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Publications: Dr Soren Riis

Zhou B, Markström K, Riis S ( 2024 ) . CDL: A fast and flexible library for the study of permutation sets with structural restrictions . SoftwareX vol. 28 ,
Markström K, Riis S, Zhou B ( 2024 ) . Arrow's single peaked domains, richness, and domains for plurality and the Borda count . CoRR vol. abs/2401.12547 ,
Karpov A, Markström K, Riis S, Zhou B ( 2024 ) . Local Diversity of Condorcet Domains . CoRR vol. abs/2401.11912 ,
Leedham-Green C, Markström K, Riis S ( 2023 ) . The largest Condorcet domain on 8 alternatives . Social Choice and Welfare vol. 62 , ( 1 ) 109 - 116 .
Akello-Egwell D, Leedham-Green CR, Litterick A, Markström K, Riis S ( 2023 ) . Condorcet Domains of Degree at most Seven . CoRR vol. abs/2306.15993 ,
Zhou B, Riis S ( 2023 ) . Exploring Parity Challenges in Reinforcement Learning through Curriculum Learning with Noisy Labels . CoRR vol. abs/2312.05379 ,
Zhou B, Riis S ( 2023 ) . New Record-Breaking Condorcet Domains on 10 and 11 Alternatives . CoRR vol. abs/2303.06524 ,
Karpov A, Markström K, Riis S, Zhou B ( 2023 ) . Set-alternating schemes: A new class of large Condorcet domains . CoRR vol. abs/2308.02817 ,
Zhou B, Riis S ( 2022 ) . Impartial Games: A Challenge for Reinforcement Learning . CoRR vol. abs/2205.12787 ,
RIIS S, Gadouleau M ( 2019 ) . Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorems on Dispersion and Entropy Measures for Communication Networks . Information and Computation
Baber R, Christofides D, Dang AN, Vaughan ER, Riis S ( 2017 ) . Graph Guessing Games and Non-Shannon Information Inequalities . IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol. 63 , ( 7 ) 4257 - 4267 .
Cameron PJ, Dang NA, Riis S ( 2016 ) . Guessing Games on Triangle-Free Graphs . Electron. J. Comb. vol. 23 , Article 1 , 1 - 1 .
Riis S ( 2015 ) . Network Communication with operators in Dedekind Finite and Stably Finite Rings .
Riis S, Martin U, Woodhouse N ( 2015 ) . Ada Lovelace, a scientist in the archives . Conference: Ada Lovelace Symposium 2015- Celebrating 200 Years of a Computer Visionary on - Ada Lovelace Symposium '15
Baber R, Christofides D, Dang AN, Riis S, Vaughan E ( 2014 ) . Graph Guessing Games and non-Shannon Information Inequalities .
Cameron PJ, Dang AN, Riis S ( 2014 ) . Guessing Games on Triangle-free Graphs .
Gadouleau M, Richard A, Riis S ( 2014 ) . Fixed points of Boolean networks, guessing graphs, and coding theory .
Riis S ( 2014 ) . What makes a chess program original? Revisiting the Rybka case . Entertainment Computing vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 189 - 204 .
Baber R, Christofides D, Dang NA, Riis S, Vaughan ER ( 2014 ) . Graph Guessing Games and non-Shannon Information Inequalities . CoRR vol. abs/1410.8349 ,
RIIS SM, Barber, R, Christofides, D, Dang, A N, Vaughan, E R ( 2013 ) . Multiple unicasts, graph guessing games, and non-Shannon inequalities . Conference: 2013 International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod) ( Calgary ) from: 07/06/2013 to: 09/06/2013 , 1 - 6 .
Williams H, McOwan P, Riis S ( 2012 ) . Making magic: applying artificial intelligence methods to design a psychophysically compelling illusion . PERCEPTION vol. 41 , ( 12 ) 1526 - 1526 .
Gadouleau M, Riis S ( 2011 ) . Memoryless computation: new results, constructions, and extensions .
Cameron PJ, Gadouleau M, Riis S ( 2011 ) . Combinatorial representations . Journal of Combinatorial Theory: Series A vol. 120 , ( 3 ) 671 - 682 .
Riis S, Gadouleau M ( 2011 ) . A Dispersion Theorem for Communication Networks Based on Term Sets . Conference: 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings593 - 597 .
RIIS SM, Gadouleau M ( 2011 ) . Network Coding Theorem for Dynamic Communication Networks . 2011 International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod) . Conference: Network Coding (NetCod), 2011 International Symposium ( Beijing ) from: 25/07/2011 to: 26/07/2011 , 1 - 6 .
Gadouleau M, Riis S ( 2011 ) . Computing without memory . CoRR vol. abs/1111.6026 ,
Gadouleau M, Riis S ( 2011 ) . Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem for Renyi Entropy in Communication Networks . 2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION THEORY PROCEEDINGS (ISIT) . 603 - 607 .
Riis S, Gadouleau M ( 2010 ) . Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorems for Multi-User Communication Networks .
Gadouleau M, Riis S ( 2010 ) . Graph-theoretical Constructions for Graph Entropy and Network Coding Based Communications .
Gadouleau M, Riis S ( 2010 ) . Graph-theoretical Constructions for Graph Entropy and Network Coding Based Communications . CoRR vol. abs/1010.2619 ,
Wu T, Cameron P, Riis S ( 2009 ) . On the guessing number of shift graphs . Journal of Discrete Algorithms vol. 7 , ( 2 ) 220 - 226 .
