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Publications: Prof Mark Sandler

SANDLER M . TECHNIQUES FOR DIGITAL POWER AMPLIFICATION . RS 3 . Conference: Reproduced Sound 1987 from: 05/11/1987 to: 08/11/1987 ,
SANDLER MB . HIGH ORDER LPC ANALYSIS/SYNTHESIS OF ATONAL PERCUSSION . RS 4 . Conference: Reproduced Sound 1988 from: 03/11/1988 to: 06/11/1988 ,
Diaz R, De La Vega Martin C, Sandler M ( 2024 ) . TOWARDS EFFICIENT MODELLING OF STRING DYNAMICS: A COMPARISON OF STATE SPACE AND KOOPMAN BASED DEEP LEARNING METHODS . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx . 200 - 207 .
Hemment D, Simperl E, Sandler M, Kennedy H, Benford S, Manghani S ( 2023 ) . A manifesto for Intelligent Experiences . The New Real vol. 1 , ( 1 )
Miller J, Pauwels J, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . Polar Manhattan Displacement: measuring tonal distances between chords based on intervallic content . Conference: 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ( Milan, Italy ) from: 05/11/2023 to: 09/11/2023 ,
Sarkar S, Thorpe L, Benetos E, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . Leveraging synthetic data for improving chamber ensemble separation . Conference: IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) ( New Paltz, New York, USA ) from: 22/10/2023 to: 25/10/2023 ,
Shier J, Caspe F, Robertson A, Sandler M, Mcpherson A, Saitis C ( 2023 ) . Differentiable Modelling of Percussive Audio with Transient and Spectral Synthesis . Conference: 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association (Forum Acusticum) from: 11/09/2023 to: 15/09/2023 ,
De La Vega Martin C, Sandler M . Physical Modelling of Stiff Membrane Vibration using Neural Networks with Spectral Convolution Layers . Conference: Forum Acusticum 2023 ( Torino, Italy ) from: 11/09/2023 to: 15/09/2023 ,
Caspe F, Mcpherson A, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . FM Tone Transfer with Envelope Learning . Conference: AudioMostly 2023 ( Edinburgh ) from: 30/08/2023 to: 01/09/2023 ,
Diaz R, Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . Rigid-Body Sound Synthesis with Differentiable Modal Resonators . Conference: ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Diaz Fernandez R, Saitis C, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . Interactive Neural Resonators . Conference: International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Pelinski Ramos T, Caspe F, Mcpherson A, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . Computing ecosystems: neural networks and embedded hardware platforms . Conference: CHI 2023 ( Hamburg, Germany ) from: 23/05/2023 to: 28/05/2023 ,
McArthur A, Johnston A, Sandler M, Ferguson S, Stewart R ( 2023 ) . Exploring experience and expertise in the context of preference for spatial sound treatment in immersive environments . International Conference on Spatial and Immersive Audio 2023 . 461 - 468 .
Bestagini P, Dixon S, Liang B, Richard G, Sarti A, Antonacci F, Sandler M ( 2023 ) . Preface . 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2023 - Proceedingsxi - xvi .
Miller J, O'Hanlon K, Sandler MB ( 2022 ) . Improving Balance in Automatic Chord Recognition with Random Forests . 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) . Conference: 2022 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)244 - 248 .
Zhao Y, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2022 ) . Transfer Learning for Violinist Identification . 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) . Conference: 2022 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)239 - 243 .
Sarkar S, Benetos E, Sandler M ( 2022 ) . EnsembleSet: A new high-quality synthesised dataset for chamber ensemble separation . Conference: 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) ( Bengaluru, India ) from: 05/12/2022 to: 08/12/2022 ,
Caspe F, Mcpherson A, Sandler M ( 2022 ) . DDX7: Differentiable FM Synthesis of Musical Instrument Sounds . Conference: 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2022) ( Bengaluru, India ) from: 04/12/2022 to: 08/12/2022 ,
Zhao Y, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2022 ) . Violinist Identification Using Note-Level Timbre Feature Distributions . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . Conference: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 2022-May , 601 - 605 .
Delgado A, Demirel E, Subramanian V, Saitis C, Sandler M ( 2022 ) . Deep Embeddings for Robust User-Based Amateur Vocal Percussion Classification . Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conferences . Conference: 19th Sound and Music Computing Conferences123 - 130 .
Kirby T, Sandler M ( 2022 ) . Developing an interactive drum model: Using the discrete cosine transform . Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics .
Yeoward C, Shukla R, Stewart R, Sandler M, Reiss J ( 2021 ) . Real-time binaural room modelling for augmented reality applications . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
Sarkar S, Benetos E, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . Vocal Harmony Separation using Time-domain Neural Networks . Conference: 22nd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH) ( Brno, Czech Republic ) from: 30/08/2021 to: 03/09/2021 , 3515 - 3519 .
Zhao Y, Wang C, Fazekas G, Benetos E, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . Violinist identification based on vibrato features . Conference: 29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) from: 23/08/2021 to: 27/08/2021 , 381 - 385 .
Shukla R, Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . User HRTF Selection for 3D Auditory Mixed Reality . . Conference: Sound and Music Computing Conference ( Online ) from: 29/06/2021 to: 01/07/2021 ,
Miller J, Nicosia V, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . Discovering Common Practice: Using Graph Theory to Compare Harmonic Sequences in Musical Audio Collections . Conference: 8th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology93 - 97 .
Kirby T, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . The evolution of drum modes with strike intensity: Analysis and synthesis using the discrete cosine transforma) . The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 150 , ( 1 ) 202 - 214 .
Subramanian V, Gururani S, Benetos E, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . Anomalous behaviour in loss-gradient based interpretability methods . Conference: RobustML workshop paper at ICLR 2021
OHanlon K, Sandler MB ( 2021 ) . FifthNet: Structured Compact Neural Networks for Automatic Chord Recognition . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing vol. 29 , 2671 - 2682 .
Delgado A, McDonald ST, Xu N, Saitis C, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . Learning Models for Query by Vocal Percussion: A Comparative Study . ICMC 2021 - Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2021 . 166 - 171 .
Delgado A, Saitis C, Sandler M ( 2021 ) . Phoneme Mappings for Online Vocal Percussion Transcription . 151st Audio Engineering Society Convention 2021 . 129 - 138 .
Bryce L, Sandler M, Serafin S, Andersen L ( 2020 ) . The Sense of Auditory Presence in a Choir for Virtual Reality . Conference: 149th Conference of the Audio Engineering Society ( New York )
Delgado Luezas A, Saitis C, Sandler M ( 2020 ) . Spectral and Temporal Timbral Cues of Vocal Imitations of Drum Sounds . Conference: 2nd International Conference on Timbre
Zhao Y, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2020 ) . Identifying master violinists using note-level audio features . Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conferences . Conference: 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference from: 24/06/2020 to: 27/06/2020 , vol. 2020-June , 185 - 192 .
Hanlon KO, Sandler MB ( 2020 ) . The Fifthnet Chroma Extractor . Conference: ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 3752 - 3756 .
SUBRAMANIAN V, Pankajakshan A, Benetos E, Xu N, McDonald S, Sandler M ( 2020 ) . A Study on the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks in Sound Event Classification . Conference: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020) ( Barcelona, Spain ) from: 04/05/2020 to: 08/05/2020 , 301 - 305 .
Metzig C, Gould M, Noronha R, Abbey R, Sandler M, Colijn C ( 2020 ) . Classification of origin with feature selection and network construction for folk tunes . Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 133 , 356 - 364 .
Fano Yela D, Thalmann F, Nicosia V, Stowell D, Sandler M ( 2020 ) . Online visibility graphs: Encoding visibility in a binary search tree . Physical Review Research vol. 2 , ( 2 ) Article 023069 ,
KUDUMAKIS P, WILMERING T, Sandler M, Rodríguez-Doncel V, Boch L, Delgado J ( 2020 ) . The Challenge: From MPEG Intellectual Property Rights Ontologies to Smart Contracts and Blockchains . IEEE: Signal Processing Magazine vol. 37 , ( 2 ) 89 - 95 .
WILMERING T, MOFFAT DJ, Milo A, Sandler M ( 2020 ) . A History of Audio Effects . Applied Sciences vol. 10 , ( 3 )
Thalmann F, Yoshii K, Wilmering T, Wiggins GA, Sandler MB ( 2020 ) . A METHOD FOR ANALYSIS OF SHARED STRUCTURE IN LARGE MUSIC COLLECTIONS USING TECHNIQUES FROM GENETIC SEQUENCING AND GRAPH THEORY . Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2020 . 343 - 350 .
Kirby T, Sandler M ( 2020 ) . ADVANCED FOURIER DECOMPOSITION FOR REALISTIC DRUM SYNTHESIS . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx . vol. 1 , 155 - 162 .
Bruford F, Lartillot O, McDonald ST, Sandler M ( 2020 ) . MULTIDIMENSIONAL SIMILARITY MODELLING OF COMPLEX DRUM LOOPS USING THE GROOVETOOLBOX . Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2020 . 717 - 725 .
Thalmann F, Wiggins G, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Representing Modifiable and Reusable Musical Content on the Web with Constrained Multi-Hierarchical Structures . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
Allik A, Thalmann F, Metzig C, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Join my party! How can we enhance social interactions in music streaming? . Conference: Web Audio Conference ( Trondheim )
Thalmann F, Allik A, Metzig C, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . an online collaborative music player . Conference: Web Audio Conference ( Trondheim )
Pauwels J, O'Hanlon K, Gómez E, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . 20 Years of Automatic Chord Recognition from Audio . Conference: Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) ( Delft, Netherlands ) from: 04/11/2019 to: 08/11/2019 ,
SUBRAMANIAN V, Benetos E, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Robustness of Adversarial Attacks in Sound Event Classification . . Conference: 4th Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE 2019) ( New York, USA ) from: 25/10/2019 to: 26/10/2019 , 239 - 243 .
Wilmering T, Thalmann F, Sandler MB ( 2019 ) . Alignment and Timeline Construction for Incomplete Analogue Audience Recordings of Historical Live Music Concerts . 147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019 . Conference: 147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019
Moffat D, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Approaches in Intelligent Music Production . Arts vol. 8 , ( 4 ) Article 125 ,
Delgado A, McDonald S, Xu N, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . A New Dataset for Amateur Vocal Percussion Analysis . Conference: Proceedings of the 14th International Audio Mostly Conference: A Journey in Sound17 - 23 .
Senvaityte D, Pauwels J, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Guitar String Separation Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and Factor Deconvolution . Conference: Audio Mostly 2019
Bruford F, Barthet M, McDonald S, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Modelling Musical Similarity for Drum Patterns . Conference: Proceedings of the 14th International Audio Mostly Conference: A Journey in Sound131 - 138 .
Thalmann F, WILMERING T, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Query-based Mashups of Historical Live Music Recordings . Conference: 9th Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH2019)
Mehrabi A, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Erratum: Vocal imitation of percussion sounds: On the perceptual similarity between imitations and imitated sounds (PLOS ONE (2019)14:8 (e0221722) DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0219955) . PLoS One vol. 14 , ( 8 )
Mehrabi A, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Vocal imitation of percussion sounds: On the perceptual similarity between imitations and imitated sounds . PLoS One vol. 14 , ( 7 ) e0219955 - e0219955 .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Transfer Learning for Piano Sustain-Pedal Detection . Conference: 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) vol. 00 , 1 - 6 .
Subramanian V, Benetos E, Xu N, McDonald S, Sandler MB ( 2019 ) . Adversarial Attacks in Sound Event Classification .
