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Publications: Prof Deborah Swinglehurst

Owen-Boukra E, Cai Z, Duddy C, Fudge N, Hamer-Hunt J, Husson F, Mahtani KR, Ogden M et al. ( 2024 ) . Collaborative and integrated working between general practice and community pharmacies: A realist review of what works, for whom, and in which contexts . Journal of Health Services Research & Policy
Thomson A, Fudge N, Van Blarikom E, Swinglehurst D ( 2024 ) . Addressing Polypharmacy: Developing Public-Facing Resources Through Storytelling-Based Co-Design . International Journal of Qualitative Methods vol. 23 ,
Pocknell S, Fudge N, Collins S, Roberts C, Swinglehurst D ( 2024 ) . ‘Troubling’ medication reviews in the context of polypharmacy and ageing: A linguistic ethnography . Social Science & Medicine vol. 352 ,
Hawking MKD, Swinglehurst D ( 2024 ) . Seeking help for atrial fibrillation: the role of the body in distributed decision making . Social Science & Medicine vol. 350 ,
Barnard R, Spooner S, Hubmann M, Checkland K, Campbell J, Swinglehurst D ( 2024 ) . The hidden work of general practitioners: An ethnography . Social Science & Medicine vol. 350 ,
Paparini S, Spitters S, Swinglehurst D, Brenman N, Wherton J, Gill M, Spooner S, Shaw S ( 2024 ) . 45 How digital innovation in primary care disrupts the clinical consultation . Conference: 45 How digital innovation in primary care disrupts the clinical consultationa17.1 - a1a17 .
Hibbs SP, Smith ML, Swinglehurst D ( 2024 ) . Obituary for a diagnosis: B‐cell prolymphocytic leukaemia (1974–2022) . HemaSphere vol. 8 , ( 2 )
Sultan N, Swinglehurst D ( 2023 ) . Living with polypharmacy: a narrative interview study with older Pakistanis in East London . BMC Geriatrics vol. 23 , ( 1 )
van Blarikom E, Fudge N, Swinglehurst D ( 2023 ) . Multimorbidity as chronic crisis: ‘Living on’ with multiple long‐term health conditions in a socially disadvantaged London borough . Sociology of Health & Illness vol. 46 , ( 4 ) 608 - 626 .
van Blarikom E, Fudge N, Swinglehurst D ( 2023 ) . Multimorbidity: a problem in the body, or a problem of the system? . British Journal of General Practice vol. 73 , ( 735 ) 443 - 444 .
Hogger L, Fudge N, Swinglehurst D ( 2023 ) . Supporting Inclusion and Participation for People Living With Dementia: Ethnographic and Participatory Research Methods . International Journal of Qualitative Methods vol. 22 ,
Hawking MKD, Dezateux C, Swinglehurst D ( 2023 ) . Weighing up the future: a meta-ethnography of household perceptions of the National Child Measurement Programme in England . Critical Public Health vol. 33 , ( 4 ) 395 - 408 .
Owen EC, Abrams R, Cai Z, Duddy C, Fudge N, Hamer-Hunt J, Husson F, Mahtani KR et al. ( 2022 ) . Community pharmacy and general practice collaborative and integrated working: a realist review protocol . BMJ Open vol. 12 , ( 12 )
van Blarikom E, Fudge N, Swinglehurst D ( 2022 ) . The emergence of multimorbidity as a matter of concern: a critical review . BioSocieties vol. 18 , ( 3 ) 614 - 631 .
Swinglehurst D, Hogger L, Fudge N ( 2022 ) . Negotiating the polypharmacy paradox: a video-reflexive ethnography study of polypharmacy and its practices in primary care . BMJ Quality & Safety vol. 32 , ( 3 ) 150 - 159 .
Fudge N, Swinglehurst D ( 2021 ) . Keeping in balance on the multimorbidity tightrope: A narrative analysis of older patients’ experiences of living with and managing multimorbidity . Social Science & Medicine114532 - 114532 .
