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Publications: Dr Lasse Thomassen

Thomassen L ( 2024 ) . Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe and the discursive approach . Research Handbook on Populism , Edward Elgar Publishing
Hamilton L, Vieira MB, Disch L, Thomassen L, Urbinati N ( 2023 ) . The power of political representation . Contemporary Political Theory vol. 23 , ( 3 ) 456 - 484 .
Thomassen L ( 2022 ) . Introduction . Journal of Social and Political Philosophy vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 200 - 202 .
Thomassen L ( 2022 ) . Commissioned Book Review: Marina Prentoulis, Left Populism in Europe: Lessons from Jeremy Corbyn to Podemos . Political Studies Review vol. 21 , ( 1 ) np29 - np30 .
Thomassen L ( 2022 ) . The “populist” foundation of liberal democracy: Jan-Werner Müller, Chantal Mouffe, and post-foundationalism . Philosophy & Social Criticism vol. 48 , ( 7 ) 992 - 1013 .
Thomassen L ( 2021 ) . All Claims Are Representative Claims: Response to Thomás Zicman de Barros . Representation vol. 58 , ( 2 ) 311 - 318 .
Thomassen L ( 2020 ) . Introduction: New Reflections on Ernesto Laclau's Theory of Populism . Theory & Event vol. 23 , ( 3 ) 734 - 739 .
Thomassen L, Hoover J, Owen D, Patton P, Chin C ( 2020 ) . Book Roundtable . Theoria vol. 67 , ( 162 ) 88 - 116 .
Thomassen L ( 2019 ) . Introduction: Between deconstruction and rational reconstruction . The Derrida - Habermas Reader ,
THOMASSEN LA ( 2019 ) . Representing the People: Laclau as a Theorist of Representation . New Political Science
Thomassen L ( 2019 ) . J. L. Austin (1911–1960) . The Cambridge Habermas Lexicon , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Thomassen L ( 2019 ) . Performative Self-Contradiction . The Cambridge Habermas Lexicon , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Thomassen L ( 2018 ) . Discourse and Heterogeneity . Discourse, Culture and Organization , Springer Nature
Thomassen L ( 2018 ) . Movement parties against austerity . CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL THEORY vol. 17 , S220 - S223 .
Thomassen L ( 2017 ) . Book Review: The Misinterpellated Subject, by James R. Martel . Political Theory vol. 47 , ( 2 ) 282 - 286 .
Thomassen L ( 2017 ) . Políticas de identidad y ciudadanía: el discurso de Gordon Brown sobre britanidad . Revista Electrónica de Derecho de la Universidad de La Rioja (REDUR) ( 15 ) 85 - 109 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2017 ) . From protest to party: horizontality and verticality on the Slovenian Left . Europe-Asia Studies
THOMASSEN LA ( 2017 ) . Poststructuralism and representation . Political Studies Review
Thomassen L ( 2017 ) . Movement parties against austerity . Contemporary Political Theory vol. 17 , ( Suppl 4 ) 220 - 223 .
thomassen L, song S, stilz A, oberman K, miller D ( 2017 ) . strangers in our midst . European Political Science vol. 17 , ( 4 ) 649 - 666 .
Thomassen L ( 2017 ) . Podemos: In the Name of the People . POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 440 - 441 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2017 ) . Mind the gap: Lawrence Hamilton and aesthetic representation . Representation vol. 53 , ( 1 ) 41 - 53 .
Thomassen L, dow DC, khanani A, schaffer FC ( 2017 ) . elucidating social science concepts . European Political Science vol. 17 , ( 2 ) 318 - 334 .
Thomassen L ( 2017 ) . British Multiculturalism and the Politics of Representation . Edinburgh University Press
Thomassen L ( 2017 ) . Are South Africans Free? . POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 167 - 168 .
Thomassen L ( 2017 ) . Deconstruction after Derrida . Ethics & Global Politics vol. 2 , ( 4 ) 383 - 388 .
Thomassen L ( 2017 ) . Freedom Is Power: Liberty through Political Representation . THEORIA vol. 64 , ( 152 ) 104 - 107 .
Thomassen L ( 2017 ) . South Africa's Insurgent Citizens: On Dissent and the Possibility of Politics . THEORIA vol. 64 , ( 152 ) 104 - 107 .
