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Publications: Dr Elizabeth Saxton

Romao T, Saxton L, Turner P, Whissel K ( 2023 ) . Book Reviews . Projections vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 83 - 101 .
Saxton L ( 2023 ) . 4 Close encounters with distant suffering . Five directors , Manchester University Press
Saxton L ( 2020 ) . An Archive of the Catastrophe: The Unused Footage of Claude Lanzmann’s ‘Shoah’. By Jennifer Cazenave . French Studies vol. 74 , ( 4 ) 655 - 656 .
Saxton E ( 2020 ) . No Power Without an Image: Icons Between Photography and Film . Edinburgh University Press
Pick A, Saxton L ( 2019 ) . Introduction . Paragraph vol. 42 , ( 3 ) 273 - 278 .
Saxton E, Pick A ( 2019 ) . Introduction (to special issue, 'Religion in Contemporary Thought and Film') . Paragraph vol. 42 , ( 3 )
Saxton E ( 2019 ) . Make Believe: Marie-José Mondzain and Cinema's Christian Economy . Paragraph vol. 42 , ( 3 )
Bangert A, Gordon RSC, Saxton L ( 2017 ) . Holocaust Intersections, Genocide and Visual Culture at the New Millennium . Taylor & Francis
SAXTON EA ( 2016 ) . 'The Falling Soldier' and Film . Screen (Oxford) vol. 57 , ( 3 ) 353 - 361 .
WESTWELL GR, Hicks J, Saxton E ( 2016 ) . Rising Flags, Falling Soldiers: Film, Icons and Political Violence . Screen (Oxford)
SAXTON EA ( 2014 ) . Passion, Agamben and the Gestures of Work . Cinema and Agamben: Ethics, Biopolitics and the Moving Image , Editors: Gustafsson, H, Gronstadt, A , Bloomsbury Publishing USA ( New York ),
Saxton L ( 2013 ) . Shoah . French Studies vol. 67 , ( 3 ) 438 - 439 .
Saxton L, Stone R, Gutiérrez‐Albilla JD ( 2013 ) . Between God and the Machine . A Companion to Luis Buñuel ,
SAXTON EA ( 2013 ) . Between God and the Machine: Buñuel's Cine-Miracles . A Companion to Luis Buñuel , Editors: Stone, R, Gutierrez-Albilla, JD , Wiley-Blackwell
Bangert A, Gordon RSC, Saxton L ( 2013 ) . Holocaust Intersections: Genocide and Visual Culture at the New Millennium . Editors: Bangert, A, Gordon, RSC, Saxton, L , Legenda
Saxton EA ( 2011 ) . Night and Fog and the Concentrationary Gaze . Concentrationary Cinema: Aesthetics as Political Resistance in Alain Resnais’s ‘Night and Fog’ , Editors: Silverman, M, Pollock, G , Berghahn ( Oxford and New York ),
Saxton L ( 2011 ) . Book Review: Didier Fassin and Richard Rechtman, The Empire of Trauma: An Inquiry into the Condition of Victimhood, trans. R. Gomme. Princeton, NJ and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2009. xii + 305 pp. ISBN 978-0-691-13752-0 (hardback); 978-0-691-13753-7 (paperback) . History of the Human Sciences vol. 24 , ( 2 ) 159 - 163 .
Saxton EA ( 2011 ) . Holocaust Writing and Film . Cambridge History of French Literature , Editors: Burgwinkle, B, Hammond, N, Wilson, E , Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
Saxton EA ( 2011 ) . Terms of Engagement: Algeria, France and the Middle East in Barbet Schroeder’s L’Avocat de la terreur and Philippe Faucon’s Dans la vie . Modern and Contemporary France vol. 19 , ( 2 ) 209 - 222 .
Saxton EA ( 2010 ) . Horror By Analogy: Paradigmatic Aesthetics in Nicolas Klotz’s and Elisabeth Perceval’s La Question humaine . Yale French Studies vol. 118/119 , 209 - 224 .
Saxton L ( 2010 ) . Contemporary French Cinema: An Introduction . French Studies vol. 64 , ( 2 ) 226 - 226 .
Downing L, SAXTON EA ( 2010 ) . Film and Ethics: Foreclosed Encounters . Routledge ( Abingdon, Oxon; New York ),
Downing L, Saxton L ( 2009 ) . Film and Ethics, Foreclosed Encounters . Taylor & Francis
SAXTON E ( 2008 ) . Close Encounters with Distant Suffering: Michael Haneke’s Disarming Visions . Authorship from Assayas to Ozon: Five Directors , Editors: Ince, K , Manchester University Press ( Manchester ),
SAXTON EA ( 2008 ) . Haunted Images: Film, Ethics, Testimony and the Holocaust . Wallflower ( London ),
SAXTON E ( 2008 ) . History, Memory, Fiction in French Cinema . Teaching Holocaust Literature and Film , Editors: Eaglestone, R, Langford, B , Palgrave ( Basingstoke ),
SAXTON EA ( 2007 ) . Fragile Faces: Levinas and Lanzmann . Film-Philosophy vol. 11 , ( 2 ) 1 - 14 .
SAXTON EA ( 2007 ) . Secrets and Revelations: Off-Screen Space in Michael Haneke's 'Caché' . Studies in French Cinema vol. 7 , ( 1 ) 5 - 17 .
SAXTON E ( 2004 ) . Anamnesis and Bearing Witness . For Ever Godard: The Work of Jean-Luc Godard 1950–2000 , Editors: Temple, M, Williams, JS, Witt, M , Black Dog ( London ),
SAXTON E ( 2004 ) . Through the Spy-Hole: Indecent Exposures on Screen . Exposure: Revealing Bodies, Unveiling Representations , Editors: Banks, K, Harris, J , Peter Lang ( London and Bern ),
SAXTON EA ( 2003 ) . Anamnésis: Godard/Lanzmann . Trafic vol. 47 , 48 - 66 .
SAXTON E ( 2003 ) . Surrendering Possession? Images and Ethics after Auschwitz . Possessions: Essays in French Literature, Cinema and Theory , Editors: Horn, J, Russell-Watts, L , Peter Lang ( London and Bern ),
SAXTON E ( 2003 ) . The Forbidden Real of French Filmic Testimony . Reading and Writing the Forbidden: Essays in French Studies , Editors: Roberts, H, Roberts, H, Facques, B , 2001 Group ( Reading ),
SAXTON EA, Kemp S ( 2002 ) . Seeing Things: Vision, Perception and Interpretation in French Studies . Editors: Kemp, S, Saxton, EA , Peter Lang ( London and Bern ),

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