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Publications: Dr Yossef Rapoport

Rapoport Y, Daaïf L ( 2024 ) . The Book of Clear Arabic Expression Regarding the Arab Tribes of Egypt, An Edition, Translation and Study of al-Maqrīzī’s al-Bayān wa-l-iʿrāb ʿan mā fī arḍ Miṣr min al-aʿrāb . Brill Academic Publishers
Rapoport Y ( 2023 ) . Wissam H Halawi, Les Druzes en marge de l’islam : ésotérisme et normativité en milieu rural (xive-xvie siècle) . Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques ( 37 )
Rapoport Y ( 2022 ) . New Readings in Arabic Historiography from Late Medieval Egypt and Syria. Proceedings of the Themed Day of the Fifth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies. Edited by Jo Van Steenbergen and Maya Termonia . Journal of Islamic Studies vol. 33 , ( 3 ) 395 - 397 .
Rapoport Y ( 2021 ) . Criminal Underworld in a Medieval Islamic Society: Narratives from Cairo and Damascus under the Mamluks. By Carl F. Petry . Journal of the American Oriental Society vol. 135 , ( 2 )
Rapoport Y ( 2021 ) . Mariage et séparation à Damas au moyen âge: Un corpus de 62 documents juridiques inédits entre 337/948 et 698/1299. Edited by Jean-Michel Mouton, Domi nique Sourdel, and Janine Sourdel-Thomine . Journal of the American Oriental Society vol. 135 , ( 3 )
Rapoport Y ( 2021 ) . Collective Liability in Islam: The ʿĀqila and Blood Money Payments By Nurit Tsafrir . Journal of Islamic Studies vol. 33 , ( 1 ) 98 - 100 .
Rapoport Y ( 2020 ) . 1068 in the Fayyum: A Micro-History of an Environmental Crisis . Living with Nature and Things , Brill Deutschland
Rapoport Y ( 2019 ) . Jean-Charles Ducène: L'Europe et les géographes arabes du Moyen Âge. 502 pp. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2018. ISBN 978 2 271 08209 1 . Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies vol. 82 , ( 3 ) 546 - 548 .
RAPOPORT Y ( 2019 ) . Igarashi Daisuke, Land Tenure, Fiscal Policy and Imperial Power in Medieval Syro-Egypt. Chicago: Middle Eastern Documentation Center, 2015 . Orient vol. 51 , ( 0 ) 161 - 163 .
Rapoport Y ( 2019 ) . Coming of Age in Medieval Egypt: Female Adolescence, Jewish Law, and Ordinary Culture. By Eve Krakowski . Journal of the American Academy of Religion vol. 87 , ( 2 ) 552 - 555 .
Rapoport Y ( 2019 ) . Rural Economy and Tribal Society in Islamic Egypt . Brepols Publishers NV
Rapoport Y ( 2019 ) . The Criterion for Distinguishing Legal Opinions from Judicial Rulings and the Administrative Acts of Judges and Rulers, written by Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Idrīs al-Qarāfī al-Mālikī, 2017 . Islamic Law and Society vol. 26 , ( 1-2 ) 179 - 182 .
RAPOPORT Y, Savage-smith E ( 2018 ) . Lost Maps of the Caliphs: Drawing the World in Eleventh-Century Cairo . Chicago University Press
Rapoport Y ( 2018 ) . Al-Azem, Talal: Rule-Formulation and Binding Precedent in the Madhhab-Law Tradition: Ibn Quṭlūbughā’s Commentary on The Compendium of Qudūrī. Leiden/Boston: Brill 2017. X, 257 S. 8° = Islamicate Intellectual History 2. Hartbd. € 110,00. ISBN 978-90-04-32283-7 . Orientalistische Literaturzeitung vol. 113 , ( 4-5 ) 378 - 380 .
