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Publications: Dr Raul Mondragon-Ceballos

Zuo W, Mondragon RJ, Raman A, Tyson G ( 2024 ) . Understanding and Improving Content Moderation in Web3 Platforms . Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media vol. 18 , 1859 - 1870 .
Arnold NA, Mondragón RJ, Clegg RG ( 2023 ) . Using a Bayesian approach to reconstruct graph statistics after edge sampling . Applied Network Science vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Zuo W, Raman A, MondragÓN RJ, Tyson G ( 2023 ) . A First Look at User-Controlled Moderation on Web3 Social Media: The Case of . Conference: 3rd International Workshop on Open Challenges in Online Social Networks29 - 37 .
Zuo W, Raman A, Mondragón RJ, Tyson G ( 2023 ) . Set in Stone: Analysis of an Immutable Web3 Social Media Platform . Conference: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 20231865 - 1874 .
Arnold NA, Mondragón RJ, Clegg RG ( 2023 ) . Reconstructing Degree Distribution and Triangle Counts from Edge-Sampled Graphs . Complex Networks and Their Applications XI , vol. 1078 , Springer Nature
Arnold NA, Steer B, Hafnaoui I, Parada G. HA, Mondragón RJ, Cuadrado F, Clegg RG ( 2021 ) . Moving with the Times: Investigating the Alt-Right Network Gab with Temporal Interaction Graphs . Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction vol. 5 , ( CSCW2 )
Ikoro GO, Mondragon RJ, White G ( 2021 ) . Investigating the Characteristics of the Response Waiting Time in a Chat Room . Intelligent Computing , vol. 283 , Springer Nature
Arnold NA, Mondragón RJ, Clegg RG ( 2021 ) . Likelihood-based approach to discriminate mixtures of network models that vary in time . Scientific Reports vol. 11 , ( 1 )
Yin H, Clegg RG, Mondragón RJ ( 2020 ) . Simplification of networks by conserving path diversity and minimisation of the search information . Scientific Reports vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Mondragón RJ ( 2020 ) . Estimating degree–degree correlation and network cores from the connectivity of high–degree nodes in complex networks . Scientific Reports vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Yin H, Clegg RG, Mondragon RJ ( 2020 ) . Simplification of networks via conservation of path diversity and minimisation of the search information . Scientific Reports
Mondragon RJ ( 2018 ) . Beyond the rich-club: Properties of networks related to the better connected nodes .
Mondragon RJ, Iacovacci J, Bianconi G ( 2018 ) . Multilink Communities of Multiplex Networks . PLoS ONE
Mondragon RJ, Iacovacci J, Bianconi G ( 2018 ) . Multilink communities of multiplex networks . PLoS One vol. 13 , ( 3 ) e0193821 - e0193821 .
Mondragon RJ ( 2018 ) . Core-biased random walks in complex networks . Journal of Complex Networks
Abdollahyan M, Mondragón RJ, Bessant C, Smeraldi F ( 2018 ) . Visualising the topological structure of health-elated message board user networks . Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications . vol. 310 , 274 - 279 .
Mondragön RJ ( 2017 ) . Network partition via a bound of the spectral radius . Journal of Complex Networks vol. 5 , ( 4 ) 513 - 526 .
Ikoro GO, Mondragon RJ, White G ( 2017 ) . Predicting Response Waiting Time in a Chat Room . Conference: 2017 Computing Conference127 - 130 .
Mondragon-Ceballos RJ ( 2016 ) . Network partition via a bound of the spectral radius . Network Partition via a bound of the spectal radius
Lu X, Gray C, Brown LE, Ledger ME, Milner AM, Mondragón RJ, Woodward G, Ma A ( 2016 ) . Drought rewires the cores of food webs . Nature Climate Change vol. 6 , 875 - 878 .
Ma A, Mondragón RJ, Latora V ( 2015 ) . Anatomy of funded research in science . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 112 , ( 48 ) 14760 - 14765 .
Cavallaro M, Mondragón RJ, Harris RJ ( 2015 ) . Temporally correlated zero-range process with open boundaries: Steady state and fluctuations . Physical Review E vol. 92 , ( 2 )
Ma A, Mondragon RJ, Latora V ( 2015 ) . Funding shapes the anatomy of scientific research .