Kudumakis P, Wilmering T, Sandler M, Foss J ( 2019 ) . MPEG IPR ontologies for media trading and personalization . Conference: 1st International Workshop on Data-driven Personalization of Television (DataTV’19) held as part of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video (TVX’19) ( Manchester, UK ) vol. 2423 ,
Pauwels J, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Finding new practice material through chord-based exploration of a large music catalogue . Conference: Proceedings of the 16th Sound and Music Conference ( Málaga, Spain ) from: 28/05/2019 to: 31/05/2019 ,
O’Hanlon K, Sandler MB ( 2019 ) . Comparing Cqt and Reassignment Based Chroma Features for Template-based Automatic Chord Recognition . Conference: ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 860 - 864 .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Piano Sustain-pedal Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . Conference: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing vol. 2019-May , 241 - 245 .
Pauwels J, Sandler MB ( 2019 ) . A web-based system for suggesting new practice material to music learners based on chord content . Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI 2019 Workshops . Conference: 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation from: 20/03/2019 to: 20/03/2019 , vol. 2327 ,
SHUKLA R, Radu IT, SANDLER M, STEWART R ( 2019 ) . Real-time binaural rendering with virtual vector base amplitude panning . Conference: Audio Engineering Society Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio ( York, United Kingdom ) from: 27/03/2019 to: 29/03/2019 ,
Sandler M, De Roure D, Benford S, Page K . Semantic Web Technology for New Experiences Throughout the Music Production-Consumption Chain . Conference: 2019 International Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and Processing (MMRP)49 - 55 .
Sandler M, De Roure D, Benford S, Page K ( 2019 ) . Semantic Web Technology for New Experiences Throughout the Music Production-Consumption Chain . Conference: 2019 International Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and Processing (MMRP) vol. 00 , 49 - 55 .
Yamaç M, Ahishali M, Passalis N, Raitoharju J, Sankur B, Gabbouj M ( 2019 ) . Reversible Privacy Preservation using Multi-level Encryption and Compressive Sensing . Conference: 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
Yela DF, Stowell D, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Spectral Visibility Graphs: Application to Similarity of Harmonic Signals . Conference: 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) vol. 00 , 1 - 5 .
McArthur A, Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Accuracy of perceived distance in VR using verbal descriptors . Proceedings of the AES International Conference . vol. 2019-March ,
Wilmering T, Thalmann F, Sandler MB ( 2019 ) . Alignment and timeline construction for incomplete analogue audience recordings of historical live music concerts . 147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019 .
Moffat D, Sandler MB ( 2019 ) . An automated approach to the application of reverberation . 147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019 .
Moffat D, Sandler MB ( 2019 ) . Automatic mixing level balancing enhanced through source interference identification . AES 146th International Convention .
Bruford F, McDonald ST, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2019 ) . Groove explorer: An intelligent visual interface for drum loop library navigation . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 2327 ,
Moffat D, Sandler MB ( 2019 ) . Machine learning multitrack gain mixing of drums . 147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019 .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Piano Legato-Pedal Onset Detection Based on a Sympathetic Resonance Measure . Proceedings of the 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2018) . Conference: 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) ( Rome ) from: 03/09/2018 to: 07/09/2018 , 2484 - 2488 .
Thalmann F, Wilmering T, Sandler MB ( 2018 ) . Cultural Heritage Documentation and Exploration of Live Music Events with Linked Data . Conference: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Applications for Audio and Music1 - 5 .
Wilmering T, Thalmann F, Sandler MB ( 2018 ) . Exploration of grateful dead concerts and memorabilia on the semantic Web . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . Conference: International Semantic Web Conference ( Monterey, CA ) vol. 2180 ,
THALMANN FLORIAN, THOMPSON L, SANDLER M ( 2018 ) . A User-Adaptive Automated DJ Web App with Object-Based Audio and Crowd-Sourced Decision Trees . Conference: 4th Web Audio Conference ( Berlin )
Pauwels J, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . pywebaudioplayer: Bridging the gap between audio processing code and attractive visualisations based on web technology . Proceedings of the 4th Web Audio Conference (WAC) . Conference: 4th Web Audio Conference (WAC) ( Berlin, Germany ) from: 19/09/2018 to: 21/09/2018 ,
Mehrabi A, Choi K, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Similarity Measures for Vocal-Based Drum Sample Retrieval Using Deep Convolutional Auto-Encoders . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . Conference: ICASSP 2018 vol. 2018-April , 356 - 360 .
Moffat D, Thalmann F, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Towards a Semantic Web Representation and Application of Audio Mixing Rules . Conference: 4th Workshop on Intelligent Music Production (WIMP) ( Huddersfield, UK )
SHUKLA RC, STEWART RL, Roginska A, SANDLER MB ( 2018 ) . User Selection of Optimal HRTF Sets via Holistic Comparative Evaluation . . Conference: Audio Engineering Society Conference on Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality ( Redmond, WA, USA ) from: 20/08/2018 to: 22/08/2018 , 1 - 10 .
Pauwels J, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Recommending songs to music learners based on chord content . Proceedings of the 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music . Conference: 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music ( Stockholm, Sweden ) from: 14/07/2018 to: 14/07/2018 ,
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Measurement, recognition, and visualization of piano pedaling gestures and techniques . AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 66 , ( 6 ) 448 - 456 .
Fano Yela D, Stowell D, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . Does K matter? k-NN hubness analysis for kernel additive modelling vocal separation . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . Conference: LVA-ICA vol. 10891 LNCS , 280 - 289 .
O'Hanlon K, Sandler MB ( 2018 ) . Improved Detection of Semi-Percussive Onsets in Audio Using Temporal Reassignment . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 611 - 615 .
Yela DF, Ewert S, O'Hanlon K, Sandler MB ( 2018 ) . Shift-Invariant Kernel Additive Modelling for Audio Source Separation . Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) vol. 00 , 616 - 620 .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M, Cho K ( 2018 ) . The Effects of Noisy Labels on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Tagging . IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence vol. 2 , ( 2 ) Article 2 , 139 - 149 .
Freeman J, Wiggins G, Starks G, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . A Concise Taxonomy for Describing Data as an Art Material . Leonardo . vol. 51 , 75 - 79 .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M, Cho K ( 2018 ) . A Comparison of Audio Signal Preprocessing Methods for Deep Neural Networks on Music Tagging . Proc. of the 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2018), 3-7 Sept, Rome, Italy .
Moffat D, Sandler MB ( 2018 ) . Adaptive ballistics control of dynamic range compression for percussive tracks . 145th Audio Engineering Society International Convention, AES 2018 .
KUDUMAKIS P, Corral García J, Barbancho I, J. Tardón L, SANDLER M ( 2018 ) . Enabling Interactive and Interoperable Semantic Music Applications . Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology , Editors: Bader, R , Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Allik A, Thalmann F, Sandler M ( 2018 ) . MusicLynx . Conference: Companion of the The Web Conference 2018 on The Web Conference 2018 - WWW '18167 - 170 .
McArthur A, Sandler M, Stewart R ( 2018 ) . Perception of mismatched auditory distance - Cinematic VR . Proceedings of the AES International Conference . vol. 2018-August , 24 - 33 .
MORO G, MCPHERSON A, SANDLER M ( 2017 ) . Dynamic temporal behaviour of the keyboard action on the Hammond organ and its perceptual significance . Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
CHOI K, FAZEKAS G, SANDLER M, Kyunghyun C ( 2017 ) . Transfer learning for music classification and regression tasks . Conference: The 18th International Society of Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference
Ewert S, Sandler MB ( 2017 ) . An Augmented Lagrangian Method for Piano Transcription Using Equal Loudness Thresholding and LSTM-Based Decoding . Conference: 2017 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA)146 - 150 .
White B, Mehrabi A, Sandler MB ( 2017 ) . An Archival Echo . Conference: Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences1 - 4 .
McArthur A, Sandler M, Stewart R ( 2017 ) . Distance in audio for VR . Conference: Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences1 - 7 .
THALMANN FLORIAN, EWERT SEBASTIAN, SANDLER MARK ( 2017 ) . Exploring Musical Expression on the Web: Deforming, Exaggerating, and Blending Decomposed Recordings . . Conference: 3rd Web Audio Conference ( Queen Mary University of London )
WILMERING T, THALMANN FLORIAN, SANDLER M ( 2017 ) . Towards a Framework for the Discovery of Collections of Live Music Recordings and Artefacts on the Semantic Web . Conference: 3rd Web Audio Conference ( Queen Mary University of London )
O'Hanlon KO, Ewert S, Pauwels J, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Improved template-based chord recognition using the CRP feature . Conference: 2017 IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
Quinton E, Dixon S, Sandler M, O'Hanlon KO ( 2017 ) . TRACKING METRICAL STRUCTURE CHANGES WITH SPARSE-NMF . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
Ewert S, Sandler MB ( 2017 ) . Structured dropout for weak label and multi-instance learning and its application to score-informed source separation . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . Conference: ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings2277 - 2281 .
McArthur A, Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Sounds too true to be good: diegetic infidelity–the case for sound in virtual reality . Journal of Media Practice vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 26 - 40 .
Yela DF, Ewert S, FitzGerald D, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Interference Reduction in Music Recordings Combining Kernel Additive Modelling and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization . Conference: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)51 - 55 .
MEHRABI A, Dixon S, Sandler ( 2017 ) . Vocal imitation of synthesised sounds varying in pitch, loudness and spectral centroid . Journal of the Acoustical Society of America vol. 141 , ( 2 ) 783 - 796 .
Wilmering T, Thalmann F, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Bridging Fan Communities and Facilitating Access to Music Archives through Semantic Audio Applications . Proc. 143 Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, (e-Brief) Oct. 18-12, New York, USA .
Pauwels J, O hanlon K, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Confidence Measures and Their Applications in Music Labelling Systems Based on Hidden Markov Models . Proc. 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Oct. 23-27, Suzhou, China . 279 - 279 .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Detection of Piano Pedaling Techniques on the Sustain Pedal . Proc. 143 Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Oct. 18-12, New York, USA .
Yela DF, Ewert S, Fitzgerald D, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . On the importance of temporal context in proximity kernels: A vocal separation case study . Proceedings of the AES International Conference . vol. 22-24-June-2017 , 13 - 20 .
Liang B, Fazekas G, McPherson A, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Piano Pedaller: A Measurement System for Classification and Visualisation of Piano Pedalling Techniques . Proc. of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), May 15-18, Copenhagen, Denmark . 325 - 329 .
Liang B, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2017 ) . Recognition of Piano Pedalling Techniques Using Gesture Data . Proceeding Proc. of the ACM 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences, Aug. 23-26, London, United Kingdom .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M, Cho K ( 2017 ) . Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Music Classification . IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 5-9, New Orleans, USA . Conference: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) ( New Orleans, USA ) 2392 - 2396 .
