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Publications: Dr Karim Malik

Padilla LE, Hidalgo JC, Malik KA, Mulryne D ( 2024 ) . Detecting the stochastic gravitational wave background from primordial black holes in slow-reheating scenarios . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2024 , ( 12 )
Picard R, Malik KA ( 2024 ) . Induced gravitational waves: the effect of first order tensor perturbations . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2024 , ( 10 )
Padilla LE, Hidalgo JC, Gomez-Aguilar TD, Malik KA, German G ( 2024 ) . Primordial black hole formation during slow-reheating: a review . Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences vol. 11 ,
Padilla LE, Hidalgo JC, Malik KA ( 2022 ) . New mechanism for primordial black hole formation during reheating . Physical Review D vol. 106 , ( 2 )
Martinez-Carrillo R, Hidalgo JC, Malik KA, Pourtsidou A ( 2021 ) . Contributions from primordial non-Gaussianity and general relativity to the galaxy power spectrum . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2021 , ( 12 ) 025 - 025 .
Fuentes JL, Hidalgo JC, Malik KA ( 2021 ) . Galaxy number counts at second order in perturbation theory: A leading-order term comparison . Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 38 , ( 21 )
Carrilho P, Malik KA ( 2021 ) . The intrinsic bispectrum of the CMB from isocurvature initial conditions . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2021 , ( 8 )
Fuentes JL, Hidalgo JC, Malik KA ( 2021 ) . Galaxy number counts at second order: an independent approach . Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 38 , ( 6 )
Martinez-Carrillo R, De-Santiago J, Hidalgo JC, Malik KA ( 2020 ) . Relativistic and non-Gaussianity contributions to the one-loop power spectrum . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( 4 ) Article ARTN 028 ,
Clifton T, Gallagher CS, Goldberg S, Malik KA ( 2020 ) . Viable Gauge Choices in Cosmologies with Non-Linear Structures . Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol. 101 , ( 6 ) Article 063530 ,
Carrilho P, Malik KA, Mulryne DJ ( 2019 ) . Dissecting the growth of the power spectrum for primordial black holes . Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Carrilho P, Malik KA ( 2019 ) . Magnetogenesis from isocurvature initial conditions . JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS ( 4 ) Article ARTN 028 ,
Malik KA, Matravers DR ( 2019 ) . How Cosmologists Explain the Universe to Friends and Family . Springer Nature
Carrilho P, Malik KA ( 2018 ) . Isocurvature initial conditions for second order Boltzmann solvers . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2018 , ( 8 )
Jerath NU, Simoens K, Mann D, Kollasch S, Grosland N, Malik KA, Reddy CG ( 2017 ) . Survey of the functional priorities in patients with disability due to neuromuscular disorders . Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 133 - 137 .
Wren AJ, Malik KA ( 2017 ) . Double power series method for approximating cosmological perturbations . PHYSICAL REVIEW D vol. 95 , ( 8 ) Article ARTN 083526 ,
Leithes A, Malik KA, Mulryne DJ, Nunes NJ ( 2017 ) . Linear density perturbations in multifield coupled quintessence . PHYSICAL REVIEW D vol. 95 , ( 12 ) Article ARTN 123519 ,
Goldberg S, Clifton TA, Malik K ( 2017 ) . Cosmology on all scales: A two-parameter perturbation expansion . Physical Review D vol. 95 , ( 4 ) 043503 - 043503 .
Christopherson AJ, Hidalgo JC, Rampf C, Malik KA ( 2016 ) . Second-order cosmological perturbation theory and initial conditions for N-body simulations . Physical Review D vol. 93 , ( 4 )
Carrilho P, Malik KA ( 2016 ) . Vector and tensor contributions to the curvature perturbation at second order . JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS ( 2 ) Article ARTN 021 ,
Christopherson AJ, Nalson E, Malik KA ( 2015 ) . A short note on the curvature perturbation at second order . CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY vol. 32 , ( 7 ) Article ARTN 075005 ,
CHRISTOPHERSON AJ, MALIK KA ( 2015 ) . VORTICITY FROM ISOCURVATURE IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE . Conference: The Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting1507 - 1509 .
