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Publications: Prof David Adger

Adger D, Thoms G, Heycock C, Jamieson E, Smith J ( 2024 ) . Explaining microvariation using the Tolerance Principle: plugging the amn’t gap . Journal of Linguistics
JAMIESON E, SMITH J, ADGER D, HEYCOCK C, THOMS G ( 2024 ) . ‘When intuitions (don't) fail’: combining syntax and sociolinguistics in the analysis of Scots . English Language and Linguistics1 - 34 .
Martin A, Adger D, Abels K, Kanampiu P, Culbertson J ( 2024 ) . A Universal Cognitive Bias in Word Order: Evidence From Speakers Whose Language Goes Against It . Psychological Science vol. 35 , ( 3 ) 304 - 311 .
Thoms G, Adger D, Heycock C, Jamieson E, Smith J ( 2023 ) . English contracted negation revisited: Evidence from varieties of Scots . Language vol. 99 , ( 4 ) 726 - 759 .
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Constituency and Theta Roles . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Core Concepts . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Functional Categories 111—CP . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Functional Categories 1—TP . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Functional Categories II—the DP . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Locality . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Morphosyntactic Features . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Preface . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Representing Phrase Structure . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Subjects and Objects . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Title Pages . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2023 ) . Wh-Movement . Core Syntax , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2022 ) . What are linguistic representations? . Mind & Language vol. 37 , ( 2 ) 248 - 260 .
Adger D ( 2022 ) . 13. Gaelic Morphology . The Edinburgh Companion to the Gaelic Language , De Gruyter
Adger D ( 2022 ) . 14. David Adger . The Edinburgh Companion to the Gaelic Language , De Gruyter
Adger D ( 2021 ) . The architecture of the computation . A Companion to Chomsky ,
Adger D ( 2021 ) . The Architecture of the Computation 1 . A Companion to Chomsky , Wiley
Adger D ( 2021 ) . On doing theoretical linguistics . Theoretical Linguistics vol. 47 , ( 1 ) 33 - 45 .
Schreyer C, Adger D ( 2021 ) . Comparing prehistoric constructed languages: World-building and its role in understanding prehistoric languages . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences vol. 376 , ( 1824 )
Adger D, Urk CV ( 2020 ) . Three conlang projects at three educational levels . Language Invention in Linguistics Pedagogy , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Martin A, Holtz A, Abels K, Adger D, Culbertson J ( 2020 ) . Experimental evidence for the influence of structure and meaning on linear order in the noun phrase . Glossa a journal of general linguistics vol. 5 , ( 1 )
Adger D ( 2020 ) . Rethinking the syntax of nominal predication . Syntactic architecture and its consequences I: Syntax inside the grammar ,
Adger D, Smith J ( 2020 ) . Explaining variability in negative concord: A socio-syntactic analysis . Advancing Socio-grammatical Variation and Change: In Honour of Jenny Cheshire ,
Adger D ( 2020 ) . Syntax and the failure of analogical generalization: A commentary on Ambridge (2020) . First Language
Adger D ( 2020 ) . A labelling solution to a curious EPP effect . Linguistic Variation: Structure and Interpretation , De Gruyter
Mackay AW, Adger D, Bond AL, Giles S, Ochu E ( 2019 ) . Straight-washing ecological legacies . Nature Ecology and Evolution vol. 3 , ( 12 ) 1611 - 1611 .
Martin A, Ratitamkul T, Abels K, Adger D, Culbertson J ( 2019 ) . Cross-linguistic evidence for cognitive universals in the noun phrase . Linguistics Vanguard vol. 5 , ( 1 )
Thoms G, Adger D, Heycock C, Smith J ( 2019 ) . Syntactic Variation and Auxiliary Contraction: The Surprising Case of Scots . Language
Adger D ( 2019 ) . Language Unlimited The Science Behind Our Most Creative Power . Oxford University Press, USA
Martin A, Abels K, Adger D, Culbertson J ( 2019 ) . Do learners' word order preferences reflect hierarchical language structure? . Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Creativity + Cognition + Computation, CogSci 2019 . 2303 - 2309 .
Thoms G, Adger D, Heycock C, Smith J ( 2019 ) . Syntactic variation and auxiliary contraction: The surprising case of Scots . Language vol. 95 , ( 3 ) 421 - 455 .
