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Publications: Dr Alasdair King

King A ( 2024 ) . The Financial Image, Finance, Philosophy and Contemporary Film . Springer Nature
KING A ( 2019 ) . 'Écritures d’un présent visible. Diffusions et réceptions anglo-saxonnes du Baukasten' . Hans Magnus Enzensberger: Kit de construction pour une théorie des médias suivi de Usages d’une théorie marxiste des médias sous la dir. de Jeremy Hamers & Céline Letawe Presses du réel, coll. « Médias/Théories » , Editors: Hamers, J, Letawe, C , Les Presses du réel ( 21000 DIJON, France ),
KING A ( 2018 ) . Wenn die Provinz zweimal klingelt: Christian Petzolds Heimatfilm Noir Jerichow . Über Christian Petzold , Editors: Brombach, I, Kaiser, T , Edition. 1 , vol. . , Vorwerk 8 ( Berlin ),
KING A ( 2017 ) . Film und Finanzzeit . Archiv für Mediengeschichte vol. 17 ,
King A ( 2016 ) . Film and the financial city . Studies in European Cinema vol. 14 , ( 1 ) 7 - 21 .
KING A, Wood C ( 2016 ) . Terminal Value: Building the Alternative Bloomberg . Finance and Society
KING A ( 2016 ) . Documenting Financial Performativity: Film aesthetics and financial crisis . Journal of Cultural Economy
KING A ( 2014 ) . Still lives in transit: movement and inertia in Angela Schanelec's Orly (2010) . Studies in European Cinema vol. 11 , ( 2 ) 139 - 150 .
King A ( 2014 ) . Still lives in transit: movement and inertia in Angela Schanelec’s Orly (2010) . Studies in European Cinema vol. 11 , ( 2 ) 139 - 150 .
KING A ( 2014 ) . Fault Lines: Deleuze, cinema, and the ethical landscape . Cine-Ethics: Ethical Dimensions of Film Theory, Practice, and Spectatorship , Editors: Choi, J , Routledge ( Abingdon, Oxon and New York ),
KING A ( 2013 ) . What the World Needs Now: Love and the ethical landscape . Edinburgh German Yearbook vol. 7 ,
KING A ( 2012 ) . Heimat 3: Edgar Reitz's Time Machine . Cinema and Social Change in Germany and Austria , Editors: Mueller, G , Wilfried Laurier University Press ( Ontario, Canada ),
KING A ( 2011 ) . New Directions in German Cinema . New Directions in German Cinema , Editors: Cooke, P, Homewood, C , I. B. Tauris
KING A ( 2011 ) . No Place Like Heimat: Mediaspaces and moving landscapes in Edgar Reitz's Heimat 3 . New Directions in German Cinema , Editors: Cooke, P , I. B. Tauris ( London and New York ),
KING A ( 2010 ) . The Province Always Rings Twice: Christian Petzold's Heimatfilm Noir . T R A N S I T vol. 2010 , ( 1 )
KING A ( 2007 ) . Hans Magnus Enzensberger: Writing, Media, Democracy . Peter Lang ( Bern ),
KING A ( 2007 ) . Literatur und Linse: Enzensberger goes to the movies . Processes of trancription: German literature and film , Editors: Rasche, H, Schönfeld, C , Rodopi ( Amsterdam, Netherlands ),
King A ( 2007 ) . When Heimat Meets Hollywood. German Filmmakers and America, 1985-2005 . COLLOQ GERMANICA vol. 40 , ( 3-4 ) 334 - 337 .
KING A ( 2005 ) . Cinegraph Lexicon Compact . Editors: Bock, H-J , Cinegraph ( Hamburg, Germany ), Notes: (Leading German film reference work) entries on Doris Dörrie, Andreas Dresen, Slatan Dudow, Michael Haneke, Veit Harlan, F.W. Murnau, Rudolf Prack, Volker Schlöndorff, Kristina Soederbaum, Sonia Ziemann ,
KING A ( 2005 ) . Colloquia Germanica, A. Francke Verlag, Tübingen, Germany . Notes: book review: Charlotte Ann Melin: Poetic Maneuvers: Hans Magnus Enzensberger and the Lyric Genre ,
KING A ( 2004 ) . Enzensberger's Titanic: The sinking of the German Left and the aesthetics of survival . The Titanic in Myth and Memory: Representations in Visual and Literary Culture , Editors: Bergfelder, T, Street, S , I. B. Tauris ( London ),
KING A ( 2004 ) . Intensities: Journal of Cult Media (edited at University of Wales, Cardiff) . Notes: book review: H-B Moeller, G Lellis: Volker Schlöndorff: Adaptation, Politics and the `Movie-Appropriate’ ,
KING A ( 2003 ) . Placing Green is the Heath (1951): Spatial politics and emergent West German Identity . Light Motives: German Popular Film in Perspective , Editors: Halle, R, McCarthy, M , Wayne State University Press ( Detroit, Michigan, USA ),