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Publications: Prof Rachael Mulheron

Mulheron R ( 2024 ) . UNPACKING PACCAR: STATUTORY INTERPRETATION AND LITIGATION FUNDING . The Cambridge Law Journal vol. 83 , ( 1 ) 99 - 131 .
Mulheron R ( 2023 ) . The Modern Doctrines of Champerty and Maintenance . Oxford University Press
Mulheron R ( 2023 ) . Further Impetus for a Statutory Class Action, Post-Lloyd v Google . Civil Justice Quarterly
Mulheron R ( 2023 ) . The Funding of the United Kingdom's Class Action at a Cross-Roads . King's Law Journal
Mulheron R ( 2022 ) . Third Party Funding, Class Actions, and the Question of Regulation: A Topical Analysis . Mass Claims vol. 2 , ( 1 ) 5 - 18 .
Mulheron R ( 2022 ) . The tort of malicious prosecution of civil proceedings: a critique and a proposal . Legal Studies vol. 42 , ( 3 ) 470 - 490 .
Mulheron R ( 2021 ) . A Priceless Opportunity: Class Actions Post-Merricks v Mastercard . Mass Claims Journal
Mulheron R ( 2021 ) . Creating, and Distributing, Common Funds Under the English Representative Rule . King's Law Journal vol. 32 , ( 3 ) 381 - 413 .
Mulheron R ( 2020 ) . Lord Woolf, Multi-Party Situations, and Limitation Periods . The Civil Procedure Rules at 20 , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Mulheron R ( 2020 ) . Principles of Tort Law . Cambridge University Press (CUP)
MULHERON RP ( 2020 ) . Class Actions and Government . Cambridge University Press
Mulheron R ( 2020 ) . Joining the UK's Class Action as a Non-Resident: A Legislative Drafting Conundrum . CIVIL JUSTICE QUARTERLY vol. 39 , ( 1 ) 69 - 89 .
Mulheron R ( 2019 ) . 'Asserting Personal Jurisdiction over Non-Resident Class Members: Comparative Insights for the United Kingdom' . Journal of Private International Law vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 445 - 489 .
Mulheron R ( 2019 ) . Revisiting the Class Action Certification Matrix in Merricks V Mastercard Inc . King's Law Journal vol. 30 , ( 3 ) 1 - 30 .
MULHERON RP ( 2018 ) . Restitutionary Relief in Competition Law Class Actions: An Evolving Landscape . Restitution Law Review vol. 25 , 1 - 41 .
MULHERON RP ( 2017 ) . Has Montgomery Administered the Last Rites to Therapeutic Privilege? A Diagnosis and a Prognosis . Current Legal Problems vol. 70 , ( 1 ) 149 - 188 .
Mulheron R ( 2017 ) . Legislating Dangerously: Bad Samaritans, Good Society, and the Heroism Act 2015 . The Modern Law Review vol. 80 , ( 1 ) 88 - 109 .
MULHERON RP ( 2017 ) . Class Actions and Law Reform: Insights from Australia and England, a Quarter of a Century Apart . 25 years of class actions in Australia, 1992-2017 , Victoria Herbert Smith Freehills
Mulheron R ( 2017 ) . The United Kingdom's New Opt-Out Class Action . OXFORD JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES vol. 37 , ( 4 ) 814 - 843 .
MULHERON RP ( 2016 ) . Principles of Tort Law . Cambridge University Press
Mulheron RP ( 2016 ) . The Modern Cy-près Doctrine . Taylor & Francis
MULHERON RP ( 2016 ) . A Spotlight on the Settlement Criteria under the United Kingdom's New Competition Class Action . Civil Justice Quarterly vol. 35 , ( 1 ) 1 - 15 .
Mulheron R ( 2016 ) . A Spotlight on the Settlement Criteria under the United Kingdom's New Competition Class Action . CIVIL JUSTICE QUARTERLY vol. 35 , ( 1 ) 14 - 28 .