RAPOPORT Y, SHAHAR I ( 2018 ) . The Villages of the Fayyum: A Thirteenth-Century Register of Rural, Islamic Egypt . Editors: RAPOPORT, Y, SHAHAR, I , Brepols
Rapoport Y ( 2018 ) . Rural Economy and Tribal Society in Islamic Egypt A Study of Al-Nabulusi's Villages of the Fayyum . Medieval Countryside
Rapoport Y ( 2018 ) . Landscapes of the Islamic World: Archaeology, History and Ethnography, ed. Stephen McPhillips and Paul D. Wordsworth . The English Historical Review vol. 133 , ( 562 ) 667 - 668 .
Rapoport Y, Savage-Smith E ( 2018 ) . Lost Maps of the Caliphs . University of Chicago Press
Rapoport Y ( 2017 ) . Medieval Islamic Maps: An Exploration Medieval Islamic Maps: An Exploration, Karen C. Pinto. University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2016). 384 pages, US$60 hardcover . Journal of Historical Geography vol. 58 , 107 - 108 .
Patil S, Franklin M, Rapoport Y, Cornett EM, Fox CJ, Kaye AD ( 2017 ) . Considerations in Patients with Comorbidities, Pregnant and Pediatric Patients . Perioperative Management in Robotic Surgery , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Rapoport Y ( 2017 ) . Sophia Vasalou : Ibn Taymiyya's Theological Ethics. ix, 342 pp. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £47.99. ISBN 978 0 19 939783 9 . Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies vol. 80 , ( 1 ) 144 - 146 .
Rapoport Y ( 2016 ) . The Popularisation of Sufism in Ayyubid and Mamluk Egypt, 1173-1325, by Nathan Hofer . Ilahiyat Studies vol. 7 , ( 2 ) 306 - 308 .
Rapoport Y ( 2016 ) . The 51 Day War. Resistance and Ruin in Gaza . POLITICAL QUARTERLY vol. 87 , ( 1 ) 113 - 115 .
Rapoport Y ( 2015 ) . Le monde rural du Maghreb central (xive-xve siècles): Réalités sociales et constructions juridiques d'après les Nawāzil Māzūna . Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations vol. 26 , ( 4 ) 535 - 537 .
Rapoport Y ( 2015 ) . Law and Piety in Medieval Islam By Megan H. Reid . Journal of Islamic Studies vol. 26 , ( 3 ) 311 - 312 .
Rapoport Y ( 2015 ) . Marriage and divorce in Damascus in the middle ages: A corpus of 62 new legal documents between 337/948 and 698/1299 . JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY vol. 135 , ( 3 ) 659 - 660 .
Rapoport Y ( 2014 ) . On Taqlīd: Ibn al Qayyim’s Critique of Authority in Islamic Law By Abdul-Rahman Mustafa . Journal of Islamic Studies vol. 25 , ( 3 ) 353 - 354 .
Rapoport Y ( 2014 ) . Islamic Theology, Philosophy and Law: Debating Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya . Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations vol. 25 , ( 4 ) 528 - 530 .
Rapoport Y ( 2014 ) . Anjum, Ovamir Politics, Law and Community in Islamic Thought. The Taymiyyan Moment.Cambridge University Press, 2012. Pp. 314. ISBN: 978-1107014060. $99 . Islamic Law and Society vol. 21 , ( 1-2 ) 148 - 150 .
RAPOPORT Y ( 2014 ) . “Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī, His Wife, Her Slave-girl: romantic triangles and polygamy in fifteenth-century Cairo” . annales islamologiques327 - 351 .
