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Publications: Prof Pasquale Malacaria

Sönmez FÖ, Hankin C, Malacaria P ( 2024 ) . Smart topology detection using multi-armed bandit reinforcement learning method . Information Security Journal A Global Perspective vol. ahead-of-print , ( ahead-of-print ) 1 - 26 .
Zhang Y, Malacaria P ( 2024 ) . Dealing with uncertainty in cybersecurity decision support . Computers & Security vol. 148 , 104153 - 104153 .
Malacaria P, Zhang Y ( 2023 ) . Keep spending: Beyond optimal cyber-security investment . Conference: 2023 IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium
Zhang Y, Malacaria P, Loukas G, Panaousis E ( 2023 ) . CROSS: A Framework for Cyber Risk Optimisation in Smart Homes . Computers and Security103250 - 103250 .
zdemir S.nmez F, Hankin C, Malacaria P ( 2022 ) . Attack Dynamics: An Automatic Attack Graph Generation Framework Based on System Topology, CAPEC, CWE, and CVE Databases . Computers and Security vol. 123 ,
Sönmez FÖ, Hankin C, Malacaria P ( 2022 ) . Decision support for healthcare cyber security . Computers and Security vol. 122 , 102865 - 102865 .
Buczkowski P, Malacaria P, Hankin C, Fielder A ( 2022 ) . Optimal Security Hardening over a Probabilistic Attack Graph . Conference: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems21 - 30 .
Buczkowski P, Malacaria P, Hankin C, Fielder A ( 2022 ) . Optimal Security Hardening over a Probabilistic Attack Graph: A Case Study of an Industrial Control System using CySecTool . Sat-CPS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems . 21 - 30 .
Buczkowski P, Malacaria P, Hankin C, Fielder A ( 2022 ) . Optimal Security Hardening over a Probabilistic Attack Graph: A Case Study of an Industrial Control System using CySecTool . SAT-CPS@CODASPY . Editors: Gupta, M, Khorsandroo, S, Abdelsalam, M , 21 - 30 .
Américo A, Khouzani M, Malacaria P ( 2021 ) . Channel-supermodular entropies: Order theory and an application to query anonymization . Entropy vol. 24 , ( 1 )
Américo A, Malacaria P ( 2021 ) . Concavity, Core-concavity, Quasiconcavity: A Generalizing Framework for Entropy Measures . Conference: 2021 IEEE 34th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) vol. 00 , 1 - 14 .
Zhang Y, Malacaria P ( 2021 ) . Bayesian Stackelberg games for cyber-security decision support . Decision Support Systems vol. 148 ,
Zhang Y, Malacaria P ( 2021 ) . Optimization-Time Analysis for Cybersecurity . IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Américo A, Malacaria P ( 2021 ) . Concavity, Core-concavity, Quasiconcavity: A Generalizing Framework for Entropy Measures . CSF . 1 - 14 .
Americo A, Khouzani M, Malacaria P ( 2020 ) . Conditional Entropy and Data Processing: an Axiomatic Approach Based on Core-Concavity . IEEE Transactions on Information Theory1 - 1 .
Américo A, Malacaria P ( 2020 ) . QQIF: Quantum Quantitative Information Flow (invited paper) . Conference: 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW) vol. 00 , 261 - 270 .
Américo A, Khouzani MHR, Malacaria P ( 2020 ) . Conditional Entropy and Data Processing: An Axiomatic Approach Based on Core-Concavity . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory vol. 66 , Article 9 , 5537 - 5547 .
( 2020 ) . From Lambda Calculus to Cybersecurity Through Program Analysis - Essays Dedicated to Chris Hankin on the Occasion of His Retirement . From Lambda Calculus to Cybersecurity Through Program Analysis . Editors: Pierro, AD, Malacaria, P, Nagarajan, R , vol. 12065 ,
Di Pierro A, Malacaria P, Nagarajan R ( 2020 ) . Preface .
