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Publications: Dr Sharanbir Sidhu

Songwatcharaporn A, Sidhu SK, Tanner KE ( 2024 ) . Quasistatic Mechanical Testing for Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing Occlusal Veneers Cemented to Milled Dentin Analog Material . Journal of Visualized Experiments ( 214 )
Sidhu SK, Murray SM, Chatzopoulou D, Holmes S ( 2024 ) . Scoping an interdisciplinary model of student dental therapists in maxillofacial trauma . British Dental Journal1 - 4 .
Ferrairo BM, de Azevedo-Silva LJ, Minim PR, Monteiro-Sousa RS, Pereira LF, Bitencourt SB, Cesar PF, Sidhu SK et al. ( 2024 ) . Biomechanical consideration in tooth-supported glass-ceramic restorations: A systematic review and meta-analysis of survival rates and irreparable failures . Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Nicholson JW, Sidhu SK, Czarnecka B ( 2024 ) . Can glass polyalkenoate (glass-ionomer) dental cements be considered bioactive? A review . Heliyon vol. 10 , ( 3 )
Holmes S, Smith A, Willders C, Chatzopoulou D, Sidhu S, Chatzopoulou D ( 2024 ) . OR074 THE ROLE OF THE DENTAL HYGIENE AND THERAPIST IN SUPPORTING ACUTE FACIAL TRAUMA PATIENTS . International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery vol. 52 ,
Nicholson JW, Sidhu SK, Czarnecka B ( 2023 ) . Fluoride exchange by glass-ionomer dental cements and its clinical effects: a review . Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Ferracane JL, Sidhu SK, Melo MAS, Yeo I-SL, Diogenes A, Darvell BW ( 2023 ) . Bioactive dental materials Developing, promising, confusing . JADA Foundational Science vol. 2 ,
Gavić L, Tadin A, Gulin J, Jerković D, Hrvatin S, Sidhu SK ( 2022 ) . Relationship Between Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale, Child's Dental Status and Parental Psychological Profiles . Psychiatria Danubina vol. 34 , ( Suppl 10 ) 168 - 172 .
Gavić L, Nikolić I, Sidhu SK, Jerković D, Tadin A ( 2022 ) . The Attitude of the General Dentist in the Republic of Croatia toward Treating Children . Children vol. 9 , ( 12 )
Matsuda Y, Altankhishig B, Okuyama K, Yamamoto H, Naito K, Hayashi M, Sano H, Sidhu SK et al. ( 2022 ) . Inhibition of Demineralization of Dentin by Fluoride-Containing Hydrogel Desensitizers: An In Vitro Study . Journal of Functional Biomaterials vol. 13 , ( 4 )
Alam A, Chowdhury AFMA, Yamauti M, Saikaew P, Hoshika S, Carvalho RM, Sano H, Sidhu SK ( 2022 ) . Cause-Effect Relationship of Varying Bonding Thicknesses in Dentin Adhesion of Universal Adhesives . The journal of adhesive dentistry vol. 24 , 291 - 300 .
Hoshika S, Koshiro K, Inoue S, Tanaka T, Sano H, Sidhu SK ( 2022 ) . Interfacial Characterization of a Conventional Glass-Ionomer Cement after Functioning for 1-year In Vivo . The journal of adhesive dentistry vol. 24 , 203 - 208 .
Altankhishig B, Matsuda Y, Nagano-Takebe F, Okuyama K, Yamamoto H, Sakurai M, Naito K, Hayashi M et al. ( 2022 ) . Potential of Fluoride-Containing Zinc Oxide and Copper Oxide Nanocomposites on Dentin Bonding Ability . Nanomaterials vol. 12 , ( 8 )
Kemoli AM, Sidhu SK, Cheng L ( 2022 ) . The need for global safeguards for fundamental rights of children at risk of infant oral mutilation (IOM) . BMJ Global Health vol. 7 , ( 3 )
Gavic L, Tadin A, Matkovic A, Gorseta K, Sidhu SK ( 2022 ) . The association of parental dental anxiety and knowledge of caries preventive measures with psychological profiles and children's oral health . Eur J Paediatr Dent vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 33 - 38 .