MULHERON R ( 2015 ) . A Channel Apart: Why the United Kingdom has Departed from the European Commission’s Recommendation on Class Actions . Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies vol. 17 , 36 - 65 .
Mulheron R ( 2015 ) . The ‘Primary Victim’ in Psychiatric Illness Claims: Reworking the ‘Patchwork Quilt’ . King's Law Journal vol. 19 , ( 1 ) 81 - 112 .
MULHERON RP ( 2015 ) . Third Party Funding and Class Actions Reform . The Law Quarterly Review vol. 131 , 291 - 320 .
Mulheron R ( 2012 ) . The Impetus for Class Actions Reform in England Arising from the Competition Law Sector . Collective Actions , Cambridge University Press (CUP)
MULHERON RP ( 2012 ) . The Recognition, and Res Judicata Effect, of a United States Class Actions Judgment in England: A Rebuttal of Vivendi . The Modern Law Review vol. 75 , ( 2 ) 180 - 211 .
Mulheron R ( 2012 ) . A Missed Gem of an Opportunity for the Representative Rule . European Business Law Review vol. 23 , ( Issue 1 ) 49 - 60 .
Mulheron R ( 2012 ) . Rewriting the Requirement for a 'Recognized Psychiatric Injury' in Negligence Claims . OXFORD JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES vol. 32 , ( 1 ) 77 - 112 .
MULHERON RP ( 2012 ) . Rewriting the Requirement for a ‘Recognized Psychiatric Injury’ in Negligence Claims . Oxford Journal of Legal Studies vol. 32 , ( 1 ) 77 - 112 .
Mulheron R ( 2012 ) . The Recognition, and Res Judicata Effect, of a United States Class Actions Judgment in England: A Rebuttal of Vivendi . MODERN LAW REVIEW vol. 75 , ( 2 ) 180 - 211 .
MULHERON RP ( 2011 ) . Recent milestones in class actions reform in England: A critique and a proposal . The Law Quarterly Review vol. 127 , ( April ) 288 - 315 .
Mulheron RP ( 2010 ) . ‘Trumping Bolam: A Critical Legal Analysis of Bolitho’s “Gloss”' . Cambridge Law Journal vol. 69 , ( 3 ) 609 - 638 .
Mulheron RP ( 2010 ) . 'Costs Shifting, Security for Costs, and Class Actions: Lessons from Elsewhere’ . The Tenth Anniversary of the Civil Procedure Rules , Editors: Dwyer, D , Oxford University Press ( Oxford ),
Mulheron RP ( 2010 ) . Medical Negligence: Non-Patient and Third Party Claims . Ashgate Publishing
Mulheron R ( 2009 ) . Costs Shifting, Security for Costs, and Class Actions: Lessons from Elsewhere . The Civil Procedure Rules Ten Years On , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Mulheron R ( 2009 ) . Cy–Près Damages Distributions in England: A New Era for Consumer Redress . European Business Law Review vol. 20 , ( Issue 2 ) 307 - 342 .
MULHERON RP ( 2009 ) . Cy-Près Damages Distributions in England: A New Era for Consumer Redress . European Business Law Review vol. 20 , ( 2 ) 307 - 342 .
MULHERON RP, Mulheron R ( 2009 ) . Emerald Supplies Ltd v British Airways plc: A Century Later, The Ghost of Markt Lives On . Competition Law Journal vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 159 - 179 .
MULHERON RP ( 2009 ) . The Case for an Opt-out Class Action for European Member States: A Legal and Empirical Analysis . Columbia Journal of European Law vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 409 - 453 .
Mulheron RP ( 2008 ) . Competition Law Cases under the Opt-out Regimes of Australia, Canada and Portugal .
Mulheron RP ( 2008 ) . Reform of Collective Redress in England and Wales: A Perspective of Need .
Mulheron RP ( 2008 ) . Building Blocks and Design Points for an Opt-out Class Action . Journal of Personal Injury Law ( 2008 4 ) 308 - 325 .
