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Publications: Prof Ahu Tatli

Healy G, Tatli A, Forson C, Öztürk MB ( 2024 ) . Introduction - the pervasive nature of inequalities . Research Handbook on Inequalities and Work , Edward Elgar Publishing
Forson C, Healy G, öztürk MB, Tatli A ( 2024 ) . Research handbook on Inequalities and work .
Ozturk MB, Rumens N, Tatli A ( 2024 ) . Diversity and inclusion practitioners and non-binary employees in the UK: a Bourdieusian analysis . The International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. ahead-of-print , ( ahead-of-print ) 1 - 22 .
Peiris PPM, Tatli A, Ozturk MB ( 2023 ) . Understanding women's performance of entrepreneurship in the Sri Lankan context . International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship vol. ahead-of-print , ( ahead-of-print )
Makarem Y, Afiouni F, Metcalfe B, Sidani YM, Nijs S, Doci E, Luyckx J, Straub C et al. ( 2023 ) . Talent Management: Towards More Inclusive Theorizing . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2023 , ( 1 )
Ahmad SI, Ozturk MB, Tatli A ( 2023 ) . National context and the transfer of transgender diversity policy: An institutional theory perspective on multinational corporation subsidiaries in Pakistan . Gender Work and Organization vol. 31 , ( 5 ) 1828 - 1844 .
Karatas-Ozkan M, Ibrahim S, Ozbilgin M, Fayolle A, Manville G, Nicolopoulou K, Tatli A, Tunalioglu M ( 2023 ) . Challenging the assumptions of social entrepreneurship education and repositioning it for the future: wonders of cultural, social, symbolic and economic capitals . Social Enterprise Journal vol. 19 , ( 2 ) 98 - 122 .
Tatli A, Kornau A, Knappert L, Sieben B ( 2022 ) . Contested fields of equality, diversity and inclusion at work: an institutional work lens on power relations and actors’ strategies in Germany and Turkey . The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Ernst J, Tatli A ( 2022 ) . Knowledge legitimacy battles in nursing, quality in care, and nursing professionalization . Journal of Professions and Organization
Aldossari M, Chaudhry S, Tatli A, Seierstad C ( 2021 ) . Catch-22: Token Women trying to reconcile an impossible contradiction between Organizational and Societal expectations . Work, Employment and Society
Afiouni F, Makarem Y, Metcalfe BD, Gallardo Gallardo E, Afiouni F, B Ozturk M, Beham B, Bohle Carbonell K et al. ( 2020 ) . Intersectionality in Talent Management: Broadening our Sight for More Inclusive Theorizing . Academy of Management Proceedings vol. 2020 , ( 1 )
Ozturk MB, Rumens N, Tatli A ( 2020 ) . Age, sexuality and hegemonic masculinity: Exploring older gay men’s masculinity practices at work . Gender Work and Organization vol. 27 , ( 6 ) 1253 - 1268 .
Tatli A, Seierstad C, Aldossari M, Huse M ( 2020 ) . Broadening of the Field of Corporate Boards and Legitimate Capitals: An Investigation into the Use of Gender Quotas in Corporate Boards in Norway . Work, Employment and Society vol. 73 , ( 1 ) Article 9892835 , 1 - 21 .
Tatli A, Berry D, Ipek G, April K ( 2019 ) . Self-initiated expatriation: case study lessons from Africa and the United States . International Human Resource Management , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Yamak S, Ergur A, Karatas‐Ozkan M, Tatli A ( 2018 ) . CSR and Leadership Approaches and Practices: A Comparative Inquiry of Owners and Professional Executives . European Management Review vol. 16 , ( 4 ) 1097 - 1114 .
Ozturk MB, Tatli A ( 2018 ) . Sexuality, gender identity and career journeys . Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers , Edward Elgar Publishing
HEALY GM, TATLI A, IPEK G, OZTURK M, SEIERSTAD C, WRIGHT T ( 2018 ) . In the steps of Joan Acker: A journey in researching inequality regimes and intersectional inequalities . Gender Work and Organizations
Tatli A, Ozturk MB, Aldossari M ( 2017 ) . Equal opportunity and workforce diversity in Asia . Routledge Handbook of Human Resource Management in Asia ,
Newman A, Eva N, Herbert K ( 2017 ) . Leadership and Leadership Development in Asia . Routledge Handbook of Human Resource Management in Asia , Taylor & Francis
Kakabadse NK, TATLI A, Nicolopoulou K, Tankibayeva A, Mouraviev N ( 2017 ) . A Gender Perspective on Entrepreneurial Leadership:Female Leaders in Kazakhstan . European Management Review
Özbilgin M, Tatli A, Ipek G, Sameer M ( 2016 ) . Four approaches to accounting for diversity in global organisations . Critical Perspectives on Accounting vol. 35 , 88 - 99 .