Silva RVDR, Jarros IC, Del Bel Cury AA, Sidhu SK, Silva S, Negri MFN, Pascotto RC ( 2022 ) . Evaluation of biofilm formation on acrylic resin surfaces coated with silicon dioxide: an in situ study . Brazilian Oral Research vol. 36 ,
Sidhu S, lopes L, Terada R, de Castro-Hoshino L, de Oliveira B, Pascotto R, Baesso M, Tabchoury C et al. ( 2021 ) . In vitro evaluation of the stabilization time of chemical bonds during setting reaction and microhardness of preheated glass-ionomer cements . Operative Dentistry
Bueno LS, Borges AFS, Navarro MFL, Nicholson JW, Hill RG, Sidhu SK ( 2021 ) . Determination of chemical species of fluoride during uptake mechanism of glass-ionomer cements with NMR spectroscopy . Dental Materials vol. 37 , ( 7 ) 1176 - 1182 .
Nicholson JW, Coleman NJ, Sidhu SK ( 2021 ) . Kinetics of ion release from a conventional glass-ionomer cement . Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine vol. 32 , ( 4 )
Dhesi GS, Sidhu S, Al-Haj Husain N, Özcan M ( 2021 ) . Evaluation of Adhesion Protocol for Titanium Base Abutments to Different Ceramic and Hybrid Materials . The European journal of prosthodontics and restorative dentistry vol. 29 , ( 1 ) 22 - 34 .
de Lima Navarro MF, Pascotto RC, Borges AFS, Soares CJ, Raggio DP, Rios D, Bresciani E, Molina GF et al. ( 2021 ) . Consensus on glass-ionomer cement thresholds for restorative indications . Journal of Dentistry vol. 107 ,
Hoshika S, Ting S, Ahmed Z, Fei C, Toida Y, Sakaguchi N, Van Meerbeek B, Sano H et al. ( 2020 ) . Effect of conditioning and 1 year aging on the bond strength and interfacial morphology of glass-ionomer cement bonded to dentin . Dental Materials
Uchimura JYT, Sato F, Santana RG, Menezes‐Silva R, Bueno LS, Borges AFS, de Lima Navarro MF, Nicholson JW et al. ( 2020 ) . Translucency parameter of conventional restorative glass‐ionomer cements . Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry vol. 33 , ( 6 ) 935 - 942 .
Silva RVDR, Costa MI, Jarros IC, Del Bel Cury AA, Sidhu SK, Negri M, Pascotto RC ( 2020 ) . Effect of silicon dioxide coating of acrylic resin surfaces on Candida albicans adhesion . Brazilian Oral Research vol. 34 ,
Menezes-Silva R, de Oliveira BMB, Magalhães APR, Bueno LS, Borges AFS, Baesso ML, Navarro MFDL, Nicholson JW et al. ( 2020 ) . Correlation between mechanical properties and stabilization time of chemical bonds in glass-ionomer cements . Brazilian Oral Research vol. 34 ,
Nicholson JW, Sidhu SK, Czarnecka B ( 2020 ) . Enhancing the Mechanical Properties of Glass-Ionomer Dental Cements: A Review . Materials vol. 13 , ( 11 )
Madi F, Sidhu SK, Nicholson JW ( 2019 ) . The effect of temperature and ionic solutes on the fluoride release and recharge of glass-ionomer cements . Dental Materials vol. 36 , ( 1 ) e9 - e14 .
Matsuda Y, Okuyama K, Yamamoto H, Fujita M, Abe S, Sato T, Yamada N, Koka M et al. ( 2019 ) . Antibacterial effect of a fluoride-containing ZnO/CuO nanocomposite . Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms vol. 458 , 184 - 188 .
Hasan A, SIDHU SK, Nicholson JW ( 2019 ) . The fluoride-release and uptake in enhanced bioactivity glass-ionomer cement (“glass carbomerTM”) compared with conventional and resin-modified glass-ionomer cements . Journal of Applied Oral Science
Menezes-Silva R, de Oliveira BMB, Fernandes PHM, Shimohara LY, Pereira FV, Borges AFS, Buzalaf MAR, Pascotto RC et al. ( 2019 ) . Effects of the reinforced cellulose nanocrystals on glass-ionomer cements . Dental Materials vol. 35 , ( 4 ) 564 - 573 .
