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Publications:  Dr Daniel Kato

Kato D(2017). Carceral state 2.0?: From enclosure to control & punishment to surveillance. New Political Science vol. 39, (2) 198-217.
Kato D(2016). Winning the war for democracy: the March on Washington Movement, 1941-1946. ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES vol. 40, (8) 1369-1371.
Kato D(2016). Black Silent Majority: The Rockefeller Drug Laws and the Politics of Punishment. PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICS vol. 14, (3) 833-834.
Kato D(2015). Liberalizing Lynching Building a New Racialized State. Oxford University Press, USA
KATO D(2015). The Tragic Legality of Racial Violence: Reconstruction, Race and Emergency. Constellations
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