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Publications: Prof Martin Neil

Hunte JL, Neil M, Fenton NE, Osman M, Bechlivanidis C ( 2024 ) . The effect of risk communication on consumers’ risk perception, risk tolerance and utility of smart and non-smart home appliances . Safety Science vol. 174 ,
Hunte JL, Neil M, Fenton NE ( 2024 ) . A hybrid Bayesian network for medical device risk assessment and management . Reliability Engineering & System Safety vol. 241 ,
McLachlan S, Daley B, Saidi S, Kyrimi E, Dube K, Grossan C, Neil M, Rose L et al. ( 2024 ) . Approach and Method for Bayesian Network Modelling: The Case for Pregnancy Outcomes in England and Wales . Conference: Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies604 - 612 .
Fenton N ( 2024 ) . Fighting Goliath Exposing the Flawed Science and Statistics Behind the COVID-19 Event .
Lin P, Neil M, Fenton N, Dementiev E ( 2022 ) . Region‐based estimation of the partition functions for hybrid Bayesian network models . International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol. 37 , ( 11 ) 8897 - 8927 .
Mclachlan S, Neil M, Dube K, Bogani R, Fenton N, Schaffer B ( 2022 ) . Smart automotive technology adherence to the law: (de)constructing road rules for autonomous system development, verification and safety . International Journal of Law and Information Technology vol. 29 , ( 4 ) 255 - 295 .
Hunte JL, Neil M, Fenton NE ( 2022 ) . A causal Bayesian network approach for consumer product safety and risk assessment . J Safety Res vol. 80 , 198 - 214 .
Hunte JL, Neil M, Fenton NE ( 2021 ) . A causal Bayesian network approach for consumer product safety and risk assessment . Journal of Safety Research vol. 80 , 198 - 214 .
Lin P, Neil M, Fenton N ( 2021 ) . A Study of Using Bethe/Kikuchi Approximation for Learning Directed Graphic Models . IEEE Access vol. 9 , 125428 - 125438 .
Neil M, Fenton N ( 2021 ) . Bayesian Hypothesis Testing and Hierarchical Modeling of Ivermectin Effectiveness . American Journal of Therapeutics vol. 28 , ( 5 ) e576 - e579 .
Neil M ( 2021 ) . Positive results from UK single gene testing for SARS-COV-2 may be inconclusive, negative or detecting past infections .
Mclachlan S, Paterson H, Dube K, Kyrimi E, Dementiev E, Neil M, Daley BJ, Hitman GA et al. ( 2020 ) . Real-time Online Probabilistic Medical Computation using Bayesian Networks . Conference: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) vol. 00 , 1 - 8 .
Osman M, meder B, Fenton N, Neil M, Mclachlan S, Löfsted R ( 2020 ) . Learning from behavioural changes that fail . Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Lin P, Neil M, Fenton N ( 2020 ) . Improved High Dimensional Discrete Bayesian Network Inference using Triplet Region Construction . Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research vol. 69 , 231 - 295 .
Kyrimi E, Raniere Neves M, Mclachlan S, Neil M, Marsh W, Fenton N ( 2020 ) . Medical idioms for clinical Bayesian network development . Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Neil M, Fenton N, Osman M, McLachlan S ( 2020 ) . Bayesian Network Analysis of Covid-19 data reveals higher Infection Prevalence Rates and lower Fatality Rates than widely reported . Journal of Risk Research
Neil M, Fenton N, Osman M, McLachlan S ( 2020 ) . Bayesian network analysis of Covid-19 data reveals higher infection prevalence rates and lower fatality rates than widely reported . Journal of Risk Research
Fenton N, Osman M, Mclachlan S, Neil M ( 2020 ) . COVID-19 infection and death rates: the need to incorporate causal explanations for the data and avoid bias in testing . Journal of Risk Research
Fenton N, Neil M, Constantinou A ( 2020 ) . The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect, Judea Pearl, Dana Mackenzie, Basic Books (2018) . Artificial Intelligence vol. 284 , Article 103286 , 103286 - 103286 .
