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Publications: Dr Prakash Shah

Shah P ( 2024 ) . The International Convention on Refugees is a Prime Example of a Luxury Belief . The Daily Sceptic Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
Shah P ( 2024 ) . Review of Martin Fárek. India in the Eyes of Europeans: Conceptualization of Religion in Theology and Oriental Studies. Prague: Karolinum Press, 2021 . Numen: International Review for the History of Religions vol. 71 , 315 - 322 .
Shah P ( 2023 ) . California Dreamin’ on Caste . Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory University Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob , Medium: ,
Shah P ( 2023 ) . Cultures of memory in The Kashmir Files . Indian Alternatives Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
Shah P ( 2023 ) . Caste in a new light . Oñati Socio-legal Series vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 156 - 187 .
Shah P ( 2023 ) . Caste studies today: Imaginary victims and perpetrators . Onati Socio-Legal Series vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 1 - 28 .
Shah P ( 2020 ) . Are there Asian diasporic laws in Britain? Reconsidering the presuppositions of legal pluralism . Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica ( 1 ) 201 - 220 .
Shah P ( 2019 ) . Secularism's threat to tradition: A reading of Europe, India and the Limits of Secularism . Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory vol. 15 , ( 3-4 ) 468 - 475 .
Shah P ( 2019 ) . CULTURE IN THE THROES OF LAW . Editors: Ruggiu, I, Spigno, I , Conference: Justice as Culture: Legal techniques and arguments to deal with multicultural conflicts ( Cagliari ) from: 11/05/2018 to: 12/05/2018 ,
Shah P, Hanna D ( 2019 ) . Law and Mental Health: Some Implications for Ethnic Minorities in England . Main Issues in Mental Health and Race , Taylor & Francis
Shah P ( 2019 ) . Culture in the throes of law . JUSTICE AND CULTURE. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF THE USE OF CULTURE , Editors: Efren, L, Ruggiu, I, Spigno, I , Editoriale Scientifica ( Naples ),
( 2018 ) . Critical Humanities from India, Contexts, Issues, Futures . Taylor & Francis
SHAH P ( 2017 ) . Orientalism, Multiculturalism, and Identity Politics: Hindus and the British Caste Law . Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica343 - 357 .
Shah P ( 2017 ) . Orientalism, multiculturalism, and identity politics: Hindus and the British caste law . Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica vol. 20 , 111 - 125 .
Ballard R, Ferrari A, Grillo R, Hoekema AJ, Maussen M, Shah P ( 2017 ) . Cultural diversity: Challenge and accommodation . Current Issues in Law and Religion ,
Fárek M, Jalki D, Pathan S, Shah P ( 2017 ) . Afterword . Springer Nature
Fárek M, Jalki D, Pathan S, Shah P ( 2017 ) . Introduction: Caste Studies and the Apocryphal Elephant . Springer Nature
Shah P ( 2017 ) . Western foundations of the caste system . Editors: SHAH, P, Farek, M, Jalki, D, Pathan, S et al. , Palgrave ( Basingstoke ),
Shah P ( 2017 ) . South Asian Legal Systems and Families in Foreign Courts: The British Case . Private International Law South Asian States’ Practice , Springer Nature
SHAH P ( 2017 ) . Provincializing Durkheim’s religion . The Sacred and the Law: The Durkheimian Legacy , Editors: Gephart, W, Witte, D , Vittorio Klostermann ( Frankfurt am Main ),
SHAH P ( 2016 ) . Dissimulating on Caste in British Law . Western foundations of the caste system , Editors: Shah, P, Farek, M, Jalki, D, Pathan, S et al. , Palgrave ( Basingstoke ),
SHAH P ( 2016 ) . Private international law, Muslim transnational legal pluralism, and the undermining of official law in the British Isle . Legal pluralism in Europe and the ordre public exception: Normative and judicial perspectives , Editors: Toniatti, R, Strazzari, D , Universita degli Studi di Trento ( Trento ),
( 2016 ) . The Burqa Affair Across Europe, Between Public and Private Space . Taylor & Francis
Shah P ( 2016 ) . A weak defence of an indefensible caste law . International Journal of Discrimination and the Law vol. 16 , ( 1 ) 55 - 58 .