Leithes A, Malik KA ( 2014 ) . Conserved quantities in Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi cosmology . Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 32 , ( 1 )
Nalson E, Christopherson AJ, Malik KA ( 2014 ) . Effects of non-linearities on magnetic field generation . JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS ( 9 ) Article ARTN 023 ,
Torres-Lomas E, Carlos Hidalgo J, Malik KA, Arturo Urena-Lopez L ( 2014 ) . Formation of subhorizon black holes from preheating . PHYSICAL REVIEW D vol. 89 , ( 8 ) Article ARTN 083008 ,
Malik KA, Matravers DR ( 2013 ) . Comments on gauge-invariance in cosmology . GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION vol. 45 , ( 10 ) 1989 - 2001 .
Firouzjahi H, Green AM, Malik KA, Zarei M ( 2013 ) . Effect of curvaton decay on the primordial power spectrum . PHYSICAL REVIEW D vol. 87 , ( 10 ) Article ARTN 103502 ,
Christopherson AJ, Carlos Hidalgo J, Malik KA ( 2013 ) . Modelling non-dust fluids in cosmology . JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS ( 1 ) Article ARTN 002 ,
Hidalgo JC, Christopherson AJ, Malik KA ( 2013 ) . The Poisson equation at second order in relativistic cosmology . JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS ( 8 ) Article ARTN 026 ,
Brown IA, Christopherson AJ, Malik KA ( 2012 ) . The magnitude of the non-adiabatic pressure in the cosmic fluid . MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY vol. 423 , ( 2 ) 1411 - 1415 .
Nalson E, Christopherson AJ, Huston I, Malik KA ( 2011 ) . Quantifying the behaviour of curvature perturbations during inflation . Class. Quantum Grav. vol. 30 ,
Christopherson AJ, Malik KA, Matravers DR ( 2011 ) . Estimating the amount of vorticity generated by cosmological perturbations in the early universe . PHYS REV D vol. 83 , ( 12 ) Article 123512 ,
Christopherson AJ, Malik KA ( 2011 ) . Can cosmological perturbations produce early universe vorticity? . CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY . vol. 28 ,
Huston I, Malik KA ( 2011 ) . Second Order Perturbations During Inflation Beyond Slow-roll . JCAP10(2011)029
Christopherson AJ, Malik KA, Matravers DR, Nakamura K ( 2011 ) . Comparing two different formulations of metric cosmological perturbation theory . CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY vol. 28 , ( 22 ) Article ARTN 225024 ,
Alabidi L, Malik K, Byrnes CT, Choi K-Y ( 2010 ) . How the curvaton scenario, modulated reheating and an inhomogeneous end of inflation are related . Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics vol. 2010 , ( 11 ) 037 - 037 .
Brown IA, Behrend J, Malik KA ( 2009 ) . Gauges and cosmological backreaction . J COSMOL ASTROPART P ( 11 ) Article 027 ,
Christopherson AJ, Malik KA ( 2009 ) . Practical tools for third order cosmological perturbations . J COSMOL ASTROPART P ( 11 ) Article 012 ,
Huston I, Malik KA ( 2009 ) . Numerical calculation of second order perturbations . J COSMOL ASTROPART P vol. 2009 , ( 9 ) Article 019 ,
Christopherson AJ, Malik KA, Matravers DR ( 2009 ) . Vorticity generation at second order in cosmological perturbation theory . PHYS REV D vol. 79 , ( 12 ) Article 123523 ,
Christopherson AJ, Malik KA ( 2009 ) . The non-adiabatic pressure in general scalar field systems . PHYS LETT B vol. 675 , ( 2 ) 159 - 163 .
Malik KA, Wands D ( 2009 ) . Cosmological perturbations . PHYS REP vol. 475 , ( 1-4 ) 1 - 51 .