SANDLER MB, quinton E, o'hanlon K, dixon S ( 2016 ) . Automatic Detection of Metrical Structure Changes . DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network Workshop Proceedings 2016 . Conference: DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 ( Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London ) from: 20/12/2016 to: 20/12/2016 ,
LIANG B, fazekas G, mcpherson A, sandler M ( 2016 ) . Classification of Piano Pedaling Techniques Using Gesture Data from a Non-Intrusive Measurement System . DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network Workshop Proceedings 2016 . Conference: DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 ( Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London ) from: 20/12/2016 to: 20/12/2016 ,
Kudumakis P, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network Workshop Proceedings 2016 . DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network Workshop Proceedings 2016 . Editors: KUDUMAKIS, P, Sandler, M , Conference: DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network Workshop 2016 ( Queen Mary University of London, London, UK ) from: 20/12/2016 to: 20/12/2016 ,
TIAN M, Sandler MARKB ( 2016 ) . Towards Music Structural Segmentation Across Genres: Features, Structural Hypotheses and Annotation Principles . ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
MEHRABI A, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Towards a comprehensive dataset of vocal imitations of drum sounds . Conference: 2nd AES Workshop on Intelligent Music Production
Ewert S, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Piano Transcription in the Studio Using an Extensible Alternating Directions Framework . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing vol. 24 , ( 11 ) 1983 - 1997 .
O'Hanlon K, Sandler MB ( 2016 ) . Compositional Chroma Estimation Using Powered Euclidean Distance . Conference: 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)1237 - 1241 .
O'Hanlon K, Sandler MB, IEEE ( 2016 ) . AN ITERATIVE HARD THRESHOLDING APPROACH TO l(0) SPARSE HELLINGER NMF . 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH AND SIGNAL PROCESSING PROCEEDINGS . Conference: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)4737 - 4741 .
CHOI K, sandler M, fazekas G ( 2016 ) . Text-based LSTM networks for Automatic Music Composition . Conference: Conference on Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity ( Huddersfield, UK ) from: 17/06/2016 to: 19/06/2016 ,
QUINTON E, Sandler M, Dixon S ( 2016 ) . ESTIMATION OF THE RELIABILITY OF MULTIPLE RHYTHM FEATURES EXTRACTION FROM A SINGLE DESCRIPTOR . IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing .
Buccoli M, Zanoni M, Fazekas G, Sarti A, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . A Higher-Dimensional Expansion of Affective Norms for English Terms for Music Tagging . Proc. of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-16) conference, August 7-11., New York, USA . 316 - 322 .
Rodriguez-Serrano FJ, Ewert S, Vera-Candeas P, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . A Score-Informed Shift-Invariant Extension of Complex Matrix Factorization for Improving the Separation of Overlapped Partials in Music Recordings . Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) .
Allik A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . An Ontology for Audio Features . Proc. of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-16) conference, August 7-11., New York, USA . 73 - 79 .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Automatic Tagging Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks . Proc. of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-16) conference, August 7-11., New York, USA . 805 - 811 .
Thalmann F, Fazekas G, Wiggins GA, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Creating, Visualizing, and Analyzing Dynamic Music Objects in the Browser with the Dymo Designer . Proc. ACM Audio Mostly Conference, Oct. 4-6, Norrköping, Sweden . 39 - 46 .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Thalmann F, Sandler M, Wiggins GA ( 2016 ) . Crossroads: Interactive Music Systems Transforming Performance, Production and Listening . Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), May 7–12, San Jose, CA, USA. .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Allik A, Thalmann F, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . From interactive to adaptive mood-based music listening experiences in social or personal context . Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 64 , Article 9 , 673 - 682 .
Saari P, Fazekas G, Eerola T, Barthet M, Lartillot, O S, M ( 2016 ) . Genre-Adaptive Semantic Computing and Audio-Based Modelling for Music Mood Annotation . IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC) vol. 7 , Article 2 , 122 - 135 .
Carrillo A, Thalmann F, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Geolocation Adaptive Music Player . Proc. Web Audio Conference WAC-2016, April 4–6, Atlanta, USA .
Wilmering T, Thalmann F, Sandler MB ( 2016 ) . Grateful Live: Mixing Multiple Recordings of a Dead Performance into an Immersive Experience . Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society Convention 141 .
Wilmering T, Sandler MB ( 2016 ) . Interdisciplinary classification of audio effects in the audio effect ontology . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 1690 ,
Tian M, Sandler MB ( 2016 ) . Music structural segmentation across genres with Gammatone features . Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2016 . 561 - 567 .
Mora-McGinity M, Allik A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . MusicWeb: Music discovery with open linked semantic metadata . Communications in Computer and Information Science . vol. 672 , 291 - 296 .
Mora-Mcginity M, Allik A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Proc. Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR), Nov. 22-25, Göttingen, Germany . vol. 672 ,
Ewert S, Wang S, Müller M, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Score-Informed Identification of Missing and Extra Notes in Piano Recordings . Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) . 30 - 36 .
Thalmann F, Carrillo G, Wiggins GA, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . The Mobile Audio Ontology: Experiencing Dynamic Music Objects on Mobile Devices . IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), Feb. 4-6, Laguna Hills, CA, USA . 47 - 54 .
Thalmann F, Perez Carillo A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . The Semantic Music Player: A Smart Mobile Player Based on Ontological Structures and Analytical Feature Metadata . Proc. Web Audio Conference WAC-2016, April 4–6, Atlanta, USA .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . The Semantic Web, proc. of the 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Oct. 17–21, Kobe, Japan . vol. 9982 ,
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . Towards Playlist Generation Algorithms Using RNNs Trained on Within-Track Transitions . Proc. 24th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalisation (UMAP 2016), Workshop on Surprise, Opposition, and Obstruction in Adaptive and Personalized Systems (SOAP) June 13–17, Halifax, Canada .
Allik A, Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2016 ) . myMoodplay: An interactive mood-based music discovery app . Proc. of the 2nd Web Audio Conference (WAC), April 4–6, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. .
QUINTON E, Harte C, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . EXTRACTION OF METRICAL STRUCTURE FROM MUSIC RECORDINGS . International conference on Digital Audio Effects
CHOI K, Fazekas G, sandler MARK, Kim J ( 2015 ) . Auralisation of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: Listening to Learned Features . Conference: International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ( Malaga, Spain ) from: 30/10/2015 to: 26/10/2015 ,
FREEMAN J, SANDLER M, WIGGINS G, STARKS G ( 2015 ) . A concise taxonomy for describing data as an art material . Proceedings of the IEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP) . Conference: IEEE VIS ( Chicago, Illinois ) from: 25/10/2015 to: 30/10/2015 , 22 - 29 .
perez carillo A, THALMANN FS, Wilmering T, sandler M ( 2015 ) . GeoLocation-Adaptive Music Player . Conference: International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR)
MEHRABI A, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . VOCAL IMITATION OF PITCH, SPECTRAL SHAPE AND LOUDNESS ENVELOPES . Conference: International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ( Malaga, Spain ) from: 25/10/2015 to: 30/10/2015 ,
O'Hanlon K, Sandler M, Plumbley MD . Non-negative matrix factorisation incorporating greedy Hellinger sparse coding applied to polyphonic music transcription . 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)2214 - 2218 .
Ewert S, Plumbley MD, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . A Dynamic Programming Variant of Non-Negative Matrix Deconvolution for the Transcription of Struck String Instruments . Conference: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)569 - 573 .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Allik A, Sandler MB ( 2015 ) . Audio effects data on the semantic web . 139th Audio Engineering Society International Convention, AES 2015 .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Allik A, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . Moodplay: an interactive mood-based musical experience . Proc. of the ACM Audio Mostly International Conference, 7-9 Oct. Thessaloniki, Greece. .
Thalmann F, Carrillo A, Fazekas G, Wiggins GA, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . Navigating Ontological Structures based on Feature Metadata Using the Semantic Music Player . Proc. of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-15) conference, Late-breaking session, Oct. 26-30, Malaga, Spain .
Xue W, Xiaoyan L, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . On comparison of phase alignments of harmonic components . DAFx 2015 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects .
Tian M, Fazekas G, Black DAA, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . On the Use of the Tempogram to Describe Audio Content and its Application to Music Structural Segmentation . Proc. of the 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 19-24 April, Brisbane, Australia .
Thalmann F, Ewert S, Sandler M, Wiggins GA ( 2015 ) . Spatially Rendering Decomposed Recordings - Integrating Score-Informed Source Separation and Semantic Playback Technologies . International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) - Late-Breaking Session . 2 - 2 .
Zanoni M, Setragno F, Antonacci F, Sarti A, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . Training-based Semantic Descriptors modeling for violin quality sound characterization . Proceedings of the 138th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), 7-10 May, Warsaw, Poland. .
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2015 ) . Understanding Music Playlists . International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Machine Learning for Music Discovery Workshop, 6-11 July, Lille, France .
Fazekas G, BARTHET M, Sandler MB ( 2014 ) . Novel Methods in Facilitating Audience and Performer Interaction Using the Mood Conductor Framework . Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8905 , ( Sound, Music, and Motion ) 122 - 147 .
Ewert S, PLUMBLEY MD, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Accounting for phase cancellations in non-negative matrix factorization using weighted distances . Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014) . Conference: Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) ( Florence, Italy ) from: 04/05/2014 to: 09/05/2014 , 649 - 653 .
Tian M, Srinivasamurthy A, Sandler M, Serra X ( 2014 ) . A Study of Instrument-Wise Onset Detection in Beijing Opera Percussion Ensembles . Conference: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)2159 - 2163 .
Hargreaves S, Wiggins G, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . A Semantic Web approach to pattern discovery in data and music . Proceedings of the AES International Conference97 - 106 .
Kolozali S, Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . A framework for automatic ontology generation based on semantic audio analysis . Proc. of the AES 53rd International Conference on Semantic Audio, Jan, 26-29., London, UK .
Wilmering T, Sandler MB ( 2014 ) . Creating an audio effects database on the Semantic Web . Proceedings of the AES International Conference . 337 - 338 .
Tian M, Fazekas G, Black DAA, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Design and Evaluation of Onset Detectors Using Different Fusion Policies . Presented at the 15th International Society of Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference, Oct 27-31, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan .
Lou T, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Evaluation and Improvement of the Mood Conductor Interactive System . Proc. of the AES 53rd International Conference on Semantic Audio, Jan, 26-29., London, UK .
García JC, Taglialatela C, Kudumakis P, Tardón LJ, Barbancho I, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Interactive music applications by MPEG-A support in Sonic Visualiser . Conference: 53rd AES International Conference on "Semantic Audio" ( London, UK )
Kudumakis P, Sandler M, Anadiotis ACG, Venieris IS, Difino A, Wang X, Tropea G, Grafl M et al. ( 2014 ) . MPEG-M: A digital media ecosystem for interoperable applications . Signal Processing: Image Communication vol. 29 , ( 1 ) 150 - 166 .
Bussey C, Terrell M, Rahman R, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Metadata features that affect artificial reverberator intensity . Proceedings of the AES International Conference . 271 - 277 .
Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Novel Methods in Facilitating Audience and Performer Interaction using the Mood Conductor Framework . Editors: Aramaki, M, Kronland-Martinet, R, Ystad, S , Edition. Sound Music and Motion , vol. 8905 , Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
Baume C, Fazekas G, Barthet M, Martson D, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . Selection of audio features for music emotion recognition using production music . Proc. of the AES 53rd International Conference on Semantic Audio, Jan, 26-29., London, UK .
Terrell M, Simpson A, Sandler M ( 2014 ) . The mathematics of mixing . AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 62 , ( 1-2 ) 4 - 13 .
Herrero G, Kudumakis P, Tardon LJ, Barbancho I, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . An HTML5 Interactive (MPEG-A IM AF) Music Player . Conference: 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR'13) ( Marseille, France ) 562 - 569 .
Terrell MJ, Simpson AJR, Sandler MT ( 2013 ) . A perceptual audio mixing device . 134th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2013 . 408 - 416 .