Adger D ( 2018 ) . The Autonomy of Syntax . Syntactic Structures after 60 Years , De Gruyter
Adger D ( 2017 ) . The limitations of structural priming are not the limits of linguistic theory . BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES vol. 40 , Article ARTN e283 ,
ADGER DJ ( 2017 ) . Structure, Use, and Syntactic Ecology in Language Obsolecence . Canadian Journal of Linguistics
ADGER DJ, CHESHIRE J, HALL D ( 2017 ) . Multicultural London English and social and educational policies . Languages, Society & Policy
Adger D ( 2017 ) . Became, Become, Becoming . Inference vol. 3 , ( 1 )
ADGER DJ ( 2017 ) . Restrictiveness Matters . Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
Adger D ( 2016 ) . VSO Order and Weak Pronouns in Goidelic Celtic . The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique vol. 42 , ( 1-2 ) 9 - 29 .
ADGER DJ ( 2016 ) . Language variability in syntactic theory . Rethinking Parameters , Editors: Eguren, L, Fernández-Soriano, O, Mendikoetxea, A , Oxford University Press ( New York ),
Adger D ( 2016 ) . THE DOMESTICATION OF LANGUAGE Cultural evolution and the uniqueness of the human animal . TLS-THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT ( 5893 ) 28 - 28 .
Adger D, Svenonius P ( 2015 ) . Linguistic explanation and domain specialization: a case study in bound variable anaphora . Frontiers in Psychology vol. 6 ,
Adger D ( 2015 ) . More misrepresentation: A response to Behme and Evans 2015 . Lingua vol. 162 , 160 - 166 .
Adger D ( 2015 ) . Mythical myths: Comments on Vyvyan Evans’ “The Language Myth” . Lingua vol. 158 , 76 - 80 .
Adger D ( 2014 ) . Syntax . Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Cognitive Science vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 131 - 147 .
Culbertson J, Adger D ( 2014 ) . Language learners privilege structured meaning over surface frequency . PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vol. 111 , ( 16 ) 5842 - 5847 .
ADGER DJ ( 2014 ) . Variability and Grammatical Architecture . Linguistic Variation in the Minimalist Framework , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Adger D ( 2013 ) . Constructions and Grammatical Explanation: Comments on Goldberg . MIND & LANGUAGE vol. 28 , ( 4 ) 466 - 478 .
Cheshire J, Adger D, Fox S ( 2013 ) . Relative <i>who</i> and the actuation problem . LINGUA vol. 126 , 51 - 77 .
Adger D ( 2012 ) . Introduction . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . Labels and Structures . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . Puzzles in the Syntax of Relational Nominals . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . Syntactic Interpretation . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . The Etiology of the PP Argument . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . The PP Peripherality Generalization . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . A Syntax of Substance . MIT Press
Harbour D, Watkins LJ, Adger D ( 2012 ) . Information Structure, Discourse Structure, and Noun Phrase Position in Kiowa . International Journal of American Linguistics vol. 78 , ( 1 ) 97 - 126 .
Adger D ( 2012 ) . Introduction . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . Labels and Structures . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . Puzzles in the Syntax of Relational Nominals . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . Syntactic Interpretation . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . The Etiology of the PP Argument . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
Adger D ( 2012 ) . The PP Peripherality Generalization . A Syntax of Substance , MIT Press
ADGER DJ ( 2011 ) . Bare Resumptives . Resumptive Pronouns at the Interfaces , Editors: Rouveret, A , John Benjamins ( Amsterdam ),
Mesoudi A, McElligott AG, Adger D ( 2011 ) . Introduction: Integrating Genetic and Cultural Evolutionary Approaches to Language . Human Biology vol. 83 , ( 2 ) 141 - 151 .
Mesoudi A, McElligott AG, Adger D ( 2011 ) . Introduction: integrating genetic and cultural evolutionary approaches to language . Hum Biol vol. 83 , ( 2 ) 141 - 151 .
Adger D, Svenonius P ( 2011 ) . Features in Minimalist Syntax . The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism ,
ADGER DJ ( 2011 ) . Clefted Situations: a Note on Expeletives in Scottish Gaelic Clefts . Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics , Cambridge Scholars Publishers ( Cambridge ),
Adger D ( 2010 ) . A Minimalist theory of feature structure . Features , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Adger D ( 2010 ) . Gaelic morphology . The Edinburgh Companion to the Gaelic Language ,
Adger D, Smith J ( 2010 ) . Variation in agreement: A lexical feature-based approach . LINGUA vol. 120 , ( 5 ) 1109 - 1134 .
