mysteries of Bethnal Green . So We Live: The Novels of Alexander Baron , Editors: Thomas, S, Whitehead, A, Worpole, K , Five Leaves ( Nottingham ),
Roth L, Valman N ( 2017 ) . Introduction .
Kushner T, Valman N ( 2017 ) . Introduction: The wide field of relations? . Philosemitism, Antisemitism and 'the Jews': Perspectives from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century , vol. 24 ,
VALMAN ND ( 2015 ) . Walking Victorian Spitalfields with Israel Zangwill . 19: interdisciplinary studies in the long nineteenth century ( 21 )
VALMAN ND, Roth L ( 2015 ) . Introduction . The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Jewish Cultures , Editors: Roth, L, Valman, ND , Routledge ( London and New York ),
VALMAN ND ( 2015 ) . Jewish Fictions . Oxford History of the Novel in English Volume 7: British and Irish Fiction since 1940 , Editors: Boxall, P, Cheyette, B , vol. 7 , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
VALMAN ND ( 2014 ) . From Domestic Paragon to Rebellious Daughter: Victorian Jewish Women Writers . Jewish Women Writers in Britain , Wayne State University Press ( Detroit ),
VALMAN ND ( 2014 ) . Introduction. Feeling at Home: Jewish Women Writers in Britain, 1830-2010 . Jewish Women Writers in Britain , Wayne State University Press ( Detroit ),
Valman ND, Scheinberg C, Potter R, Sceats S, Vice S, Verdon C, Lawson P, Sylvester L et al. ( 2014 ) . Jewish Women Writers in Britain . Editors: Valman, N , Wayne State University Press ( Detroit ),
Valman N ( 2014 ) . Jewish women writers in Britain .
Valman N, Garfield R ( 2013 ) . Introducing Sarah Lightman . Jewish Quarterly vol. 60 , ( 3-4 ) 119 - 119 .
VALMAN ND ( 2013 ) . Israel Zangwill's Whitechapel . London Fictions , Editors: Whitehead, A, White, J , Five Leaves Publiations ( Nottingham ),
VALMAN ND, HESS JM, SAMUELS M ( 2013 ) . Nineteenth Century Jewish Literature: A Reader . Editors: VALMAN, ND, SAMUELS, M, HESS, JM , Stanford University Press ( Stanford, CA ),
Valman ( 2012 ) . <em>English Origins, Jewish Discourse, and the Nineteenth-Century British Novel: Reflections on a Nested Nation</em>, by Heidi Kaufman . Victorian Studies vol. 55 , ( 1 )
VALMAN ND ( 2011 ) . Bad Jew/Good Jewess: Gender and Semitic Discourse in Nineteenth-Century England . Philosemitism in History , Editors: Karp, J, Sutcliffe, A , Cambridge University Press ( New York ),
VALMAN ND, FRANCIS, E ( 2011 ) . Introduction: Revisiting the Victorian East End, special issue of 19: interdisciplinary studies in the long nineteenth century, edited by Emma Francis and Nadia Valman . 19: interdisciplinary studies in the long nineteenth century Article 1 ,
VALMAN N ( 2010 ) . British Jewish Literature and Culture: An Introduction . Jewish Culture and History vol. 12 , ( 1-2 ) 204 - 212 .
Valman N ( 2010 ) . Amy Levy and the Literary Representation of the Jewess . Amy Levy: Critical Essays , Editors: Hetherington, N, Valman, N , Ohio University Press ( Athens, Ohio ),
HETHERINGTON N, VALMAN N ( 2010 ) . Amy Levy: Critical Essays . Editors: HETHERINGTON, N, VALMAN, N , Ohio University Press ( Athens, Ohio ),
VALMAN ND ( 2010 ) . British Jewish Literature and Culture: An Introduction . Jewish Culture and History vol. 12 , ( 1-2 ) 205 - 212 .
Hetherington N, Valman N ( 2010 ) . Introduction . Amy Levy: Critical Essays , Editors: Hetherington, N, Valman, N , Ohio University Press ( Athens, Ohio ),
Bar-Yosef E, Valman N ( 2009 ) . Between the East End and East Africa: Rethinking ‘the Jew’ in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Culture . 'The Jew' in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Culture: Between the East End and East Africa , Editors: Bar-Yosef, E, Valman, N , Palgrave ( Basingstoke ),
Bar-Yosef E, Valman N ( 2009 ) . Introduction . 'The Jew' in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Culture , Springer Nature
Bar-Yosef E, Valman N ( 2009 ) . Introduction: Between the East End and East Africa: Rethinking Images of ‘the Jew’ in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Culture . Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture ,
Valman N ( 2009 ) . Little Jew Boys Made Good: Immigration, Anglo-Jewish Fiction and the South African War . 'The Jew' in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Culture: Between the East End and East Africa , Editors: Bar-Yosef, E, Valman, N , Palgrave ( Basingstoke ),
Valman N ( 2009 ) . Little Jew Boys Made Good: Immigration, the South African War, and Anglo-Jewish Fiction . 'The Jew' in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Culture , Springer Nature
VALMAN ND, Bar-Yosef E ( 2009 ) . The 'Jew' in late-Victorian and Edwardian Culture: Between the East End and East Africa . Palgrave ( Basingstoke ),
Valman N ( 2009 ) . The East End Bildungsroman from Israel Zangwill to Monica Ali . WASAFIRI vol. 24 , ( 1 ) 3 - 8 .