Mondragon RJ ( 2015 ) . Ensembles based on the Rich-Club and how to use them to build soft-communities .
Ma A, Mondragon RJ ( 2015 ) . Rich-cores in Networks . PLoS One
Zaman SE, Gupta M, Mondragón RJ, Bodanese E ( 2014 ) . An eigendecomposition based adaptive spatial sampling technique for wireless sensor networks . Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN430 - 433 .
Mondragon RJ ( 2014 ) . Network Null Model based on Maximal Entropy and the Rich-Club . Journal of Complex Networks vol. 2 , ( 3 ) 288 - 298 .
Ma A, Mondragon RJ ( 2014 ) . Rich-cores in networks .
Menichetti G, Remondini D, Panzarasa P, Mondragón RJ, Bianconi G ( 2013 ) . Weighted Multiplex Networks . PLoS ONE 9(6): e97857 (2014)
Halu A, Mondragon RJ, Panzarasa P, Bianconi G ( 2013 ) . Multiplex PageRank . PLoS ONE 8(10): e78293 (2013)
Zaman SE, Mondragon RJ ( 2013 ) . Measuring interdependencies and transitivity of end to end traffic flows by traffic correlation . Proceedings - International Conference on Network Protocols, ICNP
Montoya LV, Ma A, Mondragon RJ ( 2013 ) . Social Achievement and Centrality in MathOverflow . Complex Networks IV vol. 276 , ( 2013 ) 27 - 38 .
Mobin I, Mondragon RJ, Khan MM ( 2012 ) . Energy efficient transmission power estimation for WLAN VoIP . 2012 4th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference, CEEC 2012 - Conference Proceedings164 - 168 .
Ma A, Mondragón RJ ( 2012 ) . Evaluation of network robustness using a node tearing algorithm . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications vol. 391 , ( 24 ) 6674 - 6681 .
Zhang X, Phillips CI, Mondragon RJ ( 2012 ) . Topology construction of provider-independent overlays to improve internet resilience . IEEE Communications Letters vol. 16 , ( 11 ) 1876 - 1879 .
Khan SKA, Mondragon RJ, Tokarchuk LN ( 2012 ) . Lobby influence: Opportunistic forwarding algorithm based on human social relationship patterns . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PERCOM Workshops 2012 . 211 - 216 .
KHAN SKA, MONDRAGON RJ, TOKARCHUK LN ( 2012 ) . Lobby Influence: Opportunistic forwarding algorithm based on Human social relationship patterns . Conference: PerMoby 2012:International Workshop on the impact of Human Mobility in Pervasive Systems and Applications 2012 ( Lugano, Switzerland ) from: 19/03/2012 to: 23/03/2012 , 211 - 216 .
Ma A, Mondragon RJ ( 2012 ) . Beyond Centrality - Finding vulnerabilities in complex networks . Conference: NetSci ( Evanston, Il, USA ) from: 18/06/2012 to: 22/06/2012 ,
Ma A, Mondragón RJ ( 2012 ) . Evaluation of network robustness using a node tearing algorithm . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Zhou S ( 2012 ) . Random networks with given rich-club coefficient . The European Physical Journal B vol. 85 , ( 9 )
Zhang X, Phillips C, Mondragon RJ ( 2012 ) . Topology Construction of Provider-Independent Overlays to Improve Internet Resilience . IEEE Communication Letters vol. 16 , ( 11 ) 1876 - 1879 .
Zhang X, PHILLIPS CI, Mondragon R ( 2012 ) . Topology Construction of Provider–independent Overlays to Improve Internet Resilience . IEEE Communication Letters vol. 16 , ( 11 ) 1876 - 1879 .
C. RJM, RICHTER PH ( 2011 ) . WEAK DISSIPATION IN A HAMILTONIAN MAP . International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos vol. 4 , ( 04 ) 921 - 932 .
Mondragón RJ, Arrowsmith DK, Pitts JM ( 2000 ) . Traffic Modelling and Queueing Performance Analysis using Chaotic Maps . Conference: Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems56 - 60 .
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS R ( 2011 ) . Random Networks with given Rich-club Coefficient .
