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Publications: Dr Amanda Arnold

Jones JI, Lloyd CEM, Murphy JF, Arnold A, Duerdoth CP, Hawczak A, Pretty JL, Johnes PJ et al. ( 2023 ) . What do macroinvertebrate indices measure? Stressor‐specific stream macroinvertebrate indices can be confounded by other stressors . Freshwater Biology vol. 68 , ( 8 ) 1330 - 1345 .
Arnold A, Murphy JF, Pretty JL, Duerdoth CP, Smith BD, Rainbow PS, Spencer KL, Collins AL et al. ( 2021 ) . Accumulation of trace metals in freshwater macroinvertebrates across metal contamination gradients . Environmental Pollution vol. 276 , Article 116721 , 116721 - 116721 .
Jones JI, Vdovchenko A, Cooling D, Murphy JF, Arnold A, Pretty JL, Spencer KL, Markus AA et al. ( 2020 ) . Systematic Analysis of the Relative Abundance of Polymers Occurring as Microplastics in Freshwaters and Estuaries . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health vol. 17 , ( 24 ) 9304 - 9304 .
Armitage PD, Murphy J, Pretty JL, Davy-Bowker J, Tapia G, Arnold A, Jones JI ( 2020 ) . Faunal community change in the sediment impacted Bovington Stream and the River Frome (Dorset, UK) between 1998 and 2016 . SN Applied Sciences
Jones J, Murphy JF, Arnold A, Pretty J, Spencer K, Markus AA, Vethaak AD ( 2020 ) . Analysis, Prevalence & Impact of Microplastics in Freshwater and Estuarine Environments Evidence Review 2 What are the sources of the microplastics found in freshwater environments? . Defra ( London ), report no. WT15112.ER2 ,
Jones J, Murphy J, Arnold A, Pretty J, Spencer K, Markus AA, Vethaak AD ( 2020 ) . Evidence Reviews on Analysis, Prevalence & Impact of Microplastics in Freshwater and Estuarine Environments Evidence Review 3 What is/are the impact(s) of microplastics on freshwater and estuarine biota? . Defra ( London ), report no. WT15112.ER3 ,
Jones J, Murphy JF, Arnold A, Pretty J, Spencer K, Markus AA, Vethaak AD ( 2020 ) . Evidence Reviews on Analysis, Prevalence & Impact of Microplastics in Freshwater and Estuarine Environments. Evidence Review 1 Are the current sampling and analytical methods scientifically robust and appropriate? . Defra ( Defra, London ), report no. WT15112.ER1 ,
JONES JI, Spencer K, Rainbow PS, Collins AL, Murphy J, Arnold A, Duerdoth CP, Pretty JL et al. ( 2019 ) . The Ecological Impacts of Contaminated Sediment from Abandoned Metal Mines . Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ( London, UK ), report no. WT0970 ,
Blackman R, Mächler E, Altermatt F, Arnold A, Beja P, Boets P, Egeter B, Elbrecht V et al. ( 2019 ) . Advancing the use of molecular methods for routine freshwater macroinvertebrate biomonitoring – the need for calibration experiments . Metabarcoding and Metagenomics vol. 3 ,
JONES JI, MURPHY JF, Collins AL, SPENCER KL, RAINBOW PS, ARNOLD A, PRETTY J, Moorhouse AML et al. ( 2019 ) . The Impact of Metal-Rich Sediments Derived from Mining on Freshwater Stream Life . Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology vol. 247 , 1 - 79 .
MURPHY JF, Jones JI, Arnold A, Duerdoth CP, Pretty JL, Naden PS, Sear DA, Collins AL ( 2017 ) . Can macroinvertebrate biological traits indicate fine‐grained sediment conditions in streams? . River Research and Applications
Jones JI, Douthwright TA, Arnold A, Duerdoth CP, MURPHY JF, Edwards FK, Pretty JL ( 2017 ) . Diatoms As Indicators Of Fine Sediment Stress . Ecohydrology
Jones JI, Murphy JF, Anthony SG, Arnold A, Blackburn JH, Duerdoth CP, Hawczak A, Hughes GO et al. ( 2016 ) . Do agri-environment schemes result in improved water quality? . Journal of Applied Ecology
Naden PS, Murphy JF, Old GH, Newman J, Scarlett P, Harman M, Duerdoth CP, Hawczak A et al. ( 2016 ) . Understanding the controls on deposited fine sediment in the streams of agricultural catchments . The Science of The Total Environment vol. 547 , 366 - 381 .
Murphy JF, Jones JI, Pretty JL, Duerdoth CP, Hawczak A, Arnold A, Blackburn JH, Naden PS et al. ( 2015 ) . Development of a biotic index using stream macroinvertebrates to assess stress from deposited fine sediment . Freshwater Biology vol. 60 , ( 10 ) 2019 - 2036 .
Murphy JF, Jones JI, Pretty JL, Duerdoth CP, Hawczak A, Arnold A, Blackburn JH, Naden PS et al. ( 2015 ) . Development of a biotic index using stream macroinvertebrates to assess stress from deposited fine sediment . Freshwater Biology vol. 60 , ( 10 ) 2019 - 2036 .
Jones I, Growns I, Arnold A, McCall S, Bowes M ( 2015 ) . The effects of increased flow and fine sediment on hyporheic invertebrates and nutrients in stream mesocosms . Freshwater Biology vol. 60 , ( 4 ) 813 - 826 .
Duerdoth CP, Arnold A, Murphy JF, Naden PS, Scarlett P, Collins AL, Sear DA, JONES JI ( 2014 ) . Assessment of a rapid method for quantitative reach-scale estimates of deposited fine sediment in rivers . Geomorphology vol. 230 , 37 - 50 .
Lancaster J, Downes BJ, Arnold A ( 2011 ) . Lasting effects of maternal behaviour on the distribution of a dispersive stream insect . Journal of Animal Ecology vol. 80 , ( 5 ) 1061 - 1069 .
Lancaster J, Downes BJ, Arnold A ( 2010 ) . Oviposition site selectivity of some stream-dwelling caddisflies . Hydrobiologia vol. 652 , ( 1 ) 165 - 178 .
Lancaster J, Downes BJ, Arnold A ( 2010 ) . Environmental constraints on oviposition limit egg supply of a stream insect at multiple scales . Oecologia vol. 163 , ( 2 ) 373 - 384 .
Lancaster J, Dobson M, Magana AM, Arnold A, Mathooko JM ( 2008 ) . AN UNUSUAL TROPHIC SUBSIDY AND SPECIES DOMINANCE IN A TROPICAL STREAM . Ecology vol. 89 , ( 8 ) 2325 - 2334 .