VALMAN ND ( 2007 ) . The Jewess in Nineteenth-Century British Literary Culture . Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
VALMAN ND ( 2005 ) . "The Most Unforgettable Character I've Ever Met": Literary Representations of the Jewish Mother . For Generations: Jewish Motherhood , Editors: Ross, M, Randall, R , Five Leaves ( Nottingham ),
Valman N ( 2005 ) . Coningsby (1844) . Antisemitism: a Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution: Volume 1-2 , vol. 1-2 ,
Valman N ( 2005 ) . Dickens, Charles (1812-1870) . Antisemitism: a Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution: Volume 1-2 , vol. 1-2 ,
Valman N ( 2005 ) . Dracula . Antisemitism: a Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution: Volume 1-2 , vol. 1-2 ,
Valman N ( 2005 ) . English Literature from Chaucer to Wells . Antisemitism: a Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution: Volume 1-2 , vol. 1-2 ,
Valman N ( 2005 ) . Svengali . Antisemitism: a Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution: Volume 1-2 , vol. 1-2 ,
Valman N ( 2005 ) . Trollope, Anthony (1815-1882) . Antisemitism: a Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution: Volume 1-2 , vol. 1-2 ,
VALMAN ND ( 2004 ) . 'Barbarous and Mediaeval': Jewish Marriage in Fin de Siècle English Fiction . The Image of the Jew in European Liberal Culture 1789-1914 , Editors: Cheyette, B, Valman, N , Vallentine Mitchell ( London ),
VALMAN ND ( 2004 ) . Grace Aguilar . Oxford , Notes: Dictionary entry ,
VALMAN ND ( 2004 ) . Introduction: Liberalism and Anti-Semitism . The Image of the Jew in European Liberal Culture 1789-1914 , Editors: Cheyette, B, Valman, N , Vallentine Mitchell ( London ),
VALMAN ND, Kushner T ( 2004 ) . Philosemitism, Antisemitism and 'the Jews': Perspectives from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century . Ashgate ( Aldershot ),
VALMAN ND, Cheyette B ( 2004 ) . The Image of the Jew in European Liberal Culture 1789-1914 . Vallentine Mitchell ( London ),
VALMAN ND ( 2003 ) . 'A Fresh-Made Garment of Citizenship': Representing Jewish Identities in Victorian Britain . Nineteenth Century Studies vol. 17 , 35 - 45 .
VALMAN N ( 2003 ) . “A Fresh-Made Garment of Citizenship”: Representing Jewish Identities in Victorian Britain . Nineteenth Century Studies vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 35 - 45 .
VALMAN ND ( 2002 ) . Manly Jews: Disraeli, Jewishness and Gender . Disraeli's Jewishness , Editors: Endelman, T, Kushner, T et al. , Vallentine Mitchell ( London ),
VALMAN ND, KUSHNER T ( 2000 ) . Introduction: Minorities, Fascism and Anti-Fascism . Remembering Cable Street: Fascism and Anti-Fascism in British Society , Editors: VALMAN, N, KUSHNER, T , Vallentine Mitchell ( London ),
VALMAN ND ( 2000 ) . Jewish Girls and the Battle of Cable Street . Remembering Cable Street: Fascism and Anti-Fascism in British Society , Editors: VALMAN, N, KUSHNER, T , Vallentine Mitchell ( London ),
VALMAN ND ( 2000 ) . Women Writers and the Campaign for Jewish Emancipation in Early Victorian England . Women in British Politics, 1760-1860 , Editors: GLEADLE, K, RICHARDSON, S , Macmillan ( Houndmills, Basingstoke ),
Valman N ( 1999 ) . Semitism and criticism: Victorian Anglo-Jewish literary history . Victorian Literature and Culture vol. 27 , ( 1 ) 235 - 248 .
VALMAN N ( 1998 ) . Editorial . Jewish Culture and History vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 1 - 4 .
Valman N ( 1996 ) . Muscular Jews: Young England, gender and Jewishness in Disraeli's "political trilogy" . Jewish History vol. 10 , ( 2 ) 57 - 88 .
VALMAN ND ( 1995 ) . Speculating upon human feeling: Evangelical writing and Anglo-Jewish women's autobiography . The Uses of Autobiography , Taylor and Francis ( London ),
Valman N ( 1993 ) . Thackeray and the Jewish Question . Jewish Quarterly Review vol. 40 , ( 3 )

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