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Publications: Prof Peter Sasieni

Lei J, Cuschieri K, Patel H, Lawrence A, Deats K, team YT, Sasieni P, Lim AWW ( 2024 ) . Human papillomavirus genotype and cycle threshold value from self-samples and risk of high-grade cervical lesions: A post hoc analysis of a modified stepped-wedge implementation feasibility trial . PLOS Medicine vol. 21 , ( 12 )
Falcaro M, Castanon A, Ndlela B, Sasieni P ( 2024 ) . Association between HPV vaccination and cervical screening policy changes and cervical cancer and grade-3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia incidence in England, 2006–2020: a population-based trends analysis . The Lancet Regional Health Europe
Sasieni P, Smittenaar R, Hubbell E, Broggio J, Neal RD, Swanton C ( 2024 ) . Correction: Modelled mortality benefits of multi-cancer early detection screening in England . British Journal of Cancer vol. 131 , ( 12 ) 1942 - 1944 .
Soldan K, Falcaro M, Sasieni P ( 2024 ) . HPV vaccination has dramatically reduced inequalities in cervical cancer, but the most deprived groups remain at highest risk . The BMJ vol. 387 ,
Sasieni P, Brentnall AR ( 2024 ) . More efficient, smaller multicancer screening trials . Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Lim AWW, Deats K, Gambell J, Lawrence A, Lei J, Lyons M, North B, Parmar D et al. ( 2024 ) . Opportunistic offering of self-sampling to non-attenders within the English cervical screening programme: a pragmatic, multicentre, implementation feasibility trial with randomly allocated cluster intervention start dates (YouScreen) . EClinicalMedicine vol. 73 ,
Dull PM, Achilles SL, Ahmed R, Barnabas RV, Campos NG, Chirgwin K, Cohen JA, de Sanjosé S et al. ( 2024 ) . Meeting report: Considerations for trial design and endpoints in licensing therapeutic HPV16/18 vaccines to prevent cervical cancer . Vaccine vol. 42 , ( 25 )
Sasieni PD ( 2024 ) . Effect of an Invitation or the Effect of Participation: What Should Randomized Controlled Trials of Cancer Screening Examine? . Journal of Clinical Oncology vol. 42 , ( 28 ) 3266 - 3269 .
Tan WS, Ahmad A, Zhou Y, Nathan A, Ogunbo A, Gbolahan O, Kallam N, Smith R et al. ( 2024 ) . Hematuria Cancer Risk Score with Ultrasound Informs Cystoscopy Use in Patients with Hematuria . European Urology Oncology
Falcaro M, Soldan K, Ndlela B, Sasieni P ( 2024 ) . Effect of the HPV vaccination programme on incidence of cervical cancer and grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia by socioeconomic deprivation in England: population based observational study . The BMJ vol. 385 ,
Tan WK, Maroni R, Offman J, Zamani SA, Team BT, di Pietro M, O’Donovan M, Muldrew B et al. ( 2024 ) . Targeted Screening for Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Cancer: Post Hoc Analysis From the Randomized BEST3 Trial . Gastroenterology vol. 167 , ( 4 ) 798 - 800.e4 .
Webb AB, Berg CD, Castle PE, Crosby D, Etzioni R, Kessler LG, Menon U, Parmar M et al. ( 2024 ) . Considerations for using potential surrogate endpoints in cancer screening trials . The Lancet Oncology vol. 25 , ( 5 ) e183 - e192 .
Davies JC, Sargent A, Pinggera E, Carter S, Gilham C, Sasieni P, Crosbie EJ ( 2024 ) . Urine high‐risk human papillomavirus testing as an alternative to routine cervical screening: A comparative diagnostic accuracy study of two urine collection devices using a randomised study design trial . BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology vol. 131 , ( 11 ) 1456 - 1464 .
Davies J, Carter S, Pinggera E, Hawkins R, Thorpe E, Malcomson L, Mcwilliams L, Gilham C et al. ( 2024 ) . 337 Urine high risk human papillomavirus testing as an alternative cervical screening strategy: the ACES studies . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Poster and E-Posters vol. 34 ,
Wood DA, Townend M, Guilhem E, Kafiabadi S, Hammam A, Wei Y, Al Busaidi A, Mazumder A et al. ( 2024 ) . Optimising brain age estimation through transfer learning: A suite of pre‐trained foundation models for improved performance and generalisability in a clinical setting . Human Brain Mapping vol. 45 , ( 4 )
Pesola F, Smith KM, Phillips‐Waller A, Przulj D, Griffiths C, Walton R, McRobbie H, Coleman T et al. ( 2024 ) . Safety of e‐cigarettes and nicotine patches as stop‐smoking aids in pregnancy: Secondary analysis of the Pregnancy Trial of E‐cigarettes and Patches (PREP) randomized controlled trial . Addiction vol. 119 , ( 5 ) 875 - 884 .
Hill H, Kearns B, Pashayan N, Roadevin C, Sasieni P, Offman J, Duffy S ( 2023 ) . The cost-effectiveness of risk-stratified breast cancer screening in the UK . British Journal of Cancer . vol. 129 , 1801 - 1809 .
Rumgay H, Cabasag CJ, Offman J, de Camargo Cancela M, Barchuk A, Mathur P, Wang S, Wei W et al. ( 2023 ) . International burden of cancer deaths and years of life lost from cancer attributable to four major risk factors: a population-based study in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and United States . EClinicalMedicine vol. 66 ,
Lee R, Balata H, Bartholomeuz T, Booton R, Callister M, Cheyne L, Crosbie P, Daneshvar C et al. ( 2023 ) . S32 Implementing lung cancer screening in the UK: baseline results from the NHS England national ‘targeted lung health check’ programme . Conference: ‘Revolution’ – Updates from UK cancer screeninga26 - a27 .
Rivellese F, Nerviani A, Giorli G, Warren L, Jaworska E, Bombardieri M, Lewis MJ, Humby F et al. ( 2023 ) . Stratification of biological therapies by pathobiology in biologic-naive patients with rheumatoid arthritis (STRAP and STRAP-EU): two parallel, open-label, biopsy-driven, randomised trials . The Lancet Rheumatology vol. 5 , ( 11 ) e648 - e659 .
Swanton C, Bachtiar V, Mathews C, Brentnall AR, Lowenhoff I, Waller J, Bomb M, McPhail S et al. ( 2023 ) . 1239P NHS-Galleri trial enrolment approaches and participant sociodemographic diversity . Annals of Oncology vol. 34 ,
Ahmad AS, Offman J, Delon C, North BV, Shelton J, Sasieni PD ( 2023 ) . Years of life lost due to cancer in the United Kingdom from 1988 to 2017 . British Journal of Cancer vol. 129 , ( 10 ) 1558 - 1568 .
Catto JW, North B, Goff M, Carter A, Sleeth M, Mandrik O, Chilcott J, Sasieni P et al. ( 2023 ) . Protocol for the YORKSURe prospective multistage study testing the feasibility for early detection of bladder cancer in populations with high disease-specific mortality risk . BMJ Open vol. 13 , ( 9 )
Lincoln AG, Benton SC, Piggott C, Sheikh SR, Beggs AD, Buckley L, DeSouza B, East JE et al. ( 2023 ) . Risk-stratified faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) for urgent colonoscopy in Lynch syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic . BJS Open vol. 7 , ( 5 )
Przulj D, Pesola F, Myers Smith K, McRobbie H, Coleman T, Lewis S, Griffith C, Walton R et al. ( 2023 ) . Helping pregnant smokers quit: a multicentre randomised controlled trial of electronic cigarettes versus nicotine replacement therapy . Health Technology Assessment vol. 27 , ( 13 ) 1 - 53 .
Ghimire B, Landy R, Maroni R, Smith SG, Debiram-Beecham I, Sasieni PD, Fitzgerald RC, Rubin G et al. ( 2023 ) . Patient reported experiences of the Cytosponge test: Analysis of patient survey data from the BEST3 trial .
Sasieni P, Smittenaar R, Hubbell E, Broggio J, Neal RD, Swanton C ( 2023 ) . Modelled mortality benefits of multi-cancer early detection screening in England . British Journal of Cancer vol. 129 , ( 1 ) 72 - 80 .
