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Publications: Prof Miles Ogborn

Ogborn M, Bennett HL, Perry KH, Schwarz B, Hall C ( 2024 ) . Lucky Valley: A roundtable . Journal of Historical Geography vol. 86 , 350 - 354 .
Ogborn M ( 2024 ) . Fire in Jamaica, 1831-1832 . Journal of British Studies
Ogborn M ( 2023 ) . Cedric Robinson's Black Marxism and the uses of historical geography . Journal of Historical Geography vol. 82 , 81 - 90 .
Goldgar A, Ogborn M ( 2021 ) . Introduction: Early modern collections in use . Journal of the History of Collections vol. 33 , ( 3 ) 403 - 408 .
Ogborn M ( 2021 ) . Island on Fire: The Revolt That Ended Slavery in the British Empire . JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY vol. 71 ,
Ogborn M ( 2020 ) . The Caribbean and the Medical Imagination, 1764–1834: Slavery, Disease and Colonial Modernity, by Emily Senior . New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids vol. 94 , ( 3-4 ) 315 - 316 .
Ogborn M ( 2020 ) . Wind and Waves . Slavery and Abolition vol. 41 , ( 3 ) 669 - 676 .
Ogborn M ( 2020 ) . Witnessing Slavery: Art and Travel in the Age of Abolition 2019 Sarah Thomas. Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art London 320 pages, £45.00 hardcover . Journal of Historical Geography vol. 67 , 93 - 94 .
Ogborn M ( 2019 ) . Uttering geographies: Speech acts, felicity conditions and modes of existence . Progress in Human Geography vol. 44 , ( 6 ) 1124 - 1140 .
Ogborn M ( 2019 ) . The Freedom of Speech: Talk and Slavery in the Anglo-Caribbean World . University of Chicago Press
Sluyter A, Ogborn M ( 2019 ) . Editorial . Journal of Historical Geography vol. 63 ,
OGBORN MJ ( 2018 ) . The world in a Nicknackatory: encounters and exchanges in Hans Sloane’s collection . Curious Encounters Voyaging, Collecting, and Making Knowledge in the Long Eighteenth Century ,
Sasson T, Vernon J, Ogborn M, Satia P, Hall C ( 2018 ) . Britain and the World: A New Field? . JOURNAL OF BRITISH STUDIES vol. 57 , ( 4 ) 677 - 708 .
Ogborn M ( 2018 ) . Descriptions, Translations and the Caribbean: From Fruits to Rastafarians, by Rosanna Masiola & Renato Tomei . New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids vol. 92 , ( 1-2 ) 154 - 155 .
Ogborn M ( 2017 ) . Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved Women, Violence, and the Archive . JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY vol. 58 , 124 - 125 .
Ogborn M ( 2016 ) . Competing Visions of Empire Labor, Slavery, and the Origins of the British Atlantic Empire . JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY vol. 54 , 124 - 125 .
Ogborn M ( 2016 ) . Aurality: Listening and Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Colombia . JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY vol. 53 , 111 - 112 .
Ogborn M ( 2016 ) . Editorial . Journal of Historical Geography vol. 53 ,
Ogborn M, Brannstrom C ( 2015 ) . The Journal of Historical Geography at 40 . Journal of Historical Geography vol. 49 ,
Ogborn M ( 2015 ) . Editorial . Journal of Historical Geography vol. 47 ,
Ogborn M, Blunt A, Gruffudd P, Pinder D ( 2014 ) . Cultural Geography in Practice . Taylor & Francis
OGBORN M ( 2013 ) . “IT'S NOT WHAT YOU KNOW . . .”: ENCOUNTERS, GO-BETWEENS AND THE GEOGRAPHY OF KNOWLEDGE . Modern Intellectual History vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 163 - 175 .
Ogborn M ( 2013 ) . Materials and Medicine: Trade, Conquest and Therapeutics in the Eighteenth Century . JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY vol. 39 , 146 - 147 .
Ogborn M ( 2012 ) . Lauren Benton. A Search for Sovereignty: Law and Geography in European Empires, 1400–1900. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2010. Pp. xvi, 340. Cloth $85.00, paper $25.99 . The American Historical Review vol. 117 , ( 3 ) 814 - 816 .
Ogborn M ( 2012 ) . A Search for Sovereignty: Law and Geography in European Empires, 1400-1900 . AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW vol. 117 , ( 3 ) 814 - 816 .
Ogborn M ( 2011 ) . A war of words: speech, script and print in the Maroon War of 1795-6 . J HIST GEOGR vol. 37 , ( 2 ) 203 - 215 .
Ogborn M ( 2011 ) . The Capital and the Colonies: London and the Atlantic Economy, 1660-1700 . LOND J vol. 36 , ( 1 ) 82 - 83 .
Ogborn M ( 2011 ) . In My Power: Letter Writing and Communications in Early America . HIST WORKSHOP J ( 71 ) 253 - 259 .
