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Publications: Dr Thomas Roelleke

Ketola T, Roelleke T ( 2024 ) . Document structure-driven investigative information retrieval . Information Systems vol. 121 , 102315 - 102315 .
Ketola T, Roelleke T ( 2023 ) . Automatic and Analytical Field Weighting for Structured Document Retrieval . Advances in Information Retrieval , vol. 13980 , Springer Nature
Ketola T, Roelleke T ( 2022 ) . Formal Constraints for Structured Document Retrieval . Conference: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval121 - 126 .
Roelleke T ( 2022 ) . Information Retrieval Models, Foundations and Relationships . Springer Nature
Bahrani M, Roelleke T ( 2021 ) . ADOR: A New Medical Dataset for Sentiment-based IR . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . Conference: CIKM’21: Fourth Workshop on Knowledge-driven Analytics and Systems Impacting Human Quality of Life vol. 3052 ,
Bahrani M, Roelleke T ( 2021 ) . Opinion-Aware Retrieval Models Based on Sentiment and Intensity of Lexical Features . Modern Management based on Big Data II and Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems III , IOS Press
Bahrani M, Roelleke T ( 2020 ) . FDCM . Conference: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management1957 - 1960 .
Ketola T, Roelleke T ( 2020 ) . BM25-FIC: Information content-based field weighting for BM25F . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 2741 , 79 - 85 .
Gray PMD ( 2018 ) . P/FDM . Encyclopedia of Database Systems , Springer Nature
Roelleke T, Wang J, Robertson S ( 2018 ) . Probabilistic Retrieval Models and Binary Independence Retrieval (BIR) Model . Encyclopedia of Database Systems , Springer Nature
Lipani A, Roelleke T, Lupu M, Hanbury A ( 2018 ) . A systematic approach to normalization in probabilistic models . Inf Retr Boston vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 565 - 596 .
Roelleke T, Wang J, Robertson S ( 2017 ) . Probabilistic Retrieval Models and Binary Independence Retrieval (BIR) Model . Encyclopedia of Database Systems , Springer Nature
Frommholz I, Roelleke T ( 2016 ) . Scalable DB+IR Technology: Processing Probabilistic Datalog with HySpirit . Datenbank-Spektrum vol. 16 , ( 1 ) 39 - 48 .
Milajevs D, Sadrzadeh M, Roelleke T ( 2015 ) . IR meets NLP . Conference: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on The Theory of Information Retrieval231 - 240 .
Roelleke T, Kaltenbrunner A, Baeza-Yates R ( 2015 ) . Harmony Assumptions in Information Retrieval and Social Networks . The Computer Journal vol. 58 , ( 11 ) 2982 - 2999 .
Roelleke T ( 2013 ) . IR Models . Conference: Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval4 - 4 .
Martinez-Alvarez M, Bonzanini M, Roelleke T ( 2013 ) . Mathematical Specification and Logic Modelling in the context of IR . Conference: Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval131 - 132 .
Roelleke T, Bonzanini M, Martinez-Alvarez M ( 2013 ) . On the modelling of ranking algorithms in probabilistic datalog . Conference: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Ranking in Databases1 - 6 .
Bonzanini M, Martinez-Alvarez M, Roelleke T ( 2013 ) . Extractive summarisation via sentence removal . Conference: Proceedings of the 36th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval893 - 896 .
Roelleke T ( 2013 ) . Information Retrieval Models . vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 1 - 163 .
Martinez-Alvarez M, Bellogin A, Roelleke T ( 2013 ) . Document Difficulty Framework for Semi-automatic Text Classification . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 8057 , 110 - 121 .
Roelleke T, Azzam H, Bonzanini M, Martinez-Alvarez M, Lalmas M ( 2013 ) . The D2Q2 framework: On the relationship and combination of language modelling and TF-IDF . LWA 2013 - Lernen, Wissen and Adaptivitat, Workshop Proceedings . 33 - 40 .
Bonzanini M, Martinez-Alvarez M, Roelleke T ( 2012 ) . Investigating the use of extractive summarisation in sentiment classification . CEUR Workshop Proceedings . vol. 835 , 45 - 52 .
Roelleke T ( 2012 ) . IR models . Conference: Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval1187 - 1188 .
Bonzanini M, Martinez-Alvarez M, Roelleke T ( 2012 ) . Opinion summarisation through sentence extraction . Conference: Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval1121 - 1122 .