Allik A, Fazekas G, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . A Shared Vocabulary for Audio Features . SEMANTIC WEB: ESWC 2013 SATELLITE EVENTS . vol. 7955 , 285 - 286 .
Kosta K, Song Y, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . A Study of Cultural Dependence of Perceived Mood in Greek Music . Proc. of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR’13, November 4-8, Curitiba, Brazil . Editors: Britto, ASJ, Gouyon, F, Dixon, S , 317 - 322 .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Audio Effect Classification Based on Auditory Perceptual Attributes . Proc. of the 135th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, NY, USA. .
Kolozali S, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Automatic Ontology Generation for Musical Instruments Based on Audio Analysis . IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING vol. 21 , ( 10 ) 1 - 14 .
Barthet M, Marston D, Baume C, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Design and evaluation of semantic mood models for music recommendation . Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2013 . 421 - 426 .
Allik A, Fazekas G, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Facilitating Music Information Research with Shared Open Vocabularies . SEMANTIC WEB: ESWC 2013 SATELLITE EVENTS . vol. 7955 , 178 - 183 .
Wen X, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Fast Additive Sinusoidal Synthesis With a Subband Sinusoidal Method . IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS vol. 20 , ( 5 ) 467 - 470 .
Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler MB ( 2013 ) . Mood Conductor: Emotion-Driven Interactive Music Performance . 2013 HUMAINE ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT INTERACTION (ACII) . 726 - 726 .
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Music Emotion Recognition: From Content- to Context-Based Models . vol. 7900 ,
Saari P, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Eerola T, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Semantic models of musical mood: Comparison between crowd-sourced and curated editorial tags . Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2013) International Workshop on Affective Analysis in Multimedia (AAM), 15-19 July 2013, San Jose, CA, USA .
Song C, Simpson AJR, Harte CA, Pearce MT, Sandler MB ( 2013 ) . Syncopation and the score . PLoS One vol. 8 , ( 9 )
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . The Audio Effects Ontology . Proc. of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR’13, November 4-8, Curitiba, Brazil . Editors: Britto, ASJ, Gouyon, F, Dixon, S ,
Saari P, Eerola T, Fazekas G, Barthet M, Lartillot O, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . The Role of Audio and Tags in Music Mood Prediction: a Study Using Semantic Layer Projection . Proc. of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR’13, November 4-8, Curitiba, Brazil . Editors: Britto, ASJ, Gouyon, F, Dixon, S ,
Tian M, Fazekas G, Black DAA, Sandler M ( 2013 ) . Towards the Representation of Chinese Traditional Music: A State of the Art Review of Music Metadata Standards . Proc. of the DCMI International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC-2013), 2-6, September, Lisbon, Portugal71 - 81 .
Lindsay-Smith H, McDonald S, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Drumkit transcription via convolutive NMF . 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2012 Proceedings .
Burdiel E, Vetter L, Simpson AJR, Terrell MJ, Mcpherson A, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Real-time implementation of glasberg & moore's loudness model for time-varying sounds . 133rd Audio Engineering Society Convention 2012, AES 2012 . vol. 1 , 107 - 115 .
Terrell M, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . An Offline, Automatic Mixing Method for Live Music, Incorporating Multiple Sources, Loudspeakers, and Room Effects . COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL vol. 36 , ( 2 ) 37 - 54 .
Terrell M, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . An offline, automatic mixing method for live music, incorporating multiple sources, loudspeakers, and room effects . Computer Music Journal vol. 36 , ( 2 ) 37 - 54 .
Lindsay-Smith H, McDonald S, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Drumkit transcription via convolutive NMF . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx .
Raimond Y, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Evaluation of the Music Ontology Framework . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 7295 , 255 - 269 .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . High level semantic metadata for the control of multitrack adaptive audio effects . Proc. of the 133rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, CA, USA .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Knowledge Representation Issues in Audio-Related Metadata Model Design . Proc. of the 133rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, CA, USA .
Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2012 ) . Spatial Auditory Display . JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY vol. 60 , ( 11 ) 936 - 946 .
Sandler M, Hargreaves S, Klapuri A ( 2012 ) . Structural Segmentation of Multitrack Audio . IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing vol. 20 , ( 10 ) 2637 - 2647 .
Rumsey F, Schulein B, Herre J, Kelly M, Ackerman D, Lacinak C, Kelly M, Martz S et al. ( 2012 ) . Technology Trends in Auto Engineering A report by the AES Technical Council . JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY vol. 60 , ( 1-2 ) 90 - 107 .
Wilmering T, Barthet M, Sandler MB ( 2011 ) . Dereverberation of musical instrument recordings for improved note onset detection and instrument recognition . 131st Audio Engineering Society Convention 2011 . vol. 2 , 723 - 732 .
Fazekas G, Sandler MB ( 2011 ) . The studio ontology framework . Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2011 . 471 - 476 .
Smith HL, McDonald S, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . User driven, local model, reclassification of drum loop audio slices . 130th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2011 . vol. 1 , 396 - 402 .
Kudumakis P, Wang X, Matone S, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . MPEG-M: Multimedia Service Platform Technologies . IEEE SIGNAL PROC MAG vol. 28 , ( 6 ) 159 - 163 .
Fields B, Jacobson K, Rhodes C, d'Inverno M, Sandler M, Casey M ( 2011 ) . Analysis and Exploitation of Musician Social Networks for Recommendation and Discovery . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia vol. 13 , ( 4 ) 674 - 686 .
Stewart R, Kudumakis P, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . Interactive Music Applications and Standards . Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 6684 , 20 - 30 .
Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . An Auditory Display in Playlist Generation [Mobile applications] . IEEE SIGNAL PROC MAG vol. 28 , ( 4 ) 14 - 23 .
Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . THE AMBLR: A MOBILE SPATIAL AUDIO MUSIC BROWSER . Conference: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo vol. 1 , 1 - 6 .
Yu D, Deng L ( 2011 ) . Deep Learning and Its Applications to Signal and Information Processing [Exploratory DSP] . IEEE Signal Processing Magazine vol. 28 , ( 1 ) 145 - 154 .
Kolozali S, Fazekas G, Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . Knowledge representation issues in musical instrument ontology design . Proc. of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR’11) conference, 24-28 Oct., Miami, Florida, USA .
Stowell D, Barthet M, Dixon S, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . Musicology for the masses: Situating new audio technologies for musicology and music education . Proceedings of the Digital Economy All Hands Conference 2011 . Conference: Digital Engagement 2011 ( Newcastle ) from: 15/11/2011 to: 17/11/2011 ,
Barthet M, Hargreaves S, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . Speech/Music Discrimination in Audio Podcast Using Structural Segmentation and Timbre Recognition . EXPLORING MUSIC CONTENTS . vol. 6684 , 138 - 162 .
Jang I, Kudumakis P, Sandler M, Kang K ( 2011 ) . The MPEG Interactive Music Application Format Standard . IEEE SIGNAL PROC MAG vol. 28 , ( 1 ) 150 - 154 .
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler MB ( 2011 ) . Towards ontological representations of digital audio effects . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx . 119 - 122 .
Kolozali S, Barthet M, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2011 ) . Towards the automatic generation of a Semantic Web ontology for musical instruments . vol. 6725 ,
Barthet M, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . On the effect of reverberation on musical instrument automatic recognition . 128th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2010 . vol. 1 , 658 - 665 .
Terrell M, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . Optimising the controls of a homogeneous loudspeaker array . 129th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2010 . vol. 1 , 320 - 328 .
Cannam C, Landone C, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . Sonic visualiser . Conference: Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on Multimedia1467 - 1468 .
Wen X, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . Source-Filter Modeling in the Sinusoid Domain . J AUDIO ENG SOC vol. 58 , ( 10 ) 795 - 808 .
Wilmering T, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . RDFx: Audio Effects Utilising Musical Metadata . Conference: 2010 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Semantic Computing vol. 1 , 452 - 453 .
Hargreaves S, Landone C, Sandler M, Kudumakis P ( 2010 ) . Segmentation and discovery of podcast content . Conference: 128th Audio Engineering Society Convention ( London, UK )
Fazekas G, Raimond Y, Jacobson K, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . An Overview of Semantic Web Activities in the OMRAS2 Project . J NEW MUSIC RES vol. 39 , ( 4 ) 295 - 311 .
Terrell M, Reiss JD, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . Automatic Noise Gate Settings for Drum Recordings Containing Bleed from Secondary Sources . EURASIP J ADV SIG PR Article 465417 ,
Sarti A, Zoelzer U, Serra X, Sandler M, Godsill S ( 2010 ) . Digital Audio Effects . EURASIP J ADV SIG PR Article 459654 ,
Cannam C, Sandler M, Jewell MO, Rhodes C, d'Inverno M ( 2010 ) . Linked Data and You: Bringing Music Research Software into the Semantic Web . J NEW MUSIC RES vol. 39 , ( 4 ) 313 - 325 .
Wen X, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . On the Characterization of Slowly Varying Sinusoids . EURASIP J AUDIO SPEE Article 941732 ,
Wilmering T, Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2010 ) . The effects of reverberation on onset detection tasks . in Proceedings of the 128th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, London .
Dixon S, Sandler M, d'Inverno M, Rhodes C ( 2010 ) . Towards a Distributed Research Environment for Music Informatics and Computational Musicology . J NEW MUSIC RES vol. 39 , ( 4 ) 291 - 294 .
Xue W, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Additive and multiplicative reestimation schemes for the sinusoid modeling of audio . European Signal Processing Conference . 904 - 908 .
Jacobson K, Raimond Y, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . An ecosystem for transparent music similarity in an openworld . Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2009 . 33 - 38 .
Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Generating a spatial average reverberation tail across multiple impulse responses . Proceedings of the AES International Conference .
Xue W, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Source-filter modeling in sinusoid domain . 126th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2009 . vol. 3 , 1268 - 1292 .
Raimond Y, Sutton C, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Interlinking Music-Related Data on the Web . IEEE MULTIMEDIA vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 52 - 63 .
Levy M, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Music Information Retrieval Using Social Tags and Audio . IEEE Transactions on Multimedia vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 383 - 395 .
Wen X, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Composite spectrogram using multiple Fourier transforms . IET SIGNAL PROCESS vol. 3 , ( 1 ) 51 - 63 .
Noland K, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Influences of Signal Processing, Tone Profiles, and Chord Progressions on a Model for Estimating the Musical Key from Audio . COMPUT MUSIC J vol. 33 , ( 1 ) 42 - 56 .
Jacobson K, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Musically Meaningful or Just Noise? An Analysis of On-line Artist Networks . COMPUTER MUSIC MODELING AND RETRIEVAL . Editors: Ystad, S, KronlandMartinet, R, Jensen, K , vol. 5493 , 107 - 118 .
Xue W, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Notes on model-based non-stationary sinusoid estimation methods using derivatives . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx . 113 - 120 .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Novel methods in information management for advanced audio workflows . Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-09), Como, Italy .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Ontology based information management in music production . Proc. 126th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Munich, Germany .
Tidhar D, Fazekas G, Kolozali S, Sandler M ( 2009 ) . Publishing Music Similarity Features on the Semantic Web . Proc. of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-09) conference, Oct., Kobe, Japan .
Raimond Y, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . A Web of musical information . ISMIR 2008 - 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval . 263 - 268 .
Xue W, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . Analysis and synthesis of audio vibrato using harmonic sinusoids . Audio Engineering Society - 124th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2008 . vol. 2 , 1035 - 1057 .