Wang J, Neil M, Fenton N ( 2019 ) . A Bayesian network approach for cybersecurity risk assessment implementing and extending the FAIR model . Computers and Security vol. 89 ,
Fenton N, Lagnado D, Dahlman C, Neil M ( 2019 ) . The Opportunity Prior: A proof-based prior for criminal cases . Law, Probability and Risk
Neil M, Fenton N, Osman M, Lagnado D ( 2019 ) . Causality, the critical but often ignored component guiding us through a world of uncertainties in risk assessment . Journal of Risk Research
Neil M, Fenton N, Lagnado D, Gill RD ( 2019 ) . Modelling competing legal arguments using Bayesian model comparison and averaging . Artificial Intelligence and Law vol. 27 , ( 4 ) 403 - 430 .
Fenton N, Neil M, Yet B, Lagnado D ( 2019 ) . Analyzing the Simonshaven Case Using Bayesian Networks . Topics in Cognitive Science vol. 12 , ( 4 ) 1092 - 1114 .
FENTON NE, NEIL M, NOGUCHI T ( 2019 ) . An extension to the noisy-OR function to resolve the ‘explaining away’ deficiency for practical Bayesian network problem . IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
FENTON NE, NOGUCHI T, NEIL M ( 2018 ) . Addressing the Practical Limitations of Noisy-OR using Conditional Inter-causal Anti-Correlation with Ranked Nodes . IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Fenton N, Neil M ( 2018 ) . Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis with Bayesian Networks . Taylor & Francis
OSMAN M, FENTON NE, Pilditch T, Lagnado D, NEIL M ( 2018 ) . Who do we trust on social policy interventions . Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Osman M, Fenton N, Pilditch T, Lagnado D, Neil M ( 2018 ) . Whom Do We Trust on Social Policy Interventions? . Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Fenton N, Neil M ( 2018 ) . Improving Software Testing with Causal Modeling . Analytic Methods in Systems and Software Testing , Wiley
YET B, NEIL M, FENTON N, CONSTANTINOU AC, DEMENTIEV E ( 2018 ) . An Improved Method for Solving Hybrid Influence Diagrams . International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
FENTON NE, NEIL M ( 2018 ) . Lawnmowers versus terrorists: A highly misleading view of risk . Significance vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 12 - 15 .
Yet B, Constantinou A, Fenton N, Neil M ( 2018 ) . Expected Value of Partial Perfect Information in Hybrid Models Using Dynamic Discretization . IEEE Access vol. 6 , 7802 - 7817 .
FENTON NE, NEIL M ( 2018 ) . Are lawnmowers a greater risk than terrorists? . Abstract: java.sql.Clob org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.WrappedClob ,
FENTON NE, Lagnado D, Dahlman C, Neil M ( 2017 ) . The Opportunity Prior: A Simple and Practical Solution to the Prior Probability Problem for Legal Cases . ACM . Conference: International Conference on AI and the Law (ICAIL 17) ( Kings College, London ) from: 12/06/2017 to: 15/06/2017 ,
Neil M, Fenton N ( 2017 ) . Risk Management Using Bayesian Networks . Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online , Wiley
Fenton N, Neil M, Lagnado D, William M, Yet B, CONSTANTINOU AC ( 2016 ) . How to model mutually exclusive events based on independent causal pathways in Bayesian network models . Knowledge-Based Systems
Yet B, CONSTANTINOU AC, Fenton N, Neil M, Luedeling E, Shepherd K ( 2016 ) . A Bayesian Network Framework for Project Cost, Benefit and Risk Analysis with an Agricultural Development Case Study . Expert Systems with Applications
CONSTANTINOU AC, FENTON N, NEIL M ( 2016 ) . Integrating expert knowledge with data in Bayesian networks: Preserving data-driven expectations when the expert variables remain unobserved . Expert Systems with Applications
FENTON NE, neil M, Berger D ( 2016 ) . Bayes and the Law . Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application vol. 3 , 51 - 77 .
Constantinou AC, Yet B, Fenton N, Neil M, Marsh W ( 2015 ) . Value of information analysis for interventional and counterfactual Bayesian networks in forensic medical sciences . Artificial Intelligence in Medicine vol. 66 , 41 - 52 .
FENTON NE, Zhou Y, Hospedales T, Neil M ( 2015 ) . Probabilistic Graphical Models Parameter Learning with Transferred Prior and Constraints . . Conference: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence ( Amsterdam, Netherlands ) from: 12/07/2015 to: 16/07/2015 , 972 - 981 .
Zhou Y, Fenton N, Hospedales TM, Neil M ( 2015 ) . Probabilistic graphical models parameter learning with transferred prior and constraints . Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence - Proceedings of the 31st Conference, UAI 2015 . 972 - 981 .