Thomassen L ( 2017 ) . The End of Representative Politics . RECERCA-REVISTA DE PENSAMENT & ANALISI ( 21 ) 190 - 193 .
Thomassen L ( 2016 ) . Multicultural Immunisation: Liberalism and Esposito . POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 249 - 250 .
Thomassen L ( 2016 ) . Reply: The indignados, populism and emotions in political theory: A response to Paolo Cossarini .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2016 ) . Hegemony, populism and democracy: Laclau and Mouffe today . Revista Española de Ciencia Política vol. 40 , 161 - 176 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2016 ) . A.Ulbricht, Multcultural Immunisation . Political Studies Review vol. 14 , ( 2 )
Prentoulis M, Thomassen L ( 2016 ) . Autonomy and hegemony in the squares: The 2011 protests in Greece and Spain . Radical Democracy and Collective Movements Today: The Biopolitics of the Multitude versus the Hegemony of the People ,
Errejon I, Thomassen L, Stavrakakis Y ( 2016 ) . Hegemony, between theory and political action. Interviews with Inigo Errejon, Lasse Thomassen and Yannis Stavrakakis . RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES-MADRID ( 31 ) 189 - 206 .
Thomassen L ( 2016 ) . Hegemony, populism and democracy: Laclau and Mouffe today (review article) . Revista Espanola de Ciencia Politica vol. 1 , ( 40 ) 161 - 176 .
Thomassen L, bilgin P, towns A, kang DC, buzan B, lawson G ( 2015 ) . introduction: the making of international relations . European Political Science vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 116 - 129 .
Chin C, Thomassen L ( 2015 ) . Introduction: Analytic, Continental and the question of a bridge . European Journal of Political Theory vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 133 - 137 .
Thomassen L ( 2015 ) . Talal Asad, Wendy Brown, Judith Butler and Saba Mahmood, Is Critique Secular? Blasphemy, Injury, and Free Speech . Critical Horizons vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 103 - 107 .
thomassen L ( 2015 ) . introduction: democracy disfigured . European Political Science vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 162 - 163 .
thomassen L ( 2015 ) . introduction: the killing fields of inequality . European Political Science vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 183 - 184 .
Ungureanu C, Thomassen L ( 2015 ) . The post-secular debate: Introductory remarks . European Legacy vol. 20 , ( 2 ) 103 - 108 .
Ungureanu C, Thomassen L ( 2015 ) . The Post-secular Debate: Introductory Remarks . The European Legacy vol. 20 , ( 2 ) 103 - 108 .
thomassen L ( 2014 ) . Book Review Symposium: Survival Migration . European Political Science vol. 14 , ( 1 ) 59 - 60 .
thomassen L ( 2014 ) . Book Review Symposium: Resilience . European Political Science vol. 14 , ( 1 ) 51 - 52 .
thomassen L ( 2014 ) . Introduction: Good-Bye Hegemony! . European Political Science vol. 13 , ( 4 ) 380 - 381 .
Thomassen L ( 2014 ) . On the Muslim Question by Anne Norton. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013. 265pp., £16.95, ISBN 978 0 691 15704 7 . Political Studies Review vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 445 - 445 .
Prentoulis M, Thomassen L ( 2014 ) . Autonomy and hegemony in the squares: The 2011 protests in Greece and Spain . 213 - 234 .
Thomassen L ( 2014 ) . Review . Global Discourse vol. 4 , ( 2-3 ) 370 - 373 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2014 ) . The Democracy Project by David Graeber . Global Discourse vol. 4 , ( 2-3 ) 370 - 373 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2014 ) . The indignados, populism and emotions in political theory: response to Paolo Cossarini . Global Discourse305 - 307 .
Prentoulis M, Thomassen L ( 2013 ) . Political theory in the square: Protest, representation and subjectification . Contemporary Political Theory vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 166 - 184 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2013 ) . Communicative Reason, Deconstruction, and Foundationalism: Reply to White and Farr . POLITICAL THEORY vol. 41 , ( 3 ) 483 - 489 .
Thomassen L ( 2012 ) . Becoming Undone: Darwinian Reflections on Life, Politics, and Art. By Elizabeth Grosz. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011. 280p. $84.95 cloth, $23.95 paper. - Quantum Anthropologies: Life at Large. By Vicki Kirby. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011. 184p. $79.95 cloth, $22.95 paper . Perspectives on Politics vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 1058 - 1060 .