Tatli A, Ozturk MB, Woo HS ( 2016 ) . Individualization and Marketization of Responsibility for Gender Equality: The Case of Female Managers in China . Human Resource Management vol. 56 , ( 3 ) 407 - 430 .
Pinnington A, Alshamsi A, Karatas-Ozkan M, Nicolopoulou K, Ozbilgin M, Tatli A, Vassilopoulou J ( 2015 ) . Early Organizational Diffusion of Contemporary Policies: Narratives of Sustainability and Talent Management . Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences vol. 213 , 807 - 811 .
TATLI A, Ozturk MB ( 2015 ) . Gender identity inclusion in the workplace: broadening diversity management research through the case of transgender employees in the UK . International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 27 , ( 8 ) 781 - 802 .
Jonsen K, Tatli A, Özbilgin MF, Dietz J ( 2015 ) . Equal Opportunity . Wiley Encyclopedia of Management , Wiley
Nicolopoulou K, Lucas I, Tatli A, Karatas-Ozkan M, Costanzo LA, Özbilgin M, Manville G ( 2014 ) . Questioning the Legitimacy of Social Enterprises through Gramscian and Bourdieusian Perspectives: The Case of British Social Enterprises . Journal of Social Entrepreneurship vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 161 - 185 .
Tatli A, Ozbilgin M, Jonsen K, Karataş-Ozkan M, Amaeshi K, Atewologun A ( 2014 ) . Chapter 2: Reciprocity as a way forward for diversity management and CSR research . Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management , Edward Elgar Publishing
TATLI A, Nicolopoulou K, Özbilgin M, Karatas-Ozkan M, Ozturk M ( 2014 ) . Questioning Impact: Interconnection between Extra-Organizational Resources and Agency of Equality and Diversity Officers . International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 26 , ( 9 )
Al Ariss A, Özbilgin M, Tatli A, April K ( 2014 ) . Tackling Whiteness in organizations and management . Journal of Managerial Psychology vol. 29 , ( 4 ) 362 - 369 .
Forson C, Özbilgin M, Ozturk MB, Tatli A ( 2014 ) . Chapter 4: Multi-level approaches to entrepreneurship and small business research - transcending dichotomies with Bourdieu . Handbook of Research on Small Business and Entrepreneurship , Edward Elgar Publishing
TATLI A ( 2014 ) . Change agency as performance and embeddedness: Exploring the possibilities and limits of Butler and Bourdieu . Culture and Organization
TATLI A, Vassilopoulou J, Özbilgin M, Forson C, Slutskaya N ( 2014 ) . A Bourdieuan Relational Perspective for Entrepreneurship Research . Journal of Small Business Management
Forson C, Özbilgin M, Ozturk MB, Tatli A ( 2014 ) . Multi-level approaches to entrepreneurship and small business research - transcending dichotomies with Bourdieu . Handbook of Research on Small Business and Entrepreneurship ,
Tatli A, Özbilgin M, Jonsen K, Karataş-Özkan M, Amaeshi K, Atewologun A ( 2014 ) . Reciprocity as a way forward for diversity management and CSR research . Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management: A Diversity Perspective ,
TATLI A, Jonsen, K, Özbilgin, M, Bell, M.P ( 2013 ) . The Tragedy of Uncommons: reframing workforce diversity . Human Relations vol. 66 , ( 2 ) 271 - 294 .
Jonsen K, Tatli A, Özbilgin MF, Bell MP ( 2013 ) . The tragedy of the uncommons: Reframing workforce diversity . Human Relations . vol. 66 , 271 - 294 .
Tatli A, Vassilopoulou J, Oezbilgin M ( 2013 ) . An unrequited affinity between talent shortages and untapped female potential: The relevance of gender quotas for talent management in high growth potential economies of the Asia Pacific region . INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW vol. 22 , ( 3 ) 539 - 553 .
Ozbilgin M, Jonsen K, Vassilopoulou J, Tatli A, Surgevil O ( 2013 ) . Global Diversity Management . The Oxford Handbook of Diversity and Work , Editors: Roberson, Q , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Klarsfeld A, Ng E, Tatli A ( 2012 ) . Social regulation and diversity management: A comparative study of France, Canada and the UK . European Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 18 , ( 4 ) 309 - 327 .
