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Publications: Prof Ferranti Wong

Kaur M, Anderson P, Shahid S, Davis GR, Mills D, Wong FSL ( 2024 ) . Effects of silver diammine fluoride with/without potassium iodide on enamel and dentin carious lesions in primary teeth . Frontiers in Oral Health vol. 5 ,
Kaur M, Anderson P, Shahid S, Wong FSL ( 2024 ) . Chemical kinetics of silver diammine fluoride in demineralization and remineralization solutions—an in vitro study . Frontiers in Oral Health vol. 5 ,
Kaur M, Shahid S, Karpukhina N, Anderson P, Wong FSL ( 2024 ) . Characterization of chemical reactions of silver diammine fluoride and hydroxyapatite under remineralization conditions . Frontiers in Oral Health vol. 5 ,
Ahmed H, Zhang Q, Wong F, Donnan R, Alomainy A ( 2023 ) . Lesion Detection in Optical Coherence Tomography with Transformer-Enhanced Detector . Journal of Imaging vol. 9 , ( 11 )
Kotsanos N, Wong F ( 2022 ) . Restoration of Carious Hard Dental Tissues . Pediatric Dentistry , Springer Nature
Lygidakis NA, Garot E, Somani C, Taylor GD, Rouas P, Wong FSL ( 2021 ) . Best clinical practice guidance for clinicians dealing with children presenting with molar-incisor-hypomineralisation (MIH): an updated European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry policy document . European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 3 - 21 .
Garot E, Rouas P, Somani C, Taylor GD, Wong F, Lygidakis NA ( 2021 ) . An update of the aetiological factors involved in molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH): a systematic review and meta-analysis . European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 23 - 38 .
Somani C, Taylor GD, Garot E, Rouas P, Lygidakis NA, Wong FSL ( 2021 ) . An update of treatment modalities in children and adolescents with teeth affected by molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH): a systematic review . European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 39 - 64 .
Al-eesa NA, Fernandes SD, Hill RG, Wong FSL, Jargalsaikhan U, Shahid S ( 2021 ) . Remineralising fluorine containing bioactive glass composites . Dental Materials
Khalid H, Aleesa N, Grosjean M, Hill R, Wong F ( 2020 ) . Characterisation of a Bioactive SiO2-CaO-CaF2-Na2O Glass Used in Composites . Dental Materials vol. 37 , ( 1 ) 1 - 9 .
Johal A, Wong F, Zou LF, Shahdad S ( 2020 ) . The influence of mild versus severe hypodontia on the facial soft tissues? A 3-dimensional optical laser scanning-based Cohort study . Journal of Orthodontics
Freeman R, Maguire A, Ryan V, Wilson N, Innes NPT, Clarkson JE, McColl E, Marshman Z et al. ( 2020 ) . The FiCTION trial: Child oral health‐related quality of life and dental anxiety across three treatment strategies for managing caries in young children . Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology vol. 48 , ( 4 ) 328 - 337 .
Pine CM, Adair PM, Burnside G, Brennan L, Sutton L, Edwards RT, Ezeofor V, Albadri S et al. ( 2020 ) . Dental RECUR Randomized Trial to Prevent Caries Recurrence in Children . Journal of Dental Research vol. 99 , ( 2 ) 168 - 174 .
Maguire A, Clarkson JE, Douglas GVA, Ryan V, Homer T, Marshman Z, McColl E, Wilson N et al. ( 2020 ) . Best-practice prevention alone or with conventional or biological caries management for 3- to 7-year-olds: the FiCTION three-arm RCT . Health Technology Assessment vol. 24 , ( 1 ) 1 - 174 .
Innes NP, Clarkson JE, Douglas GVA, Ryan V, Wilson N, Homer T, Marshman Z, McColl E et al. ( 2020 ) . Child Caries Management: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Dental Practice . Journal of Dental Research vol. 99 , ( 1 ) 36 - 43 .
Tiskaya M, Al-eesa NA, Wong FSL, Hill RG ( 2019 ) . Characterization of the bioactivity of two commercial composites . Dental Materials vol. 35 , ( 12 ) 1757 - 1768 .
