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Publications: Mr Angus McNelly

MCNELLY A ( 2021 ) . Baroque Modernity in Latin America: Situating Indigeneity, Urban Indigeneity and the Popular Economy . Bulletin of Latin American Research
McNelly A ( 2021 ) . The Uncertain Future of Bolivia’s Movement Toward Socialism . New Labor Forum vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 80 - 89 .
McNelly A ( 2021 ) . Crisis time, class formation and the end of Evo Morales . Bolivia at the Crossroads , Taylor & Francis
McNelly A ( 2020 ) . Goodale, Mark (2019) A Revolution in Fragments: Traversing Scales of Justice, Ideology and Practice in Bolivia, Duke University Press (Durham and London), xv + 297 pp. £90.00 hbk, £22.99 pbk . Bulletin of Latin American Research vol. 39 , ( 4 ) 540 - 542 .
McNelly A ( 2020 ) . The Incorporation of Social Organizations under the MAS in Bolivia . Latin American Perspectives vol. 47 , ( 4 ) 76 - 95 .
MCNELLY A ( 2019 ) . Experiences of the Left in Power: State Formation, Class Formation and the Production of Space in Urban Bolivia . Presented at: Queen Mary University of London ,
MCNELLY A ( 2019 ) . Neostructuralism and Its Class Character in the Political Economy of Bolivia Under Evo Morales . New Political Economy
McNelly A ( 2018 ) . Labour Bureaucracy and Labour Officialdom in Evo Morales's Bolivia . Development and Change vol. 50 , ( 4 ) 896 - 922 .
MCNELLY A ( 2017 ) . The Contours of Gramscian Theory in Bolivia: From Government Rhetoric to Radical Critique . Constellations vol. 24 , ( 3 ) 432 - 446 .