Tatli A, Vassilopoulou J, Ariss AA, Özbilgin M ( 2012 ) . The role of regulatory and temporal context in the construction of diversity discourses: The case of the UK, France and Germany . European Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 18 , ( 4 ) 293 - 308 .
Tatli A, Özbilgin MF ( 2012 ) . An Emic Approach to Intersectional Study of Diversity at Work: A Bourdieuan Framing . International Journal of Management Reviews vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 180 - 200 .
Tatli A, Özbilgin M ( 2012 ) . Surprising intersectionalities of inequality and privilege: The case of the arts and cultural sector . Equality, Diversity and Inclusion vol. 31 , ( 3 ) 249 - 265 .
Tatli A, Vassilopoulou J, Özbilgin M ( 2012 ) . An unrequited affinity between talent shortages and untapped female potential: The relevance of gender quotas for talent management in high growth potential economies of the Asia Pacific region . International Business Review
Tatli A ( 2012 ) . On the power and poverty of critical (self) reflection in critical management studies: A comment on Ford, Harding and Learmonth . British Journal of Management vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 22 - 30 .
TATLI A, Ozbilgin M ( 2011 ) . An emic approach to intersectional study of diversity at work: A Bourdieuan framing . International Journal of Management Reviews vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 180 - 200 .
Ozbilgin M, Tatli A ( 2011 ) . Mapping out the field of equality and diversity: Rise of individualism and voluntarism . Human Relations vol. 64 , ( 9 ) 1229 - 1253 .
Tatli A ( 2011 ) . A Multi-layered Exploration of the Diversity Management Field: Diversity Discourses, Practices and Practitioners in the UK . British Journal of Management vol. 22 , ( 2 ) 238 - 253 .
Ozbilgin MF, Beauregard TA, Tatli A, Bell MP ( 2011 ) . Work-Life, Diversity and Intersectionality: A Critical Review and Research Agenda . INT J MANAG REV vol. 13 , ( 2 ) 177 - 198 .
Tatli A ( 2011 ) . On the Power and Poverty of Critical (Self) Reflection in Critical Management Studies: A Comment on Ford, Harding and Learmonth . British Journal of Management vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 22 - 30 .
Tatli A ( 2011 ) . A multi-layered exploration of the diversity management field: Diversity discourses, practices and practitioners in the UK . British Journal of Management vol. 22 , ( 2 ) 283 - 253 .
Nicolopoulou K, Karataş-Ozkan M, Tatli A, Taylor J ( 2011 ) . Global Knowledge Work: Diversity and Relational Perspectives . Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
TATLI A, Nicolopoulou K, Karataş-Ozkan M ( 2011 ) . Introduction . Global Knowledge Work: Diversity and Relational Perspectives , Editors: Nicolopoulou, K, Karataş-Ozkan, M, Tatli, A, Taylor, J et al. , Edward Elgar
Tatli A ( 2011 ) . On the Power and Poverty of Critical (Self) Reflection in Critical Management Studies: A Comment on Ford, Harding and Learmonth . British Journal of Management
Ozbilgin M, Beauregard TA, Tatli A, Bell M ( 2011 ) . Work-Life, Diversity and Intersectionality: A Critical Review and Research Agenda . International Journal of Management Reviews vol. 13 , ( 2 ) 177 - 198 .
TATLI A, Alasia S ( 2010 ) . Different sources of capitals as strategic resources: Theoretical and Practitioner Perspectives . Equality, Inequalities and Diversity: from global to local , Editors: Healy, G, Kirton, G, Noon, M , Palgrave
Tatli A ( 2010 ) . Discourses and Practices of Diversity Management in the UK . International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment , Editors: Klarsfeld, A , Edward Elgar
Bridgstock R, Lettice F, Ozbilgin MF, Tatli A ( 2010 ) . Diversity management for innovation in social enterprises in the UK . ENTREP REGION DEV vol. 22 , ( 6 ) 557 - 574 .
Tatli A, Alasia S ( 2010 ) . Resources and Constraints of Diversity and Equality Officers: Theoretical and Practitioner Reflections . Equality, Inequalities and Diversity: Contemporary Challenges and Strategies , Editors: Healy, G, Kirton, G, Noon, M , Palgrave
Tatli A, Ozbilgin MF ( 2009 ) . Understanding Diversity Managers' Role in Organizational Change: Towards a Conceptual Framework . CAN J ADM SCI vol. 26 , ( 3 ) 244 - 258 .