MULHERON RP ( 2008 ) . The “Primary Victim” in Psychiatric Illness Claims: Reworking the “Patchwork Quilt” . King's Law Journal vol. 2008 , ( 19 ) 81 - 112 .
MULHERON RP, Mulheron R, Cashman P ( 2008 ) . Third Party Funding of Litigation: A Changing Landscape . Civil Justice Quarterly vol. 27 , 312 - 341 .
MULHERON RP ( 2007 ) . Litigation Funding versus Champerty and Maintenance . Civil Justice Quarterly
MULHERON RP ( 2007 ) . Justice Enhanced: Framing an Opt-Out Class Action for England . Modern Law Review vol. 70 , ( 4 ) 550 - 580 .
MULHERON RP ( 2007 ) . Medical Negligence, Secondary Victims and Psychiatric Illness: Family Tragedies and Legal Headaches . Family Life and the Law , Editors: Probert, R , Ashgate ( Aldershot ),
MULHERON RP ( 2006 ) . A Potential Framework for Privacy? A Reply to 'Hello'! . Modern Law Review vol. 69 , ( 5 ) 679 - 713 .
MULHERON RP ( 2006 ) . The Modern Cy-pres Doctrine: Applications & Implications . UCL Press ( London ),
MULHERON RP ( 2005 ) . From Representative Rule to Class Action: Steps rather than Leaps . Civil Justice Quarterly vol. 24 , 40 - 68 .
MULHERON RP ( 2005 ) . Some Difficulties with Group Litigation Orders - and Why a Class Action is Superior . Civil Justice Quarterly vol. 24 , 40 - 68 .
MULHERON RP ( 2004 ) . Some Comparative Observations On Res Judicata for Canada's Newest Class Action Regime . Manitoba Law Journal vol. 30 , 171 - 195 .
MULHERON RP ( 2004 ) . The Class Action in Common Law Legal Systems: A Comparative Perspective . Hart Publishing ( Oxford ),
Mulheron R ( 2003 ) . North Glamorgan NHS Trust v Walters. [2002] EWCA Civ 1792 . Journal of law and medicine vol. 10 , ( 4 ) 406 - 408 .
MULHERON RP ( 2003 ) . Access to Essential Infrastructure: Proposals and Precepts for Part IIIA . Law Institute Journal vol. 34 , 34 - 38 .
MULHERON RP, Marshall B ( 2003 ) . Declarations Under Part IIIA of the Trade Practices Act: The Case for Abolishing the Public Interest Criterion . Bond Law Review vol. 15 , 284 - 301 .
MULHERON RP, Marshall B ( 2003 ) . Australia's National Access Regime: Review and Recommendations . Global Competition Review vol. 30 , 30 - 34 .
MULHERON RP ( 2003 ) . Contributory Negligence: Should Professional Fiduciaries Accept All the Blame? . Tolley's Journal of Professional Negligence vol. 19 , 422 - 438 .
MULHERON RP, Marshall B ( 2003 ) . Declarations of Essential Services Under Part IIIA of the Trade Practices Act: A `Discipline' on Access Reform . University of Western Australia Law Review vol. 31 , 226 - 265 .
MULHERON RP, Marshall B ( 2003 ) . Refusal to Supply under Section 36 of the Commerce Act (NZ): Lessons from Australian Competition Law . Canterbury Law Review vol. 9 , 248 - 267 .
MULHERON RP ( 2003 ) . Secondary Victim Psychiatric Illness Claims Revisited . King's College Law Journal vol. 14 , 213 - 224 .
MULHERON RP ( 2003 ) . The Defence of Therapeutic Privilege in Australia . Journal of Law and Medicine vol. 11 , 201 - 213 .
MULHERON RP ( 2003 ) . The March of Pure Economic Loss ... but to Different Drums . Canberra Law Review vol. 7 , 87 - 108 .
MULHERON RP ( 2001 ) . Twenty Bricks Towards a Chinese Wall . 23(1) Bulletin of the Law Society of South Australia vol. 33 , 33 - 35 .