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Publications: Prof Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal

D'Alvia D, Morbee K, Olivares-Caminal R ( 2021 ) . PSD2, BREXIT AND THE FINANCIAL REGULATION OF PAYMENT SYSTEMS IN THE UK . The Payment Services Directive II , Edward Elgar Publishing
Olivares-Caminal R, Bridge-Zoller C, Volchak H, D'Alvia D, Goglidze N, Pagkou N ( 2020 ) . Corporate Restructuring in Times of COVID-19: A New Insolvency Law Assessment to Facilitate Corporate Rescue . International Corporate Rescue vol. 17 , ( 6 )
Olivares-Caminal R, Mustapha S ( 2020 ) . Improving transparency of lending to sovereign governments . ODI
OLIVARES-CAMINAL R ( 2018 ) . CREDITOR EQUALITY, SECURED TRANSACTIONS & SYSTEMIC RISK: A COMPLEX TRILEMMA . Law and Contemporary Problems Journal vol. 81 , 87 - 107 .
Olivares-Caminal R, Bodellini M ( 2017 ) . The UK regulation on alternative investment fund managers: a difficult compromise between two different legislative approaches . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 19 , ( 1 ) 73 - 85 .
BODELLINI M, OLIVARES-CAMINAL R ( 2017 ) . The impact of Brexit on the UK alternative investment fund industry . Law and Economics Yearly Review
Olivares-Caminal R, Miglionico A ( 2017 ) . Non-performing Loans: Challenges and Options for Banks and Corporations . Non-Performing Loans and Resolving Private Sector Insolvency , Springer Nature
OLIVARES-CAMINAL R ( 2017 ) . The definition of Indebtedness and the consequent imperilling of the Pari Passu, Negative Pledge and Cross-Default Clauses in sovereign debt instruments . Capital Markets Law Journal vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 164 - 179 .
RUSSO CA, OLIVARES-CAMINAL R, LASTRA RM, Ayadi R ( 2016 ) . The Different Legal and Operational Structures of Banking Groups in the Euro Area, and their Impact on Banks’ Resolvability .
OLIVARES-CAMINAL R ( 2016 ) . Sovereign Debt Restructuring . Debt Restructuring , Edition. Second Edition ,
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R ( 2016 ) . The Operation of the Single Resolution Mechanism in the Context of the EU State Aid Regime . Bank Resolution: The European Regime , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Paterson S ( 2016 ) . Debt Restructuring . Oxford University Press, USA
Olivares-Caminal R, Papadakis KE, Galazoula O, Kokkoris I ( 2013 ) . The DOs and DON’Ts of credit default swaps (CDS) in the context of the EU sovereign debt crisis . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 87 - 104 .
OLIVARES-CAMINAL R ( 2012 ) . The EU architecture to avert a sovereign debt crisis: EFSM, EFSF and ESM . OECD Journal: Financial Market Trends vol. 28 , ( 2 ) 167 - 197 .
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R, Papadakis K ( 2011 ) . The Greek tragedy: Is there a Deus ex Machina? . Managing Risk in the Financial System ,
LASTRA R ( 2011 ) . From Consolidated Supervision to Consolidated Resolution . Managing Risk in the Financial System , Elgar Publishing
OLIVARES-CAMINAL R ( 2011 ) . The Pari Passu interpretation in the Elliot case: A brilliant strategy but an awful (mid-long term) outcome? . Hofstra Law Review39 - 63 .
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R ( 2010 ) . Antitrust Law Amidst Financial Crises . Cambridge Univ Pr
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R, Papadakis K ( 2010 ) . The Greek Tragedy . Journal of Banking Regulation vol. 11 , ( 4 ) 257 - 259 .
Olivares-Caminal R ( 2009 ) . Legal aspects of sovereign debt restructuring . Sweet & Maxwell
OLIVARES-CAMINAL R ( 2009 ) . To Rank Pari Passu Or Not To Rank Pari Passu: That Is The Question In Sovereign Bonds After The Latest Episode Of The Argentine Saga . Law and Business Review of the Americas vol. 15 , ( 4 ) 745 - 778 .
OLIVARES-CAMINAL R ( 2009 ) . Understanding the Pari Passu Clause in Sovereign Debt Instruments: A Complex Quest . vol. 43 , ( 3 ) 1217 - 1236 .
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R ( 2008 ) . LESSONS FROM THE RECENT STOCK EXCHANGE MERGER ACTIVITY . Journal of Competition Law & Economics vol. 4 , ( 3 ) 837 - 869 .
Kokkoris I, Olivares-Caminal R ( 2007 ) . Some issues on cross-border stock exchange mergers . University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 455 - 526 .