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Publications: Mr Nicolas Bernard

Bernard N ( 2021 ) . Taking Air Passenger Rights Seriously: the Case Against the Exclusivity of the Montreal Convention . International Community Law Review
Bernard N ( 2020 ) . Union citizens’ rights against their own Member State after Brexit . Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law vol. 27 , ( 3 ) 302 - 324 .
Bernard N ( 2011 ) . The Volcanic Ash Crisis and EU Air Passenger Rights: some unresolved issues . Governing Disasters: The Challenges of Emergency Risk Regulation ,
Bernard N ( 2010 ) . On the Art of Not Mixing One's Drinks: Dassonville and Cassis de Dijon Revisited . The past and future of EU law , Editors: Maduro, MP, Azoulai, L , Hart Pub
BERNARD N ( 2006 ) . Internal Market Governance in a globalized marketplace: the case of air transport . Regulating the Internal Market , Editors: Shuibhne, NN , Edward Elgar ( Cheltenham ),
BERNARD N ( 2005 ) . Between a Rock and a Soft Place: Internal Market vs Open Co-ordination in EU Social Welfare Law . Social Welfare and EU Law , Editors: Dougan, M, Spaventa, E , Oxford and Portland OR ( Hart Publishing ),
BERNARD N ( 2003 ) . A 'New Governance' Approach to Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the EU . Economic and Social Rights unde the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights , Editors: Hervey, T, Kenner, J , Hart Publishing ( Oxford and Portland OR ),
BERNARD N ( 2002 ) . Flexibility in the European Single Market . The Law of the Single European Market - Unpacking the Premises , Editors: Barnard, C, Scott, J , Hart Publishing ( Oxford and Portland OR ),
BERNARD N ( 2002 ) . Multilevel Governance in the European Union . Kluwer Law International ( The Hague ),