SIDHU SK ( 2019 ) . Influence of external energy sources on the dynamic setting process of glass-ionomer cements . Dental Materials
Menezes-Silva R, Cabral RN, Pascotto RC, Borges AFS, Martins CC, Navarro MFDL, Sidhu SK, Leal SC ( 2019 ) . Mechanical and optical properties of conventional restorative glass-ionomer cements - a systematic review . Journal of Applied Oral Science vol. 27 ,
Bueno LS, Silva RM, Magalhães APR, Navarro MFL, Pascotto RC, Buzalaf MAR, Nicholson JW, Sidhu SK et al. ( 2018 ) . Positive correlation between fluoride release and acid erosion of restorative glass-ionomer cements . Dent Mater vol. 35 , ( 1 ) 135 - 143 .
Ting S, Chowdhury AFMA, Sun J, Kakuda S, Sidhu SK, Yoshida Y, Selimovic D, Sano H ( 2018 ) . Effect of different remaining dentin thickness and long term water storage on dentin bond strength . Dental Materials Journal vol. 37 , ( 4 ) 562 - 567 .
SIDHU SK ( 2017 ) . Class 2 restorations in UK . The Journal of Dental Engineering vol. 148 , 19 - 22 .
Sidhu S, Nicholson J ( 2016 ) . A Review of Glass-Ionomer Cements for Clinical Dentistry . Journal of Functional Biomaterials vol. 7 , ( 3 ) 16 - 16 .
Sidhu SK ( 2016 ) . Preface .
Sanchez-Bretano CR, Zou L, Sidhu SK, Chong BS ( 2016 ) . Surface damage of engine-driven NiTi endodontic files assessed using 3D coordinate metrology . ENDO-ENDODONTIC PRACTICE TODAY vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 195 - 201 .
Mohammed A, Sidhu SK, Chong BS ( 2015 ) . Root canal working length determination and apical limit of root canal instrumentation and obturation . ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today vol. 9 , ( 3 ) 161 - 168 .
Chong BS, Miller J, Sidhu S ( 2015 ) . The quality of radiographs accompanying endodontic referrals to a health authority clinic . British Dental Journal vol. 219 , ( 2 ) 69 - 72 .
Kakuda S, Sidhu SK, Sano H ( 2015 ) . Buffering or non-buffering; an action of pit-and-fissure sealants . Journal of Dentistry vol. 43 , ( 10 ) 1285 - 1289 .
Filippo GD, Sidhu SK, Chong BS ( 2015 ) . Der Biofilm und der endodontische Misserfolg - Teil 2 . Endodontie vol. 24 , ( 2 ) 129 - 141 .
Chong BS, Quinn A, Pawar RR, Makdissi J, Sidhu SK ( 2015 ) . The anatomical relationship between the roots of mandibular second molars and the inferior alveolar nerve . Int Endod J vol. 48 , ( 6 ) 549 - 555 .
Hoshika S, De Munck J, Sano H, Sidhu SK, Van Meerbeek B ( 2015 ) . Effect of Conditioning and Aging on the Bond Strength and Interfacial Morphology of Glass-ionomer Cement Bonded to Dentin . The journal of adhesive dentistry vol. 17 , ( 2 ) 141 - 146 .
Al Bukhary R, Wassell R, Sidhu S, Naimi OA, Meechan J ( 2014 ) . The Local Anaesthetic Effect of a Dental Laser Prior to Cavity Preparation: A Pilot Volunteer Study . Operative Dentistry vol. 40 , ( 2 ) 129 - 133 .
Billis G, Pawar RR, Makdissi J, Sidhu SK, Chong BS ( 2014 ) . A cone beam computed tomography study on the incidence and configuration of the second mesiobuccal canal in maxillary first and second molars in an adult sub-population in London . ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 179 - 186 .
Di Filippo G, Sidhu SK, Chong BS ( 2014 ) . The role of biofilms in endodontic treatment failure . ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today vol. 8 , ( 2 ) 87 - 103 .