Adger D ( 2010 ) . A Minimalist Theory of Feature Structures . Features , Editors: Kibort, A, Corbett, GG , Oxford University Press, USA
Adger D ( 2009 ) . Gaelic Morphology . The Edinburgh Companion to the Gaelic Language , Editors: Watson, M, Macleod, M , Edinburgh University Press ( Edinburgh ),
Adger D ( 2009 ) . Gaelic Syntax . The Edinburgh Companion to the Gaelic Language , Editors: Watson, M, Macleod, M , Edinburgh Univ Pr
Adger D ( 2009 ) . Molly Diesing, Indefinites. (Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 20.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992. Pp. xiv + 175 . Journal of Linguistics vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 570 - 571 .
Adger D, Harbour D, Watkins LJ ( 2009 ) . Mirrors and Microparameters: Phrase Structure beyond Free Word Order . Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
Adger D ( 2008 ) . The Simian Tongue: The Long Debate about Animal Language . By Gregory Radick. Chicago (Illinois): University of Chicago Press. $45.00. xiv + 577 p.; ill.; index. 978‐0‐226‐70224‐7. 2007 . The Quarterly Review of Biology vol. 83 , ( 4 ) 398 - 398 .
Adger D ( 2008 ) . Bare Resumptives . Notes: lingBuzz/000709 date-added: 2009-05-10 18:07:38 +0100 date-modified: 2009-05-10 18:09:11 +0100 ,
Harbour D, ADGER D, Bejar S ( 2008 ) . Phi theory: Phi-features across interfaces and modules . Oxford University Press
Harbour D, Adger D ( 2008 ) . Why Phi? . Phi-Theory: Phi-Features across Modules and Interfaces , Editors: DA, DH, Béjar, S , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Adger D ( 2007 ) . Variability and modularity: A response to Hudson . J LINGUIST vol. 43 , ( 3 ) 695 - 700 .
Adger D ( 2007 ) . Review of arguments and structure: Studies on the architecture of the sentence . LINGUA vol. 117 , ( 10 ) 1826 - 1832 .
Trousdale G, Adger D ( 2007 ) . Special issue on English dialect syntax - Preface by the guest editors . ENGL LANG LINGUIST vol. 11 , 257 - 259 .
Adger D, Trousdale G ( 2007 ) . Variation in English syntax: theoretical implications . ENGL LANG LINGUIST vol. 11 , 261 - 278 .
Adger D, HARBOUR DA ( 2007 ) . Syntax and Syncretisms of the Person Case Constraint . Syntax vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 2 - 37 .
Adger D ( 2007 ) . Pronouns Postpose at PF . Linguistic Inquiry vol. 38 , Article 2 , 343–349 - 343–349 .
Adger D ( 2007 ) . Pronouns postpose at PF . LINGUIST INQ vol. 38 , ( 2 ) 343 - 349 .
ADGER D, Harbour D ( 2007 ) . The Syntax and Syncretisms of the Person Case Constraint . Syntax vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 2 - 37 .
Adger D, HARBOUR D ( 2007 ) . The syntax and Syncretisms of the Person Case Constraint . Syntax vol. 10 ,
Adger D ( 2007 ) . Three domains of finiteness: a Minimalist perspective . Finiteness: all over the clause , Editors: Nikolaeva, I , OUP ( Oxford ),
Adger D ( 2007 ) . Variability and Modularity: A Response to Hudson . Journal of Linguistics vol. 43 , ( 3 ) 695 - 700 .
ADGER DJ, Ramchand G ( 2006 ) . Psych nouns and the structure of predication . Conference: NELS36
Adger D ( 2006 ) . Combinatorial variability . J LINGUIST vol. 42 , ( 3 ) 503 - 530 .
Adger D ( 2006 ) . Remarks on minimalist feature theory and move . J LINGUIST vol. 42 , ( 3 ) 663 - 673 .
ADGER DJ ( 2006 ) . Post Syntactic Movement and the Old Irish Verb . Natural Langugae and Linguistic Theory vol. 24 , ( 3 ) 605 - 654 .
Adger D ( 2006 ) . Post-syntactic movement and the old Irish verb . NAT LANG LINGUIST TH vol. 24 , ( 3 ) 605 - 654 .
Adger D ( 2006 ) . Combinatorial Variability . Journal of Linguistics vol. 42 , 503-530 - 503-530 .
ADGER DJ, Breheny R ( 2006 ) . Commentary on exaption and linguistic explanation . Lingua vol. 115.12 , 1673 - 1677 .
ADGER DJ, Ramchand G ( 2006 ) . Dialect variation in Gaelic relative clauses . Rannsachadh na Gaidhlig , Editors: McLeod, W , Dunedin Academic Press ( Edinburgh ),
Adger D, Ramchand G ( 2006 ) . Psych nouns and predication . Proceedings of NELS 36 . Editors: Davis, C, Deal, A, Zabbal, Y , 89–102 - 89–102 .