Kenyon AJ, Lashley C, Thomassen L ( 2012 ) . REVIEWS . Hospitality & Society vol. 2 , ( 2 ) 231 - 238 .
Thomassen L ( 2012 ) . Derrida: Profanations. By Patrick O’Connor . The European Legacy vol. 17 , ( 7 ) 962 - 963 .
Thomassen L ( 2012 ) . Becoming Undone: Darwinian Reflections on Life, Politics, and Art . PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICS vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 1058 - 1060 .
Thomassen L ( 2012 ) . Contemporary Political Movements and the Thought of Jacques Ranciere: Equality in Action . POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 94 - 94 .
Thomassen L ( 2012 ) . Quantum Anthropologies: Life at Large . PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICS vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 1058 - 1060 .
Thomassen L ( 2011 ) . (Not) Just a Piece of Cloth: Begum, Recognition and the Politics of Representation . POLIT THEORY vol. 39 , ( 3 ) 325 - 351 .
Thomassen L ( 2011 ) . Emergency Politics: Paradox, Law, Democracy . J POLIT vol. 73 , ( 2 ) 624 - 625 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2011 ) . Deliberative Democracy and Provisionality’ . Contemporary Political Theory vol. 10 , 423 - 443 .
Thomassen L ( 2011 ) . The Politics of Iterability: Benhabib, the Hijab, and Democratic Iterations . POLITY vol. 43 , ( 1 ) 128 - 149 .
Thomassen L ( 2010 ) . The Cartoons that Shook the World . CRIT QUART vol. 52 , ( 4 ) 113 - 117 .
Thomassen L ( 2010 ) . Unstable universalities: Poststructuralism and radical politics . CONTEMP POLIT THEORY vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 137 - 139 .
THOMASSEN L ( 2010 ) . Deconstruction as Method in Political Theory . Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft ( 1 ) 41 - 53 .
THOMASSEN L ( 2010 ) . Deconstruction as method in political theory . Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft vol. 39 , ( 1 )
Thomassen L ( 2010 ) . Habermas: A Guide for the Perplexed . Continuum
THOMASSEN L ( 2010 ) . Jürgen Habermas . The Sage Encyclopedia of Political Theory , Sage
THOMASSEN L ( 2010 ) . Political Theory in a Provisional Mode . Critical Review of Social and Political Philosophy vol. 13 , ( 4 ) 453 - 473 .
THOMASSEN L, Thomassen L ( 2010 ) . Radical Democracy . The History of Continental Philosophy. Vol. 7: After Poststructuralism: Transitions and Transformations , Acumen ( London ),
Thomassen L ( 2010 ) . Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory . POLIT STUD REV vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 85 - 85 .
Thomassen L ( 2009 ) . Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context . CAN J POLIT SCI vol. 42 , ( 2 ) 553 - 554 .
Thomassen L ( 2009 ) . Against Recognition . POLIT STUD REV vol. 7 , ( 2 ) 246 - 247 .
Thomassen L ( 2009 ) . Deconstruction after 9/11 . ETHICS GLOB POLIT vol. 2 , ( 4 ) 383 - 388 .
Thomassen L ( 2009 ) . Gladiator, Violence, and the Founding of a Republic . PS-POLIT SCI POLIT vol. 42 , ( 1 ) 145 - 148 .
Thomassen L ( 2009 ) . Islam and the West: a conversation with Jacques Derrida . ETHICS GLOB POLIT vol. 2 , ( 4 ) 383 - 388 .
Heaney JG, Wenman M, Thomassen L, Ashworth L, Gifford C, Woodcock P ( 2008 ) . Human emotions: a sociological theory by Jonathan H. Turner | Radical democracy: politics between abundance and lack by Lasse Thomassen and Lars Tønder, eds | Aversive democracy: inheritance and originality in the democratic tradition by Aletta Norval | Power in the global age by Ulrich Beck | Cosmopolitan global politics by Patrick Haydon | Citizenship: beyond the state by John Hoffman Supranational citizenship by Lynn Dobson . Journal of Power vol. 1 , ( 3 ) 385 - 413 .