Di Filippo G, Sidhu SK, Chong BS ( 2014 ) . Apical periodontitis and the technical quality of root canal treatment in an adult sub-population in London . Br Dent J vol. 216 , ( 10 )
Chong BS, Miller JE, Sidhu SK ( 2014 ) . Alternative local anaesthetic delivery systems, devices and aids designed to minimise painful injections - a review . ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 7 - 22 .
Di Filippo G, Sidhu SK, Chong BS ( 2014 ) . Summary of: Apical periodontitis and the technical quality of root canal treatment in an adult sub-population in London . vol. 216 , is. 10 , pp. 586 - 587 .
( 2013 ) . Pashley takes podium at first pan-London lecture . British Dental Journal vol. 215 , ( 9 ) 447 - 447 .
Fu J, Kakuda S, Pan F, Hoshika S, Ting S, Fukuoka A, Bao Y, Ikeda T et al. ( 2013 ) . Bonding performance of a newly developed step-less all-in-one system on dentin . Dent Mater J vol. 32 , ( 2 ) 203 - 211 .
Quinn A, Sidhu SK, Chong BS ( 2012 ) . Hot tooth . Br Dent J vol. 213 , ( 9 )
Fu J, Pan F, Kakuda S, Sidhu SK, Ikeda T, Nakaoki Y, Selimovic D, Sano H ( 2012 ) . The effect of air-blowing duration on all-in-one systems . DENTAL MATERIALS JOURNAL vol. 31 , ( 6 ) 1075 - 1081 .
Hoshika S, Nagano F, Tanaka T, Wada T, Asakura K, Koshiro K, Selimovic D, Miyamoto Y et al. ( 2011 ) . Expansion of nanotechnology for dentistry: effect of colloidal platinum nanoparticles on dentin adhesion mediated by 4-META/MMA-TBB . J Adhes Dent vol. 13 , ( 5 ) 411 - 416 .
Sidhu SK ( 2011 ) . Glass-ionomer cement restorative materials: a sticky subject? . AUST DENT J vol. 56 , 23 - 30 .
Hoshika S, Nagano F, Tanaka T, Ikeda T, Wada T, Asakura K, Koshiro K, Selimovic D et al. ( 2010 ) . Effect of application time of colloidal platinum nanoparticles on the microtensile bond strength to dentin . Dent Mater J vol. 29 , ( 6 ) 682 - 689 .
Adu-Arko AY, Sidhu SK, McCabe JF, Pashley DH ( 2010 ) . Effect of an Er,Cr:YSGG laser on water perfusion in human dentine . Eur J Oral Sci vol. 118 , ( 5 ) 483 - 488 .
Sidhu SK ( 2010 ) . Clinical evaluations of resin-modified glass-ionomer restorations . Dent Mater vol. 26 , ( 1 ) 7 - 12 .
Ekworapoj P, Sidhu SK, McCabe JF ( 2007 ) . Effect of different power parameters of Er,Cr:YSGG laser on human dentine . Lasers Med Sci vol. 22 , ( 3 ) 175 - 182 .
SOH G, SIDHU SK ( 2007 ) . The effect of smear layer removal on marginal contraction gaps . Journal of Oral Rehabilitation vol. 21 , ( 4 ) 411 - 417 .
Yan Z, Sidhu SK, McCabe JF ( 2007 ) . The influence of microstructure on thermal response of glass ionomers . J Mater Sci Mater Med vol. 18 , ( 6 ) 1163 - 1166 .
Yan Z, Sidhu SK, Carrick TE, McCabe JF ( 2007 ) . Response to thermal stimuli of glass ionomer cements . Dent Mater vol. 23 , ( 5 ) 597 - 600 .
Ekworapoj P, Sidhu SK, McCabe JF ( 2007 ) . Effect of surface conditioning on adhesion of glass ionomer cement to Er,Cr:YSGG laser-irradiated human dentin . Photomed Laser Surg vol. 25 , ( 2 ) 118 - 123 .
Sidhu SK, Omata Y, Tanaka T, Koshiro K, Spreafico D, Semeraro S, Mezzanzanica D, Sano H ( 2007 ) . Bonding characteristics of newly developed all-in-one adhesives . J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater vol. 80 , ( 2 ) 297 - 303 .