Swinglehurst D, Fudge N ( 2021 ) . Organising polypharmacy: Unpacking medicines, unpacking meanings - An ethnographic study . BMJ Open vol. 11 , ( 8 )
Sultan N, Swinglehurst D ( 2021 ) . Self-Management in Older Pakistanis Living With Multimorbidity in East London . Qualitative Health Research
Lea K, Hjörleifsson S, Swinglehurst D ( 2021 ) . Digital Consumer Health: Negotiating Multiple Voices in the Clinical Consultation . Professions and Professionalism vol. 11 , ( 1 )
Fudge N, Swinglehurst D ( 2021 ) . ‘It's all about patient safety’: an ethnographic study of how pharmacy staff construct medicines safety in the context of polypharmacy . BMJ Open vol. 11 , ( 2 ) e042504 - e042504 .
Cotter C, Samos D, Swinglehurst D ( 2021 ) . Framing obesity in public discourse: Representation through metaphor across text type . Journal of Pragmatics
Swinglehurst D, Dowrick C, Heath I, Hjörleifsson S, Hull S, Misselbrook D, Reeve J ( 2020 ) . ‘Bad old habits’ … and what really matters . British Journal of General Practice vol. 70 , ( 699 ) 485 - 486 .
Hawking M, Robson J, Taylor S, Swinglehurst D ( 2020 ) . Adherence and the moral construction of the self: a narrative analysis of anticoagulant medication . Qualitative Health Research
Potter JL, Burman M, Tweed CD, Vaghela D, Kunst H, Swinglehurst D, Griffiths CJ ( 2020 ) . The NHS visitor and migrant cost recovery programme – a threat to health? . BMC Public Health vol. 20 , ( 1 )
Fudge N, Swinglehurst D ( 2020 ) . "Doing safety" in community pharmacy: An ethnographic study . PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY . Conference: Prescribing and Research in Medicines Management (PRIMM UK & Ireland) ( Manchester ) vol. 29 , 13 - 14 .
Spencer S, Swinglehurst D ( 2020 ) . Supporting carers . InnovAiT Education and inspiration for general practice vol. 13 , ( 4 ) 213 - 217 .
Younie L, Swinglehurst D ( 2019 ) . Creative enquiry and the clinical encounter . British Journal of General Practice vol. 70 , ( 690 ) 26 - 27 .
Swinglehurst D ( 2019 ) . Video-reflexive Ethnography in health research and healthcare improvement: theory and application . Health Sociology Review vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 339 - 340 .
Younie L, Swinglehurst D ( 2019 ) . Creative enquiry and reflective general practice . British Journal of General Practice vol. 69 , ( 686 ) 446 - 447 .
Swinglehurst D, Fudge N ( 2019 ) . Addressing the polypharmacy challenge in older people with multimorbidity (APOLLO-MM): Study protocol for an in-depth ethnographic case study in primary care . BMJ Open vol. 9 , ( 8 )
Swinglehurst D, Hjörleifsson S ( 2018 ) . The Everyday Ethics of Burdensome Polypharmacy . Public Policy & Aging Report vol. 28 , ( 4 ) 113 - 115 .
Swinglehurst D, Atkins S ( 2018 ) . When ‘yes’ means ‘no’: why the small details of clinical interactions matter . British Journal of General Practice vol. 68 , ( 674 ) 410 - 411 .
CLINCH ML, SHAW S, ASHCROFT R, SWINGLEHURST D ( 2018 ) . Liminality in Practice: A Case study in Life Sciences Research . BioSocieties
Potter J, White V, Swinglehurst D, Griffiths C ( 2018 ) . 4.10-P7Did migrants with tuberculosis in the UK know their condition was exempt from charges? . European Journal of Public Health . vol. 28 ,
Armstrong N, Swinglehurst D ( 2018 ) . Understanding medical overuse: the case of problematic polypharmacy and the potential of ethnography . Family Practice vol. 35 , ( 5 ) 526 - 527 .