Lin P, Neil M, Fenton NE ( 2014 ) . Risk Aggregation in the presence of Discrete Causally Connected Random Variables . Annals of Actuarial Science vol. 8 , ( 2 ) 298 - 319 .
Fenton N, Lagnado D, Hsu A, Berger D, Neil M ( 2014 ) . Response to "on the use of the likelihood ratio for forensic evaluation: response to Fenton et al." . Sci Justice vol. 54 , ( 4 ) 319 - 320 .
Zhou Y, Fenton N, Neil M ( 2014 ) . An Extended MPL-C Model for Bayesian Network Parameter Learning with Exterior Constraints . Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8754 , 581 - 596 .
Zhou Y, Fenton N, Neil M ( 2014 ) . Bayesian network approach to multinomial parameter learning using data and expert judgments . International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol. 55 , Article 5 , 1252 - 1268 .
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2014 ) . Decision Support Software for Probabilistic Risk Assessment Using Bayesian Networks . IEEE Software vol. 31 , ( 2 ) 21 - 26 .
Fenton N, Berger D, Lagnado D, Neil M, Hsu A ( 2014 ) . When 'neutral' evidence still has probative value (with implications from the Barry George Case) . Science and Justice vol. 54 , ( 4 ) 274 - 287 .
Fenton NE, Neil M, Hsu A ( 2013 ) . Calculating and understanding the value of any type of match evidence when there are potential testing errors . Artificial Intelligence and Law vol. 22 , ( 1 ) 1 - 28 .
FENTON NE, Neil M, Lagnado D ( 2013 ) . A General Structure for Legal Arguments About Evidence Using Bayesian Networks . Cognitive Science vol. 37 , ( 1 ) 61 - 102 .
Langseth H, Marquez D, Neil M ( 2013 ) . Fast Approximate Inference in Hybrid Bayesian Networks Using Dynamic Discretisation . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 7930 , 225 - 234 .
Zhou Y, Fenton N, Neil M, Zhu C ( 2013 ) . Incorporating Expert Judgement into Bayesian Network Machine Learning . Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence . 3249 - 3250 .
Constantinou AC, Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2013 ) . Profiting from an inefficient association football gambling market: Prediction, risk and uncertainty using Bayesian networks . KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS vol. 50 , 60 - 86 .
Constantinou A, FENTON NE, Neil M ( 2012 ) . pi-football: A Bayesian network model for forecasting Association Football match outcomes . Knowledge Based Systems vol. 36 , 322 - 339 .
Neil M, Chen X, Fenton NE ( 2012 ) . Optimizing the Calculation of Conditional Probability Tables in Hybrid Bayesian Networks using Binary Factorization . IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering vol. 7 , ( 24 ) Article 12852804 , 1306 - 1312 .
Neil M, Marquez D ( 2012 ) . Availability modelling of repairable systems using Bayesian networks . Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence vol. 25 , ( 4 ) 698 - 704 .
FENTON NE, Lagnado D, Neil M ( 2012 ) . Legal idioms: a framework for evidential reasoning . Argument and Computation vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 46 - 63 .
FENTON NE, Neil M ( 2012 ) . Risk Assessment with Bayesian Networks . CRC Press ( London ),
FENTON NE, Neil M ( 2011 ) . Avoiding Legal Fallacies in Practice Using Bayesian Networks . Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy vol. 36 , 114 - 150 .
FENTON NE, Neil M ( 2011 ) . The use of Bayes' and causal modelling in decision making, uncertainty and risk . UPGRADE, the Journal of CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies) vol. 12 , ( 5 ) 10 - 21 .
Fenton N, Neil M ( 2010 ) . Comparing risks of alternative medical diagnosis using Bayesian arguments . J Biomed Inform vol. 43 , ( 4 ) 485 - 495 .
Neil M, Marquez D, Fenton N ( 2010 ) . Improved Reliability Modeling using Bayesian Networks and Dynamic Discretization . Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety vol. 95 , ( 4 ) 412 - 425 .
Marquez D, Neil M, Fenton N ( 2010 ) . Improved reliability modeling using Bayesian networks and dynamic discretization . RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY vol. 95 , ( 4 ) 412 - 425 .
