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Publications: Dr Matthew Huntbach

HUNTBACH MM ( 2007 ) . The Core Language of Aldwych . Communicating Process Architecture (WoTUG-30) . Editors: McEwan, AA, Schneider, S, Ifill, W, Welch, PH et al. , Conference: Communicating Process Architecture ( Guildford, Surrey, UK ) from: 08/07/2007 to: 11/07/2007 , vol. 65 , 51 - 66 .
HUNTBACH MM ( 2003 ) . Features of the Concurrent Programming Language Aldwych . Conference: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
HUNTBACH MM ( 2001 ) . The Concurrent Language Aldwych . Conference: World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics vol. XIV
HUNTBACH MM, RINGWOOD GA ( 1999 ) . Agent Oriented Programming From Prolog to Guarded Definite Clauses . Editors: Carbonell, JG, Siekmann, J , Springer ( Berlin ),