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Publications: Prof William Spence

Brown GR, Gowdy J, Spence B ( 2024 ) . Self-dual fields on self-dual backgrounds and the double copy . Physical Review D vol. 109 , ( 2 )
Brown GR, Gowdy J, Spence B ( 2023 ) . Celestial twistor amplitudes . Physical Review D vol. 108 , ( 6 )
Brandhuber A, Brown GR, Gowdy J, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2021 ) . Celestial superamplitudes . Physical Review D vol. 104 , ( 4 )
Spence B ( 2020 ) . Everything Is Now, Revolutionary Ideas from String Theory . Taylor & Francis
Spence W, Berman D, Alawadhi R ( 2020 ) . Weyl doubling . The Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 127 ,
Alawadhi R, Berman DS, Spence B, Veiga DP ( 2020 ) . S-duality and the double copy . The Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2020 , ( 3 )
Brandhuber A, Hughes E, Panerai R, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2016 ) . The connected prescription for form factors in twistor space . Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2016 , ( 11 )
Brandhuber A, Hughes E, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2016 ) . One-loop soft theorems via dual superconformal symmetry . Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2016 , ( 3 )
Penante B, Spence B, Travaglini G, Wen C ( 2014 ) . On super form factors of half-BPS operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills . JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS ( 4 ) Article ARTN 083 ,
HULL CM, SPENCE B ( 2011 ) . COUPLING THE WESS-ZUMINO-WITTEN MODEL TO YANG-MILLS FIELDS . Modern Physics Letters A vol. 6 , ( 11 ) 969 - 976 .
Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G, Yang G ( 2011 ) . Form factors in N=4 super Yang-Mills and periodic Wilson loops . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS ( 1 ) Article 134 ,
Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2011 ) . Tree-level formalism . JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL vol. 44 , ( 45 ) Article ARTN 454002 ,
Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G, Yang G ( 2010 ) . A note on dual MHV diagrams in N=4 SYM . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS vol. 2010 , ( 12 ) Article 087 ,
Brandhuber A, Heslop P, Katsaroumpas P, Nguyen D, Spence B, Spradlin M, Travaglini G ( 2010 ) . A Surprise in the Amplitude/Wilson Loop Duality . Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2010 , ( 7 ) Article 080 ,
Katsaroumpas P, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2009 ) . One-loop N=8 supergravity coefficients from N=4 super Yang-Mills . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS vol. 2009 , ( 8 ) Article 096 ,
Anastasiou C, Brandhuber A, Heslop P, Khoze VV, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2009 ) . Two-loop polygon Wilson loops in N=4 SYM . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS vol. 2009 , ( 5 ) Article 115 ,
Brandhuber A, Heslop P, Nasti A, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2009 ) . Four-point amplitudes in N=8 supergravity and Wilson loops . NUCL PHYS B vol. 807 , ( 1-2 ) 290 - 314 .
Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G, Zoubos K ( 2007 ) . One-loop MHV rules and pure yang-mills . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS ( 7 ) Article 002 ,
Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2007 ) . Twistor inspired methods in gauge theory and gravity . CONTEMP PHYS vol. 48 , ( 3 ) 131 - 142 .
Brandhuber A, McNamara S, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2007 ) . Recursion relations for one-loop gravity amplitudes . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS ( 3 ) Article 029 ,
Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2007 ) . Amplitudes in pure Yang-Mills and MHV diagrams . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS ( 2 ) Article 088 ,
McNamara S, Papageorgakis C, Ramgoolam S, Spence WJ ( 2006 ) . Finite N effects on the collapse of fuzzy spheres . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS ( 5 ) Article 060 ,
Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2006 ) . From trees to loops and back . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS ( 1 ) Article 142 ,
Brandhuber A, McNamara S, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2005 ) . Loop amplitudes in pure Yang-Mills from generalised unitarity . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS ( 10 ) Article 011 ,
Bedford J, Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2005 ) . A recursion relation for gravity amplitudes . NUCL PHYS B vol. 721 , 98 - 110 .
Bedford J, Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2005 ) . Non-supersymmetric loop amplitudes and MHV vertices . NUCL PHYS B vol. 712 , ( 1-2 ) 59 - 85 .
Bedford J, Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2005 ) . A twistor approach to one-loop amplitudes in N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory . NUCL PHYS B vol. 706 , ( 1-2 ) 100 - 126 .
Brandhuber A, Spence B, Travaglini G ( 2005 ) . One-loop gauge theory amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills from MHV vertices . NUCL PHYS B vol. 706 , ( 1-2 ) 150 - 180 .
Spence WJ, BRANDHUBER A, Travaglini G, Bedford J ( 2005 ) . A Twistor Approach to One-Loop Amplitudes in N=1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory . Nuclear Physics vol. B706 ,
Spence WJ, TRAVAGLINI G, Brandhuber A, Bedford J ( 2005 ) . A recursion relation for gravity amplitudes . Nuclear Physics B vol. B721 , 98 - 110 .
Spence WJ, TRAVAGLINI G, Brandhuber A, Bedford J ( 2005 ) . Non-supersymmetric loop amplitudes and MHV vertices . Nuc. Phys. B vol. B712 ,
Spence WJ, TRAVAGLINI G, Brandhuber A ( 2005 ) . One-loop gauge theory amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills from MHV vertices . Nuc. Phys. B vol. 706 ,
Ramgoolam S, Spence B, Thomas S ( 2004 ) . Resolving brane collapse with 1/N corrections in non-Abelian DBI . NUCL PHYS B vol. 703 , ( 1-2 ) 236 - 276 .
de Medeiros P, Spence B ( 2003 ) . Four-dimensional topological Einstein-Maxwell gravity . CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV vol. 20 , ( 11 ) 2075 - 2086 .
de Medeiros P, Hull C, Spence B, Figueroa-O'Farrill J ( 2002 ) . Conformal topological Yang-Mills theory and de Sitter holography . J HIGH ENERGY PHYS ( 8 ) Article 055 ,
SOLOVIEV O, Spence W, Russakovskii A ( 2001 ) . Fallback options . Conference: VIII International Conference: Forecasting Financial Markets, London 30 May to 01 June, 2001
Hull CM, Papadopoulos G, Spence B ( 1991 ) . Gauge symmetries for (p, q) supersymmetric sigma models . Nuclear Physics B vol. 363 , ( 2-3 ) 593 - 621 .
Hull CM, Spence B ( 1991 ) . The geometry of the gauged sigma-model with wess-zumino term . Nuclear Physics B vol. 353 , ( 2 ) 379 - 426 .
Hull CM, Spence B, Vázquez-Bello JL ( 1991 ) . The geometry of quantum gauge theories: A superspace formulation of BRST symmetry . Nuclear Physics B vol. 348 , ( 1 ) 108 - 124 .
Hull CM, Spence B ( 1990 ) . The (2, 0) supersymmetric Wess-Zumino-Witten model . Nuclear Physics B vol. 345 , ( 2-3 ) 493 - 508 .
Hull CM, Spence B ( 1990 ) . N = 2 current algebra and coset models . Physics Letters B vol. 241 , ( 3 ) 357 - 364 .
Hull CM, Spence B ( 1989 ) . The gauged nonlinear sigma model with Wess-Zumino term . Physics Letters B vol. 232 , ( 2 ) 204 - 210 .
Spence B, Thomas S ( 1987 ) . Consistency and component-field structure of gauge-invariant free open superstrings . Nuclear Physics B vol. 286 , 409 - 428 .

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