Raimond Y, Sutton C, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . Automatic interlinking of music datasets on the Semantic Web . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 369 ,
Jacobson K, Fields B, Sandler M, Casey M ( 2008 ) . The effects of lossy audio encoding on genre classification tasks . Audio Engineering Society - 124th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2008 . vol. 2 , 975 - 977 .
Jacobson K, Davies M, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . The effects of lossy audio encoding on onset detection tasks . Audio Engineering Society - 125th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2008 . vol. 1 , 281 - 288 .
Jacobson K, Sandler M, Fields B ( 2008 ) . Using audio analysis and network structure to identify communities in on-line social networks of artists . ISMIR 2008 - 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval . 269 - 274 .
Reiss JD, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . Detection and Removal of Limit Cycles in Sigma Delta Modulators . IEEE T CIRCUITS-I vol. 55 , ( 10 ) 3119 - 3130 .
Slaney M, Ellis DPW, Sandler M, Goto M, Goodwin MM ( 2008 ) . Introduction to the special issue on music information retrieval . IEEE T AUDIO SPEECH vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 253 - 254 .
Levy M, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . Structural segmentation of musical audio by constrained clustering . IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 318 - 326 .
Stewart R, Levy M, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . 3D interactive environment for music collection navigation . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx . 13 - 17 .
Fazekas G, Raimond Y, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . A framework for producing rich musical metadata in creative music production . Proc. of the 125th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, USA .
Fields B, Casey M, Jacobson K, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . Do you sound like your friends? exploring artist similarity via artist social network relationships and audio signal processing . International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2008 .
Xue W, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . Evaluating parameters of time-varying sinusoids by demodulation . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx . 51 - 54 .
Levy M, Sandler M ( 2008 ) . Learning Latent Semantic Models for Music from Social Tags . J NEW MUSIC RES vol. 37 , ( 2 ) 137 - 150 .
Levy M, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . A semantic space for music derived from social tags . Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007 . 411 - 416 .
Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Real-time panning convolution reverberation . Audio Engineering Society - 123rd Audio Engineering Society Convention 2007 . vol. 3 , 1345 - 1353 .
Raimond Y, Abdallah S, Sandler M, Giasson F ( 2007 ) . The music ontology . Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007 . 417 - 422 .
Jacobson K, Davies M, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Towards textual annotation of rhythmic style in electronic dance music . Audio Engineering Society - 123rd Audio Engineering Society Convention 2007 . vol. 2 , 1056 - 1060 .
Raimond Y, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Using the Semantic Web for enhanced audio experiences . Audio Engineering Society - 123rd Audio Engineering Society Convention 2007 . vol. 1 , 418 - 429 .
Wen X, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Calculation of radix-2 discrete multiresolution Fourier transform . SIGNAL PROCESS vol. 87 , ( 10 ) 2455 - 2460 .
Raimond Y, Sutton C, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . A distributed data space for music-related information . Conference: Workshop on multimedia information retrieval on The many faces of multimedia semantics81 - 89 .
Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Interacting with Digital Music . J NEW MUSIC RES vol. 36 , ( 3 ) 227 - 239 .
SANDLER MB, Noland K ( 2007 ) . Signal Processing Parameters for Tonality Estimation . Conference: Proceedings of AES 122nd Convention, Vienna, 2007
SANDLER MB, Bello JP, Ravelli E ( 2007 ) . Automatic Rhythm Modification of Drum Loops . IEEE Signal Processing Letters vol. 14 No 4 , 228 - 231 .
Levy M, Noland K, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . A comparison of timbral and harmonic music segmentation algorithms . 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol IV, Pts 1-3 . 1433 - 1436 .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Intelligent editing of studio recordings with the help of automatic music structure extraction . Proc. of the 122nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Vienna, Austria .
SANDLER MB, Wen X ( 2007 ) . New Audio Editor Functionality Using Harmonic Sinusoids . Conference: Proceedings of AES 122nd Convention, Vienna 2007
Sandler MB, Levy M ( 2007 ) . Signal-based music searching and browsing . ICCE: 2007 DIGEST OF TECHNICAL PAPERS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS . 1 - 2 .
Xue W, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Sinusoid modeling in a harmonic context . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx . 33 - 40 .
Stewart R, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Statistical measures of early reflections of room impulse responses . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx . 59 - 62 .
Fazekas G, Sandler M ( 2007 ) . Structural decomposition of recorded vocal performances and its application to intelligent audio editing . Proc. of the 123rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, USA .
Lalmas M, SANDLER MB, Raimond Y, Abdallah S ( 2006 ) . A Scalable Framework for Multimedia Knowledge Managment in Semantic Multimedia . Conference: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Semantics and Digital Media Technologies, SAMT 2006, Athen, Greece, December 6-8, 2006
SANDLER MB ( 2006 ) . Interacting with Digital Music . Conference: Philips Symposium on Intelligent Applications, Keynote Talk, December 6, 2006
Abdallah S, Sandler M, Rhodes C, Casey M ( 2006 ) . Using duration models to reduce fragmentation in audio segmentation . MACH LEARN vol. 65 , ( 2-3 ) 485 - 515 .
Bello JP, Daudet L, Sandler MB ( 2006 ) . Automatic piano transcription using frequency and time-domain information . IEEE T AUDIO SPEECH vol. 14 , ( 6 ) 2242 - 2251 .
SANDLER MB, Harte C ( 2006 ) . Detecting Harmonic Change in Musical Audio . Conference: Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, Santa Barbara, October 2006
SANDLER MB, Noland K ( 2006 ) . Key Estimation Using a Hidden Markov Model . Conference: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval [ISMIR'06]. Victorica, Canada, October 2006
SANDLER MB, Levy M ( 2006 ) . Lightweight Measures for Timbral Similarity of Musical Audio . Conference: Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, Santa Barbara, October 2006
Sandler M ( 2006 ) . Louis Blumberg - In memoriam . SAMJ S AFR MED J vol. 96 , ( 10 ) 1048 - 1048 .
SANDLER MB, Bello JP, Landone C, Cannam C ( 2006 ) . The Sonic Visualiser: A Visualisation Platform for Semantic Descriptors from Musical Signals . Conference: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval [ISMIR'06], Victoria, Canada, October 2006
Davies ME, PLUMBLEY MD, Sandler MB, Nesbit A ( 2006 ) . Source Extraction from Two-Channel Mixtures by Joint Cosine Packet Analysis . Conference: Proceedings of the 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2006), Florence, Italy, Septemer 4-8, 2006
Sandler M, Black D ( 2006 ) . Scalable audio coding for compression and loss resilient streaming . IEE P-VIS IMAGE SIGN vol. 153 , ( 3 ) 331 - 339 .
SANDLER MB, Bello JP, Ravelli E ( 2006 ) . Drum Loops .
Rhodes C, Casey M, Abdallah S, Sandler M ( 2006 ) . A Markov-chain Monte-Carlo approach to musical audio segmentation . 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-13 . 5655 - 5658 .
SANDLER MB, Black D ( 2006 ) . A Voicing Decision Driven Forward Error Correction Scheme For Voice Over IP Applications . Conference: Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2006
SANDLER MB, Raimond Y, Abdallah S ( 2006 ) . An Ontology-Based Approach to Information Management for Music Analysis Systems . Conference: Proceedings of the 120th AES Convention 2006
SANDLER MB, Levy M ( 2006 ) . Application of Segmentation an dThumbnailing to Music Browsing and Searching . Conference: Proceedings of AES 120th Convention 2006
Bello JP, Ravelli E, Sandler MB ( 2006 ) . Drum sound analysis for the manipulation of rhythm in drum loops . 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-13 . 5091 - 5094 .
SANDLER MB, Wen X ( 2006 ) . Error Compensation in Modeling Time-Varying Sinusoids . Conference: Proceedings of DAFx'06, Montreal, 2006
Levy M, Sandler M, Casey M ( 2006 ) . Extraction of high-level musical structure from audio data and its application to thumbnail generation . 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-13 . 4871 - 4874 .
Chetry N, Sandler M ( 2006 ) . Linear predictive models for musical instrument identification . 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1-13 . 5083 - 5086 .
SANDLER MB, Levy M ( 2006 ) . New Methods in Structural Segmentation of Musical Audio . Conference: Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2006
Raimond Y, Abdallah SA, Sandler M, Lalmas M ( 2006 ) . Scalable framework for multimedia knowledge management . Semantic Multimedia, Proceedings . Editors: Avrithis, Y, Kompatsiaris, Y, Staab, S, OConnor, NE et al. , vol. 4306 , 11 - 25 .
Aucouturier JJ, Pachet F, Sandler M ( 2005 ) . "The way it sounds": Timbre models for analysis and retrieval of music signals . IEEE T MULTIMEDIA vol. 7 , ( 6 ) 1028 - 1035 .
SANDLER MB, Landone C, Cannam C ( 2005 ) . Sonic Visual .
Bello JP, Daudet L, Abdallah S, Duxbury C, Davies M, Sandler MB ( 2005 ) . A tutorial on onset detection in music signals . IEEE T SPEECH AUDI P vol. 13 , ( 5 ) 1035 - 1047 .
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2005 ) . A mechanism for the detection and removal of limit cycles in the operation of sigma delta modulators . no. WO2006GB50175 200606 ,
SANDLER M, Reiss J ( 2005 ) . Sigma Delta Modulation . no. 11/995,804 ,
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2005 ) . A Mechanism for the Detection and Removal of Limit Cycles in the Operation of Sigma Delta Modulators . Conference: Advanced A/D andD/A Conversion Techniques and Their Applications, ADDA. Limerick, July 2005
Davies ME, SANDLER MB, Chetry ND ( 2005 ) . Identification of Monophonic Instrument of Monophonic Instrument Recordings Using K-Means and Support Vector Machines . Conference: 1st Digital Music Research Network Conference, Glasgow, July 2005
Reefman D, Reiss J, Janssen E, Sandler M ( 2005 ) . Description of limit cycles in sigma-delta modulators . IEEE T CIRCUITS-I vol. 52 , ( 6 ) 1211 - 1223 .
Leavers VF, Sandler MB ( 1988 ) . An efflcient Radon transform . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 301 , 380 - 389 .
SANDLER MB, Harte C ( 2005 ) . Automatic Chord Identification Using a Quantised Chromagram . Conference: 118th AES Convention, Barcelona, 29 May 2005
SANDLER MB, Chetry N ( 2005 ) . Musical Instrument Identification Using LSF and K-Means . Conference: 118th AES Convention, Barcelona - 29 May 2005
SANDLER MB, Xue W ( 2005 ) . Transcribing Piano Recordings Using Signal Novelty . Conference: 118th AES Convention, Barcelona, 29 May 2005
SANDLER MB, Xue W ( 2005 ) . A Partial Searching Algorithm and Its Application for Polyphonic Music Transcription . Conference: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2005
SANDLER MB, Bello JP, Ravelli E ( 2005 ) . Fast Implementation for Non-Linear Time-Scaling of Stereo Signals . Conference: Proceedings 8th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2005
Dasgupta A, Hopcroft J, Kleinberg J, Sandler M ( 2005 ) . On learning mixtures of heavy-tailed distributions . 46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Proceedings . 491 - 500 .