Elamin F, Abdelazeem N, Salah I, Mirghani Y, Wong F ( 2019 ) . A randomized clinical trial comparing Hall vs conventional technique in placing preformed metal crowns from Sudan . PLOS ONE vol. 14 , ( 6 )
Al-eesa NA, KARPUKHINA N, HILL RG, JOHAL A, WONG FSL ( 2019 ) . Bioactive glass composite for orthodontic adhesives – formation and characterisation of apatites using MAS-NMR and SEM . Dental Materials
AL-KHAFAJI TJ, WONG F, FLEMING PS, KARPUKHINA N, HILL R ( 2018 ) . Novel fluoride and strontium-containing bioactive glasses for dental varnishes-design and bioactivity in Tris buffer solution . Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids vol. 503-504 , 120 - 130 .
MANICA S, WONG F, DAVIS G, LIVERSIDGE HM ( 2018 ) . Estimating age using permanent molars and third cervical vertebrae shape with a novel semi-automated method . Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine vol. 58 , 140 - 144 .
WONG FSL, ALEESA N, HILL R, JOHAL A ( 2018 ) . Fluoride containing bioactive glass composite for orthodontic adhesives - apatite formation properties . Dental Materials
WONG FSL, Hill R, Johal A, Al-eesa N ( 2017 ) . Fluoride Containing Bioactive Glass Composite For Orthodontic Adhesives . Dental Materials
WONG FSL, Hussain T, Khijmatgar S ( 2017 ) . Effect of Dental Operatory Light on the Flow and Penetration of Fissure Sealant . FACULTY DENTAL JOURNAL vol. 8 , ( 4 ) 150 - 154 .
Newton T, Gallagher J, Wong F ( 2017 ) . The care and cure of dental phobia: the use of cognitive behavioural therapy to complement conscious sedation . Faculty Dental Journal vol. 8 , ( 4 ) 160 - 163 .
Hassanali L, Wong FS, Lynch RJM, Anderson P ( 2017 ) . A Novel Kinetic Method to Measure Apparent Solubility Product of Bulk Human Enamel . Front Physiol vol. 8 , Article 714 , 1 - 9 .
Muirhead V, Subramanian S, Wright D, Wong FSL ( 2017 ) . How do foster carers manage the oral health of children in foster care? A qualitative study . Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology vol. 45 , ( 6 ) 529 - 537 .
Pine C, Adair P, Burnside G, Robinson L, Edwards RT, Albadri S, Curnow M, Ghahreman M et al. ( 2015 ) . A new primary dental care service compared with standard care for child and family to reduce the re-occurrence of childhood dental caries (Dental RECUR): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial . Trials vol. 16 , ( 1 )
Noman AV, Wong F, PAWAR RR ( 2015 ) . Canine Gouging: A Taboo Resurfacing in Migrant Urban Population . Case Reports in Dentistry vol. Volume 2015 (2015) , Article Article ID 727286 ,
Kaleem M, Khan AS, Rehman IU, Wong FS ( 2015 ) . Effect of Beverages on Viscoelastic Properties of Resin-Based Dental Composites . Materials vol. 8 , ( 6 ) 2863 - 2872 .
AlFawaz S, Plagnol V, Wong FSL, Kelsell DP ( 2015 ) . A novel frameshift MSX1 mutation in a Saudi family with autosomal dominant premolar and third molar agenesis . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 60 , ( 7 ) 982 - 988 .
Moeinian M, Hill R, Wong F ( 2014 ) . Development of a radio-opaque infiltration resin for early carious lesion . Dental Materials vol. 30 ,
Manica S, Liversidge H, Wong F ( 2013 ) . A pilot study on maturation of cervical vertebrae and permanent teeth . J Forensic Odontostomatol vol. 31 Suppl 1 ,
Al-Ali A, Wong F, Hector M ( 2013 ) . Application of Incise Dental Scanner to compare bite marks in cheese with models of the suspects' dentitions . J Forensic Odontostomatol vol. 31 Suppl 1 ,
Alfawaz S, Fong F, Plagnol V, Wong FSL, Fearne J, Kelsell DP ( 2013 ) . Recessive oligodontia linked to a homozygous loss-of-function mutation in the SMOC2 gene . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 58 , ( 5 ) 462 - 466 .
