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Publications: Dr Angelika Stollewerk

Klann M, Schacht MI, Benton MA, Stollewerk A ( 2021 ) . Functional analysis of sense organ specification in the Tribolium castaneum larva reveals divergent mechanisms in insects . BMC Biology vol. 19 , ( 1 )
Schacht MI, Francesconi M, Stollewerk A ( 2020 ) . Distribution and development of the external sense organ pattern on the appendages of postembryonic and adult stages of the spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum . Development Genes and Evolution vol. 230 , ( 2 ) 121 - 136 .
Stollewerk A ( 2018 ) . Evolutionary development and morphological modifications of the brain: an interview with Angelika Stollewerk . BMC Biology vol. 16 , ( 1 )
Schwager EE, Sharma PP, Clarke T, Leite DJ, Wierschin T, Pechmann M, Akiyama-Oda Y, Esposito L et al. ( 2017 ) . The house spider genome reveals an ancient whole-genome duplication during arachnid evolution . BMC Biol vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 62 - 62 .
STOLLEWERK A ( 2017 ) . Evolutionary variation in neural gene expression in the developing sense organs of the crustacean Daphnia magna . Developmental Biology
Stollewerk A ( 2016 ) . A flexible genetic toolkit for arthropod neurogenesis . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences vol. 371 , ( 1685 )
Stollewerk A ( 2016 ) . Model Systems: The Key Roles of Traditional and New Models in Evolutionary Developmental Biology . Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology , Elsevier
Moczek AP, Sears KE, Stollewerk A, Wittkopp PJ, Diggle P, Dworkin I, Ledon-Rettig C, Matus DQ et al. ( 2015 ) . The significance and scope of evolutionary developmental biology: a vision for the 21st century . Evolution & Development vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 198 - 219 .
Biffar L, Stollewerk A ( 2015 ) . Evolutionary variations in the expression of dorso-ventral patterning genes and the conservation of pioneer neurons in Tribolium castaneum . Developmental Biology vol. 400 , ( 1 ) 159 - 167 .
Hartenstein V, Stollewerk A ( 2015 ) . The Evolution of Early Neurogenesis . Developmental Cell vol. 32 , ( 4 ) 390 - 407 .
Klann M, Stollewerk A ( 2015 ) . Evolutionary changes in proneural gene expression - atonal and ASH in Daphnia magna . INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY . vol. 55 , E97 - E97 .
Biffar L, Stollewerk A ( 2014 ) . Conservation and evolutionary modifications of neuroblast expression patterns in insects . Dev Biol vol. 388 , ( 1 ) 103 - 116 .
Mittmann B, Ungerer P, Klann M, Stollewerk A, Wolff C ( 2014 ) . Development and staging of the water flea Daphnia magna (Straus, 1820; Cladocera, Daphniidae) based on morphological landmarks . Evodevo vol. 5 , ( 1 )
Brenneis G, Stollewerk A, Scholtz G ( 2013 ) . Embryonic neurogenesis in Pseudopallene sp. (Arthropoda, Pycnogonida) includes two subsequent phases with similarities to different arthropod groups . Evodevo vol. 4 , ( 1 )
Eriksson BJ, Ungerer P, Stollewerk A ( 2013 ) . The function of Notch signalling in segment formation in the crustacean Daphnia magna (Branchiopoda) . Dev Biol vol. 383 , ( 2 ) 321 - 330 .
Ungerer P, Eriksson BJ, Stollewerk A ( 2012 ) . Unravelling the evolution of neural stem cells in arthropods: notch signalling in neural stem cell development in the crustacean Daphnia magna . Dev Biol vol. 371 , ( 2 ) 302 - 311 .
Linne V, Eriksson BJ, Stollewerk A ( 2012 ) . Single-minded and the evolution of the ventral midline in arthropods . Dev Biol vol. 364 , ( 1 ) 66 - 76 .
Ungerer P, Eriksson BJ, Stollewerk A ( 2011 ) . Neurogenesis in the water flea Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) suggests different mechanisms of neuroblast formation in insects and crustaceans . Dev Biol vol. 357 , ( 1 ) 42 - 52 .
Linne V, Stollewerk A ( 2011 ) . Conserved and novel functions for Netrin in the formation of the axonal scaffold and glial sheath cells in spiders . Dev Biol vol. 353 , ( 1 ) 134 - 146 .
Eriksson BJ, Stollewerk A ( 2010 ) . Expression patterns of neural genes in Euperipatoides kanangrensis suggest divergent evolution of onychophoran and euarthropod neurogenesis . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 107 , ( 52 ) 22576 - 22581 .
Stollewerk A ( 2010 ) . Evolution of patterning mechanisms . Arthropod Struct Dev vol. 39 , ( 6 ) 397 - 398 .
Eriksson BJ, Stollewerk A ( 2010 ) . The morphological and molecular processes of onychophoran brain development show unique features that are neither comparable to insects nor to chelicerates . Arthropod Struct Dev vol. 39 , ( 6 ) 478 - 490 .
Ayyar S, Negre B, Simpson P, Stollewerk A ( 2010 ) . An arthropod cis-regulatory element functioning in sensory organ precursor development dates back to the Cambrian . BMC Biol vol. 8 ,
Döffinger C, Stollewerk A ( 2010 ) . How can conserved gene expression allow for variation? Lessons from the dorso-ventral patterning gene muscle segment homeobox . Dev Biol vol. 345 , ( 1 ) 105 - 116 .