Yan Z, Sidhu SK, Mahmoud GA, Carrick TE, McCabe JF ( 2007 ) . Effects of temperature on the fluoride release and recharging ability of glass ionomers . Oper Dent vol. 32 , ( 2 ) 138 - 143 .
Tanaka S, Sugaya T, Kawanami M, Nodasaka Y, Yamamoto T, Noguchi H, Tanaka Y, Ikeda T et al. ( 2007 ) . Hybrid layer seals the cementum/4-META/MMA-TBB resin interface . J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater vol. 80 , ( 1 ) 140 - 145 .
Jamous I, Sidhu S, Walls A ( 2006 ) . An evaluation of the performance of cast gold bonded restorations in clinical practice, a retrospective study . Journal of Dentistry vol. 35 , ( 2 ) 130 - 136 .
Koshiro K, Sidhu SK, Inoue S, Ikeda T, Sano H ( 2006 ) . New concept of resin-dentin interfacial adhesion: the nanointeraction zone . J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater vol. 77 , ( 2 ) 401 - 408 .
Omata Y, Uno S, Nakaoki Y, Tanaka T, Sano H, Yoshida S, Sidhu SK ( 2006 ) . Staining of hybrid composites with coffee, oolong tea, or red wine . Dent Mater J vol. 25 , ( 1 ) 125 - 131 .
Spreafico D, Semeraro S, Mezzanzanica D, Re D, Gagliani M, Tanaka T, Sano H, Sidhu SK ( 2006 ) . The effect of the air-blowing step on the technique sensitivity of four different adhesive systems . J Dent vol. 34 , ( 3 ) 237 - 244 .
Sidhu SK, Ikeda T, Omata Y, Fujita M, Sano H ( 2006 ) . Change of color and translucency by light curing in resin composites . Oper Dent vol. 31 , ( 5 ) 598 - 603 .
Semeraro S, Mezzanzanica D, Spreafico D, Gagliani M, Re D, Tanaka T, Sidhu SK, Sano H ( 2006 ) . Effect of different bur grinding on the bond strength of self-etching adhesives . Oper Dent vol. 31 , ( 3 ) 317 - 323 .
Sasakawa W, Nakaoki Y, Nagano F, Horiuchi S, Ikeda T, Tanaka T, Noda M, Inoue S et al. ( 2005 ) . Micro-shear bond strength of five single-step adhesives to dentin . Dent Mater J vol. 24 , ( 4 ) 617 - 627 .
Nakaoki Y, Sasakawa W, Horiuchi S, Nagano F, Ikeda T, Tanaka T, Inoue S, Uno S et al. ( 2005 ) . Effect of double-application of all-in-one adhesives on dentin bonding . J Dent vol. 33 , ( 9 ) 765 - 772 .
Ikeda T, Sidhu SK, Omata Y, Fujita M, Sano H ( 2005 ) . Colour and translucency of opaque-shades and body-shades of resin composites . Eur J Oral Sci vol. 113 , ( 2 ) 170 - 173 .
Kulczyk KE, Sidhu SK, McCabe JF ( 2005 ) . Salivary contamination and bond strength of glass-ionomers to dentin . Oper Dent vol. 30 , ( 6 ) 676 - 683 .
Sidhu SK, Pilecki P, Sherriff M, Watson TF ( 2004 ) . Crack closure on rehydration of glass-ionomer materials . Eur J Oral Sci vol. 112 , ( 5 ) 465 - 469 .
Sidhu SK, McCabe JF ( 2004 ) . The adaptation and cavity sealing ability of compomer restorative materials . Am J Dent vol. 17 , ( 5 ) 327 - 330 .
Tay FR, Sidhu SK, Watson TF, Pashley DH ( 2004 ) . Water-dependent interfacial transition zone in resin-modified glass-ionomer cement/dentin interfaces . J Dent Res vol. 83 , ( 8 ) 644 - 649 .
Sidhu SK, Agee KA, Waller JL, Pashley DH ( 2004 ) . In vitro evaporative vs. convective water flux across human dentin before and after conditioning and placement of glass-ionomer cements . Am J Dent vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 211 - 215 .
Sidhu SK, Carrick TE, McCabe JF ( 2004 ) . Temperature mediated coefficient of dimensional change of dental tooth-colored restorative materials . Dent Mater vol. 20 , ( 5 ) 435 - 440 .