SANDLER MB, Bello JP, Serra X, Pauws S, Herrera P, Cano P, Pampalk E, Vignoli F et al. ( 2005 ) . Simac: Sematic Interaction with Music Audio Contents . Conference: Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, Savoy Place, London, 2005
SANDLER MB, Abdallah S, Harte C, Gomez E ( 2005 ) . Symbolic Representation of Musical Chords: A Proposed Syntax for Text Annotation . Conference: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2005
SANDLER MB, Abdallah S, Noland K, Rhodes C, Casey M ( 2005 ) . Theory and Evaluation of a Bayesian Music Structure Extractor . Conference: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2005
SANDLER MB, Bello JP ( 2004 ) . Centre for Digital Music: Studio Report . Conference: ICMC'04, Miami, USA 2004
SANDLER MB, Black D ( 2004 ) . Loss Resilient Scalable Audio Compression and Streaming . Conference: EWIMT, November 2004
Sandler MB, REISS J, Reefman D, Jannsen E ( 2004 ) . Description of Limit Cycles in Feedback Sigma Delta Modulators . Conference: 117th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, October 28-31, 2004
Davies ME, SANDLER MB, Duxbury C, Bello JP ( 2004 ) . A Comparison Between Fixed and Multiresolution analysis for Onset Detection in Musical Signals . Conference: DAFx'04, Naples, Italy, October 2004
Bello JP, Duxbury C, Davies M, Sandler M ( 2004 ) . On the use of phase and energy for musical onset detection in the complex domain . IEEE SIGNAL PROC LET vol. 11 , ( 6 ) 553 - 556 .
Davies ME, SANDLER MB, Paul-Taiwo A ( 2004 ) . Feature Extractors for Music Information Retrieval: Noise Robustness . Conference: 116th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Berlin, May 8-11, 2004
Daudet L, Sandler M ( 2004 ) . MDCT analysis of sinusoids: Exact results and applications to coding artifacts reduction . IEEE T SPEECH AUDI P vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 302 - 312 .
Davies ME, SANDLER MB, Chetry N, Duxbury C ( 2004 ) . An Efficient Two-Stage Implementation of Harmonic Matching Pursuit . Conference: EUSIPCO-04
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2004 ) . Audio Issues in MIR Evaluation . Conference: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, Barcelona, Spain, 2004
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2004 ) . Digital Audio Effects Applied Directly on a DSD Bitstream . Conference: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects [DAFX-04], Napoli, Italy 2004
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2004 ) . The Harmonic Content of a Limit Cycle in a DSD Bitstream . Conference: Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 116th Convention, Berlin, Germany, 2004
SANDLER MB, Aucouturier JJ ( 2004 ) . The way it sounds: Timbre Models for Analysis and Retrieval of Polyphomic Music Signals . IEEE Trans Multimedia
PLUMBLEY MD, Sandler MB, Brossier P ( 2003 ) . Matching Live Sources with Physical Models . Conference: Proceedings of the 6th Intenrtional Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-03), 8-11 September 2003
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2003 ) . The Pitfalls in Benchmarking and Evaluation of Music Information Retrieval Systems . Conference: The 26th Annual Internaitonal ACM SIGIR Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 28 to August 1 2003
Pickens J, Bello JP, Monti G, Sandler M, Crawford T, Dovey M, Byrd D ( 2003 ) . Polyphonic score retrieval using polyphonic audio queries: A harmonic modeling approach . JOURNAL OF NEW MUSIC RESEARCH . vol. 32 , 223 - 236 .
Davies ME, SANDLER MB, Bello JP, Duxbury C ( 2003 ) . A Combined Phase and Amplitude Based Approach to onset Detection for Audio Segmentation . Conference: Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services [WIAMIS-03], London, UK, April 9-11, 2003
SANDLER MB, Bello JP ( 2003 ) . Phase-based Note Onset Detection for Music Signals . Conference: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing [ICASSP-03], Hong Kong, April 6-10, 2003
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2003 ) . They Exist: Limit Cycles in High Order Sigma Delta Modulators . Conference: Presented at 114th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 22-25, 2003
SANDLER MB ( 2003 ) . Method for Accurate Time Position of Transients in Signals .
PLUMBLEY MD, Sandler MB, Brossier P ( 2003 ) . Real-time Object-Based Coding . Conference: Proceedings of the 114th AES Convention, Amsterdam, March 2003
Davies ME, SANDLER MB, Duxbury C ( 2003 ) . Temporal Segmentation and Pre-Analysis for Non-Linear Time-Scaling of Audio . Conference: Proceedings of AES 114th Convention in Amsterdam March 2003
Duxbury C, Bello JP, Davies M, Sandler M ( 2003 ) . A combined phase and amplitude based approach to onset detection for audio segmentation . Digital Media: Processing Multimedia Interactive Services . Editors: Izquierdo, E , 275 - 280 .
SANDLER MB, Reiss J, Robert B, Alin F ( 2003 ) . Analysis of the Nonlinear Dynamics of the Electric Step Motor . Conference: IEEE ICIT [International Conference on Industrial Technology] 2003
Duxbury C, Bello JP, Davies M, Sandler M ( 2003 ) . Complex domain onset detection for musical signals . DAFX-03: 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL AUDIO EFFECTS, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Davies, M , 90 - 93 .
Sandler M, REISS J ( 2003 ) . Dither and Noise Modulation in Sigma Delta Modulators . Conference: 115th Convention of Audio Engineering Society
Black D, Sandler M ( 2003 ) . Estimation of short term prediction parameters under lossy conditions . PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SIGNAL PROCESSING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY . 118 - 121 .
Reiss J, Robert B, Alin F, Sandler M ( 2003 ) . Flip phenomena and co-existing attractors in an incremental actuator . 2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS . 866 - 870 .
SANDLER MB, Reiss J ( 2003 ) . Issues in Audio: Representations and File Formats for Music Digital Libraries [invited] . Conference: 4th Annual International Conference on Music Information Retrieval [ISMIR 2003]
Reiss JD, Sandler MB ( 2003 ) . Nonlinear time series analysis of musical signals . DAFX-03: 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL AUDIO EFFECTS, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Davies, M , 24 - 28 .
Reiss JD, Selbie J, Sandler MB ( 2003 ) . Optimised kd-tree indexing of multimedia data . Digital Media: Processing Multimedia Interactive Services . Editors: Izquierdo, E , 47 - 52 .
Bello JP, Sandler M ( 2003 ) . Phase-based note onset detection for music signals . 2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL V, PROCEEDINGS . 441 - 444 .
SANDLER MB, Monti G, Bello JP, Byrd D, Dovey M, Crawford T, Pickens J ( 2003 ) . Polyphonic Score Retrieval using Polyphonic Audio Queries: A Harmonic Modelling Approach . Journal of New Music Research, 2003 vol. 2 , 223 - 236 .
SANDLER MB ( 2002 ) . Music Analysis and Recognition . Conference: MPCA Workshop, Leuven, Belgium 15 November 2002
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2002 ) . Beyond Recall and Precision: A Full Framework for MIR System Evaluation . Conference: Presented at the 3rd Annual International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, Paris, France, October 17, 2002
Davies ME, SANDLER MB, Duxbury C ( 2002 ) . A Hybrid Approach to Musical Note Onset Detection . Conference: 5th International Workshop on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 02, Hamburg, September 26-8, 2002
SANDLER MB, Monti G ( 2002 ) . Automatic Polyphonic Piano Note Extraction using Fuzzy Logic in a Blackboard System . Conference: 5th International Workshop on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 02, Hamburg, September 26-8 2002
SANDLER MB, Daudet L, Darlington D ( 2002 ) . Implementation of Digital Audio Effects on Wavelet-Coded Signals . Conference: 5th International Workshop on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 02, Hamburg, September 26-8, 2002
SANDLER MB, Daudet L, Darlington D ( 2002 ) . Linear Filtering in the Wavelet Domain . Conference: Second International Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing (SMMSP) September 7-8, 2002, Toulouse, France
Plumbley MD, Abdallah SA, Bello JP, Davies ME, Monti G, Sandler MB ( 2002 ) . Automatic music transcription and audio source separation . CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS . vol. 33 , 603 - 627 .
Hayat L, Naqvi A, Sandler MB . A fast thinning algorithm based on image compression . Conference: 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
da Fontoura Costa L, Sandler MB . Systolic multiple-output multipliers for digital signal processing and computer vision . Conference: 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2002 ) . Benchmarking Music Information Retrieval Systems . Conference: Presented at the JCDL Workshop on the Creation of Standardized Test Collections, Tasks and Metrics for Music Informational Retrieval [MIR] and Music Digital Library [MDL] Evaluation, Portland, Oregon, July 18, 2002
SANDLER MB, Bello JP, Monti G, Pickens J, Crawford T, Byrd D, Dovey M ( 2002 ) . Polyphonic Score Retrieval Using Polyphonic Audio Queries: A Harmonic Modeling Approach . Journal of New Music Research vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 223 - 236 .
Sandler MB, REISS J, Janssen E, Reefman D ( 2002 ) . Improved Compression of DSD for Super Audio CD . Conference: Presented at 112th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Munich, Germany, May 10-13, 2002
Davies ME, SANDLER MB, Duxbury C ( 2002 ) . Improved Time-Scaling of Musical Audio Using Phase Locking of Transients . Conference: 112th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Munich, May 2002
SANDLER MB ( 2002 ) . Internet Signal Processing a New Paradigm . Conference: IEEE ICASSP, Orlando, USA - May 2002
SANDLER MB, Monti G ( 2002 ) . Pitch Locking Monophonic Music Analysis . Conference: 112th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Munich, May 2002
SANDLER MB, Daudet L, Bello-Correa JP ( 2002 ) . Time-Domain Polyphonic Piano Transcription Using a Self-Generating Database . Conference: 112th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Munich, May 2002
SANDLER MB ( 2002 ) . Scalable Audio Compression . Conference: EPSRC Theme Day, Institute of Acoustics Conference, Salford - 26th March 2002
Reiss J, Alin F, Sandler M, Robert B ( 2002 ) . A detailed analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of the electric step motor . IEEE ICIT' 02: 2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, VOLS I AND II, PROCEEDINGS . 1078 - 1083 .
SANDLER MB, Marvasti F ( 2002 ) . Applications of Nonuniform Sampling to nonuniform Modulation . A/D and D/A Techniques in Nonuniform Sampling, ed. F. Marvasti , Plenum Press
Daudet L, Sandler M, Torresani B ( 2002 ) . Audio representations on overcomplete sets . DSP 2002: 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1 AND 2 . Editors: Skodras, AN, Constantinides, AG , 583 - 586 .
SANDLER MB, Zoelzer U ( 2002 ) . Bitstream Signal Processing . DAFx: Digital Audi Effects ed. U. Zoelzer , Wiley
Darlington D, Daudet L, Sandler M ( 2002 ) . DIGITAL AUDIO EFFECTS IN THE WAVELET DOMAIN . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx . 7 - 12 .
Aucouturier JJ, Sandler M ( 2002 ) . Finding repeating patterns in acoustic musical signals: Applications for audio thumbnailing . VIRTUAL, SYNTHETIC, AND ENTERTAINMENT AUDIO . 412 - 421 .
Davies ME, SANDLER MB, Duxbury C ( 2001 ) . Separation of Transient Information in Musical Audio Using Multiresolution Analysis Techniques . Conference: DAFx 2001, Limerick - 6-8 December 2001
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2001 ) . Efficient Compression of Oversampled 1-Bit Audio Signals . Conference: Presented at 111th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, NY, USA, 2001
Sandler MB, REISS J, Aucouturier J-J ( 2001 ) . Efficient Multidimensional Searching Routines for Music Information Retrieval . Conference: Presented at 2nd Annual International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, 2001
SANDLER MB, Aucouturier JJ ( 2001 ) . Using Long-Term Structure to Retrieve Music: Representation and Matching . Conference: 2nd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ISMIR 2001, Indiana, October 2001
Sandler M ( 2001 ) . Special issue: Musical applications of digital signal processing - Introduction . J NEW MUSIC RES vol. 30 , ( 3 ) 201 - 202 .