Fenton NE, Hearty P, Neil M, Radliński Ł ( 2010 ) . Software project and quality modelling using Bayesian networks . Artificial intelligence applications for improved software engineering development: new prospects , Editors: Meziane, F, Vadera, S , IGI Global ( Hershey, New York, USA ),
Neil M, Marquez D ( 2009 ) . Dependability Modelling of Repairable Systems using Bayesian Networks . IFAC-PapersOnLine vol. 42 , ( 5 ) 221 - 226 .
Neil M, Marquez D ( 2009 ) . Dependability modelling of repairable systems using Bayesian Networks . IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) . vol. 2 , 221 - 226 .
Neil M, Hager D ( 2009 ) . Modeling Operational Risk in Financial Institutions using Hybrid Dynamic Bayesian Networks . Journal of Operational Risk vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 3 - 33 .
Hearty P, Fenton N, Marquez D, Neil M ( 2009 ) . Predicting Project Velocity in XP Using a Learning Dynamic Bayesian Network Model . IEEE T SOFTWARE ENG vol. 35 , ( 1 ) 124 - 137 .
N Fenton MN, Radliński Ł ( 2009 ) . Software Project and Quality Modelling Using Bayesian Networks . Artificial Intelligence Applications for Improved Software Engineering Development: New Prospects. (Part of the Advances in Intelligent Information Technologies (AIIT) Book Series) , Information Science Reference.
Marquez D, Neil M, Fenton N ( 2008 ) . Solving dynamic fault trees using a new hybrid Bayesian network inference algorithm . 2008 Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation - Conference Proceedings, MED'08609 - 614 .
Fenton N, Neil M, Marsh W, Hearty P, Radlinski L, Krause P ( 2008 ) . On the effectiveness of early life cycle defect prediction with Bayesian Nets . EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING vol. 13 , ( 5 ) 499 - 537 .
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2008 ) . Avoiding legal fallacies in practice using Bayesian networks . Conference: Seventh International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics ( Lausanne, Switzerland ) from: 20/08/2008 to: 23/08/2008 ,
Neil M, Tailor M, Marquez D, Fenton NE, Hearty P ( 2008 ) . Modelling dependable systems using hybrid Bayesian networks . Reliability Engineering and System Safety vol. 93 , ( 7 ) 933 - 939 .
Marquez D, Neil M, Fenton N ( 2008 ) . Solving Dynamic Fault Trees using a New Hybrid Bayesian Network Inference Algorithm . 2008 MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON CONTROL AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-4 . 1526 - 1531 .
Neil M, Marquez D, Fenton N ( 2008 ) . Using Bayesian Networks to Model the Operational Risk to Information Technology Infrastructure in Financial Institutions . Journal of Financial Transformation vol. 22 , 131 - 138 .
FENTON NE, Neil M, Marquez D ( 2008 ) . Using Bayesian Networks to Predict Software Defects and Reliability . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O, Journal of Risk and Reliability vol. 222 , ( 4 ) 701 - 712 .
Fenton NE, Neil M, Caballero JG ( 2007 ) . Using ranked nodes to model qualitative judgments in Bayesian Networks . IEEE T KNOWL DATA EN vol. 19 , ( 10 ) 1420 - 1432 .
Neil M, Tailor M, Marquez D ( 2007 ) . Inference in hybrid Bayesian networks using dynamic discretization . STAT COMPUT vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 219 - 233 .
Neil M, FENTON NE, Hearty P, Marquez D, Tailor M ( 2007 ) . Modelling dependable systems using hybrid Bayesian networks . Reliability Engineering & System Safety vol. 93 , 1 - 19 .
Marquez D, Neil M, Fenton NE ( 2007 ) . A new Bayesian Network approach to Reliability modelling . 5th International Mathematical Methods in Reliability Conference (MMR 07) .
Radliński Ł, Fenton NE, Marquez D, Hearty P ( 2007 ) . Empirical Analysis of Software Defect Types . Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Information Technology and Web Engineering: Models, Concepts and Challenges (Proceedings of 28 International ISAT Conference) , Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław
Radliński Ł, Fenton NE, Neil M, Marquez D ( 2007 ) . Improved Decision-Making for Software Managers Using Bayesian Networks .
Marquez D, Neil M, Fenton NE ( 2007 ) . Improved Dynamic Fault Tree modelling using Bayesian Networks . The 37th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2007 .