RIIS SM ( 2009 ) . On the asymptotic Nullstellensatz and Polynomial Calculus proof complexity . Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexty report no. TR09-014 ,
Riis S ( 2008 ) . On the asymptotic Nullstellensatz and Polynomial calculus proof complexity . TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, PROCEEDINGS . 272 - 283 .
RIIS SM ( 2007 ) . "Graph Entropy, Network Coding and Guessing games" . ArXiv ( ArXiv ),
Riis S ( 2007 ) . Reversible and irreversible information networks . IEEE T INFORM THEORY vol. 53 , ( 11 ) 4339 - 4349 .
Riis S ( 2007 ) . Information flows, graphs and their guessing numbers . ELECTRON J COMB vol. 14 , ( 1 ) Article R44 ,
Riis S ( 2006 ) . Information flows, graphs and their guessing numbers . 2006 4th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks, Vols 1 and 2 . 640 - 648 .
Riis S, Ahlswede R ( 2006 ) . Problems in network coding and error correcting codes appended by a draft version of S Riis "utilising public information in network coding" . General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics . Editors: Ahlswede, R, Baumer, L, Cai, N, Aydinian, H et al. , vol. 4123 , 861 - 897 .
RIIS SM ( 2004 ) . Linear versus non-linear Boolean functions in Network Flow . 38th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) . Conference: 38th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS)
Dantchev SS, Riis S ( 2003 ) . On Relativisation and Complexity Gap . CSL . Editors: Baaz, M, Makowsky, JA , vol. 2803 , 142 - 154 .
Dantchev S, Riis S ( 2003 ) . On relativisation and complexity gap for resolution-based proof systems . COMPUTER SCIENCE LOGIC, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Baaz, M, Makowsky, JA , vol. 2803 , 142 - 154 .
Riis S, Sitharam M ( 2001 ) . Uniformly generated submodules of permutation modules - Over fields of characteristic 0 . J PURE APPL ALGEBRA vol. 160 , ( 2-3 ) 285 - 318 .
Hägele K, Dúnlaing CÓ, Riis S ( 2001 ) . The complexity of scheduling TV commercials . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 40 , 162 - 185 .
Dantchev S, Riis S ( 2001 ) . "Planar" tautologies hard for Resolution . 42ND ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, PROCEEDINGS . 220 - 229 .
Riis S ( 2001 ) . A complexity gap for tree resolution . COMPUT COMPLEX vol. 10 , ( 3 ) 179 - 209 .
Dantchev S, Riis S ( 2000 ) . A Tough Nut for Tree Resolution . BRICS Report Series vol. 7 , ( 10 )
Jensen KJ, Riis S ( 2000 ) . Self-organizing letter code-book for text-to-phoneme neural network model . 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2000 .
Dantchev S, Riis S ( 2000 ) . Tree resolution proofs of the weak Pigeon-Hole Principle . 16TH ANNUAL IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY, PROCEEDINGS . 69 - 75 .
Riis S ( 1999 ) . A Complexity Gap for Tree-Resolution . BRICS Report Series vol. 6 , ( 29 )
Riis S, Sitharam M ( 1998 ) . Uniformly Generated Submodules of Permutation Modules . BRICS Report Series vol. 5 , ( 20 )
Riis S, Sitharam M ( 1998 ) . Generating Hard Tautologies Using Predicate Logic and the Symmetric Group . BRICS Report Series vol. 5 , ( 19 )
Riis S ( 1997 ) . Count(ifq) does not imply Count(ifp) . Annals of Pure and Applied Logic vol. 90 , ( 1-3 ) 1 - 56 .
Andersson A, Miltersen PB, Riis S, Thorup M ( 1997 ) . Dictionaries on AC^0 RAMs: Query Time Theta(√log n/log log n) is Necessary and Sufficient . BRICS Report Series vol. 4 , ( 14 )
Riis S ( 1997 ) . Bootstrapping the primitive recursive functions by only 27 colors . Discrete Mathematics vol. 169 , ( 1-3 ) 269 - 272 .
Riis S ( 1997 ) . Count($$q$$) versus the pigeon-hole principle . Archive for Mathematical Logic vol. 36 , ( 3 ) 157 - 188 .
Andersson A, Miltersen PB, Riis S, Thorup M ( 1996 ) . Static dictionaries on AC<sup>0</sup> RAMs: Query time Θ(√log n/log log n) is necessary and sufficient . Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science - Proceedings . 441 - 450 .
Riis S ( 1994 ) . A Fractal which violates the Axiom of Determinacy . BRICS Report Series vol. 1 , ( 24 )
Riis S ( 1994 ) . Bootstrapping the Primitive Recursive Functions by 47 Colors . BRICS Report Series vol. 1 , ( 25 )
Riis S ( 1994 ) . Count(q) versus the Pigeon-Hole Principle . BRICS Report Series vol. 1 , ( 26 )
Riis S ( 1994 ) . Finitisation in Bounded Arithmetic . BRICS Report Series vol. 1 , ( 23 )
Riis S ( 1994 ) . Count(q) does not imply Count(p) . BRICS Report Series vol. 1 , ( 21 )