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Publications: Dr Ajay Sinha

Pereira SS, Sinha AK, Shah DK, Kempley ST ( 2021 ) . Common carotid artery blood flow volume in extremely preterm infants . Acta Paediatr vol. 110 , ( 4 ) 1157 - 1165 .
Pereira S, Reeves J, Birch M, Finton-James S, Verma K, Krug R, Sinha A, Kempley S ( 2020 ) . A realistic flow phantom model of the carotid artery in preterm infants for training and research . Ultrasound vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 145 - 154 .
Gilbert R, Brown M, Faria R, Fraser C, Donohue C, Rainford N, Grosso A, Sinha AK et al. ( 2020 ) . Antimicrobial-impregnated central venous catheters for preventing neonatal bloodstream infection: the PREVAIL RCT . vol. 24 ,
Rajendran G, Sinha AK ( 2020 ) . Umbilical venous catheter extravasation diagnosed by point-of-care ultrasound . Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Gilbert R, Brown M, Rainford N, Donohue C, Fraser C, Sinha A, Dorling J, Gray J et al. ( 2019 ) . Antimicrobial-impregnated central venous catheters for prevention of neonatal bloodstream infection (PREVAIL): an open-label, parallel-group, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial . Lancet Child Adolesc Health vol. 3 , ( 6 ) 381 - 390 .
Pereira SS, Sinha AK, Morris JK, Wertheim DF, Shah DK, Kempley ST ( 2019 ) . Blood pressure intervention levels in preterm infants: pilot randomised trial . Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed vol. 104 , ( 3 ) F298 - F305 .
Germovsek E, Osborne L, Gunaratnam F, Lounis SA, Busquets FB, Standing JF, Sinha AK ( 2019 ) . Development and external evaluation of a population pharmacokinetic model for continuous and intermittent administration of vancomycin in neonates and infants using prospectively collected data . J Antimicrob Chemother vol. 74 , ( 4 ) 1003 - 1011 .
Seale JV, Hutchinson RA, Fleming PF, Sinha A, Kempley ST, Husain SM, Millar MR ( 2018 ) . Does antibiotic choice for the treatment of suspected late-onset sepsis in premature infants determine the risk of developing necrotising enterocolitis? A systematic review . Early Hum Dev vol. 123 , 6 - 10 .
Pereira SS, Kempley ST, Shah DK, Morris JK, Sinha AK ( 2018 ) . Early echocardiography does not predict subsequent treatment of symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus in extremely preterm infants . Acta Paediatr vol. 107 , ( 11 ) 1909 - 1916 .
Pang R, Williams-Gunn H, Sinha A, Rughani P, Hird M, May C ( 2018 ) . G206 (P) Growth and healthcare utilisation in premature babies discharged on home oxygen .
Garg A, Sinha AK, Kempley ST ( 2018 ) . Improving endotracheal tube placement in neonates . Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
Pereira SS, Kempley ST, Wertheim DF, Sinha AK, Morris JK, Shah DK ( 2018 ) . Investigation of EEG Activity Compared with Mean Arterial Blood Pressure in Extremely Preterm Infants . Front Neurol vol. 9 ,
Swamy R, Chandrasekaran M, Venkatagiri PK, Grover A, Datta V, Sinha A, Mohinuddin S ( 2018 ) . Multidisciplinary neonatal emergencies simulation team-training (nest) improves participant’s confidence in dealing with simulated neonatal emergencies . Journal of Neonatology vol. 32 , ( 2-3 )
Germovsek E, Lutsar I, Kipper K, Karlsson MO, Planche T, Chazallon C, Meyer L, Trafojer UMT et al. ( 2018 ) . Plasma and CSF pharmacokinetics of meropenem in neonates and young infants: results from the NeoMero studies . J Antimicrob Chemother vol. 73 , ( 7 ) 1908 - 1916 .
Goel N, Mohinuddin SM, Ratnavel N, Kempley S, Sinha A ( 2017 ) . Comparison of Passive and Servo-Controlled Active Cooling for Infants with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy during Neonatal Transfers . American journal of perinatology vol. 34 , ( 01 ) 19 - 25 .
Reddy MA, Patel HI, Sinha A ( 2017 ) . Correspondence . Retina vol. 37 , ( 5 )
Al Wattar BH, Tamilselvan K, Khan R, Kelso A, Sinha A, Pirie AM, McCorry D, Khan KS et al. ( 2017 ) . Development of a core outcome set for epilepsy in pregnancy (E-CORE): a national multi-stakeholder modified Delphi consensus study . BJOG vol. 124 , ( 4 ) 661 - 667 .