Neil M, Tailor M, Marquez D ( 2007 ) . Inference in hybrid Bayesian networks using dynamic discretization . Statistics and Computing vol. 17 , Article 3 , 219-233 - 219-233 .
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2007 ) . Managing Risk in the Modern World: Bayesian Networks and the Applications .
Radliński Ł, Fenton NE, Neil M, Marquez D ( 2007 ) . Modelling Prior Productivity and Defect Rates in a Causal Model for Software Project Risk Assessment . Polish Journal of Environmental Studies vol. 16 , ( 4A ) 256 - 260 .
Fenton N, Neil M, Marsh W, Hearty P, Marquez D, Krause P, Mishra R ( 2007 ) . Predicting software defects in varying development lifecycles using Bayesian nets . INFORM SOFTWARE TECH vol. 49 , ( 1 ) 32 - 43 .
Fenton NE, Neil M, Marsh W, Hearty P, Radlinski L, Krause P ( 2007 ) . Project Data Incorporating Qualitative Factors for Improved Software Defect Prediction . Conference: ICSE PROMISE (Predictive Models in Software Engineering) 07 ( Minneapolis, USA ) from: 05/2007
Khodakarami V, Fenton N, Neil M ( 2007 ) . Project Scheduling: Improved approach to incorporate uncertainty using Bayesian Networks . Project Management Journal vol. 38 , 39 - 49 .
Neil M, Fenton N, Marquez D ( 2007 ) . Using Bayesian Networks and Simulation for Data Fusion and Risk Analysis . NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: Information and Communication Security , Editors: Skanata, Byrd, DM , vol. 13 , IOS Press, Nieuwe Hemweg 6B, 1013 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fenton NE, Neil M, Gallan J ( 2007 ) . Using Ranked nodes to model qualitative judgements in Bayesian Networks . IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering vol. 19 , Article 10 , 1420-1432 - 1420-1432 .
Neil M, Fenton N, MARSH DWR ( 2006 ) . A Software Metrics Challenge: Data for Project Prediction . Conference: 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007), Minneapolis, USA
Fenton N, Neil M ( 2006 ) . Comment: Expert elicitation for reliable system design . Statistical Science vol. 21 , ( 4 ) 451 - 453 .
Fenton N, Neil M ( 2006 ) . Expert elicitation for reliable system design - Comment . STAT SCI vol. 21 , ( 4 ) 451 - 453 .
Joseph A, Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2006 ) . Predicting football results using Bayesian nets and other machine learning techniques . KNOWL-BASED SYST vol. 19 , ( 7 ) 544 - 553 .
Neil M, Bache R ( 2006 ) . Data linkage maps . Journal of Software Maintenance Research and Practice vol. 5 , ( 3 ) 155 - 164 .
Neil M, FENTON NE ( 2006 ) . AgenaRisk . Agena Ltd
Neil M, FENTON NE, Krause P, Mishra R ( 2006 ) . Bayesian networks for software process control . IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2006 ) . Expert Elicitation for Reliable System Design . Statistical Science vol. 21 , Article 4 , 451-453 - 451-453 .
Fenton NE, Radlinski L, Neil M ( 2006 ) . Improved Bayesian Networks for Software Project Risk Assessment Using Dynamic Discretisation . Software Engineering Techniques: Design for Quality (Prceedings of Software Engineering Techniques 2006, Warsaw, Poland, 17-20 Oct 2006) , Editors: Sacha, K , vol. 227 , Springer, Boston
Neil M, Tailor M, Fenton N, Marquez D, Hearty P ( 2006 ) . Modeling Dependable Systems using Hybrid Bayesian Networks . First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’06) . 817-823 - 817-823 .
Neill M, Tailor M, Marquez D, Fenton N, Hearty P ( 2006 ) . Modeling dependable systems using hybrid Bayesian networks . First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, Proceedings . 817 - 821 .
Neil M, FENTON NE, Marsh W, Mishra R, Krause P ( 2006 ) . Predicting Software Defects in Varying Development Lifecycles using Bayesian Nets . Conference: ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering) 2006, May 20-28, 2006, Shanghai, China
Neil M, Fenton N, Tailor M ( 2005 ) . Using Bayesian networks to model expected and unexpected operational losses . RISK ANAL vol. 25 , ( 4 ) 963 - 972 .