Brentnall AR, Mathews C, Beare S, Ching J, Sleeth M, Sasieni P ( 2023 ) . Dynamic data-enabled stratified sampling for trial invitations with application in NHS-Galleri . Clinical Trials vol. 20 , ( 4 ) 425 - 433 .
Hill W, Lim EL, Weeden CE, Lee C, Augustine M, Chen K, Kuan F-C, Marongiu F et al. ( 2023 ) . Lung adenocarcinoma promotion by air pollutants . Nature vol. 616 , ( 7955 ) 159 - 167 .
Visconti A, Rossi N, Deriš H, Lee KA, Hanić M, Trbojević-Akmačić I, Thomas AM, Bolte LA et al. ( 2023 ) . Total serum N-glycans associate with response to immune checkpoint inhibition therapy and survival in patients with advanced melanoma . BMC Cancer vol. 23 , ( 1 )
Catto JWF, Mandrik O, Quayle LA, Hussain SA, McGrath J, Cresswell J, Birtle AJ, Jones RJ et al. ( 2023 ) . Diagnosis, treatment and survival from bladder, upper urinary tract, and urethral cancers: real‐world findings from NHS England between 2013 and 2019 . BJU International vol. 131 , ( 6 ) 734 - 744 .
Pesola F, Rebolj M, Sasieni P ( 2023 ) . Managing an extension of screening intervals: Avoiding boom and bust in health care workloads . International Journal of Cancer vol. 152 , ( 10 ) 2061 - 2068 .
Ghimire B, Landy R, Maroni R, Smith SG, Debiram-Beecham I, Sasieni PD, Fitzgerald RC, Rubin G et al. ( 2023 ) . Predictors of the experience of a Cytosponge test: analysis of patient survey data from the BEST3 trial . BMC Gastroenterology vol. 23 , ( 1 )
Falcaro M, Sasieni P, Castañon A ( 2023 ) . audit_cc: A Stata command for the analysis of matched case-control audits of cervical cancer screening . Informatics in Medicine Unlocked vol. 38 ,
Hajek P, Przulj D, Pesola F, Griffiths C, Walton R, McRobbie H, Coleman T, Lewis S et al. ( 2022 ) . Author Correction: Electronic cigarettes versus nicotine patches for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial . Nature Medicine vol. 29 , ( 11 ) 2957 - 2957 .
Lincoln A, Benton S, Piggott C, North BV, Rigney J, Young C, Quirke P, Sasieni P et al. ( 2022 ) . Exploring the utility and acceptability of Faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) as a novel intervention for the improvement of colorectal Cancer (CRC) surveillance in individuals with lynch syndrome (FIT for lynch study): a single-arm, prospective, multi-centre, non-randomised study . BMC Cancer vol. 22 , ( 1 )
Shuaib H, Barker GJ, Sasieni P, De Vita E, Chelliah A, Andrei R, Ashkan K, Beaumont E et al. ( 2022 ) . Overcoming challenges of translating deep-learning models for glioblastoma: the ZGBM consortium . British Journal of Radiology vol. 96 , ( 1141 )
Neal RD, Johnson P, Clarke CA, Hamilton SA, Zhang N, Kumar H, Swanton C, Sasieni P ( 2022 ) . Cell-Free DNA–Based Multi-Cancer Early Detection Test in an Asymptomatic Screening Population (NHS-Galleri): Design of a Pragmatic, Prospective Randomised Controlled Trial . Cancers vol. 14 , ( 19 )
Cuzick J, Sasieni P ( 2022 ) . Interpreting the results of noninferiority trials—a review . British Journal of Cancer vol. 127 , ( 10 ) 1755 - 1759 .
Li SJ, Seedher T, Sharples LD, Benton SC, Mathews C, Gabe R, Sasieni P, Duffy SW ( 2022 ) . Impact of changes to the interscreening interval and faecal immunochemical test threshold in the national bowel cancer screening programme in England: results from the FIT pilot study . British Journal of Cancer vol. 127 , ( 8 ) 1525 - 1533 .
Wedisinghe L, Sasieni P, Currie H, Baxter G ( 2022 ) . The impact of offering multiple cervical screening options to women whose screening was overdue in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland . Preventive Medicine Reports vol. 29 ,
Kechagias KS, Kalliala I, Bowden SJ, Athanasiou A, Paraskevaidi M, Paraskevaidis E, Dillner J, Nieminen P et al. ( 2022 ) . Role of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on HPV infection and recurrence of HPV related disease after local surgical treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis . The BMJ vol. 378 ,
Humby F, Durez P, Buch MH, Lewis MJ, Bombardieri M, John C, Rizvi H, Warren L et al. ( 2022 ) . Rituximab versus tocilizumab and B-cell status in TNF-alpha inadequate-responder rheumatoid arthritis patients:the R4-RA RCT . Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation vol. 9 , ( 7 ) 1 - 58 .
Blyuss O, Dibden A, Massat NJ, Parmar D, Cuzick J, Duffy SW, Sasieni P ( 2022 ) . A case–control study to evaluate the impact of the breast screening programme on breast cancer incidence in England . Cancer Medicine vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 1878 - 1887 .
Shiraz A, Egawa N, Pelt DM, Crawford R, Nicholas AK, Romashova V, Sasieni P, Griffin H et al. ( 2022 ) . Cervical cell lift: A novel triage method for the spatial mapping and grading of precancerous cervical lesions . EBioMedicine vol. 82 ,
Li M, Zhang L, Charvat H, Callister ME, Sasieni P, Christodoulou E, Kaaks R, Johansson M et al. ( 2022 ) . The influence of postscreening follow‐up time and participant characteristics on estimates of overdiagnosis from lung cancer screening trials . International Journal of Cancer vol. 151 , ( 9 ) 1491 - 1501 .
Falcaro M, Newson RB, Sasieni P ( 2022 ) . Stata tip 146: Using margins after a Poisson regression model to estimate the number of events prevented by an intervention . The Stata Journal Promoting communications on statistics and Stata vol. 22 , ( 2 ) 460 - 464 .
Keith Tan W, Maroni R, Offman J, Pietro MD, Honing J, O’Donovan M, Sasieni P, Fitzgerald R ( 2022 ) . O6 Ideal age to screen for Barrett’s oesophagus and oesophageal adenocarcinoma: modelling from the cytosponge-BEST3 trial . Conference: Oral presentationsa3.2 - a3a4 .
Luo Q, O’Connell DL, Yu XQ, Kahn C, Caruana M, Pesola F, Sasieni P, Grogan PB et al. ( 2022 ) . Cancer incidence and mortality in Australia from 2020 to 2044 and an exploratory analysis of the potential effect of treatment delays during the COVID-19 pandemic: a statistical modelling study . The Lancet Public Health vol. 7 , ( 6 ) e537 - e548 .
Swanton C, Neal RD, Johnson PWM, Dur CC, Hamilton SA, Zhang N, Kumar H, Sasieni P ( 2022 ) . NHS-Galleri Trial Design: Equitable study recruitment tactics for targeted population-level screening with a multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test . Journal of Clinical Oncology vol. 40 , ( 16_suppl ) tps6606 - tps6606 .
Lincoln AG, Benton SC, Sasieni P, Monahan KJ ( 2022 ) . Risk-stratified FIT for urgent colonoscopy in Lynch syndrome: A clinical service throughout the COVID-19 pandemic . Journal of Clinical Oncology vol. 40 , ( 16_suppl ) 10606 - 10606 .
Rivellese F, Surace AEA, Goldmann K, Sciacca E, Çubuk C, Giorli G, John CR, Nerviani A et al. ( 2022 ) . Rituximab versus tocilizumab in rheumatoid arthritis: synovial biopsy-based biomarker analysis of the phase 4 R4RA randomized trial . Nature Medicine vol. 28 , ( 6 ) 1256 - 1268 .
Castanon A, Parmar D, Massat NJ, Sasieni P, Duffy SW ( 2022 ) . Benefit of Biennial Fecal Occult Blood Screening on Colorectal Cancer in England: A Population-Based Case-Control Study . Journal of the National Cancer Institute vol. 114 , ( 9 ) 1262 - 1269 .
