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Publications: Prof Matthew Rubery

Rubery M ( 2023 ) . Podcasts, Audiobooks and Podiobooks . The Routledge Companion to Literary Media , Taylor & Francis
Rubery M ( 2023 ) . Sound and Literature . Media History vol. 29 , ( 1 ) 145 - 148 .
Donovan S, Rubery M ( 2022 ) . Amateur Lunatics: Investigative Journalism, Asylum Reform, and the Undercover Authorship of Lewis Wingfield . Victorian Literature and Culture vol. 50 , ( 4 ) 721 - 755 .
Rubery M ( 2022 ) . Reader's Block A History of Reading Differences .
Donovan S, Rubery M ( 2021 ) . Emigration with a Vengeance: Undercover Investigative Journalism and Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Amateur Emigrant . Victorian Periodicals Review vol. 54 , ( 4 ) 527 - 563 .
Donovan, Rubery ( 2021 ) . Doing the Amateur Casual: Victorian Investigative Journalism and the Legacy of James Greenwood's “A Night in a Workhouse” . Victorian Studies vol. 63 , ( 3 )
Rubery M ( 2020 ) . Book Audio . The Unfinished Book ,
Rubery M ( 2020 ) . "The Turn of the Screw" on the Turntable . The Henry James Review vol. 41 , ( 3 ) 233 - 246 .
Cannon C, Rubery M ( 2020 ) . Introduction to “Aurality and Literacy” . PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America vol. 135 , ( 2 ) 350 - 356 .
Rubery M ( 2020 ) . The Confessions of a Synesthetic Reader . Configurations
Rubery M ( 2020 ) . Further Reading . Editors: Rubery, M , Oxford University Press
Rubery M ( 2019 ) . Reader's Block: Alexia, Neurological Reading Disorders, and the Postliterate Condition . Literature and Medicine vol. 37 , ( 2 ) 251 - 277 .
RUBERY MC ( 2018 ) . Ulysses, Blindness, and Accessible Modernism . New Literary History ( Winter )
Rubery M ( 2018 ) . The Routledge Handbook to Nineteenth-Century British Periodicals and Newspapers . VICTORIAN STUDIES vol. 60 , ( 2 ) 337 - 339 .
RUBERY MC ( 2016 ) . The Untold Story of the Talking Book . Harvard University Press
Rubery M ( 2016 ) . Performing Authorship in the Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Lecture Tour . VICTORIAN STUDIES vol. 58 , ( 3 ) 539 - 541 .
Rubery M ( 2014 ) . From Shell Shock to Shellac: The Great War, Blindness, and Britain’s Talking Book Library . Modern British History vol. 26 , ( 1 ) 1 - 25 .
Rubery M ( 2014 ) . Thomas Edison’s Poetry Machine . 19 Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century vol. 2014 , ( 18 ) Article 1447 , 18 - 18 .
Rubery M ( 2013 ) . The David Livingstone Spectral Imaging Project . Scottish Geographical Journal vol. 129 , ( 3-4 ) 240 - 242 .
RUBERY MC ( 2013 ) . Canned Literature: The Book after Edison . Book History vol. 16 , 215 - 245 .
Rubery M ( 2013 ) . Reading Groups, Libraries and Social Inclusion: Experiences of Blind and Partially Sighted People . PUBLISHING HISTORY vol. 74 , 103 - 106 .
Rubery M ( 2012 ) . The Victorian Walkman . Victorian Review vol. 38 , ( 2 ) 9 - 13 .
Cocks HG, Rubery M ( 2012 ) . Margins of print: Ephemera, print culture and lost histories of the newspaper . Media History vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 1 - 5 .
RUBERY MC ( 2012 ) . 'Canned Literature: The Book after Edison' . Book History ( 15 )
RUBERY MC ( 2011 ) . A Transatlantic Sensation: Stanley's Search for Livingstone and the Anglo-American Press . The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture Volume Six: US Popular Print Culture 1860-1920 , Editors: Bold, C , vol. Volume Six: US Popul , Oxford University Press
Rubery M ( 2011 ) . Introduction: Talking books .
Rubery MC ( 2011 ) . Audiobooks, Literature, and Sound Studies . Editors: Rubery, MC , Routledge
Rubery M ( 2010 ) . Victorian Print Culture, Journalism and the Novel . Literature Compass vol. 7 , ( 4 ) 290 - 300 .
RUBERY M ( 2010 ) . Journalism . The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Culture , Editors: O'Gorman, F , Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
Rubery M ( 2009 ) . Advertising, Subjectivity and the Nineteenth-Century Novel: Dickens, Balzac and the Language of the Walls . DICKENS QUART vol. 26 , ( 4 ) 264 - 267 .
RUBERY M ( 2009 ) . Journalism and the Novel: Truth and Fiction, 1700-2000 . Media History vol. 15 , ( 3 )
RUBERY M ( 2009 ) . Science and Technology . Conrad in Context , Editors: Simmons, AH , Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
Rubery M ( 2009 ) . The Mass Image: A Social History of Photomechanical Reproduction in Victorian London . VICTORIAN STUD vol. 51 , ( 3 ) 532 - 534 .
RUBERY M ( 2009 ) . The Novelty of Newspapers: Victorian Fiction after the Invention of the News . Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
RUBERY M ( 2009 ) . Victorian Literature Out Loud: Digital Audio Resources for the Classroom . Journal of Victorian Culture vol. 14 , ( 1 ) 134 - 140 .
Rubery M ( 2008 ) . Knowing Dickens . DICKENS QUART vol. 25 , ( 2 ) 118 - 120 .
Rubery M ( 2008 ) . Bleak House in Real Time . English Language Notes vol. 46 , ( 1 ) 113 - 118 .
Rubery M ( 2008 ) . Bleak House in real time . English Language Notes vol. 46 , ( 1 ) 112 - 118 .
Rubery M ( 2008 ) . Henry James, in Short . HENRY JAMES REV vol. 29 , ( 3 ) 222 - 228 .
RUBERY M ( 2008 ) . Moulding the Female Body in Victorian Fairy Tales and Sensation Novels Book review . British Association of Victorian Studies (BAVS)
RUBERY MC ( 2008 ) . Play It Again, Sam Weller: New Digital Audiobooks and Old Ways of Reading . Journal of Victorian Culture vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 58 - 79 .
Rubery M ( 2007 ) . Charles Dickens's A 'Tale of Two Cities' . DICKENS QUART vol. 24 , ( 3 ) 179 - 182 .
RUBERY MC ( 2007 ) . Narrating the News: New Journalism and Literary Genre in Late Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers and Fiction . Media History vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 115 - 117 .
Rubery M ( 2007 ) . Wishing to be interviewed in Henry James's The 'Reverberator' . HENRY JAMES REV vol. 28 , ( 1 ) 57 - 72 .
Rubery M ( 2006 ) . Unspoken intimacy in Henry James's The 'Papers' . NINETEEN CENT LIT vol. 61 , ( 3 ) 343 - 367 .
Rubery M ( 2006 ) . Life writing and Victorian culture . REV ENGL STUD vol. 57 , ( 232 ) 841 - 843 .
RUBERY MC ( 2004 ) . Joseph Conrad’s “Wild Story of a Journalist” . ELH vol. 71 , ( 3 ) 751 - 774 .

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