Americo A, Malacaria P ( 2020 ) . QQIF: Quantum Quantitative Information Flow . 2020 IEEE EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON SECURITY AND PRIVACY WORKSHOPS (EUROS&PW 2020) . 261 - 270 .
Américo A, Khouzani MHR, Malacaria P ( 2019 ) . Core-concavity, Gain Functions and Axioms for Information Leakage . The Art of Modelling Computational Systems: A Journey from Logic and Concurrency to Security and Privacy , vol. 11760 , Springer Nature
Américo A, Malacaria P, Khouzani M ( 2019 ) . Channel Ordering and Supermodularity . Conference: 2019 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Américo A, Khouzani M, Malacaria P ( 2019 ) . Deterministic Channel Design for Minimum Leakage . vol. 00 , 428 - 441 .
Sharma A, Malacaria P, Khouzani M ( 2019 ) . Malware Detection Using 1-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks . Conference: 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW) vol. 00 , 247 - 256 .
Khouzani MHR, Liu Z, Malacaria P ( 2019 ) . Scalable min-max multi-objective cyber-security optimisation over probabilistic attack graphs . European Journal of Operational Research
Khouzani MHR, Malacaria P ( 2019 ) . Generalized Entropies and Metric-Invariant Optimal Countermeasures for Information Leakage Under Symmetric Constraints . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory vol. 65 , Article 2 , 888 - 901 .
Americo A, Malacaria P, Khouzani MHR ( 2019 ) . Channel Ordering and Supermodularity . 2019 IEEE INFORMATION THEORY WORKSHOP (ITW) . 674 - 678 .
De Bernardi M, Khouzani MHR, Malacaria P ( 2019 ) . Pseudo-Random Number Generation Using Generative Adversarial Networks . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 11329 LNAI , 191 - 200 .
MALACARIA P, KHOUZANI MHR ( 2018 ) . Generalised Entropies and Metric-Invariant Optimal Countermeasures for Information Leakage under Symmetric Constraints . IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 65 , ( 2 ) 888 - 901 .
Khouzani MHR, Malacaria P ( 2018 ) . Information theory in game theory . Entropy vol. 20 , ( 11 )
Khouzani MHR, Malacaria P ( 2018 ) . Optimal channel design: A game theoretical analysis . Entropy vol. 20 , ( 9 )
Malacaria P, Khouzani M, Pasareanu CS, Phan QS, Luckow K ( 2018 ) . Symbolic side-channel analysis for probabilistic programs . Proceedings - IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium . Conference: 2018 IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium. vol. 2018-July , 313 - 327 .
Malacaria P, Khouzani MHR, Pasareanu CS, Phan Q-S, Luckow KS ( 2018 ) . Symbolic Side-Channel Analysis for Probabilistic Programs . IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch. vol. 2018 , 329 - 329 .
Bernardi MD, Khouzani MHR, Malacaria P ( 2018 ) . Pseudo-Random Number Generation Using Generative Adversarial Networks . Nemesis/UrbReas/SoGood/IWAISe/GDM@PKDD/ECML . Editors: Alzate, C, Monreale, A, Assem, H, Bifet, A et al. , vol. 11329 , 191 - 200 .
MALACARIA P, Phan Q-S, Pasareanu C, Bang L, Bultan T ( 2017 ) . Synthesis of Adaptive Side-Channel Attacks . Conference: 2017 IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) ( Santa Barbara (California) ) from: 21/08/2017 to: 25/08/2017 ,
Khouzani M, Malacaria P ( 2017 ) . Leakage-Minimal Design: Universality, Limitations, and Applications . Conference: 2017 IEEE 30th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)305 - 317 .
Phan Q-S, Bang L, Pasareanu CS, Malacaria P, Bultan T ( 2017 ) . Synthesis of Adaptive Side-Channel Attacks . IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive vol. 2017 , 401 - 401 .