Hajek P, Przulj D, Pesola F, Griffiths C, Walton R, Mcrobbie H, Coleman T, Lewis S et al. ( 2022 ) . Electronic cigarettes versus nicotine patches for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial . Nature Medicine
Sasieni P, Castanon A ( 2022 ) . HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening – Authors' reply . The Lancet vol. 399 , ( 10339 )
Landy R, Hollingworth T, Waller J, Marlow LA, Rigney J, Round T, Sasieni PD, Lim AW ( 2022 ) . Non-speculum clinician-taken samples for HPV testing: a cross sectional study in older women . British Journal of General Practice vol. 72 , ( 721 )
Maroni R, Barnes J, Offman J, Scheibl F, Smith SG, Debiram-Beecham I, Waller J, Sasieni P et al. ( 2022 ) . Patient-reported experiences and views on the Cytosponge test: a mixed-methods analysis from the BEST3 trial . BMJ Open vol. 12 , ( 4 )
Drysdale H, Marlow LA, Lim A, Sasieni P, Waller J ( 2022 ) . Self-sampling for cervical screening offered at the point of invitation: A cross-sectional study of preferences in England . Journal of Medical Screening vol. 29 , ( 3 ) 194 - 202 .
Nyame YA, Cooperberg MR, Cumberbatch MG, Eggener SE, Etzioni R, Gomez SL, Haiman C, Huang F et al. ( 2022 ) . Deconstructing, Addressing, and Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Inequities in Prostate Cancer Care . European Urology vol. 82 , ( 4 ) 341 - 351 .
Lee R, Nair A, Graham C, Garcia-Gillam N, Fitzgerald D, Quaife S, Sasieni P, Janes S et al. ( 2022 ) . 45 NHS England’s National Targeted Lung Health Check: preliminary findings . Lung Cancer vol. 165 , s21 - s22 .
Duffy SW, Sasieni P ( 2022 ) . Modeling Multicancer Screening . Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 3 - 4 .
Pilonis ND, Killcoyne S, Tan WK, O'Donovan M, Malhotra S, Tripathi M, Miremadi A, Debiram-Beecham I et al. ( 2022 ) . Use of a Cytosponge biomarker panel to prioritise endoscopic Barrett's oesophagus surveillance: a cross-sectional study followed by a real-world prospective pilot . The Lancet Oncology vol. 23 , ( 2 ) 270 - 278 .
Sasieni P ( 2022 ) . Alternative analysis of the data from a HPV vaccine study in India . The Lancet Oncology vol. 23 , ( 1 )
Lee R, Nair A, Graham C, Garcia-Gillam N, Fitzgerald D, Quaife S, Sasieni P, Janes S et al. ( 2022 ) . NHS England's National Targeted Lung Health Check: preliminary findings . LUNG CANCER . vol. 165 , S21 - S22 .
Swanton C, Neal RD, Johnson PWM, Dur CC, Hamilton SA, Zhang N, Kumar H, Sasieni P ( 2022 ) . NHS-Galleri Trial Design: Equitable study recruitment tactics for targeted population-level screening with a multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test . JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY . vol. 40 ,
Lincoln AG, Benton SC, Sasieni P, Monahan KJ ( 2022 ) . Risk-stratified FIT for urgent colonoscopy in Lynch syndrome: A clinical service throughout the COVID-19 pandemic . JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY . vol. 40 ,
Offman J, Pesola F, Fitzgerald RC, Hamilton W, Sasieni P ( 2021 ) . Impact of Barrett oesophagus diagnoses and endoscopies on oesophageal cancer survival in the UK: A cohort study . Cancer Medicine vol. 11 , ( 4 ) 1160 - 1171 .
( 2021 ) . Correction: PTH-27 Risk-stratified FIT for urgent colonoscopy in Lynch Syndrome: A clinical service throughout the COVID-19 pandemic . Gut vol. 71 , ( 1 ) e3 - e3 .
Lincoln A, Lincoln A, Benton S, Sasieni P ( 2021 ) . PTH-27 Risk-stratified FIT for urgent colonoscopy in Lynch Syndrome: A clinical service throughout the COVID-19 pandemic . Gut . Conference: Posters vol. 70 , a184 - a184 .
Falcaro M, Castañon A, Ndlela B, Checchi M, Soldan K, Lopez-Bernal J, Elliss-Brookes L, Sasieni P ( 2021 ) . The effects of the national HPV vaccination programme in England, UK, on cervical cancer and grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia incidence: a register-based observational study . The Lancet vol. 398 , ( 10316 ) 2084 - 2092 .
Landy R, Hollingworth T, Waller J, Marlow LA, Rigney J, Round T, Sasieni PD, Lim AW ( 2021 ) . Non-speculum sampling approaches for cervical screening in older women: randomised controlled trial . British Journal of General Practice vol. 72 , ( 714 )
Castanon A, Kamineni A, Elfström KM, Lim AWW, Sasieni P ( 2021 ) . Exposure Definition in Case–Control Studies of Cervical Cancer Screening: A Systematic Literature Review . Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention vol. 30 , ( 12 ) 2154 - 2166 .
Sasieni P, Clarke CA, Hubbell E ( 2021 ) . 1135P Impact of MCED screening interval on reduction in late-stage cancer diagnosis and mortality . Annals of Oncology vol. 32 ,
Hajek P, Phillips-Waller A, Przulj D, Pesola F, Smith KM, Bisal N, Li J, Parrott S et al. ( 2021 ) . E-cigarettes compared with nicotine replacement therapy within the UK stop smoking services: The TEC RCT . Health Technology Assessment vol. 23 , ( 43 ) vii - 81 .
Swart N, Maroni R, Muldrew B, Sasieni P, Fitzgerald RC, Morris S, Consortium B ( 2021 ) . Economic evaluation of Cytosponge®-trefoil factor 3 for Barrett esophagus: A cost-utility analysis of randomised controlled trial data . EClinicalMedicine vol. 37 ,
Dodd RH, Freeman M, Dekaj F, Bamforth J, Miah A, Sasieni P, Louie KS ( 2021 ) . Awareness of the link between human papillomavirus and oral cancer in UK university students . Preventive Medicine vol. 150 ,
Landy R, Mathews C, Robertson M, Wiggins CL, McDonald YJ, Goldberg DW, Scarinci IC, Cuzick J et al. ( 2021 ) . Erratum to “A state-wide population-based evaluation of cervical cancers arising during opportunistic screening in the United States” (Gynecologic Oncology (2020) 159(2) (344–353), (S0090825820338506), (10.1016/j.ygyno.2020.08.033)) . Gynecologic Oncology vol. 161 , ( 3 ) 913 - 913 .
Castanon A, Green LI, Sasieni P ( 2021 ) . Impact of screening between the ages of 60 and 64 on cumulative rates of cervical cancer to age 84y by screening history at ages 50 to 59: A population-based case-control study . Preventive Medicine vol. 149 ,
Albuquerque A, Godfrey MAL, Cappello C, Pesola F, Bowring J, Cuming T, De Masi A, Rosenthal AN et al. ( 2021 ) . Multizonal anogenital neoplasia in women: a cohort analysis . BMC Cancer vol. 21 , ( 1 )
Castanon A, Rebolj M, Pesola F, Sasieni P ( 2021 ) . Recovery strategies following COVID-19 disruption to cervical cancer screening and their impact on excess diagnoses . British Journal of Cancer vol. 124 , ( 8 ) 1361 - 1365 .
Sasieni PD, Sawyer EJ ( 2021 ) . Reply to ‘Intraoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer: powerful evidence to change practice’ . Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology vol. 18 , ( 3 ) 188 - 189 .
Andersson TM-L, Myklebust TÅ, Rutherford MJ, Møller B, Soerjomataram I, Arnold M, Bray F, Parkin DM et al. ( 2021 ) . The impact of excluding or including Death Certificate Initiated (DCI) cases on estimated cancer survival: A simulation study . Cancer Epidemiology vol. 71 , ( Pt A )
Landy R, Mathews C, Robertson M, Wiggins CL, McDonald YJ, Goldberg DW, Scarinci IC, Cuzick J et al. ( 2021 ) . Corrigendum to ʻA state-wide population-based evaluation of cervical cancers arising during opportunistic screening in the United States’ [Gynecologic Oncology 159 (2020) 344–353] (Gynecologic Oncology (2020) 159(2) (344–353), (S0090825820338506), (10.1016/j.ygyno.2020.08.033)) . Gynecologic Oncology
Callister MEJ, Sasieni P, Robbins HA ( 2021 ) . Overdiagnosis in lung cancer screening . The Lancet Respiratory Medicine vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 7 - 9 .
