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Publications: Prof Edmund Robinson

Pym D, Ritter E, Robinson E ( 2024 ) . Categorical Proof-theoretic Semantics . Studia Logica1 - 38 .
Robinson E, Hermida C, Reddy U, Sanatamaria A ( 2022 ) . Bisimulation as a logical relation . Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
Andrew L-S, Oliva P, Robinson E ( 2020 ) . Kripke Semantics for Intuitionistic Lukasiewicz Logic . Studia Logica: an international journal for symbolic logic
Hermida C, Reddy US, Robinson EP ( 2019 ) . Deriving Logical Relations from Interpretations of Predicate Logic . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 347 , 241 - 259 .
Hermida C, Reddy US, Robinson EP ( 2014 ) . Logical Relations and Parametricity – A Reynolds Programme for Category Theory and Programming Languages . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 303 , 149 - 180 .
ROBINSON EP, Pym DJ, Ritter E ( 2012 ) . A Proof-theoretic Analysis of the Classical Propositional Matrix Method . Journal of Logic and Computation
Collinson M, Pym D, Robinson E ( 2008 ) . Bunched polymorphism . MATH STRUCT COMP SCI vol. 18 , ( 6 ) 1091 - 1132 .
Bellin G, Hyland M, Robinson E, Urban C ( 2006 ) . Categorical proof theory of classical propositional calculus . THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE vol. 364 , ( 2 ) 146 - 165 .
Collinson M, Pym D, Robinson E ( 2005 ) . On Bunched Polymorphism . Computer Science Logic , vol. 3634 , Springer Nature
Collinson M, Pym D, Robinson E ( 2005 ) . On bunched polyrnorphism . COMPUTER SCIENCE LOGIC, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Ong, L , vol. 3634 , 36 - 50 .
Robinson E ( 2003 ) . Proof nets for classical logic . JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION vol. 13 , ( 5 ) 777 - 797 .
ROBINSON EP ( 2002 ) . Variations on Algebra: Monadicity and Generalisations of Equational Theories . Formal Aspects of Computing vol. 13 , ( 3-5 ) 308 - 326 .
ROBINSON EP, Rosolini G ( 2001 ) . An abstract look at realizability . Computer Science Logic . vol. 2142 , 173 - 187 .
Power AJ, Robinson EP ( 2000 ) . Logical Relations and Data Abstraction . Proceedings of Computer Science Logic 2000 . Editors: Clote, P, Schwichtenberg, H , vol. 1862 , 497-511 - 497-511 .
Power AJ, Robinson EP ( 2000 ) . Logical Relations, Data Abstraction and Structured Fibrations . Proceedings of the Second International ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP’00) . Editors: Gabrielli, M, Pfenning, F , 15-23 - 15-23 .
Power J, Robinson E ( 1999 ) . Modularity and Dyads . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 20 , 14pp - 14pp .
Power J, Robinson E ( 1997 ) . Premonoidal categories and notions of computation . Mathematical Structures in Computer Science vol. 7 , 453-468 - 453-468 .
Robinson EP ( 1996 ) . Logical Relations and Data Abstraction . Proceedings of Logic and Semantics For Programming . Editors: Paiva, VD, Jung, A , 56-65 - 56-65 .
Robinson E ( 1994 ) . Parametricity as isomorphism . Theoretical Computer Science vol. 136 , Article 1 , 163-181 - 163-181 .
Robinson EP, Rosolini G ( 1994 ) . Reflexive Graphs and Parametric Polymorphism . Proceedings of the Ninth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, July 4-7, 1994, Paris, France . Editors: Abramsky, S , 364-371 - 364-371 .
Freyd PJ, Robinson EP, Rosolini G ( 1992 ) . Dinaturality for free . Applications of Categories in Computer Science, Proceedings of the LMS Durham Symposium on Categories in Computer Science, 20-30 July 1991 . Editors: Fourman, MP, Johnstone, PT, Pitts, AM , 107-118 - 107-118 .
Freyd PJ, Robinson EP, Rosolini G ( 1992 ) . Functorial Parametricity . Proceedings of the Seventh Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, June 22-25, 1992, Santa Cruz, California . Editors: Scedrov, A , 444-452 - 444-452 .
Power AJ, Robinson EP ( 1991 ) . A characterization of pie limits . Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 110 , 33-47 - 33-47 .
Robinson EP, Rosolini G ( 1990 ) . Colimit completions and the effective topos . Journal of Symbolic Logic vol. 55 , Article 2 , 678-699 - 678-699 .
Hyland JME, Robinson EP, Rosolini G ( 1990 ) . Algebraic types in PER models . Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 442 . Editors: Main, M, Melton, A, Mislove, M, Schmidt, D et al. , 333-350 - 333-350 .
Robinson EP, Rosolini G ( 1990 ) . Polymorphism, set theory and call-by-value . Proceedings of the Fifth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, June 4-7, 1990, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . Editors: Mitchell, JC , 12-18 - 12-18 .
Hyland JME, Robinson EP, Rosolini G ( 1990 ) . The discrete objects in the effective topos . Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society vol. 60 , Article 3 , 1-36 - 1-36 .
Johnstone PT, Robinson EP ( 1989 ) . A note on inequivalence of realizability toposes . Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 105 , 1-3 - 1-3 .
Robinson EP ( 1989 ) . How complete is PER? . Proceedings of the 4th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, June 5-8 1989, Asilomar, California . Editors: Meyer, A , 106-111 - 106-111 .
Johnstone PT, Robinson EP ( 1989 ) . Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society . Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 105 , ( 1 ) 1 - 3 .
Blevis E, Jenkins MA, Robinson EP ( 1989 ) . On Seeger’s Music Logic . Interface: Journal of New Music Research vol. 18 , 9-31 - 9-31 .
Robinson EP, Rosolini G ( 1988 ) . Categories of partial maps . Information and Computation vol. 79 , Article 2 , 95-130 - 95-130 .
Robinson EP ( 1987 ) . Logical aspects of denotational semantics . Category Theory and Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 283\/ . Editors: Pitt, DH, Poigné, A, Rydeheard, DE , 238-253 - 238-253 .
Robinson EP ( 1987 ) . The geometric theory of p-adic fields . Journal of Algebra vol. 110 , 158-172 - 158-172 .
Robinson EP, Rosolini G ( 1987 ) . Two internal complete full subcategories of the effective topos . Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society vol. 8 , 464-465 - 464-465 .
Robinson EP ( 1986 ) . Powerdomains, modalities and the Vietoris monad . report no. 98 ,
Robinson EP ( 1986 ) . The p-adic spectrum . Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra vol. 40 , 281-296 - 281-296 .
Robinson EP ( 1983 ) . Stable theories of local rings . Category Theoretic Methods in Geometry . Editors: Kock, A , 257-280 - 257-280 .
Robinson EP ( 1982 ) . Recovering the Zariski spectrum from the étale . Abstracts of the Sussex Category Meeting . Editors: Mulvey, CJ ,