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Publications: Dr Fabrizio Smeraldi

Buchicchio E, De Angelis A, Santoni F, Carbone P, Bianconi F, Smeraldi F ( 2023 ) . Battery SOC estimation from EIS data based on machine learning and equivalent circuit model . Energy vol. 283 ,
Bessant C, Abdollahyan M, Smeraldi F ( 2023 ) . CO51 Understanding the Lived Experience of Patients By Mining Online Health Boards . Value in Health vol. 26 , ( 6 ) s23 - s24 .
Byrom B, Bessant C, Smeraldi F, Abdollahyan M, Bridges Y, Chowdhury M, Tahsin A ( 2023 ) . Deriving Meaningful Aspects of Health Related to Physical Activity in Chronic Disease: Concept Elicitation Using Machine Learning–Assisted Coding of Online Patient Conversations . Value in Health vol. 26 , ( 7 ) 1057 - 1066 .
Buchicchio E, Bianconi F, Smeraldi F, De Angelis A, Santoni F, Carbone P ( 2022 ) . Battery state of charge estimation using machine learning and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements . Science Talks vol. 4 , ( IEEE Instrument. Measur. Mag. 25 3 May 2022 )
Buchicchio E, De Angelis A, Santoni F, Carbone P, Bianconi F, Smeraldi F ( 2022 ) . LiBEIS : A software tool for broadband electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of lithium-ion batteries . Software Impacts vol. 14 ,
Bessant C, Bridges Y, Chowdhury M, Tahsin A, Abdollahyan M, Smeraldi F, Byrom B ( 2022 ) . PCR3 Assessing Concept Saturation and Sample Representativeness When Using Social Media Data to Inform Concept Elicitation Studies . Value in Health vol. 25 , ( 12 )
Buchicchio E, De Angelis A, Santoni F, Carbone P, Bianconi F, Smeraldi F ( 2022 ) . Dataset on broadband electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of Lithium-Ion batteries for different values of the state-of-charge . Data in Brief vol. 45 ,
Hunt GP, Grassi L, Henkin R, Smeraldi F, Spargo TP, Kabiljo R, Koks S, Ibrahim Z et al. ( 2022 ) . GEOexplorer: a webserver for gene expression analysis and visualisation . Nucleic Acids Research vol. 50 , ( W1 ) w367 - w374 .
Bridges Y, Chowdhury M, Tahsin A, Bessant C, Abdollahyan M, Smeraldi F, Byrom B ( 2022 ) . POSB338 Identification of Meaningful Aspects of Physical Activity: Concept Elicitation By AI-Assisted Coding of Online Patient Conversations . Value in Health vol. 25 , ( 1 )
Bianconi F, Fernández A, Smeraldi F, Pascoletti G ( 2021 ) . Colour and Texture Descriptors for Visual Recognition: A Historical Overview . Journal of Imaging vol. 7 , ( 11 )
Patel R, Smeraldi F, Abdollahyan M, Irving J, Bessant C ( 2021 ) . Analysis of mental and physical disorders associated with COVID-19 in online health forums: a natural language processing study . BMJ Open vol. 11 , ( 11 )
Abdollahyan M, Smeraldi F, Patel R, Bessant C ( 2020 ) . Investigating Comorbidity of Mental and Physical Disorders in Online Health Forums . Conference: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems1 - 5 .
Smeraldi F, Bianconi F, Fernández A, González E ( 2020 ) . Partial Order Rank Features in Colour Space . Applied Sciences vol. 10 , ( 2 )
Bello-Cerezo R, Bianconi F, Di Maria F, Napoletano P, Smeraldi F ( 2019 ) . Comparative Evaluation of Hand-Crafted Image Descriptors vs. Off-the-Shelf CNN-Based Features for Colour Texture Classification under Ideal and Realistic Conditions . Applied Sciences vol. 9 , ( 4 )
Theodorou L, Healey PGT, Smeraldi F ( 2019 ) . Engaging With Contemporary Dance: What Can Body Movements Tell us About Audience Responses? . Front Psychol vol. 10 , 71 - 71 .
Abdollahyan M, Elgar G, Smeraldi F ( 2018 ) . Identifying Potential Regulatory Elements by Transcription Factor Binding Site Alignment Using Partial Order Graphs . International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science vol. 29 , ( 08 ) 1345 - 1354 .
ABDOLLAHYAN M, Cascianelli S, Bellocchio E, Costante G, Ciarfuglia TA, Bianconi F, SMERALDI F, Fravolini ML ( 2018 ) . Visual Localization in the Presence of Appearance Changes Using the Partial Order Kernel . Conference: European Signal Processing Conference
Abdollahyan M, Mondragón RJ, Bessant C, Smeraldi F ( 2018 ) . Visualising the topological structure of health-elated message board user networks . Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications . vol. 310 , 274 - 279 .