Humby F, Durez P, Buch MH, Lewis MJ, Rizvi H, Rivellese F, Nerviani A, Giorli G et al. ( 2021 ) . Rituximab versus tocilizumab in anti-TNF inadequate responder patients with rheumatoid arthritis (R4RA): 16-week outcomes of a stratified, biopsy-driven, multicentre, open-label, phase 4 randomised controlled trial . The Lancet vol. 397 , ( 10271 ) 305 - 317 .
Li SJ, Sharples LD, Benton SC, Blyuss O, Mathews C, Sasieni P, Duffy SW ( 2020 ) . Faecal immunochemical testing in bowel cancer screening: Estimating outcomes for different diagnostic policies . Journal of Medical Screening vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 277 - 285 .
Pesola F, Rebolj M, Leeson S, Dunk L, Pickford L, Gjini A, Sasieni P ( 2020 ) . Introducing human papillomavirus (HPV) primary testing in the age of HPV vaccination: projected impact on colposcopy services in Wales . BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology vol. 128 , ( 7 ) 1226 - 1235 .
Andersson TM-L, Rutherford MJ, Myklebust TÅ, Møller B, Soerjomataram I, Arnold M, Bray F, Parkin DM et al. ( 2020 ) . Exploring the impact of cancer registry completeness on international cancer survival differences: a simulation study . British Journal of Cancer vol. 124 , ( 5 ) 1026 - 1032 .
Laake J-P, Vulkan D, Quaife SL, Hamilton WT, Martins T, Waller J, Parmar D, Sasieni P et al. ( 2020 ) . Targeted encouragement of GP consultations for possible cancer symptoms: randomised controlled trial . British Journal of General Practice vol. 71 , ( 706 )
Kocher HM, Basu B, Froeling FE, Sarker D, Slater S, Carlin D, deSouza NM, De Paepe KN et al. ( 2020 ) . STARPAC clinical trial . Pancreatology vol. 20 , ( 8 )
Maroni R, Massat NJ, Parmar D, Dibden A, Cuzick J, Sasieni PD, Duffy SW ( 2020 ) . A case-control study to evaluate the impact of the breast screening programme on mortality in England . British Journal of Cancer vol. 124 , ( 4 ) 736 - 743 .
Duffy SW, Sasieni PD ( 2020 ) . Mammography screening for breast cancer—the UK Age trial – Authors' reply . The Lancet Oncology vol. 21 , ( 11 )
Baena A, Agudelo MC, Lopez C, Ramírez AT, Castañeda KM, Bedoya AM, Riveros M, Posada G et al. ( 2020 ) . Comparison of immediate colposcopy, repeat conventional cytology and high‐risk human papillomavirus testing for the clinical management of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance cytology in routine health services of Medellin, Colombia: The ASCUS‐COL trial . International Journal of Cancer vol. 148 , ( 6 ) 1394 - 1407 .
Sasieni PD, Sawyer EJ ( 2020 ) . Intraoperative radiotherapy for early breast cancer — insufficient evidence to change practice . Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology vol. 17 , ( 12 ) 723 - 724 .
Ramírez AT, Sánchez GI, Nedjai B, Agudelo MC, Brentnall A, Cuschieri K, Castañeda KM, Cuzick J et al. ( 2020 ) . Effective methylation triage of HPV positive women with abnormal cytology in a middle- 2 income country . International Journal of Cancer
Duffy S, Vulkan D, Cuckle H, Parmar D, Sheikh S, Smith R, Evans A, Blyuss O et al. ( 2020 ) . Annual mammographic screening to reduce breast cancer mortality in women from age 40 years: long-term follow-up of the UK Age RCT . Health Technology Assessment vol. 24 , ( 55 ) 1 - 24 .
Kocher HM, Basu B, Froeling FEM, Sarker D, Slater S, Carlin D, deSouza NM, De Paepe KN et al. ( 2020 ) . Phase I clinical trial repurposing all-trans retinoic acid as a stromal targeting agent for pancreatic cancer . Nature Communications vol. 11 , ( 1 )
LANDY R, MATHEWS C, Robertson M, Wiggins CL, McDonald YJ, Goldberg DW, Scarinci IC, Cuzick J et al. ( 2020 ) . A state-wide population-based evaluation of cervical cancers arising during opportunistic screening in the United States . Gynecologic Oncology
DeGregori J, Pharoah P, Sasieni P, Swanton C ( 2020 ) . Cancer Screening, Surrogates of Survival, and the Soma . Cancer Cell vol. 38 , ( 4 ) 433 - 437 .
Castanon A, Sheikh S, Pearmain P, Sasieni P ( 2020 ) . Impact of changes to cervical screening guidelines on age and interval at which women are tested: Population-based study . Journal of Medical Screening vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 325 - 332 .
Duffy SW, Vulkan D, Cuckle H, Parmar D, Sheikh S, Smith RA, Evans A, Blyuss O et al. ( 2020 ) . Effect of mammographic screening from age 40 years on breast cancer mortality (UK Age trial): final results of a randomised, controlled trial . The Lancet Oncology vol. 21 , ( 9 ) 1165 - 1172 .
( 2020 ) . Erratum . Addiction vol. 115 , ( 11 ) 2192 - 2192 .
Fitzgerald RC, di Pietro M, O'Donovan M, Maroni R, Muldrew B, Debiram-Beecham I, Gehrung M, Offman J et al. ( 2020 ) . Cytosponge-trefoil factor 3 versus usual care to identify Barrett's oesophagus in a primary care setting: a multicentre, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial . The Lancet vol. 396 , ( 10247 ) 333 - 344 .
Castanon A, Tataru D, Sasieni P ( 2020 ) . Survival from Cervical Cancer Diagnosed Aged 20–29 Years by Age at First Invitation to Screening in England: Population-Based Study . Cancers vol. 12 , ( 8 )
Lim AW, Neves AA, Leen SLS, Lao-Sirieix P, Bird-Lieberman E, Singh N, Sheaff M, Hollingworth T et al. ( 2020 ) . Lectins in Cervical Screening . Cancers vol. 12 , ( 7 )
Sasieni P, Castanon A ( 2020 ) . Evidence of HPV vaccination efficacy comes from more than clinical trials . Vaccine vol. 38 , ( 35 ) 5569 - 5571 .
Monahan KJ, Lincoln A, East JE, Benton S, Burn J, DeSouza B, Hanson H, Lalloo F et al. ( 2020 ) . Management strategies for the colonoscopic surveillance of people with Lynch syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic . Gut vol. 70 , ( 3 ) 624 - 626 .
Myklebust TÅ, Andersson T, Bardot A, Vernon S, Gavin A, Fitzpatrick D, Jerm MB, Rutherford M et al. ( 2020 ) . Can different definitions of date of cancer incidence explain observed international variation in cancer survival? An ICBP SURVMARK-2 study . Cancer Epidemiology vol. 67 ,
Laake J-P, Vulkan D, Quaife SL, Hamilton WT, Martins T, Waller J, Parmar D, Sasieni P et al. ( 2020 ) . WELCOME-GP: A randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of a targeted postal cancer awareness intervention for increasing attendance at general practice .
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McGregor JM, Sasieni P ( 2015 ) . Sentinel node biopsy in cutaneous melanoma: time for consensus to better inform patient choice . British Journal of Dermatology vol. 172 , ( 3 ) 552 - 554 .
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Lim AWW, Sasieni P ( 2015 ) . Consultation rates in cervical screening non-attenders: opportunities to increase screening uptake in GP primary care . Journal of Medical Screening vol. 22 , ( 2 ) 93 - 99 .
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Landy R, Castanon A, Sasieni P, Pesola F ( 2015 ) . Stage-based mortality impact of cervical screening . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 4 - 4 .
Castanon A, Sasieni P ( 2015 ) . Treatment of stage I cervical cancer in England: results from the national audit of cervical screening . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 22 - 22 .