Barrat A, Boguna M, Bornholdt S, Boykin PO, Chaintreau A, Clegg R, Crovella M, Eagle N et al. ( 2010 ) . SIMPLEX 2010 Program Committee . Conference: 2010 IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshopsxxii - xxii .
Mondragon R, Moore A, Pitts J, Schormans J ( 2009 ) . Analysis, simulation and measurement in large-scale packet networks . Communications, IET vol. 3 , Article 6 , 887 -905 - 887 -905 .
Mondragon R, Moore A, Pitts J, Schormans J ( 2009 ) . Analysis, simulation and measurement in large-scale packet networks . IET Communications vol. 3 , ( 6 )
Liu L, Mondragón RJ ( 2009 ) . Conservation of alternative paths as a method to simplify large networks . SIMPLEX ’09: Proceedings of the 1st Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Network for Practitioners . 1–6 - 1–6 .
Mondragon RJ, Zhou S ( 2008 ) . Ensembles related to the rich-club coefficient for non-evolving networks .
Mondragon RJ ( 2008 ) . Topological modelling of large networks . PHILOS T R SOC A vol. 366 , ( 1872 ) 1931 - 1940 .
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2007 ) . Optimal Networks . Conference: International Symposium onNonlinear Theory and its Applications, NOLTA07, Vancouver, Canada, September 2007
Woolf M, Huang Z, Mondragon RJ ( 2007 ) . Building catastrophes: networks designed to fail by avalanche-like breakdown . NEW J PHYS vol. 9 , Article 174 ,
Zhou S, Mondragon RJ ( 2007 ) . Structural constraints in complex networks . NEW J PHYS vol. 9 , Article 173 ,
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Woolf M ( 2007 ) . Building Catastrophes . New Journal of Physics, Special Issue: Complex Networked Systems: Theory and Applications vol. 9 ,
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Zhou S ( 2007 ) . Structural constraints in complex networks . New Journal of Physics: complex Networked Systems: Theory and Applications
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2007 ) . Optimal Networks, Congestion and Braess' Pardox . Conference: British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, BAMC07, Bristol, April 2007
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2006 ) . Optimal Neworks, Congestion and Braess' Pardox . Conference: Inter-Pref Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Systems Approach in Performance Evaluation and Design of Computer & Sommunications Systems, ACM, 11-13 October 2006, Pisa, Italy
Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2006 ) . Queues, Long-range Dependent Traffic and Non-linear Maps . Conference: NOLTA200 - International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, 11-14 September 2006, Bologna, Italy
Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2006 ) . Summer School: Complex Networks: Analysis, Control and Applications . Conference: University of Bristol, 3-7 July 2006, Bristol, UK
Huang H, Mondragon RJ ( 2006 ) . Demultiplexing heterogeneous ON/OFF streams . 2006 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communication, Vols 1 and 2 . 307 - 311 .
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Huang Z ( 2006 ) . Topology and Congestion Invariant in Global Internet-scale Networks . Conference: PGNet 2006, The Convergence of Telecommunications and Broadcasting, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2005 ) . Congestion and Centrality in Data Networks, Mathematics of Networks, Imperial College, December 2004 . Conference: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, City University of Hong Kong, May 2005
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Liu L ( 2005 ) . A Novel Algorithm for Simplifying Networks . Conference: Proceedings of the PGNET05
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Zhou S ( 2005 ) . Accurately modelling the internet topology . Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics
Yang XN, Mondragon RJ ( 2005 ) . Connectivity improvement by delayed transmission for different mobility models of ad-hoc network . Performance Challenges for Efficient Next Generation Networks, Vols 6A-6C . Editors: Liang, XJ, Xin, ZH, Kuo, GS, Iversen, VB et al. , vol. 6A-6C , 749 - 758 .