Alfawaz S, Fong F, Plagnol V, Wong FSL, Fearne J, Kelsell DP ( 2013 ) . Recessive oligodontia linked to a homozygous loss-of-function mutation in the SMOC2 gene . Arch Oral Biol vol. 58 , ( 5 ) 462 - 466 .
Nazir R, Samad Khan A, Ahmed A, Ur-Rehman A, Anwar Chaudhry A, Ur Rehman I, Wong FSL ( 2013 ) . Synthesis and in-vitro cytotoxicity analysis of microwave irradiated nano-apatites . Ceramics International vol. 39 , ( 4 ) 4339 - 4347 .
Zakir M, Al Kheraif AAA, Asif M, Wong FSL, Rehman IU ( 2013 ) . A comparison of the mechanical properties of a modified silorane based dental composite with those of commercially available composite material . DENTAL MATERIALS vol. 29 , ( 4 ) E53 - E59 .
Baldwin D, Wong F, Kandiah T ( 2013 ) . A quality assurance audit of digital radiographs taken on a dental trauma clinic . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY vol. 23 , 30 - 31 .
Khan AS, Aamer S, Chaudhry AA, Wong FSL, Rehman IU ( 2013 ) . Synthesis and characterizations of a fluoride-releasing dental restorative material . MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS vol. 33 , ( 6 ) 3458 - 3464 .
Lygidakis NA, Wong F, Jälevik B, Vierrou AM, Alaluusua S, Espelid I ( 2010 ) . Best Clinical Practice Guidance for clinicians dealing with children presenting with Molar-Incisor-Hypomineralisation (MIH) . European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry . vol. 11 , 75 - 81 .
Khan AS, Wong FSL, McKay IJ, WHILEY RA, Rehman IU ( 2012 ) . Structural, mechanical, and biocompatibility analyses of a novel dental restorative nanocomposite . Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Khan AS, Hassan KR, Bukhari SF, Wong FSL, Rehman IU ( 2012 ) . Structural and in vitro adhesion analysis of a novel covalently coupled bioactive composite . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials vol. 100 B , ( 1 ) 239 - 248 .
Khan AS, Hassan KR, Bukhari SF, Wong FSL, Rehman IU ( 2012 ) . Structural and in vitro adhesion analysis of a novel covalently coupled bioactive composite . J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater vol. 100 , ( 1 ) 239 - 248 .
Khan AS, Wong FSL, Mckay IJ, Whiley RA, Rehman IU ( 2012 ) . Structural, mechanical, and biocompatibility analyses of a novel dental restorative nanocomposite . Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Ahmed M, Davis GR, Wong FSL ( 2012 ) . X-ray microtomography study to validate the efficacies of caries removal in primary molars by hand excavation and chemo-mechanical technique . Caries Res vol. 46 , ( 6 ) 561 - 567 .
Wong FSL, Fearne JM, Brook AH ( 2011 ) . Planning future general anaesthetic services in paediatric dentistry on the basis of evidence: an analysis of children treated in the Day Stay Centre at the Royal Hospitals NHS Trust, London, between 1985–95 . International Dental Journal vol. 47 , ( 5 ) 285 - 292 .
Dowker SEP, Davis GR, Elliott JC, Wong FSL ( 2011 ) . X‐ray microtomography: 3‐dimensional imaging of teeth for computer‐assisted learning . European Journal Of Dental Education vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 61 - 65 .
Elliott JC, Wong FSL, Anderson P, Davis GR, Dowker SEP ( 1998 ) . Determination of Mineral Concentration in Dental Enamel from X-ray Attenuation Measurements . Connective Tissue Research . vol. 38 , 61 - 72 .