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2005 ) . A Critique of Software Defect Prediction Models . Machine Learning Applications in Software Engineering , Editors: Zhang, D, JJP, T , World Scientific Publishing Co
Hearty P, FENTON NE, Neil M, Cates P ( 2005 ) . Automated population of causal models for improved software risk assessment . Conference: 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering ( Long Beach, California, USA ) from: 07/11/2005 to: 11/11/2005 , 433 - 434 .
NEIL MD, Fenton NE ( 2005 ) . Improved Methods for building large-scale Bayesian Networks . Conference: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2005, Edinburgh University
NEIL MD, Fenton NE ( 2005 ) . Improved Software Defect Prediction . Conference: 10th European SEPG, London
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2004 ) . Combining evidence in risk analysis using Bayesian networks . Safety Critical Systems Newsletter vol. 14 , Article 1 , 8-13 - 8-13 .
Fenton N, Marsh W, Neil M, Cates P, Forey S, Tailor M ( 2004 ) . Making resource decisions for software projects . ICSE 2004: 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, PROCEEDINGS . 397 - 406 .
Neil M, FENTON NE ( 2003 ) . Improved Programme Selection . Notes: International Patent, WO/2003/090466 ,
NEIL M, Fenton NE ( 2003 ) . Improved programme selection . no. PCT/GB2003/001604 ,
Neil M, Fenton N, Forey S, Harris R ( 2003 ) . Assessing Vehicle Reliability using Bayesian Networks . Global Vehicle Reliability , Editors: Strutt, JE, Hall, PL , Professional Engineering Publishing
Neil M, Fenton N, Forey S, Harris R ( 2003 ) . Assessing vehicle reliability using Bayesian networks . GLOBAL VEHICLE RELIABILITY . Editors: Strutt, JE, Hall, PL , 25 - 41 .
Neil M, Shaw R, Johnson S, Malcolm B, Donald I, Qiu XC ( 2003 ) . Measuring & Managing Culturally Inspired Risk . Proceedings of the 11th Safety-Critical Systems Symposium 2003 . Conference: 11th Safety-Critical Systems Symposium ( Bristol, UK ) from: 04/02/2003 to: 06/02/2003 , 43 - 61 .
Neil M, Malcolm B, Shaw R ( 2003 ) . Modeling an Air Traffic Control Environment Using Bayesian Belief Networks . 21st International System Safety Conference 2003 . from: 04/08/2003 to: 08/08/2003 ,
Neil M, FENTON NE, Krause P ( 2003 ) . Software Quality Prediction Using Bayesian Networks . Software Engineering with Computational Intelligence. Khoshgoftaar, TM (ed) , Kluwer
Fenton N, Krause P, Neil M ( 2002 ) . Software measurement: Uncertainty and causal modeling . IEEE SOFTWARE vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 116 - + .
Fenton NE, Krause P, Neil M ( 2002 ) . Probabilistic Modelling for Software Quality Control . Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 173 - 188 .
Fenton N, Neil M ( 2001 ) . Making decisions: using Bayesian nets and MCDA . KNOWL-BASED SYST vol. 14 , ( 7 ) 307 - 325 .
Fenton N, Krause P, Neil M ( 2001 ) . Probabilistic Modelling for Software Quality Control . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . vol. 2143 , 444 - 453 .
Neil M, Fenton N, Forey S, Harris R ( 2001 ) . Using Bayesian belief networks to predict the reliability of military vehicles . COMPUT CONTROL ENG J vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 11 - 20 .
Neil M, FENTON NE, Krause P ( 2001 ) . Software Metrics: Uncertainty and causal Modelling . Conference: EuroSPI conference, Limerick Institute of Technology
Neil M, Fenton N, Nielsen L ( 2000 ) . Building large-scale Bayesian networks . KNOWL ENG REV vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 257 - 284 .
Littlewood B, Strigini L, Wright D, Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2000 ) . Bayesian Belief Networks for Safety Assessment of Computer-based Systems . System Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Applications , Editors: Gelenbe, E , CRC Press, Boca Raton
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2000 ) . Bayesian belief nets: a causal model for predicting defect rates and resource requirements . Software Testing and Quality Engineering vol. 2 , Article 1 , 48-53 - 48-53 .
Neil M, Fenton N, Nielsen L ( 2000 ) . Building large-scale Bayesian Networks . The Knowledge Engineering Review, 15(3) vol. 15 , Article 3 , 257-284 - 257-284 .