Ogborn M ( 2011 ) . The power of speech: orality, oaths and evidence in the British Atlantic world, 1650-1800 . T I BRIT GEOGR vol. 36 , ( 1 ) 109 - 125 .
Ogborn M ( 2009 ) . Colonial lives across the British Empire: imperial careering in the long nineteenth century . CULT GEOGR vol. 16 , ( 4 ) 543 - 544 .
Ogborn M ( 2009 ) . In the shadow of the tropics: climate, race and biopower in nineteenth century Ceylon . PROG HUM GEOG vol. 33 , ( 5 ) 716 - 719 .
Arnold D, Ogborn M, Duncan JS ( 2009 ) . Book review symposium: Duncan, J.S. 2007: In the shadow of the tropics: climate, race and biopower in nineteenth century Ceylon. Aldershot: Ashgate . Progress in Human Geography vol. 33 , ( 5 ) 714 - 721 .
Ogborn M ( 2009 ) . Geography and Vision: Seeing, Imagining and Representing the World . J HIST GEOGR vol. 35 , ( 3 ) 617 - 618 .
Ogborn M ( 2009 ) . Europe Observed: Multiple Gazes in Early Modern Encounters . J IMP COMMONW HIST vol. 37 , ( 3 ) 485 - 487 .
OGBORN MJ ( 2009 ) . Francis Williams's Bad Language: Historical Geography in a World of Practice . Historical Geography vol. 37 , 5 - 21 .
Ogborn M ( 2008 ) . Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine, and Science in the Dutch Golden Age . J HIST GEOGR vol. 34 , ( 4 ) 677 - 679 .
OGBORN M ( 2008 ) . Global Lives: Britain and the World, 1550-1800 . Cambridge University Press ( Cambridge ),
Ogborn M ( 2007 ) . Patrick Carroll. Science, Culture, and Modern State Formation. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 2006. Pp. xiii, 275. $45.00 . The American Historical Review vol. 112 , ( 4 ) 1259 - 1260 .
OGBORN MJ ( 2007 ) . Indian Ink: Script and Print in the Making of the English East India Company . University of Chicago Press ( Chicago, USA ),
Lambert D, Martins L, Ogborn M ( 2006 ) . Currents, visions and voyages: historical geographies of the sea . JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY vol. 32 , ( 3 ) 479 - 493 .
OGBORN MJ ( 2006 ) . Mapping words . New Formations vol. 57 , 145 - 149 .
Ogborn M ( 2006 ) . Streynsham Master's office: accounting for collectivity, order and authority in 17th-century India . CULT GEOGR vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 127 - 155 .
Ogborn M ( 2005 ) . Atlantic geographies . SOC CULT GEOGR vol. 6 , ( 3 ) 379 - 385 .
OGBORN MJ, Withers CWJ ( 2005 ) . Knowing other places: travel, trade and empire, 1660-1800 . A Concise Companion to Restoration and the Eighteenth Century , Blackwell ( Oxford ),
OGBORN MJ ( 2005 ) . Modernity and Modernization . Introducing Human Geographies , Editors: Cloke, P, Crang, P, Goodwin, M , Edition. Second , Arnold ( London ),
Ogborn M ( 2004 ) . The global eighteenth century . J HIST GEOGR vol. 30 , ( 3 ) 574 - 575 .
Ogborn M ( 2004 ) . Geographia's pen: writing, geography and the arts of commerce, 1660-1760 . J HIST GEOGR vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 294 - 315 .
Ogborn M ( 2004 ) . Designs on the city: John Gwynn's plans for Georgian London . JOURNAL OF BRITISH STUDIES vol. 43 , ( 1 ) 15 - 39 .
OGBORN MJ, Withers CWJ ( 2004 ) . Georgian Geographies: Essays on Space, Place and Landscape in the Eighteenth Century . Manchester University Press. ( Manchester. ),
Mort F, Ogborn M ( 2004 ) . Transforming metropolitan London, 1750-1960 . J BRIT STUD vol. 43 , ( 1 ) 1 - 14 .
OGBORN MJ ( 2003 ) . 'Mapping the metropolis' . Journal of British Studies. vol. 42 , 119 - 126 .
Blunt A, Gruffudd P, May J, Ogborn M, Pinder D ( 2003 ) . Cultural Geography in Practice . Arnold ( London ),
Blunt A, Gruffudd P, May J, Ogborn M, Pinder D ( 2003 ) . Introduction: cultural geography in practice . Cutural Geography in Practice , Arnold
Ogborn M ( 2002 ) . Wherein lay the late seventeenth-century state? Charles Davenant meets Streynsham Master . J HIST SOCIOL vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 96 - 101 .
Ogborn M ( 2002 ) . Writing travels: power, knowledge and ritual on the English East India Company's early voyages . T I BRIT GEOGR vol. 27 , ( 2 ) 155 - 171 .
Ogborn M ( 2001 ) . "This is London! How d'ye like it?" . J URBAN HIST vol. 27 , ( 2 ) 206 - 216 .