Baldwin DJ, Kandiah T, Jay A, Wong F ( 2009 ) . Glial choristoma of the tongue: report of a case and clinico-pathological features . Int J Paediatr Dent vol. 19 , ( 3 ) 219 - 221 .
Khan AS, Aziz MS, Paul D, Wong F, Rehman IU ( 2008 ) . Synthesis and In-Vitro Analysis of Degradative Resistance of a Novel Bioactive Composite . Journal of Bionanoscience vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 75 - 88 .
Rehman I, Khan AS, Aziz S, Wong F ( 2008 ) . Synthesis and in-vitro analysis of degradative resistance of a novel bioactive composite . 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008 . vol. 3 ,
Khan AS, Phillips MJ, Tanner KE, Wong FS ( 2008 ) . Comparison of the visco-elastic behavior of a pre-impregnated reinforced glass fiber composite with resin-based composite . DENT MATER vol. 24 , ( 11 ) 1534 - 1538 .
Khan AS, Ahmed Z, Edirisinghe MJ, Wong FSL, Rehman IU ( 2008 ) . Preparation and characterization of a novel bioactive restorative composite based on covalently coupled polyurethane-nanohydroxyapatite fibres . Acta Biomater vol. 4 , ( 5 ) 1275 - 1287 .
Leyland L, Batra P, Wong F, Llewelyn R ( 2008 ) . A retrospective evaluation of the eruption of impacted permanent incisors after extraction of supernumerary teeth . Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry vol. 30 , ( 3 ) 225 - 232 .
Atar M, Davis GR, Verry P, Wong FSL ( 2007 ) . Enamel mineral concentration in diabetic rodents . Eur Arch Paediatr Dent vol. 8 , ( 4 ) 195 - 200 .
Wong FS ( 2007 ) . Perioperative LA in young paediatric patients . British Dental Journal vol. 203 , ( 6 ) 334 - 335 .
Willmott NS, Wong FSL, Davis GR ( 2007 ) . An X-ray microtomography study on the mineral concentration of carious dentine removed during cavity preparation in deciduous molars . CARIES RES vol. 41 , ( 2 ) 129 - 134 .
Wong FSL, Elliott JC ( 2006 ) . Theoretical explanation of the relationship between backscattered electron and x‐ray linear attenuation coefficients in calcified tissues . Scanning vol. 19 , ( 8 ) 541 - 546 .
Wong FSL, Willmott NS, Davis GR ( 2006 ) . Dentinal carious lesion in three dimensions . Int J Paediatr Dent vol. 16 , ( 6 ) 419 - 423 .
Wong FSL, Day SJ ( 2006 ) . Life‐span of amalgam restorations in primary molars: some results and comments on statistical analyses . Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology vol. 17 , ( 5 ) 248 - 251 .
LIVERSIDGE HM, Wong FSL, Uslenghi S ( 2006 ) . A radiographic study of tooth development in hypodontia . Archives of Oral Biology vol. 51 , 129 - 133 .
Chia MSY, Wong FSL ( 2004 ) . Severe Extrusion from an Apical Abscess: A Case Report . Dental Update vol. 31 , ( 10 ) 602 - 607 .
Wong FSL, Kolokotsa K ( 2004 ) . The cost of treating children and adolescents with injuries to their permanent incisors at a dental hospital in the United Kingdom . Dent Traumatol vol. 20 , ( 6 ) 327 - 333 .
Wong FSL, Anderson P, Fan H, Davis GR ( 2004 ) . X-ray microtomographic study of mineral concentration distribution in deciduous enamel . Arch Oral Biol vol. 49 , ( 11 ) 937 - 944 .
Wong F ( 2004 ) . Study of enamel density . British Dental Journal vol. 196 , ( 10 ) 625 - 625 .
Uslenghi S, Liversidge HM, Wong FSL ( 2003 ) . A radiographic study of tooth formation in a group of children with hypodontia . JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH . vol. 82 , 574 - 574 .
Wong FSL, Anderson P, Fan H ( 2003 ) . X-ray microtomographic measurement of mineral concentrations in deciduous enamel . JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH . vol. 82 , 516 - 516 .
