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Publications: Dr James Vigus

Vigus J ( 2024 ) . Almost Quakers: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and the Society of Friends . Il Confronto Letterario vol. 80 , 193 - 218 .
Vigus J ( 2024 ) . Henry Crabb Robinson, William Blake and Anglo-German Cultural Relations . William Blake's Universe , Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge ( Cambridge ),
Vigus J ( 2024 ) . Philosophy . The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism and Religion , Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
Vigus J ( 2023 ) . "Strange Sight this Congress!" Byron's The Age of Bronze (1823) and the Congress of Verona . English Literature: Theories, Interpretations, Contexts vol. 2022 , ( 9 ) 25 - 42 .
Vigus J ( 2020 ) . Coleridge’s Shakespearean Transformation of Schiller’s Wallenstein Plays . Textual Transformations Purposing and Repurposing Books from Richard Baxter to Samuel Taylor Coleridge , Oxford University Press, USA
Vigus J ( 2020 ) . Shandeanism, the Imagination, and Mysticism: Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria . Romanticism, Philosophy, and Literature , Palgrave Macmillan ( New York ),
Vigus J ( 2019 ) . 'This is not quite fair, Master More!' Coleridge and the Cambridge Platonists . Revisioning Cambridge Platonism: Sources and Legacy , Springer
Vigus J ( 2019 ) . Die Schachnovelle im Hinblick auf die Geschichte des Schachs . Schachnovelle Stefan Zweigs letztes Werk neu gelesen ,
Vigus J ( 2018 ) . A Weimar Constellation: Aesthetic Autonomy in Henry Crabb Robinson’s Private Lectures (1804) and Madame de Staël’s Corinne ou l’Italie (1807) . Idealismus und Romantik in Jena Figuren und Konzepte zwischen 1794 und 1807 , Verlag Wilhelm Fink
Vigus J ( 2018 ) . Continental Romanticism in Britain . The Oxford Handbook of British Romanticism , Oxford University Press
VIGUS JE ( 2017 ) . Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (1798) . Handbook of British Romanticism , Walter de Gruyter GmbH
VIDAL DOVAL R ( 2017 ) . A 'Romantic State of Uncertainty': William Hazlitt’s 'On Going a Journey' . Romantic Ambiguities: Abodes of the Modern ,
VIGUS JE ( 2017 ) . The Owlet Atheism in the 1790s: An Essay on Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Henry Crabb Robinson . Les philosophes et la libre pensée, ed. Gianenrico Paganini and Lorenzo Bianchi , Honoré Champion
VIGUS JE ( 2016 ) . “You surely don’t wish to cure Anglomania with Anglophobia”: Henry Crabb Robinson’s Debate on National Character and the English Reception of German Literature in the Neue Berlinische Monatschrift in 1803 . Angermion
VIGUS JE ( 2015 ) . ‘Conscience is God: Macbeth and Coleridge’s Translation of the Wallenstein Plays of Friedrich Schiller’ . Coleridge Bulletin vol. n.s. 46 , ( Winter 2015 ) 17 - 36 .
VIGUS JE ( 2014 ) . 'Inspirations of which we are not capable of judging': Coleridge's View of the Daimonion of Socrates and its Unitarian Context . The Coleridge Bulletin vol. 43 , ( Summer 2014 ) 16 - 27 .
VIGUS JE ( 2014 ) . Review: Stephen Gill, Wordsworth's Revisitings (Oxford, 2011) . Notes and Queries: for readers and writers, collectors and librarians vol. 259 , ( 1 ) 169 - 170 .
VIGUS JE ( 2014 ) . The Philosophy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge . The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century , Oxford University Press
Vieweg K, Vigus J, Wheeler KM ( 2013 ) . Shandean Humour in English and German Literature and Philosophy . Maney Publishing
VIGUS JE ( 2013 ) . "All are but parts of one stupendous whole"? Henry Crabb Robinson's Dilemma . Symbol and Intuition: Comparative Studies in Kantian and Romantic-Period Aesthetics , Editors: Vigus, J, Huehn, H , Legenda (MHRA)
VIGUS JE ( 2013 ) . Adapting Rights: Thomas Taylor's A Vindication of the Rights of Brutes . Romantic Adaptations , Editors: Duffy, C, Howell, P , Ashgate ( Farnham ),
VIGUS JE ( 2013 ) . ‘“Do ‘Friends’ allow puns’? Lamb on Quakers, Language and Silence’ . The Charles Lamb Bulletin2 - 17 .
