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Publications: Prof Leigh Oakes

Oakes L ( 2024 ) . Prescriptivism . Elsevier Module in Social Sciences , Elsevier
Darquennes J, Oakes L ( 2023 ) . Trends in sociolinguistics: a series of interviews with leading sociolinguists . Sociolinguistica - International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics / Internationales Jahrbuch für europäische Soziolinguistik vol. 37 , ( 2 ) 301 - 302 .
Oakes L ( 2023 ) . The historical development of language policy and planning . The Routledge Handbook of Language Policy and Planning , Editors: Gazzola, M, Grin, F, Cardinal, L, Heugh, K et al. , Edition. 1 , Routledge
Oakes L ( 2022 ) . Josephson, Olle (2018): Språkpolitik [Language policy]. Stockholm: Morfem. 320 p . Sociolinguistica - International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics / Internationales Jahrbuch für europäische Soziolinguistik vol. 36 , ( 1-2 ) 249 - 252 .
Darquennes J, Oakes L, Riehl CM ( 2022 ) . Sociolinguistica: past, present and future . Sociolinguistica - International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics / Internationales Jahrbuch für europäische Soziolinguistik vol. 36 , ( 1-2 ) 1 - 7 .
Oakes L, Peled Y ( 2022 ) . Pluricentric linguistic justice in Quebec: an attitudinal study of the politics of norm setting in French . Language Problems and Language Planning
Wide C, Norrby C, Oakes L ( 2021 ) . New perspectives on pluricentricity . Sociolinguistica - International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics / Internationales Jahrbuch für europäische Soziolinguistik vol. 35 , ( 1 ) 1 - 7 .
Oakes L ( 2021 ) . Pluricentric linguistic justice: a new ethics-based approach to pluricentricity in French and other languages . Sociolinguistica - International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics / Internationales Jahrbuch für europäische Soziolinguistik vol. 35 , ( 1 ) 49 - 71 .
Howard M, Oakes L ( 2021 ) . Motivation for LOTE learning: a cross-country comparison of university learners of French . Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development vol. 45 , ( 2 ) 427 - 443 .
Darquennes J, Oakes L ( 2019 ) . Vorwort/Preface/Préface . Sociolinguistica - International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics / Internationales Jahrbuch für europäische Soziolinguistik vol. 33 , ( 1 ) xiii - xv .
Oakes L, Howard M ( 2019 ) . Learning French as a foreign language in a globalised world: an empirical critique of the L2 Motivational Self System . International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism vol. 25 , ( 1 ) 166 - 182 .
Oakes L ( 2019 ) . Regional language policy for a 21st-century Republic . French Language Policies and the Revitalisation of Regional Languages in the 21st Century , Editors: Harrison, M, Joubert, A , Palgrave Macmillan
Oakes L ( 2018 ) . Foreword: Regional language policy for a twenty-first-century republic .
Oakes L, Peled Y ( 2017 ) . Normative Language Policy . Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Oakes L ( 2017 ) . Walsh, Olivia: Linguistic Purism. Language Attitudes in France and Quebec . Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics vol. 3 , ( 2 ) 305 - 308 .
OAKES LB ( 2016 ) . Normative language policy and minority language rights: rethinking the case of regional languages in France . Language Policy
OAKES LB ( 2016 ) . Droits et obligations linguistiques au Québec: apports d’une approche éthique . « Droits linguistiques » et « droits à la langue ». Identification d’un objet d ‘étude et construction d’une approche , Editors: Huck, D, Truchot, C , Lambert-Lucas ( Limoges ),
Oakes L ( 2013 ) . Foreign language learning in a 'monoglot culture': Motivational variables amongst students of French and Spanish at an English university . System vol. 41 , ( 1 ) 178 - 191 .
Oakes L ( 2013 ) . Beyond diglossia? Language attitudes and identity in Reunion . Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development vol. 34 , ( 1 ) 30 - 45 .
Oakes L ( 2013 ) . Foreign language learning in a 'monoglot culture': Motivational variables amongst students of French and Spanish at an English university . System
Warren J, OAKES L ( 2011 ) . Language policy and citizenship in Quebec: French as a force for unity in a diverse society? . Uniformity and Diversity in Language Policy , Editors: Norrby, C, Hajek, J , Multilingual Matters Limited
OAKES L ( 2011 ) . Regional languages, the European Charter and Republican values in France today . Uniformity and Diversity in Language Policy , Editors: Norrby, C, Hajek, J , Multilingual Matters Limited
Oakes L ( 2011 ) . Promoting language rights as fundamental individual rights: France as a model . French Politics vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 50 - 68 .