Davies ME, PLUMBLEY MD, Sandler MB, Bello JP, Abdallah SA, Monti G, Klingseisen J ( 2001 ) . ICA and Related Models Applied to Audio Analysis and Separation . Conference: Proceedings of the Fourth International ICSC Symposium on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems for Industry, Paisley, Scotland, June 26-29, 2001
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2001 ) . Multibit Chaotic Sigma Delta Modulation . Conference: Presented at Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, Delft, The Netherlands, 2001
Reiss JD, Sandler MB ( 2001 ) . The benefits of multibit chaotic sigma delta modulation . Chaos vol. 11 , ( 2 ) 377 - 383 .
SANDLER MB, Aucouturier J ( 2001 ) . Segmentation of Musical Signals using Hidden Markov Models . Conference: 110th Convention of AES, Amsterdam, 12-15 May 2001
SANDLER MB, Landone C ( 2001 ) . Surround Sound Impact over Large Areas . Conference: 110th Convention of AES, Amsterdam 12-15 May 2001
Marvasti F, Sandler M ( 2001 ) . Applications of Nonuniform Sampling to Nonlinear Modulation, A/D and D/A Techniques . Nonuniform Sampling , Springer Nature
Sandler MB, REISS J, Mitianoudis N ( 2001 ) . Computation of Generalized Mutual Information from Multichannel Audio Data . Conference: Presented at 110th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2001
Sandler MB, REISS J ( 2001 ) . Exploiting Chaos in Multibit Sigma Delta Modulation . Conference: Presented at European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Espoo, Finland, 2001
Leslie B, Sandler M ( 2001 ) . Packet loss resilient, scalable audio compression and streaming for IP networks . SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON 3G MOBILE COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES . 119 - 123 .
Sandler M ( 2000 ) . Digital amplification for consumer audio . Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics . 402 - 403 .
Castellano G, Boyce J, Sandler M ( 2000 ) . Regularized CDWT optical flow applied to moving-target detection in IR imagery . Machine Vision and Applications vol. 11 , ( 6 ) 277 - 288 .
Sandier M ( 2000 ) . Linear time-invariant systems in the wavelet domain . IEE Colloquium (Digest) . 117 - 122 .
Landone C, Sandler M ( 2000 ) . Applications of binaural processing to surround sound reproduction in large spaces . Conference: 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Emerging Technologies for the 21st Century. Proceedings (IEEE Cat No.00CH36353) vol. 3 ,
Bello JP, Sandler M ( 2000 ) . BLACKBOARD SYSTEM AND TOP-DOWN PROCESSING FOR THE TRANSCRIPTION OF SIMPLE POLYPHONIC MUSIC . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx .
Sandler M ( 2000 ) . Digital music in the 21st century . Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics . 412 - 413 .
Monti G, Sandler M ( 2000 ) . MONOPHONIC TRANSCRIPTION WITH AUTOCORRELATION . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx .
Bello JP, Monti G, Sandler M ( 2000 ) . TECHNIQUES FOR AUTOMATIC MUSIC TRANSCRIPTION . International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2000 .
Bendor D, Sandler M ( 2000 ) . Time Domain Extraction of Vibrato from Monophonic Instruments . International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2000 .
Nawrocki R, Goldberg JM, Sandler MB ( 1999 ) . Information‐theoretic constraints on noise shaping networks with minimum noise power gain . International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications vol. 27 , ( 4 ) 437 - 441 .
Palomar DP, Price M, Sandler M ( 1999 ) . Re-optimisation of LPC filters for multi-pulsecoded excitation . Electronics Letters vol. 35 , ( 13 ) 1058 - 1059 .
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1999 ) . Digital-domain dithering of sigma-delta modulators using bit flipping . Computer Standards & Interfaces vol. 21 , ( 2 )
Sandler MB, Magrath AJ, Kudumakis P ( 1999 ) . 16 High Quality Audio Coding for Mobile Multimedia Communications . Insights Into Mobile Multimedia Communications , Elsevier
Landone C, Sandler M ( 1999 ) . ISSUES IN PERFORMANCE PREDICTION OF SURROUND SYSTEMS IN SOUND REINFORCEMENT APPLICATIONS . Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx .
Price M, Sandler M ( 1999 ) . Investigation of a least squares method for high order filter synthesis . Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems vol. 3 ,
Castellano G, Boyce J, Sandler M ( 1999 ) . Moving target detection in infrared imagery using a regularized CDWT optical flow . Conference: Proceedings IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum: Methods and Applications (CVBVS'99)13 - 22 .
Leslie B, Sandler M ( 1999 ) . Wavelet packet algorithm for 1-D data with no block end effects . Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems vol. 3 ,
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1998 ) . A use of sigma‐delta modulation in power digital‐to‐analogue conversion . International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications vol. 25 , ( 5 ) 439 - 455 .
Landone C, Sandler MB ( 1998 ) . 3-D sound systems: A computationally efficient binaural processor . IEE Colloquium (Digest) ( 470 )
Leslie B, Sandler M ( 1998 ) . Audio compression using wavelets . IEE Colloquium (Digest) ( 470 )
Landone C, Sandler MB ( 1998 ) . 3-D sound systems: a computationally efficient binaural processor . Conference: IEE Colloquium on Audio and Music Technology: the Challenge of Creative DSP vol. 1998 , 6 - 6 .
Leslie B, Sandler M ( 1998 ) . Audio compression using wavelets . Conference: IEE Colloquium on Audio and Music Technology: the Challenge of Creative DSP vol. 1998 , 2 - 2 .
Lambrou T, Kudumakis P, Speller R, Sandler M, Linney A ( 1998 ) . Classification of audio signals using statistical features on time and wavelet transform domains . 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing . Conference: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '98 (Cat. No.98CH36181) vol. 6 ,
Landone C, Sandler MB ( 1998 ) . Digital filtering for 3D binaural sound . vol. 1998 , 9 - 9 .
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1998 ) . Efficient coding of linear predictive coefficients for wideband speech . Conference: ISCAS '98. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (Cat. No.98CH36187) vol. 4 ,
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1998 ) . Encoding hidden data channels in sigma-delta bitstreams . Conference: ISCAS '98. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (Cat. No.98CH36187) vol. 1 ,
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1998 ) . Parametric Encoding of Line Spectral Pairs for Wideband Speech . Applied Signal Processing vol. 5 , ( 4 )
Price M, Waters M, Sandler M ( 1998 ) . Synthesis and performance of a new class of implementation for high-order recursive digital filters . IEE Proceedings - Vision Image and Signal Processing vol. 145 , ( 2 )
Kudumakis P, Sandler M ( 1997 ) . Wavelets versus conventional filters for low bit rate audio coding . IEE Conference Publication . Conference: IEE Conference Publication320 - 324 .
Kudumakis P, Sandler MB ( 1997 ) . Usage of short wavelets for scaleable audio coding . Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering . Conference: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing V vol. 3169 , 171 - 178 .
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1997 ) . Digital power amplification using sigma-delta modulation and bit flipping . AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 45 , ( 6 ) 476 - 487 .
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1997 ) . Digital-domain dithering of sigma-delta modulators using bit flipping . AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 45 , ( 6 ) 467 - 475 .
Dunn C, Sandler M ( 1997 ) . Psychoacoustically optimal sigma-delta modulation . AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 45 , ( 4 ) 212 - 223 .
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1997 ) . A sigma-delta modulator topology with high linearity . Conference: Proceedings of 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Circuits and Systems in the Information Age ISCAS '97 vol. 1 ,
Magrath AJ, Clark IG, Sandler MB ( 1997 ) . Design and implementation of a FPGA sigma-delta power DAC . 2010 IEEE Workshop On Signal Processing Systems . Conference: 1997 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems. SiPS 97 Design and Implementation formerly VLSI Signal Processing511 - 521 .
Waters M, Price M, Sandler MB, Magrath AJ ( 1997 ) . Parallel interconnection of cascaded subfilters: improved performance at high order . Conference: Proceedings of 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Circuits and Systems in the Information Age ISCAS '97 vol. 4 ,
Sandler MB, Kudumakis P, Magrath AJ ( 1996 ) . Audio coding for mobile multimedia communications . IEE Colloquium (Digest) ( 248 )
Dunn C, Sandler M ( 1996 ) . Fixed and adaptive sigma-delta modulators with multibit quantisers . Applied Signal Processing vol. 3 , ( 4 ) 212 - 222 .
Sandler M, Zeheb E ( 1996 ) . On using Mathematica to implement the zero set technique . IEE Colloquium (Digest) ( 78 )
Sandler M, Zeheb E ( 1996 ) . On using mathematica to implement the zero set technique . IEE Colloquium (Digest) ( 78 )
Price M, Holden S, Sandler M ( 1996 ) . Accurate parallel form filter synthesis . Electronics Letters vol. 32 , ( 22 ) 2066 - 2067 .
Kudumakis PE, Sandler MB ( 1996 ) . On the compression obtainable with four-tap wavelets . IEEE Signal Processing Letters vol. 3 , ( 8 ) 231 - 233 .
Dunn C, Sandler M ( 1996 ) . Adaptive sigma-delta modulation for use in DACs . Electronics Letters vol. 32 , ( 10 ) 867 - 868 .
Dunn C, Sandler M ( 1996 ) . A comparison of dithered and chaotic sigma-delta modulators . AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 44 , ( 4 ) 227 - 244 .
Castellano G, Sandler MB ( 1996 ) . Handwritten digits recognition using Hough transform and neural networks . Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems . vol. 3 , 313 - 316 .
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1996 ) . Hybrid pulse width modulation/sigma–delta modulation power digital-to-analogue converter . IEE Proceedings - Circuits Devices and Systems vol. 143 , ( 3 )
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1996 ) . Performance enhancement of sigma-delta modulator D-A converters using non-linear techniques . Conference: 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Circuits and Systems Connecting the World. ISCAS 96 vol. 2 ,
Summerfield S, Anderson M, Kershaw S, Sandler M ( 1996 ) . VLSI implementation of a Sigma-Delta bitstream FIR filter . Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems . vol. 2 , 273 - 276 .
Kudumakis PE, Sandler MB ( 1996 ) . Wavelet packet based scalable audio coding . Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems . Conference: Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems vol. 2 , 41 - 44 .
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1995 ) . Non-linear deterministic dithering of sigma-delta modulators . IEE Colloquium (Digest) .
Waters M, Price M, Sandler MB ( 1995 ) . Performance advantage of hybrid cascade/parallelhigh order recursive filters . Electronics Letters vol. 31 , ( 23 ) 1983 - 1985 .
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1995 ) . Resolution enhancement and dither of sigma-deltamodulator digital-to-analogue converters . Electronics Letters vol. 31 , ( 18 ) 1540 - 1542 .
Dunn C, Sandler M ( 1995 ) . Efficient linearisation of sigma-delta modulatorsusing single-bit dither . Electronics Letters vol. 31 , ( 12 ) 941 - 942 .
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1995 ) . Efficient dithering of sigma-delta modulators withadaptive bitflipping . Electronics Letters vol. 31 , ( 11 ) 846 - 847 .