ARROWSMITH DK, Mondragon-Ceballos RJ, Woolf M ( 2005 ) . Data Traffic, Topology and Congestion . Complex Dynamics in Communication Networks , Editors: Kocarev, L, Vattay, G , Springer-Verlag
Pitts JM, Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Woolf M ( 2005 ) . Dynamical Modelling of TCP Packet Traffic on Scale-Free Networks . Conference: Report 07, 2004/2005, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm
Pitts JM, Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Woolf M ( 2005 ) . Phase transitions in Packet Traffic on Regular Networks: a comparison of source types and topologies . Conference: Report 08, 2004/2005, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Zhou S ( 2005 ) . The Positive-Feedback Prefernece Model of the AS-level Internet . Conference: ICC 2005, (ICC 2005 Communications QoS Reliability and Performance Modeling), Seoul, May 2005
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Zhou S ( 2005 ) . Topological Discrepancies among Internet Measurements using different Sampling . Conference: 2005 ICOIN, The International Conference on Information Networking, 2005, Jeju, Korea
Zhou S, Mondragon RJ ( 2005 ) . Topological discrepancies among Internet measurements using different sampling methodologies . INFORMATION NETWORKING: CONVERGENCE IN BROADBAND AND MOBILE NETWORKING . Editors: Kim, C , vol. 3391 , 207 - 214 .
Zhou S, Mondragón RJ ( 2004 ) . Accurately modeling the internet topology . Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys vol. 70 , ( 6 Pt 2 )
Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Woolf M, Barenco M ( 2004 ) . The statistical behaviour of intermittency maps and dynamical modelling of networks . Conference: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Netowkrs and Systems (MTNS2004), Belgium, July 2004
Ali W, Mondragon RJ, Alavi F ( 2004 ) . Extraction of topological features from communication network topological patterns using self-organizing feature maps .
Zhou S, Mondragon RJ ( 2004 ) . The rich-club phenomenon in the Internet topology . IEEE COMMUN LETT vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 180 - 182 .
Zhou S, Mondragon RJ ( 2004 ) . Redundancy and robustness of AS-level Internet topology and its models . ELECTRON LETT vol. 40 , ( 2 ) 151 - 152 .
PITTS JM, Mondragon-Ceballos RJ, Aklilu G ( 2003 ) . Modelling and Analysis of WAN Traffic Using Chaotic Intermittency Map . Conference: London Communications Symposium, UCL, September 2003
Pitts JM, Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Woolf M ( 2003 ) . Internet Packet Congestion [Special Invited Session] . Conference: 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems Sunday May 23-Wednesday May 28, 2003 Imperial Queen's Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Zhou S ( 2003 ) . The missing links in the BGP-based as connectivity maps [extended abstract] . Conference: Proceedings of NLANR-PAM03., April 2003
Zhou S, Mondragon RJ ( 2003 ) . The missing links in the BGP-based AS connectivity maps .
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Zhou S ( 2003 ) . Analyzing and modelling the AS-level Internet topology . Conference: Proceedings of the First International Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs'03), 2003
Arrowsmith DK, Mondragon RJ, Pitts JM, Woolf M ( 2003 ) . Internet packet traffic congestion . PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL III . 746 - 749 .
Zhou S, Mondragon RJ ( 2003 ) . Towards modelling the Internet topology - The interactive growth model . PROVIDING QUALITY OF SERVICE IN HETEROGENEOUS ENVIRONMENTS, VOLS 5A AND 5B . Editors: Charzinski, J, Lehnert, R, TranGia, P , vol. 5A-B , 121 - 129 .
Woolf M, Arrowsmith DK, Mondragon RJ, Pitts JM ( 2002 ) . Optimization and phase transitions in a chaotic model of data traffic . PHYS REV E vol. 66 , ( 4 ) Article 046106 ,
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Zhou S ( 2002 ) . Topological properties of the AS-level Internet . Conference: Proceedings of IEEE/IEE ICT2002, Volume 3, Pages 497--50, June 2002
MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Zhou S ( 2002 ) . Connectivity inthe Internet Topology . Conference: Proceedings of the PGNet 2002, May 2002
Pitts JM, Schormans JA, Woolf M, Mondragon RJ, Arrowsmith DK ( 2002 ) . End to end performance in real time IP networks with self-similar behaviour . 2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS . 4044 - 4047 .
Pitts JM, Arrowsmith DK, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2002 ) . Minimising end-to-end delays in the presence of self-similar traffic . Conference: Teletraffic Congress, Paris 2002
Djordjevic I, Gan C, Scharf E, Mondragon R, Gran BA, Kristiansen M, Dimitrakos T, Stolen K et al. ( 2002 ) . Model based risk management of security critical systems . RISK ANALYSIS III . Editors: Brebbia, CA , vol. 5 , 253 - 264 .
