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Publications: Prof Leonard Soicher

Soicher LH ( 2024 ) . Software for Proper Vertex-Colouring Exploiting Graph Symmetry . Mathematical Software – ICMS 2024 , vol. 14749 , Springer Nature
Bailey RA, Soicher LH ( 2020 ) . Uniform semi-Latin squares and their pairwise-variance aberrations . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference vol. 213 , 282 - 291 .
Bailey RA, Cameron PJ, Soicher LH, Williams ER ( 2020 ) . Substitutes for the Non-existent Square Lattice Designs for 36 Varieties . Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
Greaves GRW, SOICHER LH ( 2018 ) . On the clique number of a strongly regular graph . The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
SOICHER LH ( 2018 ) . On classifying objects with specified groups of automorphisms, friendly subgroups, and Sylow tower groups . Portugaliae Mathematica
Ostergard PRJ, SOICHER LH ( 2018 ) . There is no McLaughlin geometry . Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A vol. 155 , 27 - 41 .
Soicher LH ( 2016 ) . The uniqueness of a distance-regular graph with intersection array $$\{32,27,8,1;1,4,27,32\}$$ { 32 , 27 , 8 , 1 ; 1 , 4 , 27 , 32 } and related results . Designs, Codes and Cryptography vol. 84 , ( 1-2 ) 101 - 108 .
Linek V, Soicher LH, Stevens B ( 2015 ) . Cube Designs . Journal of Combinatorial Designs vol. 24 , ( 5 ) 223 - 233 .
Soicher LH ( 2015 ) . On cliques in edge-regular graphs . Journal of Algebra vol. 421 , 260 - 267 .
SOICHER LH ( 2013 ) . Designs, Groups and Computing . Probabilistic Group Theory, Combinatorics, and Computing , Editors: Detinko, A, Flannery, D, O'Brien, EA , vol. 2070 , Springer Verlag
Soicher LH ( 2013 ) . Optimal and efficient semi-Latin squares . JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE vol. 143 , ( 3 ) 573 - 582 .
Soicher LH ( 2012 ) . Uniform Semi-Latin Squares and Their Schur-Optimality . JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL DESIGNS vol. 20 , ( 6 ) 265 - 277 .
Soicher LH ( 2011 ) . On generalised t-designs and their parameters . DISCRETE MATHEMATICS vol. 311 , ( 13 ) 1136 - 1141 .
Soicher LH ( 2010 ) . More on block intersection polynomials and new applications to graphs and block designs . J COMB THEORY A vol. 117 , ( 7 ) 799 - 809 .
Dobcsanyi P, Preece DA, Soicher LH ( 2007 ) . On balanced incomplete-block designs with repeated blocks . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS vol. 28 , ( 7 ) 1955 - 1970 .
Cameron PJ, Soicher LH ( 2007 ) . Block intersection polynomials . B LOND MATH SOC vol. 39 , 559 - 564 .
McSorley JP, Soicher LH ( 2007 ) . Constructing t-designs from t-wise balanced designs . EUR J COMBIN vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 567 - 571 .
Bailey RA, Cameron PJ, Dobcsanyi P, Morgan JP, Soicher LH ( 2006 ) . Designs on the web . DISCRETE MATHEMATICS vol. 306 , ( 23 ) 3014 - 3027 .
SOICHER LH ( 2006 ) . The DESIGN 1.3 package for GAP 4.4 . The GAP Council Medium: World-wide web ,
Soicher LH ( 2006 ) . Is there a McLaughlin geometry? . J ALGEBRA vol. 300 , ( 1 ) 248 - 255 .
SOICHER LH ( 2004 ) . Computing with graphs and groups . Topics in Algebraic Graph Theory , Cambridge Univ. Press ( Cambridge ),
SOICHER LH ( 2003 ) . GRAPE . Computer Algebra Handbook: Foundations, Applications, Systems , Springer-Verlag ( Berlin ),
SOICHER LH, CAMERON PJ, DOBCSANYI P, MORGAN JP ( 2003 ) . The External Representation of Block Designs . Notes: XML specification and description ,
SOICHER LH ( 2002 ) . The GRAPE 4.1 GAP package .
Havas G, Soicher LH, Wilson RA ( 2001 ) . A presentation for the Thompson sporadic simple group . Editors: Kantor, WM, Seress, A , vol. 8 ,
Hall JI, Soicher LH ( 1995 ) . Presentations of some 3-transposition groups . Communications in Algebra vol. 23 , ( 7 ) 2517 - 2559 .

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