MALACARIA P, TAUTCHNING M, DISTEFANO D ( 2016 ) . Information leakage analysis of complex C code and its application to OpenSSL . Conference: 7th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications ( CORFU ) from: 10/10/2016 to: 14/10/2016 ,
KHOUZANI MHR, MALACARIA P, HANKIN C, FIELDER A, SMERALDI F ( 2016 ) . Efficient Numerical Frameworks for Multi-Objective Cyber Security Planning . Conference: European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2016 ( Heraklion, Crete, Greece ) from: 26/09/2016 to: 30/09/2016 ,
Pasareanu CS, Phan Q-S, Malacaria P . Multi-run Side-Channel Analysis Using Symbolic Execution and Max-SMT . 2016 IEEE 29th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) . Conference: 2016 IEEE 29th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)387 - 400 .
Khouzani MHR, Malacaria P . Relative Perfect Secrecy: Universally Optimal Strategies and Channel Design . 2016 IEEE 29th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) . Conference: 2016 IEEE 29th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)61 - 76 .
Fielder A, Panaousis E, Malacaria P, Hankin C, Smeraldi F ( 2016 ) . Decision support approaches for cyber security investment . Decision Support Systems vol. 86 , Article C , 13 - 23 .
Biondi F, Legay A, Malacaria P, Wasowski A ( 2015 ) . Quantifying information leakage of randomized protocols . Theoretical Computer Science vol. 597 , 62 - 87 .
Biondi F, Legay A, Malacaria P, WÄ…sowski A ( 2015 ) . Quantifying information leakage of randomized protocols . Theoretical Computer Science vol. 597 , 62 - 87 .
Phan Q-S, Malacaria P ( 2015 ) . All-Solution Satisfiability Modulo Theories: Applications, Algorithms and Benchmarks . Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), 2015 10th International Conference on . 100 - 109 .
Rontidis G, Panaousis E, Laszka A, Daziuklas T, Malacaria P, Alpcan T ( 2015 ) . A Game-Theoretic Approach for Minimizing Security Risks in the Internet-of-Things . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW)2639 - 2644 .
Fielder A, Panaousis E, Malacaria P, Hankin C, Smeraldi F ( 2015 ) . Comparing Decision Support Approaches for Cyber Security Investment .
Phan Q-S, Malacaria P, Pasareanu CS ( 2015 ) . Concurrent Bounded Model Checking . SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes vol. 40 , Article 1 , 1 - 5 .
Biondi F, Legay A, Nielsen BF, Malacaria P, WÄ…sowski A ( 2014 ) . Information leakage of non-terminating processes . Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs . vol. 29 , 517 - 529 .
MALACARIA P ( 2014 ) . Algebraic foundations for quantitative information flow . Mathematical Structures in Computer Science vol. 25 , ( 2 ) 404 - 428 .
Phan Q-S, Malacaria P ( 2014 ) . Abstract Model Counting: A Novel Approach for Quantification of Information Leaks . Proceedings of the 9th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security . Conference: ASIA CCS '14 Proceedings of the 9th ACM symposium on Information, computer and communications security ( Kyoto, Japan ) from: 04/06/2014 to: 06/06/2014 , 283 - 292 .
Panaousis E, Fielder A, Malacaria P, Hankin C, Smeraldi F ( 2014 ) . Cybersecurity Games and Investments: A Decision Support Approach . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 8840 , 266 - 286 .
Fielder A, Panaousis E, Malacaria P, Hankin C, Smeraldi F ( 2014 ) . Game Theory Meets Information Security Management . IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology . vol. 428 , 15 - 29 .
Smeraldi F, Malacaria P ( 2014 ) . How to spend it: Optimal investment for cyber security . ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Phan Q-S, Malacaria P, Pasareanu CS, d Amorim M ( 2014 ) . Quantifying Information Leaks Using Reliability Analysis . Proceedings of the 2014 International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software . Conference: SPIN 2014 Proceedings of the 2014 International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software ( San Jose, CA. USA ) from: 21/07/2014 to: 22/07/2014 , 105 - 108 .