SHAH P ( 2016 ) . Distorting minority laws? Religious diversity and European legal systems . Family, religion and law: Cultural encounters in Europe , Editors: Shah, P, Foblets, M-C, Rohe, M , Routledge ( London ),
Grillo R, Ballard R, Ferrari A, Hoekema AJ, Maussen M, Shah P ( 2016 ) . Legal practice and cultural diversity: Introduction . Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity ,
SHAH P ( 2015 ) . Britain’s Dharmic communities and the General Election 2015 . Dharmic Ideas and Policy Foundation
Prakash S ( 2015 ) . The Difference that Religion Makes: Transplanting Legal Ideas from the West to Japan and India . Asian Journal of Comparative Law vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 81 - 97 .
Shah P ( 2015 ) . Legal responses to religious diversity (or to cultural diversity?) . Routledge Handbook of Law and Religion ,
Shah P ( 2015 ) . Against Caste in British Law: A Critical Perspective on the Caste Discrimination Provision in the Equality Act 2010 . Springer Nature
MACDONALD M ( 2015 ) . Against caste in British law: A critical perspective on the caste discrimination provision in the Equality Act 2010 . Palgrave
MACDONALD M ( 2015 ) . Legal responses to religious diversity (or to cultural diversity)? . Handbook of Law and Religion , Routledge
SHAH P ( 2014 ) . Toleration: Opportunities and strains of a historic European Ideal . Synergy, Magazine of the European Law Students Association vol. 56 , 20 - 22 .
Shah P, Foblets MC, Rohe M ( 2014 ) . Family, religion and law: Cultural encounters in Europe .
Shah P ( 2014 ) . Critiquing the Western Account of India Studies within a Comparative Science of Cultures . International Journal of Hindu Studies vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 67 - 72 .
( 2014 ) . Muslim Family Law in Western Courts . Taylor & Francis
MACDONALD M ( 2014 ) . Distorting minority laws? Religious diversity and European legal systems . Family, religion and law: Cultural encounters in Europe , Ashgate
MACDONALD M ( 2014 ) . Shari‘a in the West: Colonial consciousness in a context of normative competition . Islamic family law in the courts: experiences from Europe, Australia and North America , Routledge
Shah P ( 2013 ) . Asking about reasonable accommodation in England . International Journal of Discrimination and the Law vol. 13 , ( 2-3 ) 83 - 112 .
Shah P ( 2013 ) . Hinduism and Law: An Introduction. Edited by Timothy Lubin, Donald R Davis jr and Jayanth K Krishnan. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010, xiii + 301 pp (hardback £58) ISBN: 978-0-521-887861; (paperback £20.99) ISBN: 978-0-521-71626-0 - The Spirit of Hindu Law. Donald R Davis jr. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010, 208 pp (hardback £53) ISBN: 978-0-521-87704-6 . Ecclesiastical Law Journal vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 228 - 232 .
Shah P ( 2013 ) . Judging Muslims . Islam and English Law , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
SHAH P ( 2013 ) . Judging Muslims . Islam and English Law: Rights, Responsibilities and the Place of Shari'a , Editors: Griffith-Jones, R , Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
Shah P ( 2013 ) . Hinduism and Law: An Introduction . ECCLESIASTICAL LAW JOURNAL vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 228 - 232 .
SHAH P ( 2013 ) . Shadow boxing with community practices: A response to Eekelaar . Managing family justice in diverse societies , Editors: Maclean, M, Eekelaar, J , Hart ( Oxford ),
Shah P ( 2013 ) . The Spirit of Hindu Law . ECCLESIASTICAL LAW JOURNAL vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 228 - 232 .
SHAH P ( 2013 ) . Transnational family relations in migration contexts: British variations on European themes . The Ashgate research companion to migration law, theory and policy , Editors: Juss, S , Ashgate ( Farnham ),
Shah P ( 2012 ) . S. Sayyid and Abdoolkarim Vakil (eds): Thinking through Islamophobia: Global Perspectives. x, 319 pp. London: C. Hurst & Co., 2010. £15.99. ISBN 978 1 85065 990 7. - Chris Allen: Islamophobia. vii, 210 pp: Farnham: Ashgate, 2010. £16.99. ISBN 978 0 7546 5140 6 . Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies vol. 75 , ( 2 ) 397 - 399 .
SHAH P, Grillo R ( 2012 ) . Considerazione conclusive. Il movimento anti-'burqa' in Europa occidentale . Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica ( 1/2012 ) 219 - 240 .