VIGUS JE ( 2013 ) . “That which people do trample upon must be thy food”: The Animal Creation in The Journal of George Fox . Ethical Perspectives on Animals in the Early Modern Period , Sismel ( Florence ),
VIGUS JE, Huehn H ( 2012 ) . Introduction . Symbol and Intuition: Comparative Studies in Kantian and Romantic-Period Aesthetics , Editors: Huehn, H, Vigus, J , Legenda (MHRA)
Hühn H, Vigus J ( 2012 ) . Symbol and Intuition: Comparative Studies in Kantian and Romantic-Period Aesthetics . Legenda
VIGUS JE ( 2012 ) . The Spark of Intuitive Reason: Coleridge's "On the Prometheus of Aeschylus" . Symbol and Intuition: Comparative Studies in Kantian and Romantic-Period Aesthetics , Editors: Vigus, J, Huehn, H , Legenda
VIGUS JE ( 2012 ) . Informal Religion: Lakers on Quakers . Informal Romanticism , Editors: Vigus, JE , Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier ( Trier ),
Vigus J ( 2012 ) . Chess Developments: The Pirc . Everyman Chess
VIGUS JE ( 2012 ) . Informal Romanticism . Editors: VIGUS, JE , Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier ( Trier ),
VIGUS JE ( 2012 ) . Quaker Picaresque . Anglistentag 2011 Freiburg: Proceedings, , Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier ( Trier ),
VIGUS JE ( 2012 ) . Romantic Insight . Die Aktualitaet der Romantik , Editors: Vieweg, K, Forster, M ,
Bode C ( 2011 ) . The Novel: An Introduction . Wiley-Blackwell
VIGUS JE ( 2011 ) . Hazlitt and Hume: Personal Identity as Imaginative Narration . Romantic Explorations , Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
VIGUS JE ( 2011 ) . James Vigus reads Coleridge Sauce, ed. by Chris Wakefield (Ottery St. Mary: Coleridge Memorial Project, 2011) . The Coleridge Bulletin vol. n.s. 39 , ( 1 (Summer 2012) ) 130 - 131 .
VIGUS JE ( 2011 ) . James Vigus reads: Alan D. Vardy, Constructing Coleridge (Palgrave, 2010) . The Coleridge Bulletin vol. n.s. 38 , ( Winter 2011 ) 130 - 132 .
VIGUS JE ( 2011 ) . Review: John Beer, Coleridge's Play of Mind . The Review of English Studies: the leading journal of English literature and language vol. 62 , ( 257 (2011) ) 825 - 826 .
VIGUS JE ( 2011 ) . Review: Tim Milnes, The Truth About Romanticism (Oxford: OUP, 2010) . The Review of English Studies: the leading journal of English literature and language vol. 62 , ( 254 ) 316 - 318 .
VIGUS JE ( 2011 ) . The Romantic Fragment and the Legitimation of Philosophy: Platonic Poems of Reason . University of Birmingham, Leopardi Centre
VIGUS JE ( 2010 ) . Henry Crabb Robinson: Essays on Kant, Schelling, and German Aesthetics . MHRA Notes: The book collects thirteen essays and one set of lecture notes written by Henry Crabb Robinson during his period in Germany (1800-1805). Robinson, though generally considered no more than a reporter on the activities of more eminent friends, in fact wrote a series of 'Letters on the Philosophy of Kant', distinguished for their clarity, accuracy, and liveliness. Furthermore, his lecture notes on Schelling and German aesthetics provide a valuable guide to the key German texts. ,
VIGUS JE ( 2010 ) . Henry Crabb Robinson’s “initiation into the mysteries of the New School” . Romantic Localities: Europe Writes Place , Editors: Bode, C, Labbe, J , Pickering & Chatto ( London ),
Vigus J ( 2009 ) . Platonic Coleridge . Mhra
VIGUS JE ( 2009 ) . Review: Ben Brice, Coleridge and Scepticism (Oxford: OUP, 2007) . The Review of English Studies: the leading journal of English literature and language vol. 60 , ( 243 ) 158 - 161 .