RAPOPORT Y ( 2014 ) . "New Directions in the Social history of the Mamluk Era " . History and Society During the Mamluk Period (1250-1517) , V&R unipress GmbH
Rapoport Y, Savage-Smith E ( 2014 ) . Book One: On the Heavens . An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe ,
Rapoport Y, Savage-Smith E ( 2014 ) . Book One: On the Heavens – ‫ المقالة الأولى‬ . An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe ,
Rapoport Y, Savage-Smith E ( 2014 ) . Book Two: On the Earth . An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe ,
Rapoport Y, Savage-Smith E ( 2014 ) . Book Two: On the Earth – ‫المقالة الثانية‬ . An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe ,
Rapoport Y, Savage-Smith E ( 2014 ) . Facsimile of Oxford, Bodleian MS Arab. c. 90 . An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe ,
Rapoport Y, Savage-Smith E ( 2014 ) . Introduction . An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe ,
Rapoport Y, Savage-Smith E ( 2014 ) . Sigla . An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe ,
Savage-Smith E, Rapoport Y ( 2014 ) . The Book of Curiosities, Edited with an Annotated Translation . Brill Academic Publishers
Rapoport Y ( 2013 ) . Jean-Charles Ducène (ed. and trans.): Les tables géographiques du manuscrit du sultan rasūlide al-Malik al-Afḍal. Edition, traduction et commentaire. (Academica Scientiarum Fennica.) 137, 62 pp. Helsinki: The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 2013. ISBN 978 951 41 1082 5 . Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies vol. 76 , ( 3 ) 507 - 508 .
RAPOPORT Y, Swain S ( 2013 ) . "The Islamic Family: Aspects of Bryson's Influence" . Economy, Family, and Society from Rome to Islam. A Critical Edition, English Translation, and Study of Bryson's Management of the Estate , Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
Rapoport Y ( 2013 ) . 2. Mālik b. Anas (d. 179/795) . Islamic Legal Thought , Brill Academic Publishers
Rapoport Y ( 2013 ) . Kristen Stilt. Islamic Law in Action: Authority, Discretion and Everyday Experiences in Mamluk Egypt. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-1996-0243-8. 254 pp. $100 . Islamic Law and Society vol. 20 , ( 4 ) 476 - 478 .
Rapoport Y ( 2013 ) . Shari’a: theory, practice, transformations. By Wael B. Hallaq. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. ix, 614 p. ISBN: 978-0-521-67874-2 (paperback). $68 . Islamic Law and Society vol. 20 , ( 1-2 ) 141 - 148 .
Rapoport Y ( 2012 ) . The Muslims of Medieval Italy By Alex Metcalfe . Journal of Islamic Studies vol. 28 , ( 1 ) 120 - 123 .
Rapoport Y ( 2012 ) . The formation of Islamic hermeneutics: how Sunni legal theorists imagined revealed law . Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations vol. 23 , ( 4 ) 556 - 558 .
Rapoport Y ( 2012 ) . Tayeb El-Hibri. Parable and Politics in Early Islamic History: The Rashidun Caliphs. New York: Columbia University Press. 2010. Pp. xi, 471. $60.00 . The American Historical Review vol. 117 , ( 3 ) 971 - 971 .
Rapoport Y, Shahar I ( 2012 ) . Irrigation in the Medieval Islamic Fayyum: Local Control in a Large-Scale Hydraulic System . JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT vol. 55 , 1 - 31 .
Rapoport Y ( 2012 ) . Parable and Politics in Early Islamic History: The Rashidun Caliphs . AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW vol. 117 , ( 3 ) 971 - 971 .
RAPOPORT Y ( 2012 ) . Reflections of Fatimid Power in the Maps of Island Cities in the ‘Book of Curiosities’ . Herrschaft verorten: Politische Kartographie im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit , Editors: Stercken, M, Baumgärtner, I , Chronos Verlag
RAPOPORT Y ( 2012 ) . Royal Justice and Religious Law: Siyāsah and Shariʿah under the Mamluks . Mamluk Studies Review vol. XVI , 71 - 102 .
Rapoport Y ( 2011 ) . The rural world in the Medieval Muslimn west . B SCH ORIENT AFR ST vol. 74 , 140 - 142 .
Rapoport Y ( 2010 ) . Admiralty and Maritime Laws in the Mediterranean Sea (ca. 800-1050): the Kitab Akriyat al Sufun vis-a-vis the Nomos Rhodion Nautikos . J ISLAM STUD vol. 21 , ( 1 ) 131 - 132 .
