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Publications: Dr Rachel Bryant Davies

Bryant Davies R ( 2020 ) . ‘Puzzling Antiquity in The Boy’s Own Paper’ . Pasts at Play Childhood Encounters with History in British Culture, 1750-1914 , Editors: Bryant Davies, R, Gribling, B ,
Bryant Davies R ( 2020 ) . Through the proscenium arch . Time Travellers: Victorian encounters with time and history , Chicago University Press
Bryant Davies R ( 2019 ) . A subject which is peculiarly adapted to all cyclists’: popular understandings of classical archaeology in the nineteenth-century press . Victorian Culture and the Origin of Disciplines , Editors: Lightman, B, Zon, B , Routledge
Bryant Davies R ( 2018 ) . Fish, Firemen, and Prize Fighters: The Transformation of the Iliad and Aeneid on the London Burlesque Stage . Epic Performances from the Middle Ages into the Twenty-First Century , Editors: Macintosh, F, McConnell, J, Harrison, S, Kenward, C et al. , Oxford University Press
Bryant Davies R ( 2018 ) . Victorian Epic Burlesque: A Critical Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Theatrical Entertainments after Homer . Bloomsbury Academic
Bryant Davies R ( 2018 ) . Troy, Carthage and the Victorians: The Drama of Ruins in the Nineteenth Century Imagination . Cambridge University Press
Bryant Davies R ( 2017 ) . The Figure of Mary Mother of God in Christus Patiens: Fragmenting Tragic Myth and Passion Narrative in a Byzantine Appropriation of Euripidean Tragedy . The Journal of Hellenic Studies vol. 137 , 188 - 212 .