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Lim AW, Mesher D, Sasieni P ( 2014 ) . Estimating the workload associated with symptoms-based ovarian cancer screening in primary care: an audit of electronic medical records . BMC Primary Care vol. 15 , ( 1 )
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Sasieni PD, Brentnall AR ( 2014 ) . Survival Analysis . Handbook of Epidemiology , Springer Nature
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Lorincz A, Castanon A, Wey Lim AW, Sasieni P ( 2013 ) . New strategies for human papillomavirus-based cervical screening . Womens Health (Lond) vol. 9 , ( 5 ) 443 - 452 .
Lorincz AT, Brentnall AR, Vasiljević N, Scibior-Bentkowska D, Castanon A, Fiander A, Powell N, Tristram A et al. ( 2013 ) . HPV16 L1 and L2 DNA methylation predicts high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women with mildly abnormal cervical cytology . Int J Cancer vol. 133 , ( 3 ) 637 - 644 .
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Heard I, Cubie HA, Mesher D, Sasieni P, MACH-1 Study Group ( 2013 ) . Characteristics of HPV infection over time in European women who are HIV-1 positive . BJOG vol. 120 , ( 1 ) 41 - 49 .
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Sasieni P ( 2012 ) . Maximum Weighted Partial Likelihood Estimators for the Cox Model . Journal of the American Statistical Association vol. 88 , ( 421 ) 144 - 152 .
Castanon A, Sasieni P, Cuzick J ( 2012 ) . Age and screening for cervical cancer . US Obstetrics and Gynecology vol. 7 , ( 1 ) 53 - 58 .
Castanon A, Brocklehurst P, Evans H, Peebles D, Singh N, Walker P, Patnick J, Sasieni P ( 2012 ) . W135 RISK OF PRETERM DELIVERY AFTER TREATMENT FOR CERVICAL INTRAEPITHELIAL NEOPLASIA AMONG WOMEN ATTENDING COLPOSCOPY IN ENGLAND . International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics vol. 119 , ( S3 ) s749 - s749 .
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Lim AWW, Mesher D, Gentry-Maharaj A, Balogun N, Jacobs I, Menon U, Sasieni P ( 2012 ) . Predictive value of symptoms for ovarian cancer: comparison of symptoms reported by questionnaire, interview, and general practitioner notes . J Natl Cancer Inst vol. 104 , ( 2 ) 114 - 124 .
Castañon A, Tristram A, Mesher D, Powell N, Beer H, Ashman S, Rieck G, Fielder H et al. ( 2012 ) . Effect of diindolylmethane supplementation on low-grade cervical cytological abnormalities: double-blind, randomised, controlled trial . Br J Cancer vol. 106 , ( 1 ) 45 - 52 .
Sasieni PD ( 2012 ) . Age-period-cohort models in Stata . STATA JOURNAL vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 45 - 60 .
Castañon A, Tristram A, Mesher D, Powell N, Beer H, Ashman S, Rieck G, Fielder H et al. ( 2012 ) . Effect of Diindolylmethane supplementation on low grade cytological abnormalities: double blind randomised controlled trial . Br J Cancer. vol. 106 , ( 1 ) 45 - 52 .
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Mesher D, Tristram A, Castanon A, Beer H, Ashman S, Fielder H, Fiander A, Sasieni P ( 2011 ) . Single negative colposcopy: is it enough to rule out high-grade disease? . J Med Screen vol. 18 , ( 3 ) 160 - 161 .
Kerkhof M, Roobol MJ, Cuzick J, Sasieni P, Roemeling S, Schröder FH, Steyerberg EW ( 2010 ) . Effect of the correction for noncompliance and contamination on the estimated reduction of metastatic prostate cancer within a randomized screening trial (ERSPC section Rotterdam) . Int J Cancer vol. 127 , ( 11 ) 2639 - 2644 .
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Dunn JM, Mackenzie GD, Oukrif D, Mosse CA, Banks MR, Thorpe S, Sasieni P, Bown SG et al. ( 2010 ) . Image cytometry accurately detects DNA ploidy abnormalities and predicts late relapse to high-grade dysplasia and adenocarcinoma in Barrett's oesophagus following photodynamic therapy . Br J Cancer vol. 102 , ( 11 ) 1608 - 1617 .
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Mesher D, Szarewski A, Cadman L, Cubie H, Kitchener H, Luesley D, Menon U, Hulman G et al. ( 2010 ) . Long-term follow-up of cervical disease in women screened by cytology and HPV testing: results from the HART study . Br J Cancer vol. 102 , ( 9 ) 1405 - 1410 .
Cuzick J, Castañón A, Sasieni P ( 2010 ) . Predicted impact of vaccination against human papillomavirus 16/18 on cancer incidence and cervical abnormalities in women aged 20-29 in the UK . Br J Cancer vol. 102 , ( 5 ) 933 - 939 .
Sasieni P, Castañón A, Cuzick J ( 2010 ) . ACOG guidelines on cervical screening: a step in the right direction . J Med Screen vol. 17 , ( 2 ) 55 - 56 .
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Bataille V, Sasieni P, Cuzick J, Hungerford JL, Swerdlow A, Bishop JAN ( 2006 ) . Risk of ocular melanoma in relation to cutaneous and IRIS naevi . International Journal of Cancer vol. 60 , ( 5 ) 622 - 626 .
Dove-Edwin I, de Jong AE, Adams J, Mesher D, Lipton L, Sasieni P, Vasen HFA, Thomas HJW ( 2006 ) . Prospective results of surveillance colonoscopy in dominant familial colorectal cancer with and without Lynch syndrome . Gastroenterology vol. 130 , ( 7 ) 1995 - 2000 .
Sasieni P, Fielder H, Rose B ( 2006 ) . Liquid-based versus conventional cervical cytology . Lancet vol. 367 , ( 9521 )
Soutter WP, Sasieni P, Panoskaltsis T ( 2006 ) . Long-term risk of invasive cervical cancer after treatment of squamous cervical intraepithelial neoplasia . Int J Cancer vol. 118 , ( 8 ) 2048 - 2055 .
Sasieni P ( 2006 ) . Chemoprevention of cervical cancer . Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol vol. 20 , ( 2 ) 295 - 305 .
Mulholland PJ, Fiegler H, Mazzanti C, Gorman P, Sasieni P, Adams J, Jones TA, Babbage JW et al. ( 2006 ) . Genomic profiling identifies discrete deletions associated with translocations in glioblastoma multiforme . Cell Cycle vol. 5 , ( 7 ) 783 - 791 .
Dove-Edwin I, de Jong A, Adams J, Lipton L, Sasieni P, Vasen H, Thomas H ( 2006 ) . Prospective results of surveillance colonoscopy in autosomal dominant familial colorectal cancer families with and without Lynch syndrome . GASTROENTEROLOGY . vol. 130 , A151 - A152 .
Cuzick J, Sasieni P, Howell A ( 2006 ) . Should aromatase inhibitors be used as initial adjuvant treatment or sequenced after tamoxifen? . Br J Cancer vol. 94 , ( 4 ) 460 - 464 .
Du Toit G, Katz Y, Sasieni P, Kaluski DN, Livne II, Lack G ( 2006 ) . Different prevalence of peanut allergy in children in Israel and UK is not due to differences in atopy . JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 117 , S33 - S33 .
Fox AT, du Toit GL, Syed H, Sasieni P, Lack G ( 2006 ) . Risk of peanut allergy associated with high household exposure to peanut in infancy . JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY . vol. 117 , S35 - S35 .
Sasieni P, CASTANON A ( 2006 ) . Call and recall cervical screening programme: Screening interval and age limits . Current Diagnostic Pathology vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 114 - 126 .
Greaves LC, Preston SL, Tadrous PJ, Taylor RW, Barron MJ, Oukrif D, Leedham SJ, Deheragoda M et al. ( 2006 ) . Mitochondrial DNA mutations are established in human colonic stem cells, and mutated clones expand by crypt fission . P NATL ACAD SCI USA vol. 103 , ( 3 ) 714 - 719 .
Sasieni P, Kitchener H, Patnick J, Vessey M ( 2006 ) . Cervical screening in 20-24-year olds . J MED SCREEN vol. 13 , ( 2 ) 62 - 63 .