Azzam H, Yayhaei, Roelleke, Bonzanini M ( 2012 ) . A Schema-driven Approach for Knowledge-oriented Retrieval and Query Formulation . KEYS '12 Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Keyword Search on Structured Data . Conference: KEYS 2012, The 3rd International Workshop on Keyword Search and Structured Data ( Scottsdale, Arizona, USA ) from: 20/05/2012 to: 20/05/2012 , 39 - 46 .
Martinez-Alvarez M, Yahyaei S, Roelleke T ( 2012 ) . Semi-automatic document classification . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 7224 , 468 - 471 .
Azzam H, Roelleke T, Yahyaei S ( 2011 ) . Ranking-based processing of SQL queries . Conference: Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management231 - 236 .
Blank D, Fuhr N, Henrich A, Mandl T, Rölleke T, Schütze H, Stein B ( 2011 ) . Teaching IR: Curricular Considerations . Teaching and Learning in Information Retrieval , vol. 31 , Springer Nature
Martinez-Alvarez M, Roelleke T ( 2011 ) . A Descriptive Approach to Classification . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 6931 , 297 - 308 .
Azzam H, Roelleke T ( 2011 ) . A Generic Data Model for Schema-Driven Design in Information Retrieval Applications . ADVANCES IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL THEORY . vol. 6931 , 323 - 326 .
Yahyaei S, Bonzanini M, Roelleke T ( 2011 ) . Cross-Lingual Text Fragment Alignment Using Divergence from Randomness . STRING PROCESSING AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL . vol. 7024 , 14 - 25 .
Azzam H, Klampanos IA, Roelleke T ( 2011 ) . Large-Scale Logical Retrieval: Technology for Semantic Modelling of Patent Search . Current Challenges in Patent Information Retrieval , vol. 29 , Springer Nature
Smeraldi F, Martinez-Alvarez M, Frommholz I, Roelleke T ( 2011 ) . On the probabilistic logical modelling of quantum and geometrically–inspired IR . Proceeding of the 2nd Italian Information Retrieval Workshop, Milan (Italy) .
Azzam H, Roelleke T ( 2010 ) . An attribute-based model for semantic retrieval . LWA 2010 - Lernen, Wissen und Adaptivitat - Learning, Knowledge, and Adaptivity, Workshop Proceedings . 175 - 182 .
Azzam H, Roelleke T ( 2010 ) . SQR . Conference: Proceedings of the third workshop on Exploiting semantic annotations in information retrieval21 - 22 .
Gurrin C, He Y, Kazai G, Kruschwitz U, Little S, Roelleke T, Rüger S, Van Rijsbergen K ( 2010 ) . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface .
Klampanos IA, Wu HZ, Roelleke T, Azzam H ( 2010 ) . Logic-Based Retrieval: Technology for Content-Oriented and Analytical Querying of Patent Data . ADVANCES IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY RETRIEVAL . Editors: Cunningham, H, Hanbury, A, Ruger, S , vol. 6107 , 100 - 119 .
Martinez-Alvarez M, Roelleke T ( 2010 ) . Modelling Probabilistic Inference Networks and Classification in Probabilistic Datalog . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 6379 , 278 - 291 .
Gurrin C, He YL, Kazai G, Kruschwitz U, Little S, Roelleke T, Ruger S, van Rijsbergen K ( 2010 ) . Recent Developments in Information Retrieval . ADVANCES IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Gurrin, C, He, Y, Kazai, G, Kruschwitz, U et al. , vol. 5993 , 1 - 9 .
Gurrin C, He Y, Kazai G, Kruschwitz U, Little S, Roelleke T, Rüger S, Van Rijsbergen K ( 2010 ) . Recent developments in information retrieval . Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . vol. 5993 LNCS , 1 - 9 .
Klampanos IA, Azzam H, Roelleke T ( 2009 ) . A case for probabilistic logic for scalable patent retrieval . Conference: Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Patent information retrieval1 - 8 .
Forst JF, Tombros A, Roelleke T ( 2009 ) . Less Is More: Maximal Marginal Relevance as a Summarisation Feature . ADVANCES IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL THEORY . Editors: Azzopardi, L, Kazai, G, Robertspm, S, Ruger, S et al. , vol. 5766 , 350 - 353 .
Gray PMD ( 2009 ) . P/FDM . Encyclopedia of Database Systems , Springer Nature
Roelleke T, Wang J, Robertson S ( 2009 ) . Probabilistic Retrieval Models and Binary Independence Retrieval (BIR) Model . Encyclopedia of Database Systems , Springer Nature
Wu HZ, Roelleke T ( 2009 ) . Semi-subsumed Events: A Probabilistic Semantics of the BM25 Term Frequency Quantification . ADVANCES IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL THEORY . Editors: Azzopardi, L, Kazai, G, Robertspm, S, Ruger, S et al. , vol. 5766 , 375 - 379 .