Goel N, Mohinuddin S, Ratnavel N, De Cunto A, Kumarasamy M, Sinha A ( 2017 ) . G482 (P) Neurological assessment in infants referred for therapeutic hypothermia: Quality of documentation and match with cooling criteria .
Ojha S, Sand L, Ratnavel N, Kempley ST, Sinha AK, Mohinuddin S, Budge H, Leslie A ( 2017 ) . Newborn infants with bilious vomiting: a national audit of neonatal transport services . Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
Pang R, Williams-Gunn H, Rughani P, Sinha A, Ilea C, Saleh G, Hird M, May C ( 2017 ) . Outcomes in East London Premature Babies on Home Oxygen: Growth and Readmissions . Conference: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS vol. 176 , 1522 - 1523 .
Goel N, Mohinuddin S, Ratnavel N, Kempley S, Sinha A ( 2016 ) . Comparison of Passive and Servo-Controlled Active Cooling for Infants with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy during Neonatal Transfers . American Journal of Perinatology
Ashwin Reddy M, Patel HI, Karim SM, Lock H, Perry L, Bunce C, Kempley S, Sinha AK ( 2016 ) . Reduced utility of serum IGF-1 levels in predicting retinopathy of prematurity reflects maternal ethnicity . British Journal of Ophthalmology vol. 100 , ( 4 ) 505 - 509 .
Gunaratnam F, Germovsek E, Basquet FB, Pereira S, Standing JF, Sinha AK ( 2016 ) . G394 Optimisation of vancomycin dosing regimen in newborns by performing a population pharmacokinetic analysis of prospectively collected data . Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 101 , ( Suppl 1 ) A229 - A229 .
Kage A, Murthy V, Leach E, Sinha A ( 2016 ) . Lower plasma creatinine levels in extreme preterm infants in a recent cohort - Is it time to change reference values . European Journal of Pediatrics vol. 175 , ( 11 )
Sinha AK, Murthy V, Nath P, Morris JK, Millar M ( 2016 ) . Prevention of late onset sepsis and central-line associated blood stream infection in preterm infants . The Pediatric infectious disease journal vol. 35 , ( 4 ) 401 - 406 .
Kempley S, Pereira S, Sinha A, Shah D ( 2016 ) . Randomised trial of different blood pressure intervention levels to trigger circulatory support in extremely preterm infants: a pilot trial reporting clinical and haemodynamic outcomes . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . vol. 175 , 1583 - 1583 .
Reddy MA, Patel HI, Karim SM, Lock H, Perry L, Bunce C, Kempley S, Sinha AK ( 2016 ) . Reduced utility of serum IGF-1 levels in predicting retinopathy of prematurity reflects maternal ethnicity . British Journal of Ophthalmology vol. 100 , ( 4 ) 501 - 504 .
Davidson SL, Ratnavel N, Sinha A, Mohinuddin S ( 2015 ) . G119 (P) Patientsafety incident reporting data trends of a regional neonatal transfer service . Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 100 , ( Suppl 3 ) A52 - A52 .
Finer S, Mathews C, Lowe R, Smart M, Hillman S, Foo L, Sinha A, Williams D et al. ( 2015 ) . Maternal gestational diabetes is associated with genome-wide DNA methylation variation in placenta and cord blood of exposed offspring . Human molecular genetics vol. 24 , ( 11 ) 3021 - 3029 .
Mohinuddin S, Sakhuja P, Bermundo B, Ratnavel N, Kempley S, Ward HC, Sinha A ( 2015 ) . Outcomes of full-term infants with bilious vomiting: observational study of a retrieved cohort . Archives of disease in childhood vol. 100 , ( 1 ) 14 - 17 .
Murthy V, Nath P, Millar M, Morris J, Sinha AK ( 2014 ) . G534 (P) Prevention of late onset sepsis and central line associated blood stream infection in preterm infants . Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 99 , ( Suppl 1 ) A56 - A56 .
Mohinuddin SM, Ratnavel N, Sinha AK ( 2014 ) . Infants with suspected intestinal malrotation or volvulus are not prioritised for transfer . BMJ vol. 348 ,
Pereira SS, Kempley ST, Wertheim DF, Sinha AK, Shah DK ( 2014 ) . PO-0505 Continuous Invasive Blood Pressure Is Directly Related To Eeg Measures Of Continuity In Extremely Preterm Infants In The First Three Days Of Life . Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 99 , ( Suppl 2 ) A413 - A414 .
Pereira SS, Sinha AK, Shah DK, Kempley ST ( 2014 ) . PS-102 Relationship Between Carotid Blood Flow, Cardiac Output And Blood Pressure In Extremely Preterm Infants . Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 99 , ( Suppl 2 ) A147 - A147 .