Yiu CKY, Tay FR, King NM, Pashley DH, Sidhu SK, Neo JCL, Toledano M, Wong SL ( 2004 ) . Interaction of glass-ionomer cements with moist dentin . J Dent Res vol. 83 , ( 4 ) 283 - 289 .
Din MA, Sidhu SK, Wassell RW, McCabe JF ( 2003 ) . Polishability, surface roughness and gloss of dental restoratives . JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH . vol. 82 , 528 - 528 .
Kulczyk KE, Sidhu SK, McCabe JF ( 2003 ) . Salivary contamination and bond strength of glass-ionomer to dentine . JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH . vol. 82 , 502 - 502 .
Yiu CKY, Tay FR, King NM, Pashley DH, Sidhu SK, Neo J, Toledano M, Wong A ( 2003 ) . Interaction of conventional glass-ionomer cements with hydrated dentin . J DENT RES . vol. 82 , B102 - B102 .
Sidhu SK, Agee KA, Pashley DH ( 2003 ) . The influences of class ionomers on water flux across dentin . J DENT RES . vol. 82 , B38 - B38 .
McCabe JF, Carrick TE, Sidhu SK ( 2002 ) . Determining low levels of fluoride released from resin based dental materials . Eur J Oral Sci vol. 110 , ( 5 ) 380 - 384 .
Sidhu SK, Pilecki P, Cheng P-C, Watson TF ( 2002 ) . The morphology and stability of resin-modified glass-ionomer adhesive at the dentin/resin-based composite interface . Am J Dent vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 129 - 136 .
Sidhu SK, Carrick TE, McCabe JF ( 2002 ) . Dehydration shrinkage and water binding characteristics of tooth-coloured restorative materials .
Pereira PNR, Dias WR, Nakajima M, Sidhu SK ( 2002 ) . Relationship between nanoleakage and bond strength . J DENT RES . vol. 81 , A416 - A416 .
Sidhu SK, Schmalz G ( 2001 ) . The biocompatibility of glass-ionomer cement materials. A status report for the American Journal of Dentistry . Am J Dent vol. 14 , ( 6 ) 387 - 396 .
Watson TF, Azzopardi A, Etman M, Cheng PC, Sidhu SK ( 2000 ) . Confocal and multi-photon microscopy of dental hard tissues and biomaterials . American Journal of Dentistry vol. 13 , ( Spec No ) 19D - 24D .
Sidhu SK, Sherriff M, Watson TF ( 1999 ) . Failure of resin-modified glass-ionomers subjected to shear loading . Journal of Dentistry vol. 27 , ( 5 ) 373 - 381 .
Sidhu SK, Watson TE ( 1998 ) . Interfacial Characteristics of Resin-modified Glass-ionomer Materials: A Study on Fluid Permeability Using Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy . Journal of Dental Research vol. 77 , ( 9 ) 1749 - 1759 .
Watson TF, Pagliari D, Sidhu SK, Naasan MA ( 1998 ) . Confocal microscopic observation of structural changes in glass-ionomer cements and tooth interfaces . Biomaterials vol. 19 , ( 6 ) 581 - 588 .
Small ICB, Watson TF, Chadwick AV, Sidhu SK ( 1998 ) . Water sorption in resin-modified glass-ionomer cements: An in vitro comparison with other materials . Biomaterials vol. 19 , ( 6 ) 545 - 550 .
Marouf N, Sidhu SK ( 1998 ) . A study on the radiopacity of different shades of resin-modified glass-ionomer restorative materials . Operative Dentistry vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 10 - 14 .
Sidhu SK, Sherriff M, Watson TE ( 1997 ) . The Effects of Maturity and Dehydration Shrinkage on Resin-modified Glass-ionomer Restorations . Journal of Dental Research vol. 76 , ( 8 ) 1495 - 1501 .
Sidhu SK, Sherriff M, Watson TF ( 1997 ) . In vivo changes in roughness of resin-modified glass ionomer materials . Dental Materials vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 208 - 213 .
Shah PMM, Sidhu SK, Chong BS, Ford TRP ( 1997 ) . Radiopacity of resin-modified glass ionomer liners and 2 bases . Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry vol. 77 , ( 3 ) 239 - 242 .