Amer-Yahia S, Hiemstra D, Roelleke T, Srivastava D, Weikum G ( 2008 ) . DB&IR integration . ACM SIGIR Forum vol. 42 , ( 2 ) 84 - 89 .
Amer-Yahia S, Hiemstra D, Roelleke T, Srivastava D, Weikum G ( 2008 ) . DB&IR integration . ACM SIGMOD Record vol. 37 , ( 3 ) 46 - 49 .
Amer-Yahia S, Hiemstra D, Roelleke T, Srivastava D, Weikum G ( 2008 ) . DB&IR Integration: Report on the Dagstuhl Seminar "Ranked XML Querying" . SIGMOD RECORD vol. 37 , ( 3 ) 46 - 49 .
Amer-Yahia S, Hiemstra D, Roelleke T, Srivastava D, Weikum G ( 2008 ) . DB&IR Integration: Report on the Dagstuhl Seminar "Ranked XML Querying" . Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings . vol. 8111 ,
Roelleke T, Wu H, Wang J, Azzam H ( 2008 ) . Modelling retrieval models in a probabilistic relational algebra with a new operator: the relational Bayes . VLDB J vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 5 - 37 .
ROELLEKE T, Wang J ( 2008 ) . TF-IDF Uncovered: A Study of Theories and Probabilities . Conference: 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval ( Singapore ) 435 - 432 .
Forst JF, Roelleke T, Tombros A ( 2007 ) . Modelling a summarisation logic in probabilistic datalog . LWA 2007 - Lernen - Wissen - Adaptivitat - Learning, Knowledge, and Adaptivity, Workshop Proceedings . 221 - 228 .
( 2007 ) . TOIS reviewers January 2006 through May 2007 . ACM Transactions on Information Systems vol. 25 , ( 4 ) 15 - es .
Forst JF, Tombros A, Rölleke T ( 2006 ) . Solving the enterprise TREC task with probabilistic data models . NIST Special Publication .
Fuhr N, Rölleke T ( 1998 ) . HySpirit — A probabilistic inference engine for hypermedia retrieval in large databases . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 1377 , 24 - 38 .
ROELLEKE T, Wang J ( 2006 ) . A Parallel Derivation of Probabilistic Retrieval Models . Conference: 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Seattle, US
Rölleke T, Fuhr N ( 1998 ) . Querying for facts and content in hypermedia documents . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 1495 , 320 - 328 .
Rolleke T, Tsikrika T, Kazai G ( 2006 ) . A general matrix framework for modelling Information Retrieval . INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT vol. 42 , ( 1 ) 4 - 30 .
Wang J, Roelleke T ( 2006 ) . Context-specific frequencies and discriminativeness for the retrieval of structured documents . ADVANCES IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL . Editors: Lalmas, M, MacFarlane, A, Ruger, S, Tombros, A et al. , vol. 3936 , 579 - 582 .
Amer-Yahia S, Case P, Rolleke T, Shanmugasundaram J, Weikum G ( 2005 ) . Report on the DB/IR panel at SIGMOD 2005 . SIGMOD RECORD vol. 34 , ( 4 ) 71 - 74 .
Roelleke T, Ashoori E, Wu H, Cai Z ( 2005 ) . The QMUL team with probabilistic SQL at enterprise track . NIST Special Publication .
ROELLEKE T, de Vries A ( 2005 ) . Relevance Information: A Loss of Entropy but a Gain for IDF? . Conference: 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Salvador, Brazil
Szlavik Z, Rolleke T ( 2005 ) . Building and experimenting with a heterogeneous collection . ADVANCES IN XML INFORMATION RETRIEVAL . Editors: Fuhr, N, Lalmas, M, Malik, S, Szlavik, Z et al. , vol. 3493 , 349 - 357 .
Baeza-Yates R, Maarek YS, Roelleke T, de Vries AP ( 2004 ) . Third edition of the "XML and information retrieval" workshop first workshop on integration of IR and DB (WIRD) jointly held at SIGIR'2004, Sheffield, UK, July 29th, 2004 . ACM SIGIR Forum vol. 38 , ( 2 ) 24 - 30 .