Huang X, Malacaria P ( 2013 ) . SideAuto: Quantitative information flow for side-channel leakage in web applications . Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security285 - 290 .
MALACARIA P, SMERALDI F ( 2013 ) . Thermodynamic Aspects of Confidentiality . Information and Computation vol. 226 , 76 - 93 .
Hankin C, Malacaria P ( 2013 ) . Payoffs, Intensionality and Abstraction in Games . Computation, Logic, Games, and Quantum Foundations . Editors: Coecke, B, Ong, L, Panangaden, P , vol. 7860 , 69 - 82 .
Biondi F, Legay A, MALACARIA P, Wasowski A ( 2013 ) . Quantifying Information Leakage of Randomized Protocols . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Editors: Giacobazzi, R, Berdine, J, Mastroeni, I , Conference: 14th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI) ( Rome ) from: 20/01/2013 to: 22/01/2013 , vol. 7737 , 68 - 87 .
Malacaria P, Smeraldi F ( 2012 ) . The thermodynamics of confidentiality . Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop280 - 290 .
Köpf B, Malacaria P, Palamidessi C ( 2012 ) . Quantitative Security Analysis (Dagstuhl Seminar 12481) . Dagstuhl Reports vol. 2 , Article 11 , 135 - 154 .
Phan Q-S, Malacaria P, Tkachuk O, Pasareanu CS ( 2012 ) . Symbolic quantitative information flow . ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes vol. 37 , Article 6 , 1 - 5 .
MALACARIA P, SMERALDI F ( 2012 ) . The Thermodynamics of Confidentiality . Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), 2012 IEEE 25th . Editors: Cortier, V, Zdancewic, S , Conference: 25th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium ( Harvard, MA, USA ) from: 25/06/2012 to: 27/06/2012 , 280 - 290 .
Malacaria P ( 2011 ) . Algebraic Foundations for Information Theoretical, Probabilistic and Guessability measures of Information Flow .
Heusser J, Malacaria P ( 2010 ) . Quantifying Information Leak Vulnerabilities .
Malacaria P ( 2010 ) . Program Analysis Probably Counts: Discussant Contribution for the Computer Journal Lecture by Chris Hankin . COMPUT J vol. 53 , ( 6 ) 881 - 881 .
Malacaria P ( 2010 ) . Risk assessment of security threats for looping constructs . Journal of Computer Security vol. 18 , 191 - 228 .
Heusser J, Malacaria P ( 2010 ) . Applied Quantitative Information Flow and Statistical Databases . FORMAL ASPECTS IN SECURITY AND TRUST . Editors: Degano, P, Guttman, JD , vol. 5983 , 96 - 110 .
Malacaria P, Heusser J ( 2010 ) . Information Theory and Security: Quantitative Information Flow . FORMAL METHODS FOR QUANTITATIVE ASPECTS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES . Editors: Aldini, A, Bernardo, M, Di Pierro, A, Wiklicky, H et al. , vol. 6154 , 87 - 134 .
Heusser J, MALACARIA P ( 2010 ) . Quantifying information leaks in software . ACM 2010 . Conference: Twenty-Sixth Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC 2010 ( Austin Texas ) from: 06/12/2010 to: 10/12/2010 , 261 - 269 .
Malacaria P ( 2010 ) . Quantitative Information Flow: From Theory to Practice? . COMPUTER AIDED VERIFICATION, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Touili, T, Cook, B, Jackson, P , vol. 6174 , 20 - 22 .
Chen H, Malacaria P ( 2010 ) . The Optimum Leakage Principle for Analyzing Multi-threaded Programs . INFORMATION THEORETIC SECURITY . Editors: Kurosawa, K , vol. 5973 , 177 - 193 .
Chen H, Malacaria P ( 2009 ) . Studying Maximum Information Leakage Using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions . EPTCS 7, 2009, pp. 1-15
Malacaria P, Smeraldi F ( 2009 ) . On Adaboost and optimal betting strategies . Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN/WORLDCOMP) . 326–332 - 326–332 .