Fernandez A, Lima D, Bianconi F, SMERALDI F ( 2017 ) . Compact color texture descriptor based on rank transform and product ordering in the RGB color space . Conference: International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (CEFRL-ICCV) ( Venice, Italy ) from: 22/10/2017 to: 29/10/2017 ,
Bello-Cerezo R, Bianconi F, Cascianelli S, Fravolini ML, di Maria F, Smeraldi F ( 2018 ) . Hand-Designed Local Image Descriptors vs. Off-the-Shelf CNN-Based Features for Texture Classification: An Experimental Comparison . Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies . vol. 76 , 1 - 10 .
ABDOLLAHYAN M, SMERALDI F ( 2017 ) . POKer: a Partial Order Kernel for Comparing Strings with Alternative Substrings . Conference: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning ( Bruges, Belgium ) from: 26/04/2017 to: 28/04/2017 ,
Bianconi F, Smeraldi F, Abdollahyan M, Xiao P ( 2016 ) . On the Use of Skin Texture Features for Gender Recognition: An Experimental Evaluation . Conference: 2016 Sixth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA)1 - 6 .
Bianconi F, Chirikhina E, Smeraldi F, Bontozoglou C, Xiao P ( 2016 ) . Personal identification based on skin texture features from the forearm and multi-modal imaging . Skin Res Technol
KHOUZANI MHR, MALACARIA P, HANKIN C, FIELDER A, SMERALDI F ( 2016 ) . Efficient Numerical Frameworks for Multi-Objective Cyber Security Planning . Conference: European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2016 ( Heraklion, Crete, Greece ) from: 26/09/2016 to: 30/09/2016 ,
Theodorou L, Healey PGT, Smeraldi F ( 2016 ) . Exploring Audience Behaviour During Contemporary Dance Performances . Conference: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing1 - 7 .
Fielder A, Panaousis E, Malacaria P, Hankin C, Smeraldi F ( 2016 ) . Decision support approaches for cyber security investment . Decision Support Systems vol. 86 , Article C , 13 - 23 .
Smeraldi F, Malacaria P ( 2014 ) . How to spend it . 1 - 4 .
Panaousis E, Fielder A, Malacaria P, Hankin C, Smeraldi F ( 2014 ) . Cybersecurity Games and Investments: A Decision Support Approach . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 8840 , 266 - 286 .
Fielder A, Panaousis E, Malacaria P, Hankin C, Smeraldi F ( 2014 ) . Game Theory Meets Information Security Management . IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology . vol. 428 , 15 - 29 .
MALACARIA P, SMERALDI F ( 2013 ) . Thermodynamic Aspects of Confidentiality . Information and Computation vol. 226 , 76 - 93 .
Parker MO, Ife D, Ma J, Pancholi M, Smeraldi F, Straw C, Brennan CH ( 2013 ) . Development and automation of a test of impulse control in zebrafish . Front Syst Neurosci vol. 7 ,
Malacaria P, Smeraldi F ( 2012 ) . The thermodynamics of confidentiality . Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop280 - 290 .
MALACARIA P, SMERALDI F ( 2012 ) . The Thermodynamics of Confidentiality . Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), 2012 IEEE 25th . Editors: Cortier, V, Zdancewic, S , Conference: 25th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium ( Harvard, MA, USA ) from: 25/06/2012 to: 27/06/2012 , 280 - 290 .
Ciliberto C, Smeraldi F, Natale L, Metta G ( 2011 ) . Online multiple instance learning applied to hand detection in a humanoid robot . IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems . 1526 - 1532 .
Bian W ( 2011 ) . Preface to the Large Scale Visual Analytics Workshop . Conference: 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshopsxliii - xliv .
Ciliberto C, Smeraldi F, Natale L, Metta G ( 2011 ) . Online Multiple Instance Learning applied to hand detection in a humanoid robot . Proc. of IROS, San Francisco (USA) . Conference: Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on ( Genova, Italy ) from: 25/09/2011 to: 30/09/2011 ,
Smeraldi F, Bicego M, Cristani M, Murino V ( 2011 ) . CLOOSTING: CLustering data with bOOSTING . To appear in the Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems, Naples (Italy) .
Smeraldi F, Martinez-Alvarez M, Frommholz I, Roelleke T ( 2011 ) . On the probabilistic logical modelling of quantum and geometrically–inspired IR . Proceeding of the 2nd Italian Information Retrieval Workshop, Milan (Italy) .
