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Publications: Prof Laleh Khalili

Khalili L ( 2022 ) . On the politics of oceanic knowledge production . Dialogues in Human Geography vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 354 - 356 .
Lund C, Vitalis R, Maher G, Khalili L, Stamatopoulou-Robbins S, Blom Hansen T, Sen S ( 2022 ) . Decolonizing Palestine: Hamas between the Anticolonial and the Postcolonial . The AAG Review of Books vol. 10 , ( 2 ) 26 - 40 .
Khalili L ( 2022 ) . Humanitarianism and racial capitalism in the age of global shipping . European Journal of International Relations
Khalili L ( 2022 ) . Oceans of Finance and Commodification . Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East vol. 42 , ( 1 ) 135 - 139 .
Khalili L ( 2021 ) . Carceral Seas . Millennium: Journal of International Studies vol. 49 , ( 3 ) 462 - 471 .
Khalili L ( 2021 ) . Ports of the Persian gulf . Global Middle East: Into the Twenty-First Century ,
Khalili L ( 2020 ) . F redrik M eiton . Electrical Palestine: Capital and Technology from Empire to Nation . The American Historical Review vol. 125 , ( 5 ) 2043 - 2045 .
Khalili L ( 2020 ) . Electrical Palestine: Capital and Technology from Empire to Nation . AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW vol. 125 , ( 5 ) 2043 - 2045 .
Khalili L ( 2020 ) . Sinews of War and Trade Shipping and Capitalism in the Arabian Peninsula . Verso
Khalili L ( 2017 ) . The infrastructural power of the military: The geoeconomic role of the US Army Corps of Engineers in the Arabian Peninsula . European Journal of International Relations vol. 24 , ( 4 ) 911 - 933 .
Khalili L ( 2016 ) . The politics of pleasure: Promenading on the Corniche and beachgoing . Environment and Planning D: Society and Space vol. 34 , ( 4 ) 583 - 600 .
Khalili L ( 2014 ) . The Uses of Happiness in Counterinsurgencies . Social Text vol. 32 , ( 1 ) 23 - 43 .