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Publications: Prof Kristin Braun

Smith CJ, Parkinson EK, Yang J, Pratten J, O'Toole EA, Caley MP, Braun KM ( 2022 ) . Investigating wound healing characteristics of gingival and skin keratinocytes in organotypic cultures . Journal of Dentistry vol. 125 ,
Smith CJ, Caley M, Parkinson EK, O'Toole EA, Pratten J, Yang J, Braun KM ( 2018 ) . Investigating the differences in the wound healing responses of skin and gingival keratinocytes . BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY . vol. 178 , E416 - E416 .
Maruthappu T, McGinty LA, Blaydon DC, Fell B, Määttä A, Duit R, Hawkins T, Braun KM et al. ( 2018 ) . Recessive Mutation in FAM83G Associated with Palmoplantar Keratoderma and Exuberant Scalp Hair . Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 138 , ( 4 ) 984 - 987 .
Nogueira AT, Braun KM, Carabeo RA ( 2017 ) . Characterization of the Growth of Chlamydia trachomatis in In Vitro-Generated Stratified Epithelium . Front Cell Infect Microbiol vol. 7 , 438 - 438 .
Maruthappu T, McGinty L, Braun K, Duit R, Maatta A, Sapkota G, Blaydon D, O'Toole E et al. ( 2017 ) . Mutations in FAM83G cause autosomal recessive palmoplantar keratoderma with leuconychia and abundant curly hair . BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY . vol. 177 , 79 - 79 .
Akinduro O, Sully K, Patel A, Robinson DJ, Chikh A, McPhail G, Braun KM, Philpott MP et al. ( 2016 ) . Constitutive Autophagy and Nucleophagy during Epidermal Differentiation . Journal of Investigative Dermatology vol. 136 , ( 7 ) 1460 - 1470 .
Theocharidis G, Drymoussi Z, Kao AP, Barber AH, Lee DA, Braun KM, Connelly JT ( 2016 ) . Type VI Collagen Regulates Dermal Matrix Assembly and Fibroblast Motility . J Invest Dermatol vol. 136 , ( 1 ) 74 - 83 .
Marsh ST, Martins VL, Donaldson M, Braun K, O'Toole EA ( 2013 ) . Regulation of normal epidermal homeostasis by the basement membrane . JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY . vol. 133 , S157 - S157 .
Marsh ST, Martins V, Braun K, Donaldson M, O'Toole EA ( 2012 ) . The role of the basement membrane in stem cell maintenance and epidermal homeostasis . JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY . vol. 132 , S34 - S34 .
Marsh S, Martins V, Braun K, Donaldson M, O'Toole E ( 2012 ) . The role of the basement membrane in normal epidermal homeostasis . BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY . vol. 166 , e32 - e32 .
Henseleit KD, Wheeler AP, Warnes G, Braun KM ( 2012 ) . Characterizing the phenotype of murine epidermal progenitor cells: Complementary whole-mount visualization and flow cytometry strategies . Methods in Molecular Biology vol. 916 , 243 - 261 .
Henseleit KD, Wheeler AP, Warnes G, Braun KM ( 2012 ) . Characterizing the phenotype of murine epidermal progenitor cells: complementary whole-mount visualization and flow cytometry strategies . Methods Mol Biol vol. 916 , 243 - 261 .
Chikh A, Matin RNH, Senatore V, Hufbauer M, Lavery D, Raimondi C, Ostano P, Mello-Grand M et al. ( 2011 ) . iASPP/p63 autoregulatory feedback loop is required for the homeostasis of stratified epithelia . EMBO J vol. 30 , ( 20 ) 4261 - 4273 .
Hunziker L, Benitah SA, Braun KM, Jensen K, McNulty K, Butler C, Potton E, Nye E et al. ( 2011 ) . Rac1 Deletion Causes Thymic Atrophy . PLOS ONE vol. 6 , ( 4 ) Article e19292 ,
Gutierrez-Rivera A, Pavon-Rodriguez A, Jimenez-Acosta F, Poblet E, Braun KM, Cormenzana P, Ciria JP, Larretxea R et al. ( 2010 ) . Functional characterization of highly adherent CD34+keratinocytes isolated from human skin . EXP DERMATOL vol. 19 , ( 7 ) 685 - 688 .
Bakr F, Suchak R, Cerio R, Braun KM ( 2010 ) . Assessing aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 as a marker for normal and malignant human epidermal stem cells . BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY . vol. 162 , 949 - 949 .
Braun KM ( 2008 ) . Cutaneous cancer stem cells: beta-catenin strikes again . Cell Stem Cell vol. 2 , ( 5 ) 406 - 408 .
Lo Celso C, Berta MA, Braun KM, Frye M, Lyle S, Zouboulis CC, Watt FM ( 2008 ) . Characterization of bipotential epidermal progenitors derived from human sebaceous gland: Contrasting roles of c-Myc and beta-catenin . STEM CELLS vol. 26 , ( 5 ) 1241 - 1252 .
Nijhof JGW, Braun KM, Giangreco A, van Pelt C, Kawamoto H, Boyd RL, Willemze R, Mullenders LHF et al. ( 2006 ) . The cell-surface marker MTS24 identifies a novel population of follicular keratinocytes with characteristics of progenitor cells . DEVELOPMENT vol. 133 , ( 15 ) 3027 - 3037 .
Gebhardt A, Frye M, Herold S, Benitah SA, Braun K, Samans B, Watt FM, Elsasser HP et al. ( 2006 ) . Myc regulates keratinocyte adhesion and differentiation via complex formation with Miz1 . J CELL BIOL vol. 172 , ( 1 ) 139 - 149 .
Braun KM, Prowse DM ( 2006 ) . Distinct epidermal stem cell compartments are maintained by independent niche microenvironments . Stem Cell Rev vol. 2 , ( 3 ) 221 - 231 .
Silva-Vargas V, Lo Celso C, Giangreco A, Ofstad T, Prowse DM, Braun KM, Watt FM ( 2005 ) . Beta-catenin and Hedgehog signal strength can specify number and location of hair follicles in adult epidermis without recruitment of bulge stem cells . Dev Cell vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 121 - 131 .
Brittan M, Braun KM, Reynolds LM, Conti FJ, Reynolds AR, Poulsom R, Alison MR, Wright NA et al. ( 2005 ) . Transplanted Bone marrow cells engraft within the mouse epidermis and proliferate with no evidence of cell fusion . JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY . vol. 205 , 6 - 6 .
Brittan M, Braun KM, Reynolds LE, Conti FJ, Reynolds AR, Poulsom R, Alison MR, Wright NA et al. ( 2005 ) . Bone marrow cells engraft within the epidermis and proliferate in vivo with no evidence of cell fusion . J Pathol vol. 205 , ( 1 ) 1 - 13 .
Braun KM, Watt FM ( 2004 ) . Epidermal label-retaining cells: background and recent applications . J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc . vol. 9 , 196 - 201 .
Braun KM, Niemann C, Jensen UB, Sundberg JP, Silva-Vargas V, Watt FM ( 2003 ) . Manipulation of stem cell proliferation and lineage commitment: visualisation of label-retaining cells in wholemounts of mouse epidermis . Development vol. 130 , ( 21 ) 5241 - 5255 .
Braun KM, Thompson AW, Sandgren EP ( 2003 ) . Hepatic microenvironment affects oval cell localization in albumin-urokinase-type plasminogen activator transgenic mice . Am J Pathol vol. 162 , ( 1 ) 195 - 202 .

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