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Publications: Dr Duncan Matthews

MATTHEWS D, Lenarczyk G, Zemła-Pacud Ż ( 2024 ) . The European Medicines Agency's path to greater access to pharmaceutical regulatory data: Balancing intellectual property rights and the right . Kritika Essays on Intellectual Property , Editors: Ullrich, H, Drahos, P, Ghidini, G , vol. 6 , Edward Elgar Publishing ( Cheltenham, England ),
MATTHEWS D, Padamczyk M ( 2023 ) . Proportionality and patent injunctions . European Patent Law , Editors: MATTHEWS, D, Torremans, P , De Gruyter Verlag ( Berlin ),
MATTHEWS D, Ostapenko H ( 2023 ) . The War in Ukraine Raises Questions About Patents for Secret Inventions . GRUR International
MATTHEWS D, van Zimmeren E, Minssen T ( 2023 ) . Using Compulsory Licences as a Governance Tool: The Need for Greater Effectiveness and Policy Coherence . Improving Intellectual Property: A Global Project , Editors: Frankel, S, Chon, M, Dinwoodie, G, Lauriat, B et al. , Edward Elgar Publishing
MATTHEWS D, Minssen T, Nordberg A, MATTHEWS D ( 2023 ) . Balancing Innovation, ‘Ordre Public’ and Morality in Human Germline Editing: A Call for More Nuanced Approaches in Patent Law . Governing, Protecting, and Regulating the Future of Genome Editing The Significance of ELSPI Perspectives , Editors: Slokenberga, S, Minssen, T, Nordberg, A , Brill Nijhoff ( Leiden, The Netherlands ),
MATTHEWS D ( 2022 ) . Reappraising the Relationship between Intellectual Property Rights and Human Rights: A COVID-19 Pandemic Response . Reforming Intellectual Property , Editors: Ghidini, G, Falce, V , Edward Elgar Publishing
MATTHEWS D ( 2022 ) . Intellectual Property Rights . Elgar Encyclopaedia of Human Rights , Editors: Binder, C, Nowak, M, Hofbauer, J, Janig, P et al. , Edward Elgar Publishing
Matthews D, Minssen T, Nordberg A ( 2022 ) . Balancing Innovation, ‘Ordre Public’ and Morality in Human Germline Editing: A Call for More Nuanced Approaches in Patent Law . European Journal of Health Law vol. 29 , ( 3-5 ) 562 - 588 .
MATTHEWS D ( 2022 ) . The Covid-19 Pandemic: Lessons for the European Patent System . European Intellectual Property Review vol. 44 , ( 4 ) 221 - 230 .
Matthews D ( 2021 ) . Access to CRISPR Genome Editing Technologies: Patents, Human Rights and the Public Interest . Access to Medicines and Vaccines , Springer Nature
MATTHEWS D ( 2021 ) . Access to CRISPR Genome Editing Technologies: Patents, Human Rights and the Public Interest . Access to Medicines and Vaccines Implementing Flexibilities Under Intellectual Property Law , Editors: Correa, CM, Hilty, RM , Springer Nature AG ( Cham, Switzerland ),
Matthews D ( 2020 ) . Bryan Mercurio: Drugs, Patents and Policy. A Contextual Study of Hong Kong . IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law vol. 52 , ( 1 ) 93 - 96 .
MATTHEWS D ( 2019 ) . Intellectual Property Courts in China . Competition Law and Intellectual Property in China , Editors: Maniatis, S, Kokkoris, I, Wang, X , Oxford University Press, USA
Matthews D, Zech H ( 2017 ) . About the editors . Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and the Life Sciences , Edward Elgar Publishing
Matthews D, Zech H ( 2017 ) . Chapter 6: Exclusivity for biologics . Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and the Life Sciences , Edward Elgar Publishing
MATTHEWS D ( 2017 ) . Exclusivity for biologics . Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and the Life Sciences , Edward Elgar Publishing
MATTHEWS DN ( 2015 ) . The Right to Health and Patents . Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property , Edward Elgar Publishings
Matthews D ( 2014 ) . Chapter 1: When framing meets law: Using human rights as a practical instrument to facilitate access to medicines in developing countries . TRIPS and Developing Countries , Edward Elgar Publishing
MATTHEWS DN ( 2014 ) . When Framing Meets Law: Using Human Rights as a Practical Instrument to Facilitate Access to Medicines in Developing Countries . TRIPS and Developing Countries: Towards a New IP World Order? , Edward Elgar ( Cheltenham, UK ),
MATTHEWS DN ( 2013 ) . Negotiating the IP Chapter of an EU–US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Let’s Not Repeat Past Mistakes . IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law vol. 44 , ( 5 ) 491 - 493 .
MATTHEWS DN ( 2013 ) . The Rise and Fall of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA): Lessons for the European Union . IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law vol. 11 , ( 6 ) 626 - 655 .