VIGUS JE ( 2009 ) . Transzendentalpoesie bei Friedrich Schlegel im Vergleich zum Begriff “philosophic poem” bei Coleridge . Friedrich Schlegel und Friedrich Nietzsche. Transzendentalpoesie oder Dichtkunst mit Begriffen , Editors: Vieweg, K , Schoeningh ( Paderborn ),
Vigus J, Wright J ( 2008 ) . Coleridge's Afterlives . Palgrave MacMillan
Vigus J ( 2008 ) . Play the Slav . Everyman Chess
VIGUS JE ( 2008 ) . Review: Henry R. West, An Introduction to Mill’s Utilitarian Ethics (Cambridge: CUP, 2004) . Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal fuer die Geisteswissenschaften
VIGUS JE ( 2008 ) . Coleridge's Textual Afterlives . Coleridge's Afterlives , Editors: Vigus, J, Wright, J , Palgrave Macmillan ( Basingstoke ),
VIGUS JE ( 2008 ) . James Vigus reads: British and European Romanticisms, ed. by Christoph Bode and Sebastian Domsch (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2007) . The Coleridge Bulletin vol. n.s. 31 , ( Summer 2008 ) 115 - 117 .
VIGUS JE, Wright J ( 2008 ) . Preface . Coleridge's Afterlives , Editors: Vigus, J, Wright, J , Palgrave Macmillan ( Basingstoke ),
VIGUS JE ( 2008 ) . Zwischen Kantianismus und Schellingianismus: Henry Crabb Robinsons Privatvorlesungen über Philosophie für Madame de Staël 1804 in Weimar . Germaine de Staël und ihr erstes deutsches Publikum , Editors: Kaiser, GR, Mueller, O , Winter ( Heidelberg ),
Vigus J ( 2007 ) . The Pirc in Black and White . Everyman Chess
VIGUS JE ( 2007 ) . Did Coleridge read Plato by anticipation? . The Coleridge Bulletin vol. n.s. 29 , ( Summer 2007 ) 65 - 73 .
VIGUS JE ( 2007 ) . James Vigus reads: Nicholas Reid, Coleridge, Form and Symbol (Ashgate, 2005) . The Coleridge Bulletin vol. n.s. 29 , ( Summer 2007 ) 112 - 117 .
VIGUS JE ( 2007 ) . Teach-yourself guides to the literary life, 1817-25: Coleridge, De Quincey, and Lamb . The Charles Lamb Bulletin vol. n.s. 140 , ( October 2007 ) 152 - 166 .
VIGUS JE ( 2006 ) . James Vigus reads: Alan P. R. Gregory, Coleridge and the Conservative Imagination (Mercer UP, 2003) . The Coleridge Bulletin vol. n.s. 26 , ( Winter 2005 ) 85 - 89 .
VIGUS JE ( 2006 ) . James Vigus reads: Pamela Edwards, The Statesman’s Science: History, Nature, Law in the Political Thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Columbia UP, 2004) . The Friends of Coleridge vol. n.s. 27 , ( Summer 2006 ) 67 - 71 .
VIGUS JE ( 2006 ) . “With his garland and his singing robes about him”: the persistence of the literary in the Opus Maximum . Coleridge's Assertion of Religion: Essays on the Opus Maximum , Editors: Barbeau, JW , Peeters ( Leuven ),
VIGUS JE ( 2005 ) . James Vigus reads: Peter Mortensen, British Romanticism and Continental Influences: Writing in an Age of Europhobia (Palgrave, 2004) . The Coleridge Bulletin vol. n.s. 25 , ( Summer 2005 ) 90 - 95 .
VIGUS JE, Wright J ( 2004 ) . Conference Report: Coleridge's Afterlives . The Friends of Coleridge

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