Lalmas M, Rolleke T ( 2004 ) . Modelling vague content and structure querying in XML retrieval with a probabilistic object-relational framework . FLEXIBLE QUERY ANSWERING SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Christiansen, H, Hacid, MS, Andreasen, T, Larsen, HL et al. , vol. 3055 , 432 - 445 .
ROELLEKE T ( 2003 ) . A Frequency-based and a Poisson-based Definition of the Probability of Being Informative . Conference: 26th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Toronto, Canada
Lalmas M, Rolleke T ( 2003 ) . Four-valued knowledge augmentation for structured document retrieval . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UNCERTAINTY FUZZINESS AND KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS . vol. 11 , 67 - 86 .
Roelleke T ( 2003 ) . A Frequency-based and a Poisson-based Definition of the Probability of Being Informative . SIGIR Forum (ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval) . 227 - 234 .
LALMAS M, Roelleke T, Ruthven I ( 2003 ) . Abductive retrieval for multimedia information seeking . Conference: 10th International Conference on Human - Computer Interaction, HCI International, Crete, Greece, vol. 4
Lalmas M, Rölleke T, Fuhr N ( 2003 ) . Intelligent Retrieval of Hypermedia Documents . Intelligent Exploration of the Web , vol. 111 , Springer Nature
Kazai G, Lalmas M, Roelleke T ( 2002 ) . Focussed Structured Document Retrieval . String Processing and Information Retrieval , vol. 2476 , Springer Nature
Pearmain A, Lalmas M, Moutogianni E, Papworth D, Healey P, Rolleke Y ( 2002 ) . Using MPEG-7 at the consumer terminal in broadcasting . EURASIP J APPL SIG P vol. 2002 , ( 4 ) 354 - 361 .
Lalmas M, Roelleke T ( 2002 ) . Four-valued knowledge augmentation for representing structured documents . FOUNDATIONS OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS . Editors: Hacid, MS, Ras, ZW, Zighed, DA, Kodratoff, Y et al. , vol. 2366 , 158 - 166 .
Lalmas L, ROELLEKE T, Fuhr N ( 2002 ) . Intelligent Hypermedia Retrieval . Intelligent Exploration of the Web , Springer-Verlag Group (Physica-Verlag
Roelleke T, Lalmas M, Kazai G, Ruthven I, Quicker S ( 2002 ) . The accessibility dimension for structured document retrieval . ADVANCES IN INFORMATION REFTRIEVAL . Editors: Crestani, F, Girolami, M, VanRijsbergen, CJ , vol. 2291 , 284 - 302 .
Healey P, LALMAS M, Roelleke T, Papworth D, Moutogianni E, Pearmain A ( 2002 ) . Using MPEG7 at the Consumer Terminal in Broadcasting . European Association for Signal, Speech and Image Processing Journal of Applied Signal Processing vol. Issue 4 , 354 - 361 .
Rölleke T, Lübeck R, Kazai G ( 2001 ) . The HySpirit retrieval platform . Conference: Proceedings of the 24th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval
Kazai G, Lalmas M, Rolleke T ( 2001 ) . A model for the representation and focussed retrieval of structured documents based on fuzzy aggregation . EIGHTH SYMPOSIUM ON STRING PROCESSING AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, PROCEEDINGS . 123 - 135 .
Lalmas M, Rolleke T, Turra F, Fuhr N ( 2001 ) . Concepts for a graphical user interface for hypermedia retrieval . FLEXIBLE QUERY ANSWERING SYSTEMS . Editors: Larsen, HL, Kacprzyk, J, Zadrozny, S, Andreasen, T et al. , 301 - 314 .
Pearmain A, Lalmas M, Moutogianni E, Papworth D, Healey P, Rolleke T ( 2001 ) . Using MPEG-7 at the consumer terminal in broadcasting . Editors: Izquierdo, E , Conference: WIAMIS 2001 Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Services ( Tampere, Finland ) from: 16/05/2001 to: 17/05/2001 ,
Fuhr N, Gövert N, Rölleke T ( 1998 ) . DOLORES: A System for Logic-Based Retrieval Objects . SIGIR 1998 - Proceedings of the 21st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval . 257 - 265 .
Fuhr N, Gövert N, Rölleke T ( 1998 ) . DOLORES: a system for logic-based retrieval of multimedia objects . 257 - 265 .
Fuhr N, Rölleke T ( 1997 ) . A probabilistic relational algebra for the integration of information retrieval and database systems . ACM Transactions on Information Systems vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 32 - 66 .
Roelleke T, Fuhr N ( 1996 ) . Retrieval of complex objects using a four-valued logic . SIGIR Forum (ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval) . 206 - 215 .