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Publications:  Dr Francesca Lionetti

Lionetti F, Palladino BE, Moses Passini C, Casonato M, Hamzallari O, Ranta M, Dellagiulia A, Keijsers L(2019). The development of parental monitoring during adolescence: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Developmental Psychology vol. 16, (5) 552-580.
Lionetti F, Pastore M, Moscardino U, Nocentini A, Pluess K, Pluess M(2019). Sensory Processing Sensitivity and its association with personality traits and affect: A meta-analysis. Journal of Research in Personality vol. 81, 138-152.
Weyn S, Van Leeuwen K, PLUESS M, LIONETTI F, Greven C, Goossens L, Colpin H, Van Den Noortgate W et al.(2019). Psychometric Properties of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale Across Developmental Stage, Gender, and Country. Current Psychology
Marci T, Moscardino U, Lionetti F, Santona A, Altoé G(2019). Using Harter and Likert Response Formats in Middle Childhood: A Comparison of Attachment Measures. Assessment
Barone L, Ozturk Y, Lionetti F(2019). The key role of positive parenting and children’s temperament in post-institutionalized children’s socio-emotional adjustment after adoption placement. A RCT study. Social Development vol. 28, (1) 136-151.
Greven C, LIONETTI F, Booth C, Aron E, Fox E, Schendan H, PLUESS M, Bruining H et al.(2019). Sensory Processing Sensitivity in the context of Environmental Sensitivity: a critical review and development of research agenda. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Marci T, Lionetti F, Moscardino U, Pastore M, Calvo V, Altoé G(2018). Measuring attachment security via the Security Scale: Latent structure, invariance across mothers and fathers and convergent validity. European Journal of Developmental Psychology vol. 15, (4) 481-492.
Barone L, Barone V, Dellagiulia A, Lionetti F(2018). Testing an Attachment-Based Parenting Intervention-VIPP-FC/A in Adoptive Families with Post-institutionalized Children: Do Maternal Sensitivity and Genetic Markers Count?. Front Psychol vol. 9, 156-156.
Lionetti F, Aron A, Aron E, Burns GL, Jagiellowicz J, PLUESS M(2018). Dandelions, Tulips, and Orchids: Evidence for the Existence of Low, Medium, and High Sensitive Individuals. Translational Psychiatry
DE VILLIERS B, LIONETTI F, PLUESS M(2018). Vantage Sensitivity: A Framework for Individual Differences in Response to Psychological Intervention. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Duschinsky R, Van Ijzendoorn M, Foster S, Reijman S, Lionetti F(2018). Attachment histories and futures: reply to Vicedo’s ‘Putting attachment in its place’. European Journal of Developmental Psychology
PLUESS M, Assary E, Lionetti F, Lester K, Krapohl E, Aron E, Aron1 A(2018). Environmental Sensitivity in Children: Development of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale and Identification of Sensitivity Groups. Developmental Psychology
Pastore M, Lionetti F, Altoè G(2017). When One Shape Does Not Fit All: A Commentary Essay on the Use of Graphs in Psychological Research. Front Psychol vol. 8, 1666-1666.
Marci T, Lionetti F, Moscardino U, Pastore M, Calvo V, Altoé G(2017). Measuring attachment security via the Security Scale: Latent structure, invariance across mothers and fathers and convergent validity. European Journal of Developmental Psychology1-12.
Chiesi F, Dellagiulia A, Lionetti F, Bianchi G, Primi C(2017). Using Item Response Theory to Explore the Psychometric Properties of the Italian Version of the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM). Mindfulness vol. 8, (2) 351-360.
Barone L, Lionetti F, Green J(2017). A matter of attachment? How adoptive parents foster post-institutionalized children's social and emotional adjustment. Attach Hum Dev vol. 19, (4) 323-339.
Lionetti F, Mastrotheodoros S, Palladino BE(2017). Experiences in Close Relationships Revised Child version (ECR-RC): Psychometric evidence in support of a Security factor. European Journal of Developmental Psychology1-12.
Lionetti F, Altoè G, Pastore M(2017). Psychology's credibility crisis. Does statistic matter?. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo vol. 21, (1) 3-24.
Lionetti F, Keijsers L, Dellagiulia A, Pastore M(2016). Evidence of Factorial Validity of Parental Knowledge, Control and Solicitation, and Adolescent Disclosure Scales: When the Ordered Nature of Likert Scales Matters. Frontiers in Psychology vol. 7,
Barone L, Lionetti F, Dellagiulia A, Galli F, Molteni S, Balottin U(2015). Behavioural Problems in Children with Headache and Maternal Stress: Is Children's Attachment Security a Protective Factor?. Infant and Child Development vol. 25, (6) 502-515.
Lionetti F, Pastore M, Barone L(2015). Parenting Stress: The Roles of Attachment States of Mind and Parenting Alliance in the Context of Adoption. Parenting vol. 15, (2) 75-91.
Lionetti F, Pastore M, Barone L(2015). Attachment in institutionalized children: A review and meta-analysis. Child Abuse & Neglect vol. 42, 135-145.
Barone L, Dellagiulia A, Lionetti F(2015). When the Primary Caregiver is Missing: Investigating Proximal and Distal Variables Involved in Institutionalised Children's Adjustment. Child Abuse Review vol. 25, (6) 454-468.
Lionetti F(2014). What promotes secure attachment in early adoption? The protective roles of infants’ temperament and adoptive parents’ attachment. Attachment & Human Development vol. 16, (6) 573-589.
Barone L, Bramante A, Lionetti F, Pastore M(2014). Mothers who murdered their child: An attachment-based study on filicide. Child Abuse & Neglect vol. 38, (9) 1468-1477.
Barone L, Lionetti F, Dellagiulia A(2014). Maternal-fetal attachment and its correlates in a sample of Italian women: a study using the Prenatal Attachment Inventory. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology vol. 32, (3) 230-239.
Lionetti F, Pluess M, Barone L(2014). Vulnerability, resilience or differential susceptibility? Comparing models on individual-environment interaction. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo vol. 18, (2) 163-182.
Barone L, Lionetti F(2012). Attachment and social competence: a study using MCAST in low-risk Italian preschoolers. Attachment & Human Development vol. 14, (4) 391-403.
Barone L, Lionetti F(2011). Attachment and emotional understanding: a study on late-adopted pre-schoolers and their parents. Child: Care, Health and Development vol. 38, (5) 690-696.
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