Tatli A, Ozbilgin M ( 2009 ) . Agency in Management of Change: relationality, situatedness and foresight . Handbook of Research on Strategy and Foresight , Editors: Costanzo, LA, MacKay, RB , Edward Elgar Publishing ( Cheltenham ),
Ozbilgin M, Tatli A ( 2009 ) . Career Constraint in the Creative and Cultural Industries in London: the case of work placement experience . Career Choice in Management and Entrepreneurship , Editors: Özbilgin, MF, Malach-Pines, A , Edward Elgar ( London and New York ),
Ozbilgin M, Mulholland G, Tatli A, Worman D ( 2008 ) . Managing Diversity and the Business Case: Research into Practice . CIPD ( London ),
Özbilgin M, Tatli A ( 2008 ) . Global diversity management . Palgrave MacMillan
Tatli A ( 2008 ) . The Fordism of Ford and modern management: Fordism and post-Fordism volumes I and II . WORK EMPLOY SOC vol. 22 , ( 1 ) 185 - 187 .
TATLI A ( 2008 ) . Book review: The Fordism of Ford and modern management: Fordism and post-Fordism volumes I and II . Work, Employment and Society vol. 22 , ( 1 ) 185 - 187 .
Tatli A, Ozbilgin M ( 2008 ) . Diversity Management as Calling: Sorry, it’s the wrong number! . Diversity Outlooks - Managing Diversity zwischen Ethik, Business Case und Antidiskriminierung. , Editors: Koall, I, Bruchagen, V, Hoher, F , LIT-Verlag Munster ( Hamburg ),
Tatli A, Ozbilgin M, Kusku F ( 2008 ) . Gendered Occupational Outcomes From Multilevel Perspectives: The Case of Professional Training and Work in Turkey . Explaining Gendered Occupational Outcomes , Editors: Eccles, J, Watt, H , American Psychological Association (APA) Press ( Michigan ),
OZBILGIN M, Tatli A ( 2008 ) . Global Diversity Management: an evidence-based approach . Palgrave Macmillan ( London ),
OZBILGIN M, Worman D, Mulholland G, Tatli A ( 2008 ) . Managing diversity and the business case . Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development ( [London] ),
Tatli A ( 2008 ) . Understanding the Agency of Diversity Managers: A Relational and Multilevel Investigation . Presented at: University of London ,
Tatli A, Ozbilgin M, LCACE ( 2008 ) . Work Placement Toolkit for Students, Universities and Arts and Cultural Organisations . Arts Council England ( London ),
Nicolopoulou K, Karatas-Ozkan M, Tatli A ( 2007 ) . Global Knowledge Work and Workers: New Directions from Diversity and Equality Perspectives . Equal Opportunities International vol. 26 , ( 8 ) 737 - 742 .
Özbilgin M, Tatli A, Worman D, Mulholland G ( 2007 ) . Managing Diversity in Practice: Supporting Business Goals . CIPD ( London ),
Ozbilgin M, Tatli A ( 2007 ) . Opening up Opportunities through Private Sector Recruitment and Guidance Agencies . Equal Opportunities Comission ( Manchester ),
Tatli A, Ozbilgin M, Worman D, Price E ( 2007 ) . Survey Report: Diversity in Business, A Focus for Progress . Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development ( London ),
Healy G, Kirton G, Ozbilgin M, Calveley M, Forson C, Oikelome F, Tatli A ( 2006 ) . Assessment Centres for Judicial Appointments and Diversity . Department of Constitutional Affairs ( London ),
Tatli A, Ozbilgin M ( 2006 ) . Developing a Diagnostic Check for Equality . Equal Opportunities Commission ( Manchester ),
Tatli A, Ozbilgin M, Worman D, Price E ( 2006 ) . Diversity in Business, How Much Progress Have Employers Made? . Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development ( London ),
TATLI A ( 2006 ) . Handbook of Workplace Diversity . Equal Opportunities International vol. 25 , ( 2 ) 160 - 162 .
Tatli A, Ozbilgin M, Mulholland G, Worman D ( 2006 ) . Managing Diversity Measuring Success . Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development ( London ),
Ozbilgin M, Tatli A ( 2006 ) . Scoping of London Based Higher Education Institutes' Work Placement Practices within the Creative and Cultural Industries . London Centre for Arts and Creative Enterprise ( London ),
Özbilgin M, Tatli A ( 2005 ) . Book review essay:: Understanding Bourdieu's contribution to organization and management studies . ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW vol. 30 , ( 4 ) 855 - 869 .
Tatli A ( 2005 ) . Strategic aspects of international human resource management . International Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice , Editors: Özbilgin, M , Palgrave MacMillan ( London and New York ),
TATLI A, Ozbilgin M ( 2005 ) . Understanding Bourdieu's Contribution to Organization and Management Studies . Academy of Management Review vol. 30 , ( 4 ) 855 - 869 .