Sidhu SK, Shah PM, Chong BS, Pitt Ford TR ( 1996 ) . Radiopacity of resin-modified glass-ionomer restorative cements . Quintessence International vol. 27 , ( 9 ) 639 - 643 .
Shah PMM, San Chong B, Sidhu SK, Ford TRP ( 1996 ) . Radiopacity of potential root-end filling materials . Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology vol. 81 , ( 4 ) 476 - 479 .
Neo J, Chew CL, Yap A, Sidhu S ( 1996 ) . Clinical evaluation of tooth-colored materials in cervical lesions . American Journal of Dentistry vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 15 - 18 .
Sidhu SK, Watson TF ( 1996 ) . Resin-modified glass-ionomer materials. Part 2: clinical aspects . Dental Update vol. 23 , ( 1 ) 12 - 16 .
Sidhu SK, Watson TF ( 1995 ) . Resin-modified glass-ionomer materials. Part 1: Properties . Dental Update vol. 22 , ( 10 ) 429 - 432 .
Sidhu SK, Watson TF, Anstice HM, Billington RW, Pearson GJ ( 1995 ) . Moisture susceptibility of resin-modified glass-ionomer materials . Quintessence International vol. 26 , ( 11 ) 753 - 754 .
Liu HH, Sidhu SK ( 1995 ) . Cracked teeth--treatment rationale and case management: case reports . Quintessence International vol. 26 , ( 7 ) 485 - 492 .
Sidhu SK, Watson TF ( 1995 ) . Resin-modified glass ionomer materials. A status report for the American Journal of Dentistry . American Journal of Dentistry vol. 8 , ( 1 ) 59 - 67 .
SIDHU SK, Watson TF ( 1994 ) . The effect of dehydration on light-cured glass-ionomer restorations . Singapore Dental Journal vol. 19 , ( Special Issue ) 44 - 48 .
Sidhu SK ( 1994 ) . The effect of acid-etched dentin on marginal seal . Quintessence International vol. 25 , ( 11 ) 797 - 800 .
Sim TP, Sidhu SK ( 1994 ) . The effect of dentinal conditioning on light-activated glass-ionomer cement . Quintessence International vol. 25 , ( 7 ) 505 - 508 .
Sidhu SK ( 1994 ) . Marginal contraction gap formation of light-cured glass ionomers . American Journal of Dentistry vol. 7 , ( 2 ) 115 - 118 .
Sidhu SK ( 1993 ) . A comparative analysis of techniques of restoring cervical lesions . Quintessence International vol. 24 , ( 8 ) 553 - 559 .
Sidhu SK, Henderson LJ ( 1993 ) . The surface finish of light-cured composite site resin materials . Biomaterials vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 11 - 15 .
SIDHU SK, Henderson LJ ( 1992 ) . Enamel surface damage during the finishing and polishing of composite resin restorations . Singapore Dental Journal vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 19 - 21 .
Henderson LJ, Sidhu SK ( 1992 ) . Microleakage of "sandwich technique" restorations lined with light-cured glass-ionomer . Singapore Dental Journal vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 7 - 12 .
Sidhu SK ( 1992 ) . Sealing effectiveness of light-cured glass ionomer cement liners . Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry vol. 68 , ( 6 ) 891 - 894 .
Sidhu SK, Henderson LJ ( 1992 ) . Dentin adhesives and microleakage in cervical resin composites . American Journal of Dentistry vol. 5 , ( 5 ) 240 - 244 .
Sidhu SK, Henderson LJ ( 1992 ) . In vitro marginal leakage of cervical composite restorations lined with a light-cured glass ionomer . Operative Dentistry vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 7 - 12 .
Sidhu SK, Soh G, Henderson LJ ( 1991 ) . Effect of dentin age on effectiveness of dentin bonding agents . Operative Dentistry vol. 16 , ( 6 ) 218 - 222 .
Sidhu SK, Capp NJ ( 1990 ) . A comparative study of porcelain repair materials . Biomaterials vol. 5 , ( 1 ) 29 - 42 .
Sidhu SK ( 1987 ) . Composite restorative materials: a review . Singapore Dental Journal vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 43 - 50 .

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