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Publications: Ms Jane Reid

Reid J, Lalmas M, Finesilver K, Hertzum M ( 2006 ) . Best entry points for structured document retrieval - Part 1: Characteristics . INFORM PROCESS MANAG vol. 42 , ( 1 ) 74 - 88 .
Reid J, Lalmas M, Finesilver K, Hertzum M ( 2006 ) . Best entry points for structured document retrieval - Part II: Types, usage and effectiveness . INFORM PROCESS MANAG vol. 42 , ( 1 ) 89 - 105 .
REID JA, Tury S ( 2004 ) . Information Seeking Behaviour in Distance Learning (poster) . Conference: Proceedings of ISIC 2004 (Information seeking in Context)
LALMAS M, Reid J ( 2003 ) . Automatic identification of Best Entry Points for Focussed Structured Document Retrievel (Poster) . Conference: CIKM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Kazai G, Lalmas M, Reid J ( 2003 ) . Construction of a test collection for the focussed retrieval of structured documents . ADVANCES IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL . Editors: Sebastiani, F , vol. 2633 , 88 - 103 .
REID JA, Dunlop M ( 2003 ) . Evaluation of a Prototype Interface for Structured Document Retrieval . Conference: Proceedings of HCI 2003 (Human Computer Interaction)
Finesilver K, Reid J ( 2003 ) . User behaviour in the context of structured documents . ADVANCES IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL . Editors: Sebastiani, F , vol. 2633 , 104 - 119 .

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