Adger D ( 2006 ) . Remarks on Minimalist Feature Theory and Move . Journal of Linguistics vol. 42 , 663–673 - 663–673 .
Adger D ( 2005 ) . Fracturing the Adjective: Evidence from the Gaelic Comparative . Notes: date-added: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 date-modified: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 ,
Adger D, Ramchand G ( 2005 ) . Merge and move: Wh-dependencies revisited . LINGUISTIC INQUIRY vol. 36 , ( 2 ) 161 - 193 .
Adger D, Ramchand G ( 2005 ) . Move and Merge: Wh-Dependencies Revisited . Linguistic Inquiry vol. 36 , 161–194 - 161–194 .
ADGER DJ ( 2005 ) . Three Domains of Finiteness . Finiteness, Plank (ed) , OUP
ADGER DJ, Smith J ( 2005 ) . Variation and the Minimalist Program . Syntax and Variation: Reconciling the Biological and Social, K. Corrigan and L. Cornips, eds. , John Benjamins ( Amsterdam/ Philadelphia ),
ADGER DJ, Tsoulas G ( 2004 ) . Circumstantial adverbials and Aspect . The Syntax of Adverbials, S. Engelberg, J.R. Austin, G. Rauh, eds , John Benjamins
ADGER DJ, de Cat C ( 2004 ) . Core Questions about the Edge . Peripheries: syntactic edges and their effects, Adger, D et al, eds , Kluwer ( Dordrecht ),
ADGER D, de Cat C, Tsoulas G ( 2004 ) . Peripheries: syntactic edges and their effects . Kluwer Academic ( Dordrecht ),
Adger D ( 2003 ) . Core Syntax . Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
ADGER D ( 2003 ) . Core Syntax : a minimalist approach . Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
ADGER DJ, Harbour D, Bejar S ( 2003 ) . Directionality in Allomorphy: a reply to Carstairs-McCarthy . Transactions of the Philological Society vol. 101.1 , 109 - 115 .
Adger D, Béjar S, Harbour D ( 2003 ) . Directionality of allomorphy: a reply to Carstairs-McCarthy . Transactions of the Philological Society vol. 101 , Article 1 , 109 - 115 .
Adger D, Ramchand G ( 2003 ) . Predication and Equation . Linguistic Inquiry vol. 34 , ( 3 ) 325 - 359 .
Adger D, Ramchand G ( 2003 ) . Predication and equation . LINGUISTIC INQUIRY vol. 34 , ( 3 ) 325 - 359 .
Adger D ( 2002 ) . Foundations of language - How language connects to the brain, the world, evolution, and thinking . TLS-TIMES LIT SUPPL ( 5177 ) 36 - 36 .
ADGER DJ, Ramchand G ( 2002 ) . Phases and Interpretability . Conference: Proceedings of WCCFL 20, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, Megerdoomain, K. and Bar-el, L.A (eds)
Adger D, Quer J ( 2001 ) . The Syntax and Semantics of Unselected Embedded Questions . Language vol. 77 , ( 1 ) 107 - 133 .
Adger D, Quer J ( 2001 ) . The syntax and semantics of unselected embedded questions . LANGUAGE vol. 77 , ( 1 ) 107 - 133 .
Adger D ( 2001 ) . A predicational head in Scottish Gaelic . Notes: ms. University of York date-added: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 date-modified: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 ,
Adger D, Béjar S, Harbour D ( 2001 ) . Allomorphy: Adjacency and Agree . Notes: Paper presented at the 24th GLOW colloqium, Braga date-added: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 date-modified: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 ,
ADGER DJ, Rhys CS ( 2001 ) . Eliminating disjunction in lexical specification . Lexical Specification and Insertion. P. Coopmans, M. Everaert & J. Grimshaw, eds , John Benjamins
Adger D, Ramchand G ( 2001 ) . Predication and equation . ZAS Papers in Linguistics vol. 26 , 1 - 34 .
ADGER DJ ( 2001 ) . V1 Phenomena and the Syntax Prosody Interface . Conference: Proceedings of WCCFL 19, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, R. Billeray and B.D. Lillehaugen (eds)
Adger D ( 2000 ) . Esther Torrego,The dependencies of objects. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998. Pp. xii+197 . Journal of Linguistics vol. 36 , ( 1 ) 157 - 199 .
Adger D, Tsoulas G ( 2000 ) . Aspect and lower VP Adverbials . Adverbs and Adjunction . Editors: Alexiadou, A, Svenonius, P , 1-19 - 1-19 .