Dove-Edwin I, Sasieni P, Adams J, Thomas HJW ( 2005 ) . Prevention of colorectal cancer by colonoscopic surveillance in individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer: 16 year, prospective, follow-up study . BMJ vol. 331 , ( 7524 )
Bataille V, Boniol M, De Vries E, Severi G, Brandberg Y, Sasieni P, Cuzick J, Eggermont A et al. ( 2005 ) . A multicentre epidemiological study on sunbed use and cutaneous melanoma in Europe . Eur J Cancer vol. 41 , ( 14 ) 2141 - 2149 .
Sasieni P ( 2005 ) . Cox Regression Model . Encyclopedia of Biostatistics , Wiley
Sasieni P ( 2005 ) . Semiparametric Regression . Encyclopedia of Biostatistics , Wiley
Bataille V, Boniol M, De Vries E, Severi G, Brandberg Y, Sasieni P, Cuzick J, Eggermont A et al. ( 2005 ) . Sunbed use and melanoma: a multi-centre case-control study of melanoma in Europe . BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY . vol. 153 , 2 - 2 .
Preston SL, McDonald SAC, Oukrif D, Greaves L, Turnbull D, Tadrous P, Sasieni P, Jankowski JA et al. ( 2005 ) . Clusters of phenotypically related human colonic crypts develop through crypt fission: Implications for colorectal carcinogenesis . GUT . vol. 54 , A24 - A24 .
Preston S, McDonald S, Oukrif D, Greaves L, Turnbull D, Tadrous P, Sasieni P, Jankowski J et al. ( 2005 ) . Clusters of phenotypically related human colonic crypts develop through crypt fission: Implications for colorectal carcinogenesis . GASTROENTEROLOGY . vol. 128 , A493 - A493 .
SASIENI P, Cuzick J ( 2005 ) . Screening . Introduction to the cellular and molecular biology of cancer. , Editors: Knowles, M, Selby, P , Edition. 4th , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
SASIENI PD ( 2005 ) . Survival analysis . Handbook of epidemiology. Ahrens W Pigeot I (Eds) , Springer ( Bremen ),
Lipton LR, Johnson V, Cummings C, Fisher S, Risby P, Eftekhar Sadat AT, Cranston T, Izatt L et al. ( 2004 ) . Refining the Amsterdam Criteria and Bethesda Guidelines: testing algorithms for the prediction of mismatch repair mutation status in the familial cancer clinic . J Clin Oncol vol. 22 , ( 24 ) 4934 - 4943 .
Szarewski A, Sasieni P ( 2004 ) . Cervical screening in adolescents--at least do no harm . Lancet vol. 364 , ( 9446 ) 1642 - 1644 .
Zappa M, Visioli CB, Ciatto S, Iossa A, Paci E, Sasieni P ( 2004 ) . Lower protection of cytological screening for adenocarcinomas and shorter protection for younger women: the results of a case-control study in Florence . Br J Cancer vol. 90 , ( 9 ) 1784 - 1786 .
Harwood CA, Surentheran T, Sasieni P, Proby CM, Bordea C, Leigh IM, Wojnarowska F, Breuer J et al. ( 2004 ) . Increased risk of skin cancer associated with the presence of epidermodysplasia verruciformis human papillomavirus types in normal skin . Br J Dermatol vol. 150 , ( 5 ) 949 - 957 .
Sasieni P, Adams J, Cuzick J ( 2004 ) . Reply: The value of case-control audits of screening . BRIT J CANCER vol. 90 , ( 5 ) 1109 - 1110 .
Herbert A ( 2004 ) . The value of cervical screening to young women . British Journal of Cancer vol. 90 , ( 5 ) 1108 - 1108 .
Wang J, Shiels C, Sasieni P, Wu PJ, Islam SA, Freemont PS, Sheer D ( 2004 ) . Promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies associate with transcriptionally active genomic regions . J Cell Biol vol. 164 , ( 4 ) 515 - 526 .
Bataille V, Winnett A, Sasieni P, Newton Bishop JA, Cuzick J ( 2004 ) . Exposure to the sun and sunbeds and the risk of cutaneous melanoma in the UK: a case-control study . Eur J Cancer vol. 40 , ( 3 ) 429 - 435 .
SASIENI PD, Wu PJ, Wang J, Shields C, Islam SA, Freemont PS, Sheer D ( 2004 ) . Promyelocytic leukaemia nuclear bodies associate with transcriptionally active genomic regions . Journal of Cell Biology. vol. 164 , ( 4 ) 515 - 526 .
Bataille V, Bykov VJ, Sasieni P, Harulow S, Cuzick J, Hemminki K ( 2003 ) . Photoadaptation to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in vivo: photoproducts in epidermal cells following UVB therapy for psoriasis . British Journal of Dermatology vol. 143 , ( 3 ) 477 - 483 .
Cuzick J, Szarewski A, Cubie H, Hulman G, Kitchener H, Luesley D, McGoogan E, Menon U et al. ( 2003 ) . Management of women who test positive for high-risk types of human papillomavirus: the HART study . Lancet vol. 362 , ( 9399 ) 1871 - 1876 .
Sasieni PD, Winnett A ( 2003 ) . Martingale difference residuals as a diagnostic tool for the Cox model . BIOMETRIKA vol. 90 , ( 4 ) 899 - 912 .
Sasieni PD ( 2003 ) . The role of statistics in cytopathology . Cytopathology vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 146 - 147 .
Sheridan E, Turner G, Waxman R, Miller J, Burn J, Hodgson S, Padmore L, Lucassen A et al. ( 2003 ) . Asymptornatic breast cancers in women with a family history are detected by intensive surveillance . JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS . vol. 40 , S44 - S44 .
Sasieni P ( 2003 ) . Evaluation of the UK breast screening programmes . Ann Oncol vol. 14 , ( 8 ) 1206 - 1208 .
Sasieni P, Cuzick J ( 2003 ) . The UK breast-screening programme should start at age 47 years . Lancet vol. 362 , ( 9379 ) 246 - 247 .
Sasieni P, Adams J, Cuzick J ( 2003 ) . Benefit of cervical screening at different ages: evidence from the UK audit of screening histories . Br J Cancer vol. 89 , ( 1 ) 88 - 93 .
Sasieni PD ( 2003 ) . Outcomes of screening to prevent cancer: think of screening as insurance . BMJ vol. 327 , ( 7405 )
Dove-Edwin I, Sasieni P, Adams J, Thomas HJW ( 2003 ) . The prevention of colorectal cancer by colonoscopic surveillance in individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer . GUT . vol. 52 , A30 - A31 .
Novelli M, Cossu A, Oukrif D, Quaglia A, Lakhani S, Poulsom R, Sasieni P, Carta P et al. ( 2003 ) . X-inactivation patch size in human female tissue confounds the assessment of tumor clonality . P NATL ACAD SCI USA vol. 100 , ( 6 ) 3311 - 3314 .
Novelli M, Cossu A, Oukrif D, Quaglia A, Lakhani S, Poulsom R, Sasieni P, Carta P et al. ( 2003 ) . X-inactivation patch size in human female tissue confounds the assessment of tumor clonality . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A vol. 100 , ( 6 ) 3311 - 3314 .
SASIENI PD ( 2003 ) . Cervical Screening . Evidence Based Oncology. Williams C (Ed) , BMJ Books ( London ),
Sasieni P, CUZICK JM ( 2003 ) . Epidemiology of gynaecological cancer . Gynaecology (3rd ed) Shaw RW, Soutter WP, Stanton SL (Eds). , Churchill Livingstone ( London ),
SASIENI PD ( 2003 ) . Epidemiology of lower genital tract neoplasia . Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia. MacLean AB, Singer A, Critchley H (Eds). , RCOG Press ( London ),
Winnett A, Sasieni P ( 2003 ) . Iterated residuals and time-varying covariate effects in Cox regression . J ROY STAT SOC B vol. 65 , 473 - 488 .
SASIENI PD ( 2003 ) . Management of women who test positive for the high-risk types of human pappillomavirus: the HART study . Lancet vol. 362 , 1871 - 1876 .
Sasieni P ( 2003 ) . On the expected number of cancer deaths during follow-up of an initially cancer-free cohort . Epidemiology vol. 14 , ( 1 ) 108 - 110 .
