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Publications: Prof Martha Prevezer

Jipa-Musat I, Prevezer M, Campling L ( 2023 ) . Elite agency in the growth of offshore business services in Romania . Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Jipa-Musat I, Prevezer M ( 2023 ) . Trajectories of value capture, strategic coupling and labour regime reconfiguration: Coal mining, automotives and business services in post-socialist Romania . European Urban and Regional Studies
Maielli G, Oh SJ, Prevezer M ( 2023 ) . Matching boundaries of GVCs to boundaries of technological platforms: explaining geographical dispersion of innovation in value chains in the case of South Korea . International Journal of Technological Learning Innovation and Development vol. 14 , ( 4 ) 400 - 425 .
6 P, Heims E, Prevezer M ( 2021 ) . How did international economic regulation survive the last period of deglobalization? . Regulation & Governance vol. 17 , ( 1 ) 272 - 289 .
Prevezer M ( 2017 ) . Varieties of Capitalism in History, Transition and Emergence, New Perspectives on Institutional Development . Taylor & Francis
Wang Y, Ning L, Prevezer M ( 2015 ) . Technological diversification in China from 1986 to 2011: Evidence from patent data . Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 99 , 54 - 66 .
Wang Y, Ning L, Li J, Prevezer M ( 2014 ) . Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers and the Geography of Innovation in Chinese Regions: The Role of Regional Industrial Specialization and Diversity . Regional Studies vol. 50 , ( 5 ) 805 - 822 .
Prevezer M, Li J, PANZARASA P ( 2013 ) . Regional innovation and performance: The role of absorptive capacity, industrial structure and collaborative networks in the Chinese provinces of Hubei and Hunan . Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 196 - 219 .
PREVEZER MJ, Granville, B, Dine, J ( 2012 ) . Fairtrade governance and its impact on local development – a framework . The Processes and Practices of Fair Trade: Trust, ethics and governance
Frenz, M, PREVEZER MJ ( 2012 ) . What can CIS data tell us about technological regimes and persistence of innovation? . Industry and Innovation: dynamics, strategies, policies vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 285 - 306 .
Frenz M, Prevezer M ( 2012 ) . What Can CIS Data Tell Us about Technological Regimes and Persistence of Innovation? . INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 285 - 306 .
Estrin S, Prevezer M ( 2011 ) . The role of informal institutions in corporate governance across BRIC countries . Asia Pacific Journal of Management41 - 67 .
PREVEZER MJ, Estrin S ( 2010 ) . A survey of institutions and new firm entry: How and why do entry rates differ in emerging markets? . Economic Systems vol. 34 , ( 3 ) 289 - 308 .
Prevezer M, Estrin S ( 2010 ) . Institutions and New Firm Entry: How and why do Entry Rates differ in Emerging Markets? . Economic systems vol. 34 , ( 3 ) 289 - 308 .
Prevezer M ( 2010 ) . The emergence of markets and capabilities, dynamic transaction costs and institutions: effects on organizational choices in offshored and outsourced business services in China . Journal of Strategic management Education vol. 6 , ( 1 )
Prevezer M ( 2008 ) . Technology policies in generating biotechnology clusters: A comparison of China and the US . EUR PLAN STUD vol. 16 , ( 3 ) 359 - 374 .
PREVEZER MJ, Tang H ( 2006 ) . Policy -induced clustering: the emergence of biotechnology clusters on the east coast of China . Cluster Genesis: the emergence of technology clusters , Editors: Braunerjelm, P, Feldman, M , OUP
Prevezer M ( 2006 ) . Policy-induced clustering: the emergence of biotechnology clusters on the east coast of China, with Han Tang . Cluster genesis , Editors: Braunerhjelm, P, Feldman, MP , Oxford University Press, USA
Prevezer M ( 2005 ) . Industrial clusters in high technology industries: Differences between the US and UK . Britain's Economic Performance ,
PREVEZER MJ, Mowatt S, Cox H ( 2003 ) . New Product Development and Product Supply Within a Network Setting: The Chilled Ready-Meal Industry in the UK . Industry and Innovation vol. 10 , ( 2 ) 197 - 217 .
PREVEZER MJ ( 2003 ) . The Development of Biotechnology Clusters in the US from late 1970's to the early 1990's . Biotechnolgy in Comparative Perspective , Editors: Fuchs, G , Routledge
Cox H, Mowatt S, Prevezer M ( 2002 ) . The firm in the Information Age: organizational responses to technological change in the processed foods sector . IND CORP CHANGE vol. 11 , ( 1 ) 135 - 158 .
PREVEZER MJ, Shohet S ( 2002 ) . New Knowledge: production v diffusion; the case of UK Biotechnology . International Journal of Biotechnology vol. 4 , ( 4 ) 337 - 360 .
PREVEZER MJ, Frenz M, Cox H ( 2002 ) . Patterns of Innovation in UK Industry: Exploring the CIS Data to Contrast High and Low Technology Industries . Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics vol. 13 , 267 - 304 .
Prevezer M ( 2001 ) . Ingredients in the early development of the US biotechnology industry . SMALL BUS ECON vol. 17 , ( 1-2 ) 17 - 29 .