Smeraldi F, Defoin-Platel M, Saqi M ( 2010 ) . Handling missing features with boosting algorithms for protein–protein interaction prediction . Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS’10), Gothenburg (Sweden) . 132–147 - 132–147 .
Martinez-Alvarez M, Smeraldi F, Roelleke T ( 2010 ) . A descriptive approach to modelling learning . Proceedings of the 1st Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval (CERI 2010), Madrid (Spain) . 183–194 - 183–194 .
Martinez-Alvarez M, Smeraldi F, Roelleke T ( 2010 ) . A descriptive approach to modelling learning . Proceedings of the 1st Spanish Information Retrieval Conference (CERI), MadridB (Spain) . 183 - 194 .
Smeraldi F, Defoin-Platel M, Saqi M ( 2010 ) . Handling Missing Features with Boosting Algorithms for Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction . DATA INTEGRATION IN THE LIFE SCIENCES . Editors: Lambrix, P, Kemp, G , vol. 6254 , 132 - 147 .
Smeraldi F ( 2009 ) . Fast algorithms for the computation of ranklets . Proceedings of ICIP, Cairo (Egypt) .
Azzopardi G, Smeraldi F ( 2009 ) . Variance ranklets: orientation–selective rank features for contrast modulations . Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, London (UK) .
Malacaria P, Smeraldi F ( 2009 ) . On Adaboost and optimal betting strategies . Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN/WORLDCOMP) . 326–332 - 326–332 .
Malacaria P, Smeraldi F ( 2008 ) . On Adaboost and optimal betting strategies . Proceedings of the 1st national ICT conference (WICT), Valletta (Malta) .
MAGGIO E, SMERALDI F, CAVALLARO A ( 2007 ) . Adaptive multi-feature tracking in a particle filtering framework . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 17 Issue 10 , 1348 - 1359 .
Maggio E, Smeraldi F, Cavallaro A ( 2007 ) . Adaptive multi–feature tracking in a particle filter framework . IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 17 , Article 10 , 1348–1359 - 1348–1359 .
Del Bue A, Smeraldi F, Agapito L ( 2007 ) . Non-rigid structure from motion using ranklet-based tracking and non-linear optimization . IMAGE VISION COMPUT vol. 25 , ( 3 ) 297 - 310 .
Bue AD, Smeraldi F, Agapito L ( 2007 ) . Non-rigid structure from motion using ranklet–based tracking and non-linear optimization . Image and Vision Computing vol. 25 , Article 3 , 297–310 - 297–310 .
Franceschi E, Odone F, Smeraldi F, Verri A ( 2005 ) . A classical tool revisited: Object detection by statistical testing . Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference . 2961 - 2964 .
Smeraldi F, CAVALLARO A, Maggio E ( 2005 ) . Combining Colour and Orientation for Adaptive Particle Filter-based Tracking . Conference: British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Oxford, 6-8 September 2005
Franceschi E, Odone F, Smeraldi F, Verri A ( 2005 ) . Feature Selection with Nonparametric Statistics . Conference: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005 vol. 1 , 322 - 325 .
Franceschi E, Odone F, Smeraldi F, Verri A ( 2005 ) . Feature selection with nonparametric statistics . 2005 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Vols 1-5 . 1085 - 1088 .
Smeraldi F, Del Bue A, Agapito L ( 2005 ) . Tracking points on deformable objects with ranklets . 2005 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Vols 1-5 . 3749 - 3752 .
Bue AD, Smeraldi F, Agapito L ( 2004 ) . Non-rigid structure from motion using nonparametric tracking and non-linear optimization . IEEE Workshop in Articulated and Nonrigid Motion ANM04, held in conjunction with CVPR2004 . 8–8 - 8–8 .
Arleo A, Smeraldi F, Gerstner W ( 2004 ) . Cognitive navigation based on nonuniform Gabor space sampling, unsupervised growing networks, and reinforcement learning . IEEE Trans Neural Netw vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 639 - 652 .
SMERALDI F, Verri A, Odone F, Franceschi E ( 2004 ) . Finding objects with hypothesis testing . Conference: Proceedings of the Workshop on Learning for Adaptable Visual Systems, in conjunction with ICPR'04, Cambridge, UK
SMERALDI F, Agapito L, Del Bue A ( 2004 ) . Non-rigid structure from motion using nonparametric tracking and non-linear optimization . Conference: IEEE Workshop in Articulated and Nonrigid Motion ANMO4, held in conjunction with CVPR2004, Washington D.C (USA)
Smeraldi F, Bigun J ( 2003 ) . Special issue - Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA 2001) - Preface . PATTERN RECOGN LETT vol. 24 , ( 13 ) 2103 - 2104 .