RAPOPORT Y ( 2010 ) . Ibn Taymiyya's Radical Legal Thought: Rationalism, Pluralism and the Primacy of Intention . Ibn Taymiyya and his Times , Editors: Rapoport, Y, Ahmed, S , Oxford University Press ( Karachi ),
RAPOPORT Y ( 2010 ) . The View from the South: The Maps of the Book of Curiosities and the Commercial Revolution of the Eleventh Century . Histories of the Middle East: Studies in Middle Eastern Society, Economy, and Law in Honor of A.L. Udovitch , Editors: Margariti, R, Sabra, A, Sijpesteijn, P , Brill
Rapoport Y ( 2009 ) . Charity in Islamic Societies . MIDDLE EAST J vol. 63 , ( 2 ) 342 - 343 .
Rapoport Y ( 2009 ) . Ibn Taymiyya's Theodicy of Perpetual Optimism . J ISLAM STUD vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 95 - 99 .
Rapoport Y ( 2009 ) . Law, Custom and Statute in the Muslim World. Studies in Honor of Aharon Layish . Islamic Law and Society vol. 16 , ( 1 ) 107 - 111 .
Rapoport Y ( 2008 ) . Poverty and charity in the Jewish community of medieval Egypt . INT J MIDDLE E STUD vol. 40 , ( 2 ) 343 - 345 .
Savage-Smith E, RAPOPORT Y ( 2008 ) . The Book of Curiosities and a unique map of the world . Cartography in Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Fresh Perspectives, New Methods , Editors: Talbert, R, Unger, R , Brill ( Leiden ),
RAPOPORT Y ( 2008 ) . The Book of Curiosities: A Medieval Islamic View of the East . The Journey of Maps and Images on the Silk Road , Editors: Forêt, P, Kaplony, A , vol. 21 , Brill ( Leiden ),
Savage-Smith E, RAPOPORT Y ( 2007 ) . The Book of Curiosities: A critical edition .
Rapoport Y ( 2007 ) . The Hanbal&imacr School of Law and Ibn Taymiyyah. Conflict or conciliation . Islamic Law and Society vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 287 - 291 .
RAPOPORT Y ( 2007 ) . Women and Gender in Mamluk Society – an Overview . Mamlūk Studies Review vol. 11 , ( 2 ) 1 - 45 .
SAVAGE-SMITH E, RAPOPORT Y ( 2006 ) . The Book of Curiosities: A critical edition . Bodleian Library
RAPOPORT Y ( 2005 ) . Marriage, Money and Divorce in Medieval Islamic Society . Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
Rapoport Y, Savage-Smith E ( 2004 ) . Medieval islamic view of the cosmos: The newly discovered book of Curiosities . CARTOGR J vol. 41 , ( 3 ) 253 - 259 .
RAPOPORT Y ( 2004 ) . “Medieval Islamic view of the Cosmos: The newly discovered Book of Curiosities”, (, . The Cartographic Journal vol. 41 , 253 - 259 .
RAPOPORT Y ( 2004 ) . "Invisible Peasants and Marauding Nomads: Taxation, Tribalism and Revolt in Mamluk Egypt" . Mamluk Studies Review vol. 8 , 1 - 22 .
RAPOPORT Y ( 2004 ) . Ibn Taymiyya on Divorce Oaths . The Mamluks in Egyptian and Syrian Politics and Society , Editors: Levanoni, A, Winter, M , Brill ( Leiden ),
RAPOPORT Y ( 2003 ) . Legal Diversity in the Age of Taqlīd: The Four Chief Qadis under the Mamluks . Islamic Law and Society vol. 10 , ( 2 ) 210 - 228 .
Rapoport Y ( 2003 ) . Rebellion and violence in Islamic law . MIDDLE EASTERN STUD vol. 39 , ( 1 ) 207 - 208 .
Rapoport Y ( 2001 ) . Divorce and the elite household in late medieval Cairo . CONTINUITY CHANGE vol. 16 , 201 - 218 .