WONG FSL, ELLIOTT JC, DAVIS GR, ANDERSON P ( 2002 ) . X‐ray microtomographic study of mineral distribution in enamel of mandibular rat incisors . Journal of Anatomy vol. 196 , ( 3 ) 405 - 413 .
Odoi R, Croucher R, Wong F, Marcenes W ( 2002 ) . The relationship between problem behaviour and traumatic dental injury amongst children aged 7-15 years old . Community Dent Oral Epidemiol vol. 30 , ( 5 ) 392 - 396 .
Wong FSL, Winter GB ( 2002 ) . Effectiveness of microabrasion technique for improvement of dental aesthetics . Br Dent J vol. 193 , ( 3 ) 155 - 158 .
Hector MP, Gaubert SA, Wong FSL ( 2001 ) . Mechano-sensitive responses of traumatised permanent incisor teeth in children . J DENT RES vol. 80 , ( 4 ) 1156 - 1156 .
Odoi R, Croucher R, Wong FSL, Marcenes W ( 2001 ) . The relationship between dental injuries and biological, behavioural and socio-economic indicators . J DENT RES vol. 80 , ( 4 ) 1151 - 1151 .
WONG FSL, Shaw L ( 2001 ) . Dental erosion in children - quo vadis . Dental Practice vol. March 2001 , 24 - 28 .
Kindelan SA, Brook AH, Gangemi L, Lench N, Wong FSL, Fearne J, Jackson Z, Foster G et al. ( 2000 ) . Detection of a novel mutation in X-linked amelogenesis imperfecta . J DENT RES vol. 79 , ( 12 ) 1978 - 1982 .
Davis GR, Wong FSL ( 1999 ) . X-ray microtomography of bones and teeth . Physiological Measurement vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 121 - 146 .
Elliott JC, Davis GR, Anderson P, Wong FSL, Dowker SEP, Mercer CE ( 1997 ) . Application of laboratory microtomography to the study of mineralised tissues . Anales de Quimica vol. 93 , ( 1 SUPPL. 1 )
Elliott JC, Anderson P, Davis GR, Wong FSL, Dowker SEP, Kozul N, Boyde A ( 1997 ) . Microtomography in medicine and related fields . Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering . Conference: Developments in X-Ray Tomography vol. 3149 , 2 - 12 .
Wong FSL, Elliott JC, Anderson P, Davis GR ( 1995 ) . Mineral concentration gradients in rat femoral diaphyses measured by X-ray microtomography . Calcified Tissue International vol. 56 , ( 1 ) 62 - 70 .
Fearne J, Elliott J, Wong F, Davis G, Boyde A, Jones S ( 1994 ) . P38. Histopathology of deciduous enamel defects in low birth weight children: correlated x-ray microtomographic and backscattered electron imaging study . Bone vol. 15 , ( 4 )
Elliott JC, Anderson P, Gao XJ, Wong FSL, Davis GR, Dowker SEP ( 1994 ) . Application of scanning microradiography and X-ray microtomography to studies of bones and teeth . Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology vol. 4 , ( 2 ) 102 - 117 .
Fearne JM, Elliott JC, Wong FSL, Davis GR, Boyde A, Jones SJ ( 1994 ) . Deciduous enamel defects in low-birth-weight children: correlated X-ray microtomographic and backscattered electron imaging study of hypoplasia and hypomineralization . Brain Structure and Function vol. 189 , ( 5 ) 375 - 381 .
Elliott JC, Anderson P, Davis GR, Leng Wong FS, Dover SD ( 1994 ) . Computed tomography part II: The practical use of a single source and detector . JOM vol. 46 , ( 3 ) 11 - 19 .
Elliott JC, Anderson P, Davis GR, Wong FSL, Gao XJ, Dover SD, Boyde A ( 1992 ) . X-Ray Microtomographic Studies of Bones and Teeth . X-Ray Microscopy III , vol. 67 , Springer Nature
Wong FS, Day SJ ( 1990 ) . An investigation of factors influencing the longevity of restorations in primary molars . Journal of the International Association of Dentistry for Children vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 11 - 16 .