MALACARIA P, SMERALDI F ( 2009 ) . On Adaboost and Optimal Betting Strategies . Conference: WORLDCOMP: The 2009 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN 2009 ( Las Vegas ) from: 13/07/2009 to: 16/07/2009 , 326 - 332 .
CHEN H, MALACARIA P ( 2009 ) . Quantifying maximal loss of anonymity in protocols . Conference: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, ASIACCS 2009 ( Sydney, Australia ) from: 03/2010 to: 03/2012 , 206 - 217 .
Malacaria P, Chen H ( 2008 ) . Lagrange Multipliers and Maximum Information Leakage in Different Observational Models . PLAS'08: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACM SIGPLAN THIRD WORKSHOP ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND ANALYSIS FOR SECURITY . 135 - 146 .
MALACARIA P, Hunt S, Clark D ( 2007 ) . A static analysis for quantifying the information flow in a simple imperative language . Journal of Computer Security vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 321 - 371 .
Malacaria P ( 2007 ) . Assessing Security Threats of Looping Constructs . CONFERENCE RECORD OF POPL 2007: THE 34TH ACM SIGPLAN SIGACT SYMPOSIUM ON PRINCIPLES OF PROGAMMING LANGUAGES . 225 - 235 .
Malacaria P ( 2007 ) . Assessing security threats of looping constructs . ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES . vol. 42 , 225 - 235 .
Chen H, Malacaria P ( 2007 ) . Quantitative Analysis of Leakage for Multi-threaded Programs . PLAS'07: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2007 ACM SIGPLAN WORKSHOP ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND ANALYSIS FOR SECURITY . 31 - 40 .
Malacaria P, Hankin C ( 1998 ) . Generalised flowcharts and games . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 1443 , 363 - 374 .
Malacaria P, Hankin C ( 1998 ) . A new approach to control flow analysis . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 1383 , 95 - 108 .
Ehrhard T, Malacaria P ( 1991 ) . Stone duality for stable functions . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 530 , 1 - 15 .
Abramsky S, Malacaria P, Jagadeesan R ( 2005 ) . Full Abstraction for PCF (extended abstract) . Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software , vol. 789 , Springer Nature
Clark D, Hunt S, Malacaria P ( 2005 ) . Quantitative information flow, relations and polymorphic types . J LOGIC COMPUT vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 181 - 199 .
Clark D, Hunt S, Malacaria P ( 2005 ) . Quantified Interference for a while Language . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 112 , ( SPEC. ISS. ) 149 - 166 .
Bucciarelli A, Malacaria P ( 2002 ) . Relative definability of boolean functions via hypergraphs . THEOR COMPUT SCI vol. 278 , ( 1-2 ) 91 - 110 .
MALACARIA P, Clark D, Hunt S ( 2002 ) . Quantitative Analysis of the Leakage of Confidential Data . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 59 , ( 3 )
Abramsky S, Jagadeesan R, Malacaria P ( 2000 ) . Full abstraction for PCF . INFORM COMPUT vol. 163 , ( 2 ) 409 - 470 .
Hankin C, Malacaria P ( 1999 ) . Program analysis games . ACM Computing Surveys vol. 31 , ( 3es )
Malacaria P, Hankin C ( 1999 ) . Non-deterministic games and program analysis: An application to security . Proceedings 11th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science443 - 452 .
Malacaria P ( 1995 ) . Studying equivalences of transition systems with algebraic tools . Theoretical Computer Science vol. 139 , ( 1-2 ) 187 - 205 .
Malacaria P ( 1994 ) . Equivalences of Transition Systems in an Algebraic Framework . Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST’93) , Springer Nature
Abramsky S, Malacaria P, Jagadeesan R ( 1994 ) . Full abstraction for PCF . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . vol. 789 LNCS , 1 - 15 .
Malacaria P, Regnier L ( 1991 ) . Some results on the interpretation of lambda -calculus in operator algebras . Conference: [1991] Proceedings Sixth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science63 - 72 .