Oakes L ( 2011 ) . Regional languages, the European charter and republican values in france today . Uniformity and Diversity in Language Policy: Global Perspectives ,
Oakes L ( 2010 ) . Lambs to the slaughter? Young francophones and the role of English in Quebec today . Multilingua vol. 29 , ( 3-4 ) 265 - 288 .
OAKES L, Warren J ( 2009 ) . Langue, citoyenneté et identité au Quebec . Presses de l'Université Laval ( Sainte-Foy ),
Charnley J, Mosley P, Narbona ID, Oakes L, Oktapoda E, Oktapoda E, Parris DL, Tarr C ( 2008 ) . Book Reviews . International Journal of Francophone Studies vol. 11 , ( 4 ) 661 - 677 .
Oakes L ( 2008 ) . Language and National Identity . John Benjamins Publishing Company
Oakes L ( 2008 ) . 11. Language planning and policy in Quebec . Studies in French Applied Linguistics , vol. 21 , John Benjamins Publishing Company
OAKES L ( 2008 ) . Language planning and policy in Quebec . Studies in French Applied Linguistics , Editors: Ayoun, D , Edition. 21 , John Benjamins ( Amsterdam/Philadelphia ),
Oakes L ( 2007 ) . Europe and the Politics of Language: Citizens, Migrants and Outsiders, Edited by Nic Craith Máiréad . Journal of Sociolinguistics vol. 11 , ( 1 ) 112 - 116 .
LINN A, OAKES L ( 2007 ) . Language policies for a global era: the changing face of language politics in Scandinavia . Standard, Variation und Sprachwandel in germanischen Sprachen/Standard, Variation and Language Change in Germanic Languages , Editors: Fandrych, C, Salverda, R , vol. 41 , Institut für Deutsche Sprache ( Mannheim ),
OAKES L, Warren J ( 2007 ) . Language, Citizenship and Identity in Quebec . Palgrave Macmillan ( Basingstoke ),
OAKES L ( 2007 ) . Whose French? Language attitudes and linguistic insecurity in Québec . Focus on Language in Canada. , Editors: Howard, M , Cambridge Scholars Press ( Cambridge ),
OAKES L ( 2006 ) . Le défi de l’ethnicité: modèles de nation et politique linguistique au Québec et ailleurs . Le français, langue de la diversité québécoise , Editors: Pagé, M, Georgeault, P , Québec Amérique ( Québec ),
OAKES L, LAROSE K, LOCKERBIE I, MOLINARO I ( 2005 ) . French as the Common Language in Québec: History, Debates and Positions . Éditions Nota Bene ( Montreal ),
OAKES L ( 2005 ) . From internationalisation to globalisation: Language and the nationalist revival in Sweden . Language Problems and Language Planning vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 151 - 176 .
Oakes L ( 2004 ) . Larrivée Pierre (ed.), Linguistic Conflict and Language Laws: Understanding the Quebec Question. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, xi + 204 pp. 0 333 96899 9 . Journal of French Language Studies vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 411 - 413 .
OAKES L ( 2004 ) . French: a language for everyone in Québec? . Nations and Nationalism vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 539 - 558 .
OAKES L ( 2004 ) . Language, Identity and Globalisation in Sweden . Language and Identity: Selected Papers (from the International Conference October 2-5, 2002 Sponsored by the American Society of Geolinguistics2004 , Editors: Ashley, LRN, Finke, WH , Cummings and Hathaway ( East Rockaway, New York ),
OAKES L ( 2004 ) . Le français comme « langue publique commune » au Québec . Globe: Revue internationale d’études québécoises vol. 7:2 , 155 - 176 .
Oakes L ( 2003 ) . Phonostylistique des annonceurs de la radio: Etude prosodique de textes radiophoniques . Journal of French Language Studies vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 279 - 306 .
OAKES L ( 2003 ) . Svenskan och svenskheten . Språkvård vol. 3/03 , 30 - 35 .
OAKES L ( 2002 ) . Multilingualism in Europe: An effective French identity strategy? . Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development vol. 23 , ( 5 ) 371 - 387 .
OAKES L ( 2002 ) . Phonostylistique des annonceurs de la radio: Etude prosodique de textes radiophoniques . Journal of French Language Studies vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 270 - 306 .
OAKES L ( 2001 ) . Language and National Identity: Comparing France and Sweden . John Benjamins ( Amsterdam/Philadelphia ),