Doeffinger C, Hartenstein V, Stollewerk A ( 2010 ) . Compartmentalization of the Precheliceral Neuroectoderm in the Spider Cupiennius salei: Development of the Arcuate Body, Optic Ganglia, and Mushroom Body . J COMP NEUROL vol. 518 , ( 13 ) 2612 - 2632 .
Stollewerk A ( 2010 ) . The water flea Daphnia--a 'new' model system for ecology and evolution? . J Biol vol. 9 , ( 2 )
Fusco G, Stollewerk A ( 2009 ) . Evolution of neurogenesis in arthropods . Evolving Pathways , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Linne V, Stollewerk A ( 2009 ) . Comparative analysis of midline guidance and axonal path finding in the chelicerates Cupiennius salei and Achaearanea tepidariorum . MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT . vol. 126 , S260 - S260 .
Biffar L, Stollewerk A ( 2009 ) . Early Neurogenesis in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum . MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT . vol. 126 , S259 - S260 .
Eriksson J, Stollewerk A ( 2009 ) . Neurogenesis in the onychophoran Euperipatoides kanangrensis . MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT . vol. 126 , S253 - S253 .
Ungerer P, Stollewerk A ( 2009 ) . Neurogenesis in the water flea Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) . MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT . vol. 126 , S259 - S259 .
Doeffinger C, Stollewerk A ( 2009 ) . Specification of neural precursor identity in the chelicerate Cupiennius salei and the myriapod Glomeris marginata . MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT . vol. 126 , S260 - S260 .
Gold K, Cotton JA, Stollewerk A ( 2009 ) . The role of Notch signalling and numb function in mechanosensory organ formation in the spider Cupiennius salei . Dev Biol vol. 327 , ( 1 ) 121 - 131 .
Stollewerk A, Seyfarth E-A ( 2008 ) . Evolutionary changes in sensory precursor formation in arthropods: embryonic development of leg sensilla in the spider Cupiennius salei . Dev Biol vol. 313 , ( 2 ) 659 - 673 .
Pioro HL, Stollewerk A ( 2006 ) . The expression pattern of genes involved in early neurogenesis suggests distinct and conserved functions in the diplopod Glomeris marginata . DEVELOPMENT GENES AND EVOLUTION . vol. 216 , 417 - 430 .
Stollewerk A, Chipman AD ( 2006 ) . Neurogenesis in myriapods and chelicerates and its importance for understanding arthropod relationships . INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY . vol. 46 , 195 - 206 .
Chipman AD, Stollewerk A ( 2006 ) . Specification of neural precursor identity in the geophilomorph centipede Strigamia maritima . Dev Biol vol. 290 , ( 2 ) 337 - 350 .
Stollewerk A, Simpson P ( 2005 ) . Evolution of early development of the nervous system: a comparison between arthropods . BIOESSAYS vol. 27 , ( 9 ) 874 - 883 .
ELGAR GS ( 2005 ) . Editorial . Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic. vol. 4 , ( 2 ) 93 - 94 .
Stollewerk A ( 2004 ) . Changes in neurogenesis during arthropod evolution . ZOOL SCI vol. 21 , ( 12 ) 1207 - 1207 .
Stollewerk A ( 2004 ) . Neurogenesis in myriapods and chelicerates and its importance for understanding arthropod relationships . INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY . vol. 44 , 646 - 646 .
Stollewerk A ( 2004 ) . Secondary neurons are arrested in an immature state by formation of epithelial vesicles during neurogenesis of the spider Cupiennius salei . Front Zool vol. 1 , ( 1 )
Kadner D, Stollewerk A ( 2004 ) . Neurogenesis in the chilopod Lithobius forficatus suggests more similarities to chelicerates than to insects . Dev Genes Evol vol. 214 , ( 8 ) 367 - 379 .
Alexander S, Schwarz B ( 2004 ) . Editorial . HIST WORKSHOP JIII - IV .
Stollewerk A, Tautz D, Weller M ( 2003 ) . Neurogenesis in the spider: new insights from comparative analysis of morphological processes and gene expression patterns . ARTHROPOD STRUCT DEV vol. 32 , ( 1 ) 5 - 16 .
Stollewerk A, Schoppmeier M, Damen WGM ( 2003 ) . Involvement of Notch and Delta genes in spider segmentation . NATURE vol. 423 , ( 6942 ) 863 - 865 .
Dove H, Stollewerk A ( 2003 ) . Comparative analysis of neurogenesis in the myriapod Glomeris marginata (Diplopoda) suggests more similarities to chelicerates than to insects . DEVELOPMENT vol. 130 , ( 10 ) 2161 - 2171 .
Dove H, Stollewerk A ( 2003 ) . Mophological basis of neurogenesis in the myriapod Glomeris marginata (Diplopoda) . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY . vol. 82 , 121 - 122 .
Kadner D, Dove H, Stollewerk A ( 2003 ) . Neurogenesis in the myriapod Lithobius forficatus (Chilopoda) . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY . vol. 82 , 125 - 125 .
Stollewerk A ( 2002 ) . Recruitment of cell groups through Delta/Notch signalling during spider neurogenesis . Development vol. 129 , ( 23 ) 5339 - 5348 .
Stollewerk A, Weller M, Tautz D ( 2001 ) . Neurogenesis in the spider Cupiennius salei . Development vol. 128 , ( 14 ) 2673 - 2688 .

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