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Publications:  Miss Aliki Tsichlaki

Al-Moghrabi D, Tsichlaki A, Alkadi S, Fleming PS(2019). How well are dental qualitative studies involving interviews and focus groups reported?. J Dent vol. 84, 44-48.
Tsichlaki A, O'Brien K, Johal A, Fleming PS(2018). Orthodontic trial outcomes: Plentiful, inconsistent, and in need of uniformity? A scoping review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop vol. 153, (6) 797-807.
Tsichlaki A, O'Brien K, Johal A, Marshman ZZ, Benson PP, Salazar FBC, Fleming PS(2017). Erratum to Development of a core outcome set for orthodontic trials using a mixed-methods approach: protocol for a multicentre study. Trials vol. 18, (1) 407-407.
Tsichlaki A, O'Brien K, Johal A, Marshman Z, Benson P, Colonio Salazar FB, Fleming PS(2017). Development of a core outcome set for orthodontic trials using a mixed-methods approach: protocol for a multicentre study. Trials vol. 18, (1)
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