MATTHEWS DN ( 2012 ) . Counterfeiting and Public Health . Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property: A Handbook of Contemporary Research , Edward Elgar Publishing
MATTHEWS DN ( 2012 ) . Global Matters for Non-Governmental Public Action . Global Matters for Non-Governmental Public Action , Editors: Howell, J , Palgrave Macmillan
MATTHEWS DN ( 2012 ) . The Rise and Fall of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA): Lessons for the European Union . no. No. 127/2012 ,
MATTHEWS DN ( 2012 ) . NGO Coalitions and the Global Access to Medicines Campaign: the Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Developing Countries . Global Matters for Non-Governmental Public Action , Editors: Howell, J , Palgrave Macmillan
Matthews DN ( 2011 ) . Intellectual property, human rights and development : the role of NGOs and social movements . Edward Elgar
Matthews DN, Correa C ( 2011 ) . The Doha Declaration Ten Years on and Its Impact on Access to Medicines and the Right to Health . United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
MATTHEWS DN ( 2011 ) . When Framing Meets Law: Using Human Rights as a Practical Instrument to Facilitate Access to Medicines in Developing Countries . World Intellectual Property Organisation Journal vol. 3 , ( 1 ) 113 - 127 .
Matthews DN ( 2010 ) . Patents in the Global Economy .
Matthews DN ( 2010 ) . Intellectual Property Rights, Human Rights and the Right to Health . Intellectual Property Rights and Human Rights , Editors: Grosheide, W , Edward Elgar ( Cheltenham UK ),
Matthews DN ( 2010 ) . The Lisbon Treaty, Trade Agreements and the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights . European Intellectual Property Review vol. 32 , ( 3 ) 104 - 112 .
Matthews DN, Chiarolla C ( 2009 ) . Literature Review of International IP Strategy on behalf of the Intellectual Property Office .
Academy EP ( 2009 ) . Core Moduel 2: How Patents Work. An introduction for law students . Patent Teaching Kit , European Patent Office ( Munich, Germany ),
Matthews DN ( 2008 ) . The Fight Against Counterfeiting and Piracy in the Bilateral Trade Agreements of the EU . European Parliament ( Brussels, Belgium ),
Matthews DN ( 2008 ) . Characterising EC regulation: emulation, innovation, re-regulation . Presented at: LSE ,
Matthews DN, Munoz-Tellez V ( 2008 ) . Intellectual Property and Multilateral Institutions . The companion to development studies , Editors: Desai, V, Potter, RB , Oxford University Press, USA
Matthews DN ( 2007 ) . Prelminary Comments on the Draft Law on the Protection of Intellectual Property in Rwanda Part II .
Matthews DN ( 2007 ) . Preliminary Comments on the Draft Law on the Protection of Intellectual Property in Rwanda .
MATTHEWS DN ( 2007 ) . The Role of International NGOs in the Intellectual Property Policy-Making and Norm-Setting Activities of Multilateral Institutions . Chicago-Kent Law Review vol. 82 , 356 - 382 .
Matthews DN ( 2007 ) . Lessons from Negotiating an Amendment to the TRIPS Agreement: Compulsory licensing and access to medicines . Emerging issues in intellectual property , Editors: Westkamp, G , Edward Elgar Publishing
MATTHEWS DN ( 2006 ) . NGOs, Intellectual Property Rights and Multilateral Institutions . Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, University of London ( London ),
Matthews DN ( 2006 ) . From the August 30, 2003 WTO Decision to the December 6, 2005 Agreement on an Amendment to TRIPS: Improving Access to Medicines in Developing Countries? . Intellectual Property Quarterly vol. 10 , 91 - 130 .
Munoz-Tellez V, Matthews DN ( 2006 ) . Bilateral Technical Assistance and TRIPS: The United States, Japan and the European Communities in Comparative Perspective . Journal of World Intellectual Property vol. 9 , ( 6 ) 629 - 653 .
MATTHEWS DN, Munoz-Tellez V ( 2006 ) . Parallel Trade: A Users' Guide . Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation: A Handbook of Best Practices , Editors: Krattiger, A, Mahoney, RT, Nelsen, L, Thomson, JA et al. , MIHR and PIPPRA ( Oxford, UK and Davis, CA, USA. ),
MATTHEWS DN ( 2005 ) . TRIPS Flexibilities and Access to Medicines in Developing Countries: the Problem with Technical Assistance and Free Trade Agreements . European Intellectual Property Review vol. 27 , 420 - 427 .
MATTHEWS DN ( 2005 ) . Is History Repeating Itself? The Outcome of Negotiations on Access to Medicines, the HIV/AIDS Pandemic and Intellectual Property Rights in the World Trade Organisation . ICFAI Journal of Intellectual Property Rights vol. IV , 60 - 77 .
Matthews DN ( 2004 ) . The TRIPS Agreement – Ten Years Later. A Report of a Conference Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the TRIPS Agreement held on 23rd and 24th June 2004 . European Commission ( Brussels, Belgium ),
Matthews DN ( 2004 ) . The WTO Decision on Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health: A Solution to the Access to Essential Medicines Problem? . Journal of International Economic Law vol. 7 , 73 - 107 .
MATTHEWS DN, KIRKLAND J, PICKERING J, BLACKBURN R ( 2003 ) . A Strategic Approach to Managing Intellectual Property . Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms , Routledge ( London ),
MATTHEWS DN ( 2002 ) . Globalising Intellectual Property Rights: The TRIPs Agreement . Routledge ( London ),