Magrath AJ, Sandler MB ( 1995 ) . Power digital-to-analogue conversion using a sigma-deltamodulatorwith controlled limit cycles . Electronics Letters vol. 31 , ( 4 ) 251 - 253 .
Dunn C, Sandler M ( 1995 ) . Linearising sigma-delta modulators using dither and chaos . Conference: Proceedings of ISCAS'95 - International Symposium on Circuits and Systems vol. 1 ,
Kudumakis PE, Sandler MB ( 1995 ) . On the performance of wavelets for low bit rate coding of audio signals . ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings . Conference: ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings vol. 5 , 3087 - 3090 .
Kershaw SM, Summerfield S, Sandler MB ( 1995 ) . On Σ Δ signal processing remodulator complexity . Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems . vol. 2 , 881 - 884 .
Summerfield S, Kershaw SM, Sandler MB ( 1994 ) . Sigma-delta bitstream filtering in VLSI . Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems . vol. 2 , 1200 - 1203 .
Mackenzie J, Sandler M ( 1994 ) . Using chaos to model sound . IEE Colloquium (Digest) .
Kershaw SM, Sandler MB ( 1994 ) . Digital signal processing on a sigma-delta bitstream . IEE Colloquium (Digest) .
Dunn C, Sandler M ( 1994 ) . Use of clipping in sigma-delta modulators . IEE Colloquium (Digest) .
Hanif T, Sandler M ( 1994 ) . A counter-based Hough transform system . Microprocessors and Microsystems vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 19 - 26 .
Price M, Sandler M ( 1994 ) . Implementation of the IPFE algorithm for synthesis of high order recursive filters . Conference: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS '94 vol. 2 ,
Dunn C ( 1994 ) . Measurement of nonlinearity in high-resolution sigma-delta converters . Conference: Second International Conference on `Advanced A-D and D-A Conversion Techniques and their Applications' vol. 1994 , 175 - 180 .
Mackenzie J, Sandler M ( 1994 ) . Modelling sound with chaos . Conference: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS '94 vol. 6 ,
Goldberg JM, Sandler MB ( 1994 ) . New high accuracy pulse width modulation based digital-to-analogue convertor/power amplifier . IEE Proceedings - Circuits Devices and Systems vol. 141 , ( 4 )
Costa LD, Sandler MB ( 1993 ) . Effective Detection of Digital Bar Segments with Hough Transform . Graphical Models vol. 55 , ( 3 ) 180 - 191 .
Sandler MB ( 1993 ) . Digital-to-analogue conversion using pulse width modulation . Electronics & Communications Engineering Journal vol. 5 , ( 6 )
Hare AR, Sandler MB ( 1993 ) . General test framework for straight-line detection by Hough transforms . Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems . vol. 1 , 239 - 242 .
Sandler MB ( 1993 ) . Implementation of high order recursive filters as sub-filters . Conference: 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
Waters M, Sandler MB ( 1993 ) . Least squares IIR filter design on a logarithmic frequency scale . Conference: 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
Hare AR, Sandler MB ( 1992 ) . Improved-performance ‘randomised’ Hough transform . Electronics Letters vol. 28 , ( 18 ) 1678 - 1680 .
Hayat L, Naqvi A, Sandler M ( 1992 ) . Comparative evaluation of fast thinning algorithms on a multiprocessor architecture . Image and Vision Computing vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 210 - 218 .
Chan CK, Sandler MB ( 1992 ) . A complete shape recognition system using the Hough transform and neural network . Conference: Proceedings., 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol.II. Conference B: Pattern Recognition Methodology and Systems21 - 24 .
Yu J, Sandler MB, Hawken RE ( 1992 ) . Adaptive quantisation for one-bit sigma-delta modulation . IEE Proceedings G Circuits Devices and Systems vol. 139 , ( 1 )
da F. Costa L, Sandler MB ( 1992 ) . Detecting Digital Straight Line Segments in O(N2) . Visual Form , Springer Nature
Sandler M ( 1992 ) . New synthesis techniques for high order all-pole filters . IEE Proceedings G Circuits Devices and Systems vol. 139 , ( 1 )
Costa LDF, Sandler MB ( 1991 ) . Application of the binary hough transform to image compression . IEE Conference Publication . 56 - 60 .
Hayat L, Sandler MB ( 1991 ) . Efficient multidimensional/multidirectional parallel pipelined architecture for image processing . IEE Conference Publication . 105 - 110 .
Townsend MA, Sandler MB ( 1991 ) . Improved high precision formant analysis procedure . IEE Conference Publication . 246 - 250 .
Hiorns RE, Bowman RG, Sandler MB ( 1991 ) . PWM DAC for digital audio power conversion. From theory to performance . IEE Conference Publication . 142 - 147 .
Zhou S, Sandler M, Bergman G ( 1991 ) . A switched memory decoding system for a multiple processor system . Microprocessors and Microsystems vol. 15 , ( 9 ) 481 - 487 .
da F. Costa L, Leng X, Sandler MB, Smart P ( 1991 ) . Semiautomated analysis of clay samples . Review of Scientific Instruments vol. 62 , ( 9 ) 2163 - 2166 .
Goldberg JM, Sandler MB ( 1991 ) . Pseudo-natural pulse width modulation for high accuracy digital-to-analogue conversion . Electronics Letters vol. 27 , ( 16 ) 1491 - 1492 .
Goldberg JM, Sandler MB ( 1991 ) . Noise shaping and pulse-width modulation for an all-digital audio power amplifier . AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 39 , ( 6 ) 449 - 460 .
Sandler M ( 1991 ) . Algorithm for high precision root finding from high order LPC models . IEE Proceedings I Communications Speech and Vision vol. 138 , ( 6 )
Ben-Tzvi D, Sandler M ( 1991 ) . Analogue implementation of the Hough transform . IEE Proceedings G Circuits Devices and Systems vol. 138 , ( 4 )
Waters M, Sandler MB ( 1991 ) . Application of nonlinear dynamics to digital effects for musical instruments . Audio Engineering Society Preprint .
Hiorns RE, Bowman RG, Goldberg JM, Sandler MB ( 1991 ) . Developments in realising an all digital power amplifier . Audio Engineering Society Preprint .
Mackenzie JP, Sandler MB ( 1991 ) . Fractal interpolation functions for sound synthesis . Audio Engineering Society Preprint .
Hayat L, Naqvi A, Sandler MB ( 1991 ) . Parallel implementation of a fast thinning algorithm using image compression . IEE Proceedings I Communications Speech and Vision vol. 138 , ( 6 )
da Fontoura Costa L, Tzionas P, Sandler MB ( 1990 ) . On the VLSI implementation of the Binary Hough Transform . IEE Colloquium (Digest) .
Sandler M ( 1990 ) . Partitioning strategies for high order recursive filters . IEE Colloquium (Digest) .
Ben-Tzvi D, Naqvi A, Sandler M ( 1990 ) . Synchronous multiprocessor implementation of the Hough transform . Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing vol. 52 , ( 3 ) 437 - 446 .
Sandler M, Hayat L, Costa L ( 1990 ) . Benchmarking processors for image processing . Microprocessors and Microsystems vol. 14 , ( 9 ) 583 - 588 .
Ben-Tzvi D, Naqui A, Sandler M ( 1990 ) . Efficient parallel implementation of the hough transform on a distributed memory system . Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing vol. 52 , ( 2 )
da Fontoura Costa L, Sandler MB ( 1990 ) . Binary Hough transform and its implementation . Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering . Conference: Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics vol. 1251 , 183 - 193 .
Choo CY, Freeman H ( 1990 ) . Comparative precision analysis of chain-coding families for line-drawing encoding . Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering . Conference: Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics vol. 1251 , 194 - 206 .
Hayat L, Sandler MB ( 1990 ) . Image compression algorithm for fast parallel thinning of binary images . Electronics Letters vol. 26 , ( 14 ) 1056 - 1058 .
Ben-Tzvi D, Sandler MB ( 1990 ) . Counter-based Hough transform . Electronics Letters vol. 26 , ( 11 ) 751 - 753 .
Ben-Tzvi D, Sandler MB ( 1990 ) . A combinatorial Hough transform . Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 167 - 174 .
da Fontoura Costa L, Sandler MB ( 1990 ) . A complete and efficient real time system for line segment detection based on the binary Hough transform . Conference: Proceedings. EUROMICRO '90 Workshop on Real Time205 - 213 .
Ben-Tzvi D, Sandler M ( 1990 ) . Analog implementation of the Hough transform suitable for single chip VLSI implementation . Conference: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
Sandler MB ( 1990 ) . Analysis and synthesis of atonal percussion using high order linear predictive coding . Applied Acoustics vol. 30 , ( 2-3 ) 247 - 264 .
da Fontoura Costa L, Ben-Tzvi D, Sandler M ( 1990 ) . Performance improvements to the Hough transform . IEE Conference Publication . 98 - 103 .
Costa LDF, Sandler MB ( 1989 ) . Neural networks and Hough transform for pattern recognition . IEE Conference Publication . 81 - 85 .
Da Fontoura Costa L, Sandler MB ( 1989 ) . A binary Hough transform and its efficient implementation in a systolic array architecture . Pattern Recognition Letters vol. 10 , ( 5 ) 329 - 334 .
Ben-Tzvi D, Sandler M ( 1989 ) . Analogue implementation of Hough transform . Electronics Letters vol. 25 , ( 18 ) 1216 - 1217 .
Sandler M ( 1989 ) . Implementation strategy for high-order recursive filters . Electronics Letters vol. 25 , ( 16 ) 1058 - 1060 .
Ben-Tzvi D, Naqvi A, Sandler M ( 1989 ) . Efficient parallel implementation of the Hough transform on a distributed memory system . Image and Vision Computing vol. 7 , ( 3 ) 167 - 172 .
Ben-Tzvi D, Sandler M ( 1989 ) . Efficient parallel implementation of the hough transform on a distributed memory system . Microprocessing and Microprogramming vol. 27 , ( 1-5 ) 147 - 152 .
Sandler M ( 1989 ) . High complexity resonator structures for formant synthesis of musical instruments . Microprocessing and Microprogramming vol. 27 , ( 1-5 ) 557 - 562 .
Eghtesadi S, Sandler M ( 1989 ) . Implementation of the Hough transform for intermediate-level vision on a transputer network . Microprocessors and Microsystems vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 212 - 218 .
Da Fontoura Costa L, Sandler MB ( 1989 ) . Improving parameter space for Hough transform . Electronics Letters vol. 25 , ( 2 ) 134 - 136 .
Sandler MB, Hayat L, Costa L, Naqvi A ( 1989 ) . A comparative evaluation of DSPs, microprocessors and the transputer for image processing . 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing . Conference: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
Sandler M ( 1988 ) . Interfacing the transputer to the TMS320 in an image processing environment . Microprocessors and Microsystems vol. 12 , ( 9 ) 490 - 496 .
Sandler MB, Eghtesadi S ( 1988 ) . Transputer based implementations of the hough transform for computer vision . Microprocessing and Microprogramming vol. 24 , ( 1-5 ) 403 - 408 .
Naqvi AA, Sandler MB ( 1987 ) . IMAGE PROCESSING WITH MULTIPLE DSPs . IEE Colloquium (Digest) .
Sandler M ( 1986 ) . PROGRESS TOWARDS A DIGITAL POWER AMPLIFIER . Audio Engineering Society Preprint .
Sandler MB, Nathwani M ( 1985 ) . ALL DIGITAL AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER . IEE Colloquium (Digest) .