Josan AS, Green AM, Malik KA ( 2009 ) . Generalized constraints on the curvature perturbation from primordial black holes . PHYS REV D vol. 79 , ( 10 ) Article 103520 ,
Malik KA, Matravers DR ( 2008 ) . A concise introduction to perturbation theory in cosmology . CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV vol. 25 , ( 19 ) Article 193001 ,
Malik KA, Seery D, Ananda KN ( 2008 ) . Different approaches to the second-order Klein-Gordon equation . CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV vol. 25 , ( 17 ) Article 175008 ,
Lidsey JE, Malik KA ( 2008 ) . Scaling cosmologies from duality twisted compactifications . CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV vol. 25 , ( 6 ) Article 065004 ,
Seery D, Malik KA, Lyth DH ( 2008 ) . Non-Gaussianity of inflationary field perturbations from the field equation . J COSMOL ASTROPART P vol. 2008 , ( 3 ) Article 014 ,
Malik KA ( 2007 ) . A not so short note on the Klein-Gordon equation at second order . J COSMOL ASTROPART P ( 3 ) Article 004 ,
Zaballa I, Green AM, Malik KA, Sasaki M ( 2007 ) . Constraints on the primordial curvature perturbation from primordial black holes . J COSMOL ASTROPART P ( 3 ) Article 010 ,
Malik KA, Lyth DH ( 2006 ) . A numerical study of non-Gaussianity in the curvaton scenario . J COSMOL ASTROPART P ( 9 ) Article 008 ,
Lyth DH, Malik KA, Sasaki M, Zaballa I ( 2006 ) . Forming sub-horizon black holes at the end of inflation . J COSMOL ASTROPART P ( 1 ) Article 011 ,
Malik KA ( 2005 ) . Gauge-invariant perturbations at second order: multiple scalar fields on large scales . J COSMOL ASTROPART P ( 11 ) Article 005 ,
Lyth DH, Malik KA, Sasaki M ( 2005 ) . A general proof of the conservation of the curvature perturbation . J COSMOL ASTROPART P ( 5 ) Article 004 ,
Malik KA, Wands D ( 2005 ) . Adiabatic and entropy perturbations with interacting fluids and fields . J COSMOL ASTROPART P ( 2 ) Article 007 ,
Green AM, Liddle AR, Malik KA, Sasaki M ( 2004 ) . New calculation of the mass fraction of primordial black holes . PHYS REV D vol. 70 , ( 4 ) Article 041502 ,
Malik KA, Wands D ( 2004 ) . Evolution of second-order cosmological perturbations . CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV vol. 21 , ( 11 ) L65 - L71 .
Gupta S, Malik KA, Wands D ( 2004 ) . Curvature and isocurvature perturbations in a three-fluid model of curvaton decay . PHYS REV D vol. 69 , ( 6 ) Article 063513 ,
Gordon C, Malik KA ( 2004 ) . WMAP, neutrino degeneracy, and non-Gaussianity constraints on isocurvature perturbations in the curvaton model of inflation . PHYS REV D vol. 69 , ( 6 ) Article 063508 ,
Malik KA, Rodriguez-Martinez M, Langlois D ( 2003 ) . Defining perturbations on submanifolds . PHYS REV D vol. 68 , ( 12 ) Article 123517 ,
Malik KA, Matravers DR ( 2003 ) . The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in an expanding universe and its effect on dark matter . ASTRON ASTROPHYS vol. 406 , ( 1 ) 37 - 41 .
Malik KA, Wands D, Ungarelli C ( 2003 ) . Large-scale curvature and entropy perturbations for multiple interacting fluids . PHYS REV D vol. 67 , ( 6 ) Article 063516 ,
Bridgman HA, Malik KA, Wands D ( 2002 ) . Cosmological perturbations in the bulk and on the brane . PHYS REV D vol. 65 , ( 4 ) Article 043502 ,
Bridgman HA, Malik KA, Wands D ( 2001 ) . Cosmic vorticity on the brane . Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology vol. 63 , ( 8 ) 840121 - 840128 .
Green AM, Malik KA ( 2001 ) . Primordial black hole production due to preheating . PHYS REV D vol. 6402 , ( 2 ) Article 021301 ,
Bridgman HA, Malik KA, Wands D ( 2001 ) . Cosmic vorticity on the brane . PHYS REV D vol. 6308 , ( 8 ) Article 084012 ,
Green AM, Malik KA ( 2001 ) . Primordial black hole production due to preheating . Physical Review D vol. 64 , ( 2 )
Malik KA, Wands D, Lyth DH, Liddle AR ( 2001 ) . Superhorizon perturbations and preheating . COSMOLOGY AND PARTICLE PHYSICS . Editors: Durrer, R, GarciaBellido, J, Shaposhnikov, M , vol. 555 , 289 - 292 .
Wands D, Malik KA, Lyth DH, Liddle AR ( 2000 ) . New approach to the evolution of cosmological perturbations on large scales . Physical Review D vol. 62 , ( 4 )
Liddle AR, Lyth DH, Malik KA, Wands D ( 2000 ) . Super-horizon perturbations and preheating . Physical Review D vol. 61 , ( 10 )
Malik KA, Wands D ( 1999 ) . Dynamics of assisted inflation . Physical Review D vol. 59 , ( 12 )