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Publications: Dr Richard Saull

Saull R ( 2024 ) . Introduction: explaining the far-right over the longue durée through capital, race and space . International Politics1 - 6 .
Anievas A, Saull R ( 2024 ) . Epilogue: The Far-Right in a World Transformed? . The Far-Right in World Politics , Taylor & Francis
Anievas A, Saull R ( 2024 ) . Introduction: The Far-Right in World Politics/World Politics in the Far-Right . The Far-Right in World Politics , Taylor & Francis
Saull R ( 2023 ) . Capital, Race and Space, Volume 2, The Far-Right from ‘Post-Fascism’ to Trumpism . Brill Academic Publishers
Saull R ( 2023 ) . Capital, Race and Space Volume 1, The Far-Right from Bonapartism to Fascism . Brill Academic Publishers
Saull R ( 2023 ) . Tracing the origins of the new authoritarian protectionism . International Politics vol. 60 , ( 2 ) 461 - 469 .
Anievas A, Saull R ( 2022 ) . The far-right in world politics/world politics in the far-right . Globalizations vol. 20 , ( 5 ) 715 - 730 .
Saull R ( 2021 ) . Racism and Far Right Imaginaries Within Neo-liberal Political Economy . Raced Markets , Taylor & Francis
SAULL RG, Anievas A ( 2019 ) . Reassessing the Cold War and the Far-Right: Fascist Legacies and the Making of the Liberal International Order after 1945 . International Studies Review
Saull R ( 2018 ) . 6. American foreign policy during the Cold War . US Foreign Policy , Oxford University Press (OUP)
SAULL RG ( 2018 ) . Racism and Far Right Imaginaries Within Neo-liberal Political Economy . New Political Economy
Saull R ( 2017 ) . 4. American foreign policy during the Cold War . US Foreign Policy , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Kiely R, Saull R ( 2017 ) . Neoliberalism and the Far-Right: An Introduction . Critical Sociology vol. 43 , ( 6 ) 821 - 829 .
SAULL RG, Kiely R ( 2017 ) . Neoliberalism and the Right Symposium: Introduction . Critical Sociology vol. 43 , ( 6 ) 821 - 829 .
SAULL RG, DAVIDSON N ( 2016 ) . Neo-Liberalism and the Far-Right: A Contradictory Embrace . Critical Sociology
Saull R ( 2015 ) . Transnational Anti-Communism and the Cold War. Agents, Activities, and Networks. Ed. by Dongen Luc van, Roulin Stéphanie and Scott-Smith Giles. [The Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series.]Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke2014. xvi, 292 pp. £60.00 . International Review of Social History vol. 60 , ( 3 ) 507 - 509 .
Saull R ( 2015 ) . The Cold War and After . JSTOR
SAULL RG ( 2015 ) . Capitalism and the Politics of the Far-Right . Socialist Register 2016: The Politics of the Right , Editors: Panitch, L, Albo, G , Merlin Press ( London ),
Saull R, Anievas A, Davidson N, Fabry A ( 2015 ) . The <i>longue duree</i> of the far-right An introduction . LONGUE DUREE OF THE FAR-RIGHT: AN INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL SOCIOLOGY . vol. 14 , 1 - 20 .
Saull R ( 2015 ) . The origins and persistence of the far-right Capital, class and the pathologies of liberal politics . LONGUE DUREE OF THE FAR-RIGHT: AN INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL SOCIOLOGY . vol. 14 , 21 - 43 .
( 2014 ) . The Longue Durée of the Far-Right, An international historical sociology . Taylor & Francis
Saull R ( 2013 ) . Constructing a Post–War Order: The Rise of US Hegemony and the Origins of the Cold War (London: I.B. Tauris, 2011), 327 pp . vol. 13 , ( 4 ) 566 - 567 .
SAULL RG ( 2013 ) . Capitalism, Crisis and the Far-Right in the Neoliberal Era . Journal of International Relations and Development
SAULL RG ( 2013 ) . Capitalist Development and the Rise and 'Fall' of the Far-Right . Critical Sociology
SAULL RG ( 2012 ) . Rethinking Hegemony: Uneven Development, Historical Blocs and the World Economic Crisis . International Studies Quarterly vol. 56 , ( 2 ) 323 - 338 .
SAULL RG ( 2011 ) . Social Conflict and the Global Cold War . International Affairs (London, 1944) vol. 87 , ( 5 ) 1123 - 1140 .
SAULL R ( 2010 ) . One World, Many Cold Wars: 1989 in the Middle East . The Global 1989 , Editors: Lawson, G, Armbruster, C, Cox, M , Cambridge Univ Press
SAULL RG ( 2010 ) . Hegemony and the Global Political Economy . International Studies Encyclopaedia Volume V , Blackwell-Wiley ( Oxford ),
Saull R ( 2008 ) . Empire, Imperialism, and Contemporary American Global Power . INT STUD PERSPECT vol. 9 , ( 3 ) 309 - 318 .
SAULL RG ( 2007 ) . The Cold War and After: Capitalism, Revolution and Superpower Politics . Pluto Books ( London ),
Saull R ( 2005 ) . Reactionary blowback: The uneven ends of the cold war and the origins of contemporary conflict in world politics . 65 - 90 .
Saull R ( 2005 ) . Locating the global south in the theorisation of the Cold War: capitalist development, social revolution and geopolitical conflict . THIRD WORLD Q vol. 26 , ( 2 ) 253 - 280 .
SAULL RG ( 2005 ) . Introduction: The War on Terror and the America Empire After the Cold War . The War on Terror and the American Empire After the Cold War , Editors: Colás, A, Saull, RG , Routledge ( London ),
SAULL RG ( 2005 ) . Reactionary Blowback: The Ends of the Cold War and the Post-Cold War Disorder . The War on Terror and the American Empire After the Cold War , Editors: Colás, A, Saull, RG , Routledge ( London ),
SAULL RG, Colás A ( 2005 ) . The War on Terrorism and the American Empire After the Cold War . Routledge ( London ),
Saull R ( 2004 ) . On the 'New' American 'Empire' . SECUR DIALOGUE vol. 35 , ( 2 ) 250 - 253 .
SAULL RG ( 2004 ) . El lugar del sur global en la conceptualización de la guerra fría: desarrollo capitalista, revolución social y conflicto geopolítico . Espejos de la Guerra Fría: México, América Central y el Caribe , Editors: Spenser, D , Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social ( Mexico City ),
SAULL RG ( 2003 ) . The Politics of the “State” in the Cold War . Policymaking and Peace: A Multinational Anthology , Editors: Nagel, S , Lexington Books ( New York ),
SAULL RG ( 2002 ) . Transforming Citizenship and Political Community: The Case of French Revolutionary Internationalism . Global Society vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 245 - 275 .
Saull R ( 2002 ) . On Fred Halliday's revolution and world politics: The rise and fall of the sixth great power . Historical Materialism vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 288 - 303 .
SAULL RG ( 2001 ) . Rethinking Theory and History in the Cold War: The State, Military Power and Social Revolution . Frank Cass ( London ),

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