Pereira SS, Kempley ST, Sinha AK ( 2014 ) . PS-218 Developing A Safer Dosing Regimen Of Amikacin In Preterm Infants . Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 99 , ( Suppl 2 ) A191 - A192 .
Husain SM, Sinha AK, Bunce C, Arora P, Lopez W, Mun KS, Reddy MA, Adams GGW ( 2013 ) . Relationships between maternal ethnicity, gestational age, birth weight, weight gain, and severe retinopathy of prematurity . The Journal of pediatrics vol. 163 , ( 1 ) 67 - 72 .
Peh G, Ebel R, Sinha A, Kempley S, Mohinuddin S ( 2012 ) . 1782 Endotracheal Tube Position in Ventilated Neonates-Does Evidence Influence Practice? . Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 97 , ( Suppl 2 ) A504 - A504 .
Adams GGW, Sinha A, Bunce C, Husain S ( 2012 ) . Relationship between maternal ethnicity, gestational age, birth weight, and early weight gain and the development of retinopathy of prematurity requiring treatment in a multiracial population . Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus vol. 16 , ( 1 )
Abdelhamid A, Ratnavel N, Sinha A ( 2011 ) . Accuracy of Main-Stream End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Measurement during the Road Transport of Mechanically-Ventilated Preterm Infants . Pediatric Research vol. 70 , 599 - 599 .
Senthilkumar R, Corpuz N, Ratnavel N, Sinha A, Mohinuddin S ( 2011 ) . Adverse events during emergency transfer of neonates performed by regionalised dedicated transfer service . Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 96 , ( Suppl 1 ) A91 - A91 .
Finer S, Fiddler A, Hillman S, Khan A, Fode F, Mbah-ebako M, Hill E, Peterson D et al. ( 2011 ) . Ethnicity-specific predictors of large-for-gestational-age infants: looking beyond maternal glycaemia . Diabetic Medicine vol. 28 ,
Davidson S, Ratnavel N, Mohinuddin S, Hird MF, Sinha A ( 2011 ) . Hypoxic Respiratory Failure in Term and Near Term Newborns: Perspective from the Neonatal Transfer Service . Pediatric Research vol. 70 , 505 - 505 .
Mohinuddin S, Mohidin R, Ratnavel N, Sinha A, Shah D ( 2011 ) . Infants with Neonatal Encephalopathy Transported for Therapeutic Hypothermia–Adherence to Standard Cooling Criteria . Pediatric Research vol. 70 , 683 - 683 .
Sinha A, Arora P, Lopez W, Mun S, Rajiv B, Bunce C, Adams G, HUSAIN SM ( 2011 ) . Relationship between maternal ethnicity, gestation age, birth weight and early weight gain and development of retinopathy of prematurity requiring treatment in a multiracial population . Pediatric Research . vol. 70 , 729 - 729 .
Abdelhamid AE, Ratnavel N, Sinha A ( 2010 ) . Accuracy of main-stream end-tidal carbon dioxide measurement during inter-hospital transfer of mechanically-ventilated preterm infants . www. neonatalsociety. ac. uk
Thomson J, Culley V, Monfrinoli A, Sinha A ( 2008 ) . Transcutaneous bilirubinometers and ethnicity . Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal & Neonatal vol. 93 , ( 6 )
Thayyil S, Kempley S, Sinha A ( 2008 ) . Can Early-Onset Nonoliguric Hyperkalemia Be Predicted in Extremely Premature Infants? . American Journal of Perinatology vol. 25 , ( 2 ) 129 - 133 .
Thayyil S, Sheik S, Kempley ST, Sinha A ( 2008 ) . A gestation-and postnatal age-based reference chart for assessing renal function in extremely premature infants . Journal of Perinatology vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 226 - 229 .
Thayyil S, Kempley ST, Sinha A ( 2008 ) . Can early-onset nonoliguric hyperkalemia be predicted in extremely premature infants? . American journal of perinatology vol. 25 , ( 02 ) 129 - 133 .
Sinha AK ( 2008 ) . Non-invasive assessment of regional circulations in neonates .
Thayyil S, Nagakumar P, Gowers H, Sinha A ( 2008 ) . Optimal endotracheal tube tip position in extremely premature infants . American journal of perinatology vol. 25 , ( 01 ) 013 - 016 .
Thomson J, Culley V, Monfrinoli A, Sinha A ( 2008 ) . Transcutaneous bilirubinometers and ethnicity . Archives of Disease in Childhood-Fetal and Neonatal Edition vol. 93 , ( 6 ) F474 - F474 .