Potter J, Burman M, Tweed C, Vanghuela D, White V, Swinglehurst D, Griffiths C, Kunst H ( 2017 ) . S27 Have recent changes to health policies increased diagnostic delay amongst migrant patients with active tb? . Thorax . Conference: TB: from screening to compliance vol. 72 ,
Casey M, Shaw S, SWINGLEHURST D ( 2017 ) . Experiences with online consultation systems in primary care: case study of one early adopter site . British Journal of General Practice
Swinglehurst D, Fudge N ( 2017 ) . The polypharmacy challenge: time for a new script? . Br J Gen Pract vol. 67 , ( 662 ) 388 - 389 .
Dowrick C, Heath I, Hjorleifsson S, Misselbrook D, May C, Reeve J, SWINGLEHURST D, Toon P ( 2016 ) . Recovering the self: a manifesto for primary care . BJGP vol. 66 , 582 - 583 .
Walumbe J, Swinglehurst D, Shaw S ( 2016 ) . Any qualified provider: a qualitative case study of one community NHS Trust's response . BMJ Open vol. 6 , ( 2 )
Greenhalgh T, Annandale E, Ashcroft R, Barlow J, Black N, Bleakley A, Boaden R, Braithwaite J et al. ( 2016 ) . An open letter to The BMJ editors on qualitative research . The BMJ vol. 352 ,
Swinglehurst D, Emmerich N, Maybin J, Park S, Quilligan S ( 2015 ) . Confronting the quality paradox: Towards new characterisations of 'quality' in contemporary healthcare . BMC Health Services Research vol. 15 , ( 1 )
Swinglehurst D, Emmerich N, Maybin J, Park S, Quilligan S ( 2015 ) . Confronting the quality paradox: towards new characterisations of ‘quality’ in contemporary healthcare . BMC Health Services Research vol. 15 , ( 1 )
Emmerich N, Swinglehurst D, Maybin J, Park S, Quilligan S ( 2015 ) . Caring for quality of care: symbolic violence and the bureaucracies of audit . BMC Medical Ethics vol. 16 , ( 1 )
Swinglehurst D, Greenhalgh T ( 2015 ) . Caring for the patient, caring for the record: an ethnographic study of ‘back office’ work in upholding quality of care in general practice . BMC Health Services Research vol. 15 , ( 1 )
Swinglehurst D ( 2015 ) . How Linguistic Ethnography May Enhance Our Understanding of Electronic Patient Records in Health Care Settings . Linguistic Ethnography , Springer Nature
Greenhalgh T, Swinglehurst D, Stones R ( 2014 ) . Rethinking 'resistance' to big IT: A sociological study of why and when healthcare staff do not use nationally mandated information and communication technologies . Health and Social Care Delivery Research vol. 2 , ( 39 ) 1 - 86 .
Swinglehurst D ( 2014 ) . Displays of authority in the clinical consultation: a linguistic ethnographic study of the electronic patient record . Soc Sci Med vol. 118 , 17 - 26 .
Swinglehurst D, Roberts C, Li S, Weber O, Singy P ( 2014 ) . Beyond the 'dyad': a qualitative re-evaluation of the changing clinical consultation . BMJ Open vol. 4 , ( 9 )
Russell J, Swinglehurst D, Greenhalgh T ( 2014 ) . 'Cosmetic boob jobs' or evidence-based breast surgery: an interpretive policy analysis of the rationing of 'low value' treatments in the English National Health Service . BMC Health Serv Res vol. 14 ,
Swinglehurst D, Emmerich N, Maybin J, Park S, Quilligan S ( 2014 ) . Rethinking 'quality' in health care . J Health Serv Res Policy vol. 19 , ( 2 ) 65 - 66 .
Dhedhi SA, Swinglehurst D, Russell J ( 2014 ) . 'Timely' diagnosis of dementia: what does it mean? A narrative analysis of GPs' accounts . BMJ Open vol. 4 , ( 3 )
Greenhalgh T, Stones R, Swinglehurst D ( 2014 ) . Choose and Book: a sociological analysis of 'resistance' to an expert system . Soc Sci Med vol. 104 , 210 - 219 .