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2000 ) . Software metrics: roadmap . ICSE 2000: Proceedings of the Conference on The Future of Software Engineering . 357-370 - 357-370 .
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 2000 ) . The Jury Fallacy and the use of Bayesian nets to simplify probabilistic legal arguments . Mathematics Today (Bulletin of the IMA) vol. 36 , ( 6 ) 180 - 187 .
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 1999 ) . A critique of software defect prediction models . Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on vol. 25 , ( 5 ) 675 - 689 .
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 1999 ) . Software metrics: successes, failures and new directions . Journal of Systems and Software vol. 47 , ( 2-3 ) 149 - 157 .
Fenton NE, Neil M ( 1998 ) . A strategy for improving safety related software engineering standards . Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on vol. 24 , ( 11 ) 1002 - 1013 .
Fenton NE, Littlewood B, Neil M, Strigini L, Sutcliffe A, Wright D ( 1998 ) . Assessing dependability of safety critical systems using diverse evidence . IEE Proceedings Software vol. 145 , Article 1 , 35-39 - 35-39 .
Courtois PJ, Fenton NE, Littlewood B, Neil M, Strigini L, Wright D ( 1998 ) . Examination of bayesian belief network for safety assessment of nuclear computer-based systems . report no. DeVa ESPRIT Pro ,
Neil M, Ostralenk G, Tobin M, Southworth M ( 1998 ) . Lessons from using Z to specify a software tool . IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering vol. 24 , Article 1 , 15-23 - 15-23 .
Neil M, Fenton N ( 1996 ) . Predicting Software Quality using Bayesian Belief Networks . Proceedings of the 21st Annual Software Engineering Workshop at NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre .
Neil M, Littlewood B, Fenton NE ( 1996 ) . Applying Bayesian belief networks to systems dependability assessment . Safety-Critical Systems: the Convergence Of High Tech and Human Factors; Proceedings of the 4th Safety Critical Systems Symposium , Editors: Redmill, F , Springer Verlag
Littlewood B, Neil M, Ostrolenk G ( 1996 ) . The Role of Models in Managing Uncertainty of Software-Intensive Systems . Reliability Engineering and System Safety vol. 46 , 87-95 - 87-95 .
Littlewood B, Neil M, Ostrolenk G ( 1996 ) . Uncertainty in Software-Intensive Systems . High Integrity Systems Journal vol. 1 , Article 5 , 407-413 - 407-413 .
Bache RM, Neil MD ( 1995 ) . Introducing Metrics into Industry: A Perspective on GQM . Software Quality Assurance and Measurement: A Worldwide Perspective .
Neil MD ( 1995 ) . Statistical Control of Software Quality . McGraw Hill
Ostrolenk G, Tobin M, Southworth M, Neil M ( 1994 ) . Cost Effective Evaluation of a COBOL Parser Using an Operational Profile . Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Centre for Software Reliability (CSR) .
Neil MD ( 1994 ) . Measurement as an alternative to Bureaucracy for the achievement of Software Quality . Software Quality Journal vol. 3 , 65-78 - 65-78 .
Neil MD, Bache RM ( 1994 ) . Metrics Analysis . McGraw Hill
Neil MD, Lano K ( 1993 ) . Approaches to Maintenance Process Improvement via Measurement . European Conference on Software Maintenance. The CSM (Centre for Software Maintenance), Durham University .
Neil MD, Bache RM ( 1993 ) . Data Linkage Maps . Journal for Software Maintenance: Research and Practice vol. 5 , Article 3 , 223-240 - 223-240 .
Woherem EE, Neil MD, Estdale JF ( 1993 ) . Software Process Improvement through the GQM Approach: A Maintenance Case Study, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA . 3rd International Conference on Software Quality .
Neil MD ( 1992 ) . Multivariate Assessment of Software Products . Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability vol. 1 , Article 4 , 17-37 - 17-37 .
Neil MD, Slater D, Cole RJ ( 1990 ) . Measures for Maintenance Management: A Case Study . Journal for Software Maintenance: Research and Practice vol. 2 , Article 4 , 223-240 - 223-240 .
Bache RM, Neil M ( 1990 ) . Validating Technologies for Certifying Software Products . Proceedings of IFIP Conference on Approving Software Products (ASP-90) , North-Holland