SHAH P ( 2012 ) . In pursuit of the pagans: Muslim law in the English context . no. 9 ,
SHAH P ( 2012 ) . Inconvenient marriages, or what happens when ethnic minorities marry trans-jurisdictionally according to their self-chosen norms . Utrecht Law Review vol. 6 , ( 2 ) 17 - 32 .
SHAH P, Grillo R ( 2012 ) . Reasons to Ban? The Anti-Burqa Movement in Western Europe . no. 12-05 , pp. 1 - 48 .
SHAH P, Bayir, D ( 2012 ) . The Legal Adaptation of British Settlers in Turkey . Transcultural Studies ( 1 ) 43 - 76 .
Shah P ( 2011 ) . Civil Rights in Wartime: The Post 9/11 Sikh Experience. By Dawinder S. Sidhu and Neha Singh Gohil, Farnham: Ashgate, 2009. 232 pp. ISBN 978-0-7546-7553-2 £55.00 hardback . International Journal of Law in Context vol. 7 , ( 4 ) 508 - 510 .
SHAH P ( 2011 ) . Transnational family relations in migration contexts: British variations on European themes .
SHAH P ( 2011 ) . When South Asians marry trans-jurisdictionally: Some reflections on immigration cases by an ‘expert’ . Cultural Expertise and Litigation: Patterns, conflicts, narratives , Editors: Holden, L , Routledge ( London ),
SHAH P ( 2011 ) . Workshop report: Introduction of “cultural expertise” in English courts . Amicus Curiae: Journal of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies ( 86 ) 13 - 14 .
SHAH P ( 2010 ) . Ethnic and religious diversity in Britain: Where are we going? . Equality, Inequalities and Diversity , Editors: Healy, G, Noon, M, Kirton, G , Palgrave MacMillan ( Basingstoke ),
Shah P ( 2010 ) . Trans-jurisdictional marriage and family reunification for refugees in the United Kingdom . Istanbul Kultur Universitesi Hukuk Fakuletesi Dergisi vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 93 - 113 .
Tonkiss K, Wagner R, Shah P, Daskalova V ( 2010 ) . Book Reviews . Crossings Journal of Migration and Culture vol. 1 , ( 1 ) 105 - 114 .
SHAH P ( 2010 ) . Trans-jurisdictional marriage and family reunification for refugees in the United Kingdom . İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi vol. 9 , ( 2 ) 93 - 113 .
SHAH P ( 2010 ) . A reflection on the Shari’a debate in Britain . Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego (Studies of Ecclesiastical Law) vol. 13 , 71 - 98 .
SHAH P ( 2010 ) . Activism in the European Court of Justice and changing options for Turkish citizen migrants in the United Kingdom . Vatandaşlık, Göç, Mülteci ve Yabancılar Hukukundaki Güncel Gelişmeler (Current Developments in Citizenship, Refugee Law and Law of Foreigners), International Symposium Proceedings 15 and 16 May 2009, Anadolu University, Eskişehir. , Editors: Hailbronner, K, Tiryakioğlu, B, Schneider, K, Küçük, E et al. , Union of Turkish Bar Associations (Türkiye Barolar Birliği) ( Istanbul ),
SHAH P ( 2010 ) . Between God and the Sultana? Legal pluralism in the British Muslim diaspora . Shari’a as discourse: legal traditions and the encounter with Europe , Editors: Nielsen, JS, Christoffersen, L , vol. 2 , Ashgate ( Farnham ),
SHAH P ( 2010 ) . Comparatively Indian: Living with legal plurality . Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft vol. 109 , ( 3 ) 314 - 326 .
SHAH P ( 2010 ) . The Indian dimension of An-Na’im’s Islam and the secular state . Islam and Europe: Crises are challenges , Editors: Foblets, M-C, Carlier, J-Y , Leuven University Press ( Leuven ),
Shah P ( 2009 ) . Transnational Hindu law adoptions: recognition and treatment in Britain* . International Journal of Law in Context vol. 5 , ( 2 ) 107 - 130 .