Thomassen L ( 2008 ) . Methods and philosophy of social science for discourse theory 1 . Journal of Power vol. 1 , ( 2 ) 217 - 222 .
Thomassen L ( 2008 ) . Review Article: Between Deconstruction and Rational Reconstruction . European Journal of Political Theory vol. 7 , ( 3 ) 382 - 390 .
Thomassen L ( 2007 ) . Towards a cosmopolitics of heterogeneity: Borders, communities and refugees in Angelopoulos' Balkan trilogy . Cosmopolitics and the Emergence of a Future ,
THOMASSEN LA ( 2007 ) . Within the Limits of Deliberative Reason Alone: Habermas, Civil Disobedience and Constitutional Democracy . European Journal of Political Theory vol. 6 , 209 - 219 .
Thomassen L ( 2007 ) . 'A basic closure of perspective'? Reply to Robinson and Tormey . PARLIAMENT AFF vol. 60 , ( 1 ) 138 - 142 .
Thomassen L ( 2007 ) . Beyond representation? . PARLIAMENT AFF vol. 60 , ( 1 ) 111 - 126 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2007 ) . Deconstructing Habermas . Routledge ( London ),
THOMASSEN LA ( 2007 ) . Derrida vs. Habermas Revisited . Derrida: negotiating the Legacy , Editors: al, MFE , Edinburgh University Press ( Edinburgh ),
THOMASSEN LA ( 2007 ) . Towards a Cosmopolitics of Heterogeneity: Borders, Communities . Cosmopolitics and the Emergence of a Future , Editors: Morgan, D, Banham, G , Palgrave ( Basingstoke ),
Thomassen L ( 2007 ) . Within the limits of deliberative reason alone: Habermas, civil disobedience and constitutional democracy . European Journal of Political Theory vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 200 - 218 .
Thomassen L ( 2006 ) . The inclusion of the other? Habermas and the paradox of tolerance . POLITICAL THEORY vol. 34 , ( 4 ) 439 - 462 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2006 ) . A Bizarre, Even Opaque Practice”: Habermas on Constitutionalism . The Derrida-Habermas Reader , Editors: Thomassen, L , Edinburgh University Press; University of Chicago Press ( Edinburgh and Chicago ),
Thomassen L ( 2006 ) . Rogues: Two essays on reason . MILLENNIUM-J INT ST vol. 34 , ( 3 ) 986 - 987 .
Thomassen L ( 2006 ) . The Derrida-Habermas Reader . Edinburgh University Press
THOMASSEN LA ( 2005 ) . Antagonism, hegemony and ideology after heterogeneity . Journal of Political Ideologies vol. 10 , ( 3 ) 289 - 309 .
Thomassen L ( 2005 ) . Habermas and his Others . Polity vol. 37 , ( 4 ) 548 - 560 .
Thomassen L ( 2005 ) . Reading radical democracy: A commentary on Clive Barnett . Political Geography vol. 24 , ( 5 ) 631 - 639 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2005 ) . Heterogeneity, Inclusion and Exclusion: Displacements of Life, . Contemporary Justice Review vol. 8 , 381 - 395 .
THOMASSEN L ( 2005 ) . Discourse analytical strategies: antagonism, hegemony and ideology after heterogeneity . Journal of Political Ideologies vol. 10 , ( 3 ) 289 - 309 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2005 ) . Habermas . The Palgrave Guide to Continental Political Thought , Editors: Carver, T, Martin, J , Palgrave ( Basingstoke ),
THOMASSEN LA ( 2005 ) . Habermas og Derrida: filosofien i ei kritisk tid . Syn & Segn vol. 4 , 22 - 34 .
THOMASSEN LA ( 2005 ) . In/exclusions: towards a radical democratic approach to exclusion . Radical democracy: Politics between abundance and lack , Editors: Thomassen, L, Tønder, L , Manchester University Press ( Manchester ),
Thomassen L ( 2005 ) . Radical democracy: politics between abundance and lack . Manchester University Press
THOMASSEN L ( 2000 ) . From the Modern to the Post-Modern: Deconstructing Habermas . Hybrid Spaces: Theory, Culture, Economy , Editors: Angermüller, J, Bunzmann, K, Rauch, C , LIT Verlag