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Publications: Mr Panagiotis Koutroumpis

Goergen M, Gounopoulos D, Koutroumpis P ( 2021 ) . Do multiple credit ratings reduce money left on the table? Evidence from U.S. IPOs . Journal of Corporate Finance vol. 67 , 101898 - 101898 .
KOUTROUMPIS P, Campos N, Karanasos M, Zhang Z ( 2020 ) . Political instability, institutional change and economic growth in Brazil since 1870 . Journal of Institutional Economics
Hatgioannides J, Karanassou M, Sala H, Karanasos MG, Koutroumpis PD ( 2018 ) . The legacy of a fractured Eurozone: The Greek Dra(ch)ma . Geoforum vol. 93 , 11 - 21 .
Karanasos M, Koutroumpis P, Karavias Y, Kartsaklas A, Arakelian V ( 2016 ) . Inflation convergence in the EMU . Journal of Empirical Finance vol. 39 , Article PB , 241 - 253 .