Adger D, Rhys C ( 2000 ) . Eliminating Disjunction in Lexical Specification . Lexical Specification and Insertion , Editors: Coopmans, P, Everaert, M, Grimshaw, J , John Benjamins ( Amsterdam ),
Adger D ( 2000 ) . Feature checking under adjacency and VSO clause structure . Syntax and Semantics vol. 32 , 79 - 100 .
Adger D ( 2000 ) . First position and the syntax/prosody interface: Old Irish preverbs . WCCFL 19: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 19TH WEST COAST CONFERENCE ON FORMAL LINGUISTICS . Editors: Billerey, R, Lillehaugen, BD , 1 - 14 .
ADGER D ( 2000 ) . Stress and phrasal syntax . Linguistic Analysis vol. 33 , ( 3-4 ) 238 - 266 .
Adger D ( 2000 ) . The dependencies of objects . JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS vol. 36 , ( 1 ) 195 - 199 .
Adger D ( 2000 ) . VSO Clause structure and morphological feature checking . Syntactic Categories , Editors: Borsley, R , Academic Press ( New York ),
Adger D, Ramchand G ( 1999 ) . Avoiding Symmetry: the syntax and semantics of copular constructions in Scottish Gaelic . Notes: date-added: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 date-modified: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 ,
Adger D ( 1999 ) . Feature Checking Under Adjacency And Vso Clause Structure . The Nature and Function of Syntactic Categories , Brill Academic Publishers
Adger D, Smith J ( 1999 ) . Optionality in the Spellout Component: evidence from a non-standard dialect of English . Notes: paper presented at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain Conference, York date-added: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 date-modified: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 ,
Adger D ( 1999 ) . Predication and comparison in Scottish Gaelic . Notes: paper presented at the Third Celtic Linguistics Conference, Dublin date-added: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 date-modified: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 ,
Adger D ( 1999 ) . Specifiers in Generative Grammar . Specifiers: Minimalist Approaches , Editors: Adger, D, Pintzuk, S, Plunket, B, Tsoulas, G et al. , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Adger D, Pintzuk S, Plunkett B, Tsoulas G ( 1999 ) . Specifiers: minimalist approaches . Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Adger D, Tsoulas G ( 1999 ) . The Syntax and Semantics of Merge . Proceedings of the Third Langues et Grammaire . Editors: Sauzet, P , 5-20 - 5-20 .
Adger D, Quer J ( 1998 ) . Clausal Polar Determiners in Catalan Embedded Questions . Studies on the Syntax of Central Romance Languages , Editors: Roca, F, Fontana, J , University of Girona Press ( Girona ),
Adger D ( 1997 ) . VSO order and weak pronouns in Goidelic Celtic . Canadian Journal of Linguistics vol. 42 , ( 1 ) 9 - 29 .
Adger D ( 1997 ) . Deriving the Parameterisation of the Mapping Hypothesis . Studies on Universal Grammar and Typological Variation , Editors: Alexiadou, A, Hall, T , John Benjamins ( Amsterdam ),
Adger D, Quer J ( 1997 ) . Subjunctives, Clausal Polarity Items and Unselected Embedded Questions . Proceedings of the North Eastern Linguistics Society (NELS) 27 . Editors: Kusumoto, K , 170-188 - 170-188 .
Adger D ( 1996 ) . Agreement, aspect and measure phrases in Scottish Gaelic . The Syntax of the Celtic Languages , Editors: Borsley, R, Roberts, I , Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
Adger D ( 1996 ) . Economy and Optionality: the Interpretation of Subjects in Italian . Probus vol. 8 , ( 2 ) 117 - 135 .
Adger D, Rhys C ( 1994 ) . Argument Structure and the English Gerund . Functional Categories, Argument Structure and Parametric Variation . Editors: Rhys, CS, Adger, D, Klopp, AV , 27-48 - 27-48 .
Adger D ( 1994 ) . Functional Heads and Interpretation . University of Edinburgh, Centre for Cognitive Science , Notes: date-added: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 date-modified: 2009-04-29 14:06:47 +0100 ,
Adger D ( 1994 ) . Meaning, Movement and Economy . Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 13 . Editors: Aranovich, R, Byrne, W, Preuss, S, Senturia, M et al. , 451-466 - 451-466 .
Adger D ( 1993 ) . Aspectual Chains and Quasi-Arguments . MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 20 .
Adger D ( 1993 ) . The Licensing of Quasi-Arguments . Proceedings of Console 1 . Editors: Ackema, P, Schoorlemmer, M , 1-18 - 1-18 .

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