Pitts JM, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ, Aklilu G ( 2001 ) . Modelling the Bounds on LRD Behaviour for IP Traffic . Conference: PGNET2001, Liverpool, UK
Mondragon RJ, Arrowsmith DK, Pitts JM ( 2001 ) . Chaotic maps for traffic modelling and queueing performance analysis . PERFORMANCE EVALUATION . vol. 43 , 223 - 240 .
Mondragon RJ, Arrowsmith DK, Pitts J ( 2001 ) . Controlling self-similar traffic and shaping techniques . NONLINEAR CONTROL IN THE YEAR 2000, VOL 2 . Editors: Isidori, A, LamnabhiLagarrigue, F, Respondek, W , vol. 259 , 149 - 161 .
Pitts JM, Arrowsmith RJ, MONDRAGON-CEBALLOS RJ ( 2001 ) . Traffic modelling and queuing performance analysis using chaotic maps . Performance Evaluation vol. 43 , 223 - 240 .
Mondragón RJ, Pitts JM, Arrowsmith DK ( 2000 ) . Chaotic intermittency-sawtooth map model of aggregate self-similar traffic streams . ELECTRONICS LETTERS vol. 36 , ( 2 ) 184 - 186 .
SCHORMANS J, Pitts JM, Mondragon R, Scharf E, Pearmain A, Phillips CI ( 2000 ) . Design rules for buffering overlapping Pareto processes in packetised networks . Electronics Letters vol. 36 , ( 12 ) 1086 - 1088 .
Mondragón RJ ( 1999 ) . A model of packet traffic using a random wall model . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS vol. 9 , ( 7 ) 1381 - 1392 .
Mondragón RJ, Arrowsmith DK, Griffiths JM, Pitts JM ( 1999 ) . Chaotic maps for network control:: Traffic modelling and queueing performance analysis . PERFORMANCE AND CONTROL OF NETWORK SYSTEMS III . vol. 3841 , 74 - 85 .
Berry MV, Mondragon RJ ( 1999 ) . Diabolical points in one-dimensional Hamiltonians quartic in the momentum . Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 19 , ( 6 )
Arrowsmith DK, Mondragón RJ ( 1999 ) . Stability region control for a parametrically forced mathieu equation . MECCANICA vol. 34 , ( 6 ) 401 - 410 .
Samuel LG, Pitts JM, Mondragón RJ, Arrowsmith DK ( 1998 ) . The MAPS control paradigm: using chaotic maps to control telecoms networks . Broadband Communications , Springer Nature
Samuel LG, Pitts JM, Mondragon RJ, Arrowsmith DK ( 1998 ) . The MAPS paradigm: Chaotic control of networks . SIXTH IEE CONFERENCE ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS . 57 - 61 .
Berry MV, Mondragon RJ ( 1997 ) . Neutrino billiards: time-reversal symmetry-breaking without magnetic fields . Proceedings of the Royal Society A vol. 412 , ( 1842 ) 53 - 74 .
Mondragon RJ, Arrowsmith DK ( 1997 ) . On control of coupled map lattices: Using local dynamics to predict controllability . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS vol. 7 , ( 2 ) 383 - 399 .
Mondragon RJ, Berry MV ( 1997 ) . The quantum phase 2-form near degeneracies: two numerical studies . Proceedings of the Royal Society A vol. 424 , ( 1867 ) 263 - 278 .
Samuel LG, Pitts JM, Mondragon RJ ( 1997 ) . Towards the control of communication networks by chaotic maps: Source aggregation . TELETRAFFIC CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE INFORMATION AGE . vol. 2 , 1369 - 1378 .
Mondragon RJ, Arrowsmith DK ( 1997 ) . Tracking unstable fixed points in parametrically dynamic systems . PHYSICS LETTERS A vol. 229 , ( 2 ) 88 - 96 .
Arrowsmith DK, Lansbury AN, Mondragon RJ ( 1996 ) . Control of the Arnold circle map . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS vol. 6 , ( 3 ) 437 - 453 .
Keating J, Mondragon R ( 1988 ) . Quantum Chaology of Energy Levels Notes Based on Lectures by Michael Berry . Nonlinear Evolution and Chaotic Phenomena , vol. 176 , Springer Nature