GRILLO R, BALLARD R, FERRARI A, HOEKEMA AJ, MAUSSEN M, SHAH P ( 2009 ) . Cultural diversity: Challenge and acommodation . Legal practice and cultural diversity , Editors: Grillo, R, Ballard, R, Ferrari, A, Hoekema, AJ et al. , vol. 1 , Ashgate ( Aldershot ),
SHAH P ( 2009 ) . East African Asian law . Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History , Editors: Katz, S , Oxford University Press ( New York ),
BALLARD R, HOEKEMA AJ, FERRARI A, GRILLO R, MAUSSEN M, SHAH P ( 2009 ) . Legal practice and cultural diversity . Editors: Grillo, R, Ballard, R, Ferrari, A, Hoekema, AJ et al. , Ashgate ( Farnham, Surrey ),
SHAH P ( 2009 ) . South Asian laws in Britain . Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History , Editors: Katz, S , Oxford University Press ( New York ),
SHAH P ( 2009 ) . Transforming to accommodate? Reflections on the shari’a debate in Britain . Legal practice and cultural diversity , Editors: Grillo, R, Ballard, R, Ferrari, A, Hoekema, AJ et al. , vol. 1 , Ashgate ( Aldershot ),
Shah P ( 2009 ) . Transnational Hindu law adoptions: recognition and treatment in Britain . International Journal of Law in Context vol. 5 , ( 2 ) 107 - 130 .
Shah P ( 2008 ) . Sikharbandha Jaina derasar at Potters Bar officially opened . Centre of Jaina Studies Newsletter ( 3 ) 38 - 39 .
SHAH P ( 2008 ) . Globalisation and the challenge of Asian legal transplants in Europe . Belgrade Law Review vol. 3 , 180 - 194 .
SHAH P ( 2008 ) . Religion in a super-diverse environment: Thoughts on the British scene . Law and religion in multicultural societies , Editors: Mehdi, R, Petersen, H, Sand, ER, Woodman, GR et al. , DJOF Publishing ( Copenhagen ),
Shah P ( 2007 ) . Thinking beyond religion: legal pluralism in Britain's South Asian diaspora . Australian Journal of Asian Law vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 1 - 25 .
SHAH P ( 2007 ) . A photographic essay on a Jain temple in diaspora . Gujaratis in the West: Evolving identities in contemporary society , Editors: Mukadam, A, Mawani, S , Cambridge Scholars Press ( Newcastle-upon-Tyne ),
Shah P ( 2007 ) . Introduction: Socio-legal perspectives on ethnic diversity .
SHAH P ( 2007 ) . Law and ethnic plurality: Socio-legal perspectives . Editors: Shah, P , Martinus Nijhoff ( Leiden and Boston ),
SHAH P ( 2007 ) . Rituals of recognition: Ethnic minority marriages in British legal systems . Law and ethnic plurality: Socio-legal perspectives , Editors: Shah, P , vol. 13 , Martinus Nijhoff ( Leiden and Boston ),
SHAH P, menski W ( 2006 ) . Migration, diasporas and legal systems in Europe . Routledge ( London ),
Shah P ( 2006 ) . Registering marriage in shifting sands . Tottel's Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 37 - 41 .
Shah P ( 2005 ) . Barbara Bogusz, Ryszard Cholewiński, Adam Cygan and Erika Szyszczak (eds), Irregular Migration and Human Rights: Theoretical, European and International Perpsectives, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden and Boston, 2004, xvi + 462pp. ISBN 9–004–14011–5 . International Journal of Refugee Law vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 647 - 649 .
Shah P ( 2005 ) . Diasporas as legal actors: implications for established legal boundaries . Non-state Actors and International Law vol. 5 , ( 2 ) 153 - 166 .
Shah P ( 2005 ) . Globalisation and the challenge of Asian legal transplants in Europe . Singapore Journal of Legal Studies348 - 361 .
SHAH P ( 2005 ) . Legal Pluralism In Conflict: Coping With Cultural Diversity In Law . Glasshouse Press ( London ),
SHAH P ( 2005 ) . The challenge of asylum to legal systems . Cavendish ( London ),
Shah P ( 2003 ) . Attitudes to polygamy in English law . International and Comparative Law Quarterly vol. 52 , ( 2 ) 369 - 400 .
Shah P ( 2003 ) . Preliminary reflections on teaching about ethnic minorities in law . The Law Teacher vol. 37 , ( 1 ) 18 - 35 .
Shah P ( 2002 ) . Why some British nationals are not European Union citizens . Tottel's Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 82 - 96 .
Shah P ( 2001 ) . British Nationals under Community law: The Kaur case . EUR J MIGR LAW vol. 3 , ( 2 ) 271 - 278 .
Shah P ( 1994 ) . Legal decisions . Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies vol. 20 , ( 4 ) 687 - 691 .

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