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Publications: Prof Borys Khoruzhenko

Fyodorov YV, Khoruzhenko BA, Poplavskyi M ( 2022 ) . Extreme Eigenvalues and the Emerging Outlier in Rank-One Non-Hermitian Deformations of the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble . Entropy vol. 25 , ( 1 )
Grela J, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2022 ) . Glass-like transition described by toppling of stability hierarchy* *Dedicated to the memory of Fritz Haake . Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 55 , ( 15 )
Ben Arous G, Fyodorov YV, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2021 ) . Counting equilibria of large complex systems by instability index . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 118 , ( 34 )
Khoruzhenko B, Sommers H-J ( 2018 ) . Non-Hermitian ensembles . The Oxford Handbook of Random Matrix Theory , Oxford University Press (OUP)
Fyodorov YV, Khoruzhenko BA, Simm NJ ( 2016 ) . FRACTIONAL BROWNIAN MOTION WITH HURST INDEX H=0 AND THE GAUSSIAN UNITARY ENSEMBLE . Annals of Probability vol. 44 , ( 4 ) 2980 - 3031 .
Fyodorov YV, KHORUZHENKO B ( 2016 ) . Nonlinear analogue of the May−Wigner instability transition . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA
Kirsch W, Khoruzhenko B, Müller P ( 2015 ) . Foreword from volume editors . Markov Processes and Related Fields vol. 21 , ( 3 )
Fyodorov YV, Khoruzhenko BA, Nock A ( 2013 ) . Universal K-matrix distribution in beta=2 Ensembles of Random Matrices . J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. vol. 46 , ( 26 ) 26001 - 26011 .
Fischmann J, Bruzda W, Khoruzhenko BA, Sommers H-J, Zyczkowski K ( 2011 ) . Induced Ginibre ensemble of random matrices and quantum operations . J. Phys. A vol. 45 , ( 7 ) 075203 - 075234 .
Khoruzhenko BA, Sommers HJ ( 2011 ) . Non-Hermitian Ensembles . The Oxford Handbook of Random Matrix Theory , Editors: Akemann, G, Baik, J, Francesco, PD , Oxford University Press
Khoruzhenko BA, Sommers H-J, Zyczkowski K ( 2010 ) . Truncations of Random Orthogonal Matrices . Phys. Rev. E vol. 82 , 040106 - 040110 .
Wei Y, Khoruzhenko BA, Fyodorov YV ( 2009 ) . Integral formulae for the eigenvalue density of complex random matrices . J PHYS A-MATH THEOR vol. 42 , ( 46 ) 462002 - 462012 .
Khoruzhenko BA, Savin DV, Sommers HJ ( 2009 ) . Systematic approach to statistics of conductance and shot-noise in chaotic cavities . PHYS REV B vol. 80 , ( 12 ) 125301 - 125315 .
Sommers HJ, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2009 ) . Schur function averages for the real Ginibre ensemble . J PHYS A-MATH THEOR vol. 42 , ( 22 ) 222002 - 22210 .
Wei Y, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2009 ) . O(N) colour-flavour transformations and characteristic polynomials of real random matrices .
Fyodorov YV, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2007 ) . Averages of spectral determinants and 'single ring theorem' of feinberg and zee . Acta Physica Polonica B . vol. 38 , 4067 - 4077 .
Fyodorov YV, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2007 ) . On absolute moments of characteristic polynomials of a certain class of complex random matrices . COMMUN MATH PHYS vol. 273 , ( 3 ) 561 - 599 .
Fyodorov YV, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2007 ) . A few remarks on colour-flavour transformations, truncations of random unitary matrices, Berezin reproducing kernels and Selberg-type integrals . J PHYS A-MATH THEOR vol. 40 , ( 4 ) 669 - 699 .
Fyodorov YV, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2007 ) . Averages of spectral determinants and 'single ring theorem' of Feinberg and Zee . ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B . vol. 38 , 4067 - 4077 .
Goldsheid IY, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2005 ) . The Thouless formula for random non-Hermitian Jacobi matrices . ISRAEL J MATH vol. 148 , 331 - 346 .
Goldsheid IY, Khoruzhenko BA ( 2003 ) . Regular Spacings of complex eigenvalues in the one-dimensional non-Hermitian Anderson model . COMMUN MATH PHYS vol. 238 , ( 3 ) 505 - 524 .
Goldsheid I, Khoruzhenko B ( 2000 ) . Eigenvalue Curves of Asymmetric Tridiagonal Matrices . Electronic Journal of Probability vol. 5 , ( none )
Khorunzhy A, Khoruzhenko B, Pastur L ( 1999 ) . On the 1/N corrections to the Green functions of random matrices with independent entries . Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 28 , ( 1 )
Khoruzhenko BA, Kirsch W, Pastur LA ( 1999 ) . The interband light absorption coefficient in the weak disorder regime: an asymptotically exactly solvable model . Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 27 , ( 7 )
Khoruzhenko BA, Pastur LA ( 1997 ) . The localization of surface states: an exactly solvable model . Physics Reports vol. 288 , ( 1-6 ) 109 - 126 .
Khoruzhenko BA ( 1991 ) . Large-n limit of the Heisenberg model: Random external field and random uniaxial anisotropy . Journal of Statistical Physics vol. 62 , ( 1-2 ) 21 - 33 .
Khoruzhenko BA, Pastur LA, Shcherbina MV ( 1989 ) . Large-n limit of the Heisenberg model: The decorated lattice and the disordered chain . Journal of Statistical Physics vol. 57 , ( 1-2 ) 41 - 52 .
Pastur LA, Khoruzhenko BA ( 1987 ) . Phase transitions in quantum models of rotators and ferroelectrics . Theoretical and Mathematical Physics vol. 73 , ( 1 ) 1094 - 1104 .