Smeraldi F ( 2003 ) . A Nonparametric approach to face detection using ranklets . AUDIO-AND VIDEO-BASED BIOMETRIC PERSON AUTHENTICATION, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Kittler, J, Nixon, MS , vol. 2688 , 351 - 359 .
SMERALDI F, Rob M ( 2003 ) . Ranklets on hexagonal pixel lattices . Conference: Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference. Norwich, UK. vol 1
Smeraldi F, Bigun J ( 2002 ) . Retinal vision applied to facial features detection and face authentication . PATTERN RECOGN LETT vol. 23 , ( 4 ) 463 - 475 .
Smeraldi F ( 2002 ) . Ranklets: orientation selective non-parametric features applied to face detection . 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION, VOL III, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Kasturi, R, Laurendeau, D, Suen, C , 379 - 382 .
Smeraldi F, Bigun J, Gerstner W ( 2002 ) . Support vector features and the role of dimensionality in face authentication . PATTERN RECOGNITON WITH SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINES, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Lee, SE, Verri, A , vol. 2388 , 249 - 259 .
Bigun J, Smeraldi F ( 2001 ) . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface .
various ( 2001 ) . Audio-- and video-- based biometric person authentication, third international conference: proceedings . Editors: Bigun, J, Smeraldi, F , Springer
Arleo A, Smeraldi F, Hug S, Gerstner W ( 2001 ) . Place cells and spatial navigation based on 2D visual feature extraction, path integration, and reinforcement learning . ADVANCES IN NEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS 13 . Editors: Leen, TK, Dietterich, TG, Tresp, V , vol. 13 , 89 - 95 .
Bigun J, Smeraldi F ( 2001 ) . Preface .
Arleo A, Smeraldi F, Hug S, Gerstner W ( 2000 ) . Place cells and spatial navigation based on vision, path integration, and reinforcement learning . Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems . vol. 13 , 89–95 - 89–95 .
Matas J, Hamouz M, Jonsson K, Kittler J, Li Y, Kotropoulos C, Tefas A, Pitas I et al. ( 2000 ) . Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database . Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona (Spain), September 2000 . vol. 4 , 858–863 - 858–863 .
Smeraldi F, Bigün J, Gerstner W ( 2000 ) . On the role of dimensionality in face authentication . Proceedings of the Symposium of the Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis, Halmstad (Sweden) . 87–91 - 87–91 .
Matas J, Hamouz M, Jonsson K, Kittler J, Li Y, Kotropoulos C, Tefas A, Pitas I et al. ( 2000 ) . Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database . 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION, VOL 4, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Sanfeliu, A, Villanueva, JJ, Vanrell, M, Alquezar, R et al. , 858 - 863 .
Smeraldi F, Carmona O, Bigün J ( 2000 ) . Saccadic search with Gabor features applied to eye detection and real-time head tracking . Image and Vision Computing vol. 18 , Article 4 , 323–329 - 323–329 .
Smeraldi F, Capdevielle N, Bigün J ( 1999 ) . Facial features detection by saccadic exploration of the Gabor decomposition and Support Vector Machines . Proceedings of the 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis – SCIA 99, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland . vol. I , 39-44 - 39-44 .
Smeraldi F, Capdevielle N, Bigün J ( 1999 ) . Gabor decomposition driven saccades applied to facial features detection for visual biometrics applications . Proceedings of the 1999 Symposium of the Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis, Göteborg (Sweden) . 85–88 - 85–88 .
Smeraldi F, Capdevielle N, Bigun J ( 1999 ) . Face Authentication by retinotopic sampling of the Gabor decomposition and Support Vector Machines . Audio and Video based Person Authentication - AVBPA99 . 125–129 - 125–129 .
Smeraldi F, Bigun J ( 1998 ) . Facial features detection by saccadic exploration of the Gabor decomposition . International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-98, Chicago, October 4-7 . vol. 3 , 163–167 - 163–167 .
Bigun J, Duc B, Fischer S, Makarov A, Smeraldi F ( 1998 ) . Multi modal person authentication . Nato-Asi advanced study on face recogniton . Editors: HWE, A , vol. F 163 , 26–50 - 26–50 .
Smeraldi F, Carmona O, Bigun J ( 1998 ) . Real–Time Head Tracking by Saccadic Exploration and Gabor Decomposition . Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control . Editors: Almeida, AT, Araujo, H , vol. IEEE Cat. Num. 98TH8 , 684–687 - 684–687 .

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