Swinglehurst D, Roberts C ( 2014 ) . The role of the electronic patient record in the clinical consultation . The Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication ,
Swinglehurst D, Greenhalgh T, Roberts C ( 2012 ) . Computer templates in chronic disease management: ethnographic case study in general practice . BMJ Open vol. 2 , ( 6 )
SWINGLEHURST D, Greenhalgh T, Russell J, Myall M ( 2011 ) . Hidden work: Ethnographic analysis of receptionist input to quality and safety in repeat prescribing in UK general practice . BMJ: British Medical Journal
Swinglehurst D, Greenhalgh T, Russell J, Myall M ( 2011 ) . Receptionist input to quality and safety in repeat prescribing in UK general practice: ethnographic case study . BRIT MED J vol. 343 , Article d6788 ,
Greenhalgh T, Swinglehurst D ( 2011 ) . Studying technology use as social practice: the untapped potential of ethnography . BMC Med vol. 9 ,
SWINGLEHURST D, Roberts C, Greenhalgh T ( 2011 ) . Opening up the "black box" of the electronic patient record: a linguistic ethnographic study in general practice . Communication and Medicine vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 3 - 15 .
Swinglehurst D, Greenhalgh T, Russell J, Myall M ( 2011 ) . Receptionist input to quality and safety in repeat prescribing in UK general practice: ethnographic case study . BMJ vol. 343 ,
Swinglehurst D, Greenhalgh T, Myall M, Russell J ( 2010 ) . Ethnographic study of ICT-supported collaborative work routines in general practice . BMC Health Serv Res vol. 10 ,
Greenhalgh T, Potts HWW, Wong G, Bark P, Swinglehurst D ( 2009 ) . Tensions and paradoxes in electronic patient record research: a systematic literature review using the meta-narrative method . Milbank Q vol. 87 , ( 4 ) 729 - 788 .
Swinglehurst D, Russell J, Greenhalgh T ( 2008 ) . Peer observation of teaching in the online environment: an action research approach . J COMPUT ASSIST LEAR vol. 24 , ( 5 ) 383 - 393 .
Russell J, Elton L, Swinglehurst D, Greenhalgh T ( 2006 ) . Using the online environment in assessment for learning: a case-study of a web-based course in primary care . Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education vol. 31 , ( 4 ) 465 - 478 .
Greenhalgh T, Russell J, Swinglehurst D ( 2005 ) . Narrative methods in quality improvement research . Qual Saf Health Care vol. 14 , ( 6 ) 443 - 449 .
Swinglehurst D ( 2005 ) . Evidence-based guidelines: the theory and the practice . Evidence-based Healthcare and Public Health vol. 9 , ( 4 ) 308 - 314 .
Swinglehurst D ( 2005 ) . Information needs of United Kingdom primary care clinicians . Health Information and Libraries Journal vol. 22 , ( 3 )
Swinglehurst D ( 2004 ) . Coping and complaining: Attachment and the language of disease. Simon R Wilkinson. (318 pages, £16.99.) Brunner-Routledge, 2003. ISBN 1-58391-170-7 . Family Practice vol. 21 , ( 3 ) 331 - 331 .
Greenhalgh T, Hughes J, Humphrey C, Rogers S, Swinglehurst D, Martin P ( 2002 ) . A comparative case study of two models of a clinical informaticist service . BMJ vol. 324 , ( 7336 ) 524 - 529 .
Swinglehurst D, Pierce M, Fuller JC ( 2001 ) . A clinical informaticist to support primary care decision making . Quality in Health Care vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 245 - 249 .
Swinglehurst D, Pierce M ( 2000 ) . Questioning in General Practice - a tool for change . British Journal of General Practice vol. 50 , ( 458 ) 747 - 750 .

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