Sinha AK, Kempley ST ( 2007 ) . A randomized trial comparing the effects of volume guided ventilation and synchronised intermittent positive pressure ventilation on the cerebral and mesenteric circulation following surfactant administration . ACTA PAEDIATR vol. 96 , 236 - 236 .
Mears AL, Raza SA, Sinha AK, Misra D ( 2007 ) . Micturating cystourethrograms are not necessary for all cases of antenatally diagnosed hydronephrosis . J Pediatr Urol vol. 3 , ( 4 ) 264 - 267 .
Cheema IU, Sinha AK, Kempley ST, Ahluwalia JS ( 2007 ) . Impact of volume guarantee ventilation on arterial carbon dioxide tension in newborn infants: A randomised controlled trial . EARLY HUM DEV vol. 83 , ( 3 ) 183 - 189 .
Murdoch EM, Sinha AK, Shanmugalingam ST, Smith GCS, Kempley ST ( 2006 ) . Doppler flow velocimetry in the superior mesenteric artery on the first day of life in preterm infants and the risk of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis . PEDIATRICS vol. 118 , ( 5 ) 1999 - 2003 .
Murdoch EM, Smith GCS, Sinha AK, Shanmugalingam ST, Kemptey ST ( 2006 ) . Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis is associated with high resistance flow in the superior mesenteric artery on day 1 of life in preterm infants . EARLY HUM DEV vol. 82 , ( 9 ) 618 - 619 .
Sinha AK, Kempley ST, Price E, Sharma BK, Livermore DM ( 2006 ) . Early onset Morganella morganii sepsis in a newborn infant with emergence of cephalosporin resistance caused by depression of AMPC beta-lactamase production . Pediatr Infect Dis J vol. 25 , ( 4 ) 376 - 377 .
Sinha AK, Cane C, Kempley ST ( 2006 ) . Blood flow in the common carotid artery in term and preterm infants: reproducibility and relation to cardiac output . Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed vol. 91 , ( 1 ) F31 - F35 .
Murdoch EM, Sinha AK, Shanmugalingam ST, Smith GCS, Kempley ST ( 2006 ) . Velocimetría del flujo Doppler en la arteria mesentérica superior durante el primer día de vida en neonatos pretérmino y riesgo de enterocolitis necrosante neonatal . Pediatrics vol. 62 , ( 5 ) 742 - 746 .
Sinha AK, Hird MF ( 2005 ) . Congenital cutaneous candidiasis with funisitis . ARCH DIS CHILD vol. 90 , ( 4 ) 425 - 425 .
Shah PS, Ng E, Sinha AK ( 2005 ) . Heparin for prolonging peripheral intravenous catheter use in neonates . The Cochrane Library
Murdoch EM, Smith GC, Shanmugalingam ST, Sinha A, Kempley ST ( 2005 ) . Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis is associated with high resistance flow in the superior mesentericartery on day 1 of life . vol. 12 , 290A - 290A .
Kempley ST, Sinha AK, Thomas MR ( 2005 ) . Which milk for the sick preterm infant? . Current Paediatrics vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 390 - 399 .
Kempley ST, Sinha AK, Thames Reg Perinatal Grp ( 2004 ) . Census of neonatal transfers in London and the South East of England . ARCH DIS CHILD vol. 89 , ( 6 ) F521 - F526 .
Gore DA, Layton M, Sinha AK, Williamson PJ, Vaidya B, Connolly V, Mannix P, Chetty MC et al. ( 2004 ) . Four pedigrees of the cation-leaky hereditary stomatocytosis class presenting with pseudohyperkalaemia. Novel profile of temperature dependence of Na+-K+ leak in a xerocytic form . BRIT J HAEMATOL vol. 125 , ( 4 ) 521 - 527 .
Shah PS, Ng E, Sinha AK ( 2002 ) . Heparin for prolonging peripheral intravenous catheter use in neonates . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , Wiley
Whyte SD, Sinha AK, Wyllie JP ( 1999 ) . Neonatal resuscitation—a practical assessment . Resuscitation vol. 40 , ( 1 ) 21 - 25 .
Wilson BJ, Donn SM, Sinha AK, Sinha SK ( 1998 ) . Does Spontaneous Minute Ventilation Predict Readiness for Extubation in Mechanically Ventilated Preterm Infants?• 1778 . Pediatric Research vol. 43 , 303 - 303 .
Prakash U, Sinha AK, Mukherjee B, Katiyar GP, Dey PK ( 1995 ) . Electrophysiological studies in children with paralytic poliomyelitis . Electromyography and clinical neurophysiology vol. 35 , ( 2 ) 73 - 76 .

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