Galimberti S, Sasieni P, Valsecchi MG ( 2002 ) . A weighted Kaplan-Meier estimator for matched data with application to the comparison of chemotherapy and bone-marrow transplant in leukaemia . Stat Med vol. 21 , ( 24 ) 3847 - 3864 .
Bataille V, Snieder H, MacGregor AJ, Sasieni P, Spector TD ( 2002 ) . The influence of genetics and environmental factors in the pathogenesis of acne: a twin study of acne in women . J Invest Dermatol vol. 119 , ( 6 ) 1317 - 1322 .
Dove-Edwin I, Adams J, Williams C, Sasieni P, Thomas H ( 2002 ) . Colonoscopic surveillance in the first degree relatives of cases of colorectal cancer diagnosed at less than 45 years of age . GASTROENTEROLOGY vol. 122 , ( 4 ) A480 - A480 .
Winnett A, Sasieni P ( 2002 ) . Adjusted Nelson-Aalen estimates with retrospective matching . J AM STAT ASSOC vol. 97 , ( 457 ) 245 - 256 .
Tomlinson I, Sasieni P, Bodmer W ( 2002 ) . How many mutations in a cancer? . Am J Pathol vol. 160 , ( 3 ) 755 - 758 .
Sasieni PD, Adams J ( 2002 ) . Analysis of cervical cancer mortality and incidence data from England and Wales: evidence of a beneficial effect of screening . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Statistics in Society) vol. 163 , ( 2 ) 191 - 209 .
Sasieni PD, Adams J, Cuzick J ( 2002 ) . Avoidance of premature death: a new definition for the proportion cured . J Cancer Epidemiol Prev vol. 7 , ( 4 ) 165 - 171 .
Sasieni P ( 2002 ) . Cancer screening for medical oncologists: importance of quality control and audit . Ann Oncol vol. 13 Suppl 4 , 199 - 204 .
Sasieni P, Cuzick J ( 2002 ) . Cervical cancer - Could HPV testing become the sole primary cervical screening test? . J MED SCREEN vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 49 - 51 .
Sasieni P, Cuzick J ( 2002 ) . Could HPV testing become the sole primary cervical screening test? . J Med Screen vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 49 - 51 .
Halford S, Sasieni P, Rowan A, Wasan H, Bodmer W, Talbot I, Hawkins N, Ward R et al. ( 2002 ) . Low-level microsatellite instability occurs in most colorectal cancers and is a nonrandomly distributed quantitative trait . Cancer Res vol. 62 , ( 1 ) 53 - 57 .
Sasieni PD ( 2001 ) . Invited review. Statistical analysis of the performance of diagnostic tests . Cytopathology vol. 10 , ( 2 ) 73 - 78 .
Cuzick J, Sasieni P ( 2001 ) . Natural history of cervical human papillomavirus . Lancet vol. 358 , ( 9292 ) 1550 - 1551 .
Tristram A, Fiander A ( 2001 ) . Natural history of cervical human papillomavirus . The Lancet vol. 358 , ( 9292 )
Shiels C, Islam SA, Vatcheva R, Sasieni P, Sternberg MJ, Freemont PS, Sheer D ( 2001 ) . PML bodies associate specifically with the MHC gene cluster in interphase nuclei . J Cell Sci vol. 114 , ( Pt 20 ) 3705 - 3716 .
Bataille V, Snieder H, Sasieni P, Spector TD ( 2001 ) . Relative contribution of genes and ultraviolet radiation in the expression of naevi. A UK adult twin study . J INVEST DERMATOL vol. 117 , ( 3 ) 760 - 760 .
Winnett A, Sasieni P ( 2001 ) . A note on scaled Schoenfeld residuals for the proportional hazards model . BIOMETRIKA vol. 88 , ( 2 ) 565 - 571 .
Sasieni P, Adams J ( 2001 ) . Changing rates of adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma of the cervix in England . Lancet vol. 357 , ( 9267 ) 1490 - 1493 .
Sasieni P, Cuzick J ( 2001 ) . Routine audit is an ethical requirement of screening . BMJ vol. 322 , ( 7295 )
Dove-Edwin I, Williams CB, Sasieni P, Thomas HJ ( 2001 ) . Familial colorectal cancer: The outcome of colonoscopic surveillance in (Dominant) HNPCC and non-HNPCC families . Gastroenterology vol. 120 , ( 5 )
Dove-Edwin I, Williams CB, Sasieni P, Thomas HJ ( 2001 ) . Familiar colorectal cancer: The outcome of colonoscopic surveillance in (dominant) HNPCC and non-HNPCC families . GASTROENTEROLOGY vol. 120 , ( 5 ) A742 - A742 .
Sasieni P ( 2001 ) . Estimating prevalence when the true disease status is incompletely ascertained . Stat Med vol. 20 , ( 6 ) 935 - 949 .
Marteau TM, Senior V, Sasieni P ( 2001 ) . Women's understanding of a "normal smear test result": experimental questionnaire based study . BMJ vol. 322 , ( 7285 ) 526 - 528 .
Dove-Edwin I, Williams CB, Sasieni P, Thomas HJW ( 2001 ) . Familial colorectal cancer; Outcome of colonoscopic surveillance in dominant families with and without hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer microsatellite instability . GUT vol. 48 , A22 - A22 .
Sasieni P ( 2001 ) . Why should clinicians care about Bayesian methods? . J STAT PLAN INFER vol. 94 , ( 1 ) 61 - 63 .
SASIENI PD, Winnett A ( 2001 ) . Graphical approaches to exploring the effects of prognostic factors on survival . Handbook of Statistics in Clinical Oncology Crowley J (Ed) , Marcel Dekker ( New York ),
SASIENI PD, Vatcheva R, Sheer D, Sternberg MJE, Freemont PS, Islam SA, Shiels C ( 2001 ) . PML bodies associate specifically with the MHC gene cluster in interphase nuclei . Journal of Cell Science vol. 114 , 3705 - 3716 .
SASIENI PD ( 2001 ) . Use of routine data to monitor and evaluate cervical screening . Quantitative Methods for the Evaluation of Cancer Screening. Duffy SW, Hill C, Esteve J (Eds). , Arnold ( London ),
Cuzick J, Sasieni P, Davies P, Adams J, Normand C, Frater A, van Ballegooijen M, van den Akker-van Marle E ( 2000 ) . A systematic review of the role of human papilloma virus (HPV) testing within a cervical screening programme: summary and conclusions . British Journal of Cancer vol. 83 , ( 5 ) 561 - 565 .
Bataille V, Snieder H, MacGregor AJ, Sasieni P, Spector TD ( 2000 ) . Genetics of Risk Factors for Melanoma: an Adult Twin Study of Nevi and Freckles . Journal of the National Cancer Institute vol. 92 , ( 6 ) 457 - 463 .
Sasieni PD ( 2000 ) . Human papillomavirus screening and cervical cancer prevention . Journal of the American Medical Women's Association vol. 55 , ( 4 ) 216 - 219 .
Cuzick J, Sasieni P ( 1999 ) . Cervical screening in the United Kingdom . Hong Kong Medical Journal vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 269 - 271 .
Leung W-C, Sasieni PD ( 1999 ) . Effect of screening on cervical cancer mortality in England and Wales . The BMJ vol. 319 , ( 7209 )
Sasieni P, Adams J ( 1999 ) . Effect of screening on cervical cancer mortality in England and Wales: analysis of trends with an age period cohort model . The BMJ vol. 318 , ( 7193 )
Sasieni PD, Adams J ( 1999 ) . Standardized Lifetime Risk . American Journal of Epidemiology vol. 149 , ( 9 ) 869 - 875 .
BATAILLE V, SASIENI P, CURLEY RK, COOK MG, MARSDEN RA ( 1999 ) . Melanoma yield, number of biopsies and missed melanomas in a British teaching hospital pigmented lesion clinic: a 9‐year retrospective study . British Journal of Dermatology vol. 140 , ( 2 ) 243 - 248 .
Bataille V, Sasieni P, Grulich A, Swerdlow A, McCarthy W, Hersey P, Bishop JAN, Cuzick J ( 1999 ) . Solar keratoses: A risk factor for melanoma but negative association with melanocytic naevi . International Journal of Cancer vol. 78 , ( 1 ) 8 - 12 .
Cuzick J, Sasieni P, Davies P, Adams J, Normand C, Frater A, van Ballegooijen M, van den Akker E ( 1999 ) . A systematic review of the role of human papillomavirus testing within a cervical screening programme . Health Technology Assessment vol. 3 , ( 14 ) i - 196 .
Maddox P, Sasieni P, Szarewski A, Anderson M, Hanby A ( 1999 ) . Differential expression of keratins 10, 17, and 19 in normal cervical epithelium, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, and cervical carcinoma . Journal of Clinical Pathology vol. 52 , ( 1 )
Russell RB, Sasieni PD, Sternberg MJE ( 1998 ) . Supersites within superfolds. Binding site similarity in the absence of homology1 1Edited by J. Thornton . Journal of Molecular Biology vol. 282 , ( 4 ) 903 - 918 .
Wasan HS, Park HS, Liu KC, Mandir NK, Winnett A, Sasieni P, Bodmer WF, Goodlad RA et al. ( 1998 ) . APC in the regulation of intestinal crypt fission . Journal of Pathology vol. 185 , ( 3 ) 246 - 255 .
Conroy S, Sasieni P, Amin V, Wang D, Smith P, Fentiman I, Latchman D ( 1998 ) . Antibodies to heat-shock protein 27 are associated with improved survival in patients with breast cancer . British Journal of Cancer vol. 77 , ( 11 ) 1875 - 1879 .
Conroy SE, Sasieni PD, Fentiman I, Latchman DS ( 1998 ) . Autoantibodies to the 90kDa heat shock protein and poor survival in breast cancer patients . European Journal of Cancer vol. 34 , ( 6 ) 942 - 943 .
Lukawska J, Swale V, Sasieni P, Quinn A, Bataille V ( 1998 ) . Basal cell carcinoma, age of onset, naevi and family history . Journal of Dermatological Science vol. 16 ,
Bataille V, Sasieni P, MacGregor A, Spector T ( 1998 ) . Genetics of cutaneous traits associated with melanoma risk. A UK twin study . Journal of Dermatological Science vol. 16 ,
Bataille V, Grulich A, Sasieni P, Swerdlow A, Newton Bishop J, McCarthy W, Hersey P, Cuzick J ( 1998 ) . The association between naevi and melanoma in populations with different levels of sun exposure: a joint case-control study of melanoma in the UK and Australia . British Journal of Cancer vol. 77 , ( 3 ) 505 - 510 .
Sasieni PD ( 1997 ) . From genotypes to genes: doubling the sample size . Biometrics vol. 53 , ( 4 ) 1253 - 1261 .
Park HS, Goodlad RA, Ahnen DJ, Winnett A, Sasieni P, Lee CY, Wright NA ( 1997 ) . Effects of epidermal growth factor and dimethylhydrazine on crypt size, cell proliferation, and crypt fission in the rat colon. Cell proliferation and crypt fission are controlled independently . American Journal Of Pathology vol. 151 , ( 3 ) 843 - 852 .
Bataille V, Grulich A, Sasieni P, Swerdlow A, A NBJ, W M, Hersey P, Cuzick J ( 1997 ) . Role of sun exposure in the induction and involution of naevi . Melanoma Research vol. 7 , ( Supplement 1 )
Bataille V, Grulich A, Sasieni P, Newton Bishop JA, McCarthy W, Hersey P, Swerdlow A, Cuzick J ( 1997 ) . Naevi and Solar Keratoses as Risk Factors for Melanoma in Australia . Skin Cancer and UV Radiation , Springer Nature
Sasieni P ( 1996 ) . Cervical sampling devices . The BMJ vol. 313 , ( 7068 )
Bataille V, Grulich A, Sasieni P, Bishop JAN, McCarthy W, Hersey P, Swerdlow A, Cuzick J ( 1996 ) . Association between naevi, solar keratoses and melanoma . Melanoma Research vol. 6 , ( SUPPLEMENT 1 )
Bataille V, Bishop J, Sasieni P, Swerdlow A, Pinney E, Griffiths K, Cuzick J ( 1996 ) . Risk of cutaneous melanoma in relation to the numbers, types and sites of naevi: a case-control study . British Journal of Cancer vol. 73 , ( 12 ) 1605 - 1611 .
Cuzick J, Sasieni P, Singer A ( 1996 ) . Risk factors for invasive cervix cancer in young women . European Journal of Cancer vol. 32 , ( 5 ) 836 - 841 .
Szarewski A, Sasieni P, Edwards R, Cuzick J, Jarvis MJ, Steele SJ, Szarewski A, Guillebaud J ( 1996 ) . Effect of smoking cessation on cervical lesion size . The Lancet vol. 347 , ( 9006 ) 941 - 943 .
Sasieni P, Cuzick J, Lynch-Farmery E ( 1996 ) . Estimating the efficacy of screening by auditing smear histories of women with and without cervical cancer . British Journal of Cancer vol. 73 , ( 8 ) 1001 - 1005 .
Sasieni P ( 1996 ) . Full description of controls is needed in study . The BMJ vol. 312 , ( 7030 )
SASIENI PD ( 1996 ) . Proportional excess hazards . Biometrika vol. 83 , ( 1 ) 127 - 141 .
Sasieni PD ( 1996 ) . Efficiently Weighted Estimating Equations with Application to Proportional Excess Hazards . Lifetime Data: Models in Reliability and Survival Analysis , Springer Nature
Sasieni P, Cuzick J, Farmery E ( 1995 ) . Accelerated decline in cervical cancer mortality in England and Wales . The Lancet vol. 346 , ( 8989 ) 1566 - 1567 .
Sasieni P, Bataille V ( 1995 ) . Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and skin cancer . The BMJ vol. 311 , ( 7007 )
Sasieni P, Denton K, Soutter WP, Robertson J, Woodend B, Campbell D, Koss L, Anthony PP et al. ( 1995 ) . Cervical screening: what is the point? . The Lancet vol. 346 , ( 8969 ) 244 - 247 .
Sasieni PD ( 1995 ) . Efficiently weighted estimating equations with application to proportional excess hazards . Lifetime Data Analysis vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 49 - 57 .
MCKEAGUE IW, SASIENI PD ( 1994 ) . A partly parametric additive risk model . Biometrika vol. 81 , ( 3 ) 501 - 514 .
Powles TJ, Ashley S ( 1994 ) . Endometrial cancer during tamoxifen treatment . The Lancet vol. 343 , ( 8903 )
Sasieni P ( 1994 ) . Small-Sample Study of an Efficient Estimator of the Odds Ratio under Multiple Matching . Biometrics vol. 50 , ( 1 )
Sasieni P ( 1994 ) . STD and inflammatory cervical cytology . Sexually Transmitted Infections vol. 70 , ( 1 )
Newton JA, Bataille V, Griffiths K, Squire JM, Sasieni P, Cuzick J, Bishop DT, Swerdlow A ( 1993 ) . How common is the atypical mole syndrome phenotype in apparently sporadic melanoma? . Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology vol. 29 , ( 6 ) 989 - 996 .
Sasieni P ( 1993 ) . Some New Estimators for Cox Regression . The Annals of Statistics vol. 21 , ( 4 ) 1721 - 1759 .
McKeague IW, Sasieni PD ( 1993 ) . A Partly Parametric Additive Risk Model .
Cuzick J, Sasieni P, Evans S ( 1992 ) . Ingested Arsenic, Keratoses, and Bladder Cancer . American Journal of Epidemiology vol. 136 , ( 4 ) 417 - 421 .
Cuzick J, Trejo B, Flournoy N, Sasieni PD ( 1992 ) . Analysis of Trials with Treatment — Individual Interactions . Survival Analysis: State of the Art , Springer Nature
Sasieni PD, McKeague IW ( 1992 ) . Information Bounds For the Additive and Multiplicative Intensity Models . NATO Science Series E: . 249 - 265 .
Sasieni P ( 1992 ) . Sampling methods for cervical smears . Acta Cytologica vol. 36 , ( 3 ) 452 - 453 .
Sasieni P ( 1991 ) . Trends in cervical cancer mortality . The Lancet vol. 338 , ( 8770 ) 818 - 819 .
Wolfendale M ( 1991 ) . Cervical samplers: Author's reply . The BMJ vol. 303 , ( 6797 )