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Publications: Dr Christopher Tyson

Dardanoni V, Manzini P, Mariotti M, Petri H, Tyson C ( 2022 ) . Mixture Choice Data: Revealing Preferences and Cognition . Journal of Political Economy
Tyson CJ ( 2021 ) . Exponential Satisficing . American Economic Journal Microeconomics vol. 13 , ( 2 ) 439 - 467 .
Dardanoni V, Manzini P, Mariotti M, Tyson CJ ( 2020 ) . Inferring Cognitive Heterogeneity From Aggregate Choices . Econometrica vol. 88 , ( 3 ) 1269 - 1296 .
Tyson CJ ( 2018 ) . Correction to: Rationalizability of menu preferences . Economic Theory vol. 65 , ( 4 ) 935 - 935 .
TYSON CJ ( 2017 ) . Rationalizability of menu preferences . Economic Theory vol. 65 , ( 4 ) 917 - 934 .
TYSON CJ, Mariotti M, Manzini P ( 2016 ) . Partial knowledge restrictions on the two-stage threshold model of choice . Journal of Mathematical Economics vol. 64 , 41 - 47 .
TYSON CJ ( 2015 ) . Satisficing behavior with a secondary criterion . Social Choice and Welfare vol. 44 , ( 3 ) 639 - 661 .
TYSON CJ ( 2013 ) . Behavioral implications of shortlisting procedures . Social Choice and Welfare vol. 41 , ( 4 ) 941 - 963 .
Manzini P, Mariotti M, Tyson CJ ( 2013 ) . Two-stage threshold representations . Theoretical Economics vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 875 - 882 .
Fella G, Tyson CJ ( 2013 ) . Privately optimal severance pay . The BE Journal of Macroeconomics vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 415 - 453 .
TYSON CJ ( 2013 ) . Preference symmetries, partial differential equations, and functional forms for utility . Journal of Mathematical Economics vol. 49 , ( 4 ) 266 - 277 .
Tyson CJ ( 2010 ) . Dominance solvability of dynamic bargaining games . Economic Theory vol. 43 , ( 3 ) 457 - 477 .
Tyson CJ ( 2008 ) . Management of a capital stock by Strotz's naive planner . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control vol. 32 , ( 7 ) 2214 - 2239 .
TYSON CJ ( 2008 ) . Cognitive constraints, contraction consistency, and the satisficing criterion . Journal of Economic Theory vol. 138 , ( 1 ) 51 - 70 .
TYSON CJ ( 2007 ) . Management of a Capital Stock by Strotz's Naive Planner . , Notes: Working Paper ,
TYSON CJ, Marlovits G, Novak B, Tyson JJ ( 1998 ) . Modeling M-phase control in Xenopus oocyte extracts: the surveillance mechanism for unreplicated DNA . Biophysical